África / Uganda / Maní

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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
9456: Improving Groundnut yields
9427: Podless groundnuts
9427: The farmer
9427: Podless groundnuts
9427: One of the groundnut plants
9427: The farmer with the answer
8452: Improving groundnut yields
8449: Controlling Groundnut rosette
virus disease
8392: Improvement of groundnut yield
8392: Improvement of groundnut yield
8392: Another view
8392: More groundnuts
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
8380: Yellowing and mottling
8380: Another affected plant
8392: Improvement of groundnut yield
8380: Yellowing and mottling
8380: The wider garden
8380: The farmer with the answer
7135: Improving Yields of Groundnuts 7067: Improving Yields of Groundnuts 7042: Improving Yields of Groundnuts
7006: Improving Yields of Groundnuts
6973: Multiple groundnut problems
6973: The yellowing leaves
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
6973: Multiple groundnut problems
6973: The groundnut garden
6973: The farmer with the answer
6915: Small black ants eating up
groundnut roots.
6915: The yellowing leaves
6915: The farmer
6915: Small black ants eating up
groundnut roots.
6890: A dwindling groundnut yield
6890: The farmer
6890: A dwindling groundnut yield
6836: Unyielding Groundnuts
6836: The farmer
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
6295: Improving Yields of Groundnuts
6166: A case of slow growing
6166: The farmer
6166: A case of slow growing
6166: A fruitless uprooted groundnut
6137: Managing Leaf Spot Diseases
in Groundnut
6114: Managing Important Diseases in 6101: Improving Yields in Groundnuts
6067: Slow growing groundnuts.
6067: Slow growing groundnuts.
6067: The few groundnuts found
6067: The farmer
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
6018: Stunting groundnuts
6018: The farmer
6018: Stunting groundnuts
6018: More stunted groundnut plants
6018: The farmer with the answer.
6018: Stunting groundnuts
5972: Improving Groundnut Yields
5926: Stunted groundnuts.
6067: Slow growing groundnuts.
5926: Stunted groundnuts.
5926: Yellowing groundnut leaves
5926: The farmer
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
5926: Stunted groundnuts.
5902: Stunted groundnuts.
5902: Stunted groundnuts.
5902: The farmer
5902: Worms under the folded leaves
5644: Improving Groundnut Yields
5637: Request for a radio programme
on how to improve yields in
5489: Poorely growing groundnuts.
5489: A stunted groundnut plant.
5700: Radio Programme on how to
Improve Yields in Groundnuts
5584: Improving Yields in Groundnuts
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
5445: A case of stunting groundnuts.
5489: Poorely growing groundnuts.
5489: An uprooted plant without
groundnut development.
5445: The wider garden.
5445: A case of stunting groundnuts.
5445: The farmer in his garden.
5216: Increasing Groundnut yields.
5203: Improving Yields in Groundnuts
5135: Stunted groundnuts.
5135: An uprooted plant without nuts.
5197: Improving Groundnut Yields
5135: Namirimu in her garden.
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
5135: Stunted groundnuts.
5135: Aish Namirimu with her answer.
5110: Low yielding groundnuts.
5135: The farmer's answer.
5110: The bare roots.
5110: Ms Natembo in her garden.
5107: Failing groundnuts.
5110: Low yielding groundnuts.
5110: Cissy Natembo with her answer.
5107: Failing groundnuts.
5107: The garden showing
5107: The farmer in her garden.
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
5107: Failing groundnuts.
5107: Turyaze with her answer.
5069: Managing Important Diseases in
5068: Containing Early Leaf Spot and
Late Leaf Spot in Groundnuts.
5066: Increasing Groundnut yields.
5064: The Management of Groundnut
Rosette virus, Early and Late Leaf
4872: Groundnuts not producing seed
4872: Mr. Oduba in his garden.
4872: Evidence of poor groundnut
4872: Groundnuts not producing seed
4870: Poor groundnut yield.
4872: Oduda with his answer.
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Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
4870: Poor groundnut yield.
4870: Rusalia with some of the
affected plants.
4870: Her garden.
4866: Low yields of Groundnuts.
4870: Poor groundnut yield.
4870: Her answer
4866: Low yields of Groundnuts.
4866: A section of her garden.
4866: Besides her garden.
4866: Low yields of Groundnuts.
4866: Ms. Kunihira with her answer.
4840: Poor groundnut harvest.
Anote el número de la imagen e ir a www.runetwork.org para obtener asesoramiento.
Images for: África / Uganda / Maní
4840: Poor groundnut harvest.
4840: An affected groundnut plant.
4840: The farmer in her garden.
4840: Poor groundnut harvest.
3682: Proper Management of
4840: Ms. Namazzi studying her
4840: Displaying the answer
3560: Stunted groundnuts
3560: Mr. Konyonga with his answer