PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE ESCUELA DE INGENIERIA DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF AN AUXILIARY ENERGY SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES, BASED ON ULTRACAPACITORS AND BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER MICAH E. ORTÚZAR Thesis submitted to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Engineering Sciences Advisor: JUAN W. DIXON Santiago de Chile, July, 2005 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE ESCUELA DE INGENIERIA Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF AN AUXILIARY ENERGY SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES, BASED ON ULTRACAPACITORS AND BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER MICAH E. ORTÚZAR Members of the Committee: JUAN W. DIXON LUIS MORÁN JOSÉ RODRIGUEZ MARCELO GUARINI BIMAL K. BOSE RAFAEL RIDDELL Thesis submitted to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Engineering Sciences Santiago de Chile, July, 2005 A mi Familia y mis amigos, A todos los que me apoyaron. AGRADECIMIENTOS Después de más de cuatro años de trabajo y estudio son muchos los cambios, muchas las experiencias vividas, profesional y personalmente. El apoyo de mi familia, desde distintos lugares del mundo, ha sido fundamental, me ha ayudado en momentos críticos y hoy me acompañan en este paso. A ellos, mi Papá, Mamá; a mis hermanos, a Margarita y Thomas, a todos ellos muchas gracias. Mis amigos han jugado un papel importante durante este período. Ellos han sido mi segunda familia y un apoyo emocional imprescindible. Un cariñoso saludo a todos ellos. También me siento profundamente agradecido de todos quienes me apoyaron al interior del departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Un agradecimiento especial a Eduardo Cea por su ayuda y su amistad. Muchas gracias a Betty y Elena por su apoyo materno, gracias a Virginia y Carlos por cuidar de nosotros. Gracias también a Nelson Saleh por su ayuda y buena voluntad. Una mención especial merece el profesor Juan Dixon y su familia por quienes me sentí muy acogido. Juan se involucró a fondo en este proyecto y gracias a su empuje e iniciativa hemos llegado a puerto. Todos los resultados y logros de este proyecto se deben, en gran medida, a su iniciativa y su experiencia. También agradezco su amistad y comprensión a lo largo de varios años en que hemos trabajado juntos. Un saludo especial para Juan. CONTENTS Pág. TABLE INDEX............................................................................................................ 7 FIGURE INDEX .......................................................................................................... 8 RESUMEN................................................................................................................. 10 ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... 12 I II INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 14 I.1 I.2 Electric and hybrid vehicles ..................................................................... 14 Integrating different energy systems ........................................................ 16 I.3 What are ultracapacitors and how do they work? .................................... 19 I.4 State-of-the-art traction systems using ultracapacitors ............................ 23 I.5 I.6 Objectives and hypothesis........................................................................ 27 Methodology ............................................................................................ 29 STATIC CONVERTER DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ..................... 32 II.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 32 II.2 Power design ............................................................................................ 35 II.2.1 Buck-boost topology...................................................................... 35 II.2.2 Static converter components design and selection ........................ 39 II.3 Safety features .......................................................................................... 45 II.4 Thermal design......................................................................................... 46 II.5 Mechanical design.................................................................................... 48 III MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM .................................................. 51 III.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 51 III.2 Control algorithms.................................................................................... 51 III.3 Communication layout ............................................................................. 56 III.4 Implementation via DSP .......................................................................... 57 III.5 Real-time monitoring software................................................................. 58 III.6 Failure detection....................................................................................... 59 IV URBAN CIRCUIT TESTS............................................................................... 60 IV.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 60 IV.2 Test circuit................................................................................................ 60 IV.3 Tests results .............................................................................................. 61 V RESULTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 65 V.1 Economic approach on results.................................................................. 65 V.2 Related researches .................................................................................... 68 V.3 General discussion.................................................................................... 70 VI CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................. 73 REFERENCES........................................................................................................... 75 A P P E N D I C E S................................................................................................... 82 Appendix A: Buck-Boost Converter Operation Analysis .......................................... 83 Appendix B: Disipated energy and heat generation in semiconductors..................... 86 Appendix C: Economic Evaluation Considerations................................................... 91 Appendix D: TMS320F241 DSP Controller, Texas Instruments .............................. 92 Appendix E: DSP code, Assembler Language........................................................... 94 7 TABLE INDEX Pág. TABLE 1-1: ENERGY DENSITY COMPARISON FOR GASOLINE AND DIFFERENT BATTERY TYPES........................................................................................................................................15 TABLE 4-1. URBAN TESTS RESULTS SUMMARY. .................................................................................64 TABLE 5-1. TOTAL MEAN COSTS COMPARISON WITH BATTERIES AS THE MAIN ENERGY SOURCE. ...................................................................................................................................66 TABLE 5-2. TOTAL MEAN COSTS COMPARISON WITH HYDROGEN + FUEL CELL AS THE MAIN ENERGY SYSTEM. ..................................................................................................................68 TABLE B-1: INSTANTANEOUS POWER LOSSES WHILE CONDUCTING 150A IN SEMICONDUCTORS. ..............................................................................................................88 TABLE B-2: MEAN POWER LOSSES WHILE CONDUCTING 150A IN SEMICONDUCTORS. ...........88 TABLE B-3: MEAN POWER LOSSES THROUGHOUT TIME, WHILE CYCLING 150 A CHARGE AND DISCHARGE OPERATIONS FOR 19.09S WITHIN 1MIN PERIOD. ....................................89 TABLE B-4: WATER-COOLED HEAT-SINK’S REQUIRED THERMAL RESISTANCE TO ENSURE TEMPERATURE COMPLIANCE FOR EACH SEMICONDUCTOR AND CASE................90 8 FIGURE INDEX Pág. FIGURE 1-1: POWER CIRCUITS OF TWO DIFFERENT HYBRID CONFIGURATIONS: A) PARALLEL HYBRID; B) SERIAL HYBRID. ...........................................................................................18 FIGURE 1-2: PHYSIC PHENOMENA IN ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITORS, ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS AND ULTRACAPACITORS (ELECTRONIC DLC), (MILLER AND SMITH, 2004).........................................................................................................................20 FIGURE 1-3: RAGONE PLOT OF SPECIFIC ENERGY (WH/KG) VERSUS SPECIFIC POWER (W/KG) FOR DIFFERENT ENERGY-STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES (EPCOS, 2001). ...................22 FIGURE 1-4: ELECTRIC VEHICLE, CONVERTED FROM A CONVENTIONAL ICE-POWERED PICKUP TRUCK CHEVROLET LUV. ..........................................................................................31 FIGURE 2-1: STATIC-CONVERTER-INTERFACED CONNECTION.......................................................33 FIGURE 2-2: EV POWER DEMAND PROFILE...........................................................................................34 FIGURE 2-3: BUCK-BOOST TOPOLOGY EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT........................................................36 FIGURE 2-4: BUCK OPERATION. ENERGY IS TRANSFERRED FROM THE BATTERY TO ULTRACAPACITORS. .........................................................................................................37 FIGURE 2-5: BOOST OPERATION. ENERGY IS TRANSFERRED FROM ULTRACAPACITORS TO THE BATTERY. ....................................................................................................................38 FIGURE 2-6: 2700F ULTRACAPACITOR FROM EPCOS. .........................................................................40 FIGURE 2-7: ULTRACAPACITOR BANK WITH CELL BALANCING UNITS INSTALLED.................41 FIGURE 2-8: INDUCTANCE DESIGN CONFIGURATION AND FINAL APPEARANCE. .....................42 FIGURE 2-9: 3300 UF ELECTROLYTIC FILTER CAPACITOR. ...............................................................43 FIGURE 2-10: PM400DSA060 FROM POWEREX.......................................................................................44 FIGURE 2-11: SNUBBERS CONNECTED TO SEMICONDUCTOR TERMINALS. .................................45 FIGURE 2-12: SAFETY ELEMENTS IN POWER CIRCUIT. ......................................................................46 FIGURE 2-13: THERMAL MODEL OF ONE IGBT-DIODE PAIR. ............................................................47 FIGURE 2-14: WATER-COOLED HEAT-SINK. ..........................................................................................48 FIGURE 2-15: COMPONENTS LAYOUT WITHIN STATIC CONVERTER. ............................................49 FIGURE 2-16: INSTALLED COMPONENTS IN CONVERTER CHASSIS................................................49 9 FIGURE 2-17: STATIC CONVERTER A) POWER CIRCUIT INSTALLATION, B) LOCATION IN FRONT COMPARTMENT....................................................................................................50 FIGURE 3-1: HEURISTICS-SOC-CONTROL ALGORITHM AND SIGNALS MANIPULATION. ..........53 FIGURE 3-2: OPTIMAL CONTROL DATA GENERATION AND NEURAL NETWORK TRAINING PROCESSES. .........................................................................................................................55 FIGURE 3-3: OPTIMAL-CONTROL ALGORITHM, IMPLEMENTED USING NEURAL NETWORKS.56 FIGURE 3-4: COMMUNICATION AND COMMAND FLOW DIAGRAM. ...............................................57 FIGURE 3-5: DSP CONTROL BOARD, SIGNALS AND DATA PORTS. ..................................................58 FIGURE 3-6: CONTROL AND DATA MONITORING/ACQUISITION SOFTWARE SCREENS. ...........58 FIGURE 4-1: URBAN CIRCUIT TEST COURSE.........................................................................................61 FIGURE 4-2: LOAD CURRENT AND BATTERY VOLTAGE WITHOUT AES’S POWER SUPPORT...62 FIGURE 4-3: CURRENTS AND BATTERY VOLTAGE FOR A POWER-SUPPORTED SYSTEM. ........63 10 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE ESCUELA DE INGENIERIA DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA ELÉCTRICA DISEÑO, IMPLEMENTACIÓN Y EVALUACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA AUXILIAR DE ENERGÍA PARA VEHÍCULOS ELÉCTRICOS, BASADO EN ULTRACAPACITORES Y CONVERTIDOR BUCK-BOOST Tesis enviada a la Dirección de Investigación y Postgrado en cumplimiento parcial de los requisitos para el grado de Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería. MICAH E. ORTÚZAR RESUMEN El trabajo expuesto en esta tesis explora los factores clave que impiden a los vehículos eléctricos ser ampliamente aceptados en los mercados de transporte público y privado. En particular, se analizan las limitaciones que presentan los sistemas de almacenaje de energía para entregar altas potencias durante la aceleración o recibirlas durante el frenado. Para resolver estos problemas de potencia se propone la combinación de elementos de alta potencia específica con elementos de alta energía específica. En este contexto se ha diseñado, implementado y evaluado un Sistema Auxiliar de Potencia (SAP), basado en ultracapacitores y un convertidor Buck-Boost para ser usado en combinación con baterías de plomo-ácido. Los procesos de diseño e implementación se describen en detalle; también se presentan los resultados del proceso de evaluación. Finalmente se complementa la discusión de los resultados con un análisis desde el punto de vista económico de la implementación de este tipo de sistemas. La falta de elementos de almacenaje de energía eléctrica que presenten, simultáneamente, alta potencia específica y alta energía específica, y los altos costos de estos equipos, se consideran los mayores obstáculos para introducir vehículos de cero emisiones en los mercados de transporte público y privado. La combinación de elementos de alta energía específica, como celdas de combustible o baterías avanzadas, con elementos de alta 11 potencia específica, como los ultracapacitores, se presenta como la solución más viable para solucionar los problemas de baja autonomía y/o desempeño deficiente en el corto plazo. El SAP propuesto, basado en ultracapacitores y convertidor buck-boost, se ha diseñado e implementado en un vehículo eléctrico a escala real en combinación con baterías de plomo-ácido. Los procesos de diseño e implementación, así como el período de pruebas y sus resultados, se describen en detalle. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran que, con el SAE instalado y operando en el vehículo, la potencia disponible ha aumentado de 40 kW a 85 kW. Se han evaluado dos algoritmos de administración de energía, uno basado en heurística y el otro basado en técnicas de control óptimo aplicado a redes neuronales; el rendimiento del vehículo (km/kWh) aumentó en un 5.2% y un 8.9% con el primer y segundo algoritmo, respectivamente. Del análisis económico se concluyó que, si se consideran los costos solamente, con el sistema propuesto se requeriría que la vida útil de la batería se extendiese en un 50% o más para compensar los costos del SAE. Para mejorar la autonomía y para realizar, en el futuro, nuevos análisis al sistema desarrollado, se ha instalado una batería de Na/Ni-Cl2 (conocida comercialmente como batería ZEBRA) en reemplazo de las baterías de plomo-ácido. Members of the Doctoral Thesis Committee: JUAN W. DIXON LUIS MORÁN JOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ MARCELO GUARINI BIMAL K. BOSE RAFAEL RIDDELL Santiago, July, 2005 12 PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE ESCUELA DE INGENIERIA DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA ELÉCTRICA DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION OF AN AUXILIARY ENERGY SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES, BASED ON ULTRACAPACITORS AND BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER Thesis submitted to the Office of Research and Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Engineering Sciences by MICAH E. ORTÚZAR ABSTRACT This thesis addresses key issues that prevent electric vehicles from being broadly adopted by private and public transportation markets. In particular, the limitations of energy storage devices to deliver energy at high power rates during acceleration and accept high power regeneration during braking are analyzed. To solve available power problems, the combination of a high specific-power storage device with a high specific-energy storage device is proposed. Accordingly, an Auxiliary Energy System (AES), based on ultracapacitors and a buck-boost converter, has been designed, implemented and evaluated in an electric vehicle. The system’s design and implementation are described; also an evaluation process and its outcomes are presented. Finally, an economic approach is applied to the general discussion on obtained results. The lack of a single energy storage element that presents, simultaneously, high specific power and high specific energy for electric vehicles, and the high cost of these devices, are identified as the main obstacles to successfully introduce zero-emission vehicles to public and private transport markets. The combination of high specific-energy storage devices or elements, such as advanced batteries or hydrogen (through Fuel Cells), with high specific power storage devices, such as ultracapacitors, is presented as the most viable solution to the problems of low autonomy and/or poor performance in the short term. 13 The proposed AES, based on ultracapacitors and a buck-boost static converter, has been designed and implemented in an electric vehicle in combination with lead acid batteries energy storage. The design and implementation processes of the proposed system are described in detail. Evaluation results demonstrated that, with the AES installed in the vehicle, available power was increased from 40 kW to 85 kW. Two energy management algorithms were evaluated, one based on heuristics and the other one based on optimal control techniques applied to neural networks; the vehicle’s yield (km/kWh) was increased in 5.2% and 8.9% with the first and second algorithms, respectively. Economic analysis concluded that, in terms of costs only, with the proposed system a battery life extension of 50% would be needed to compensate for the AES’s costs. For better autonomy and to perform developments in the future on the integrated system, a Na/Ni-Cl2 battery (commercially know as ZEBRA battery) has been installed in exchange for the lead-acid battery. Members of the Doctoral Thesis Committee: JUAN W. DIXON LUIS MORÁN JOSÉ RODRÍGUEZ MARCELO GUARINI BIMAL K. BOSE RAFAEL RIDDELL Santiago, July, 2005 14 I INTRODUCTION I.1 Electric and hybrid vehicles In the early days of the automotive era, around the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, electric-powered and internal-combustion-enginepowered vehicles not only offered comparable performance characteristics, but also, electric vehicles where more reliable and safe. Accordingly, the first known automotive-hire service in the US (the Electric Carriage & Wagon Company, established on 1897) was served by electric vehicles (Kirsch, 1996). However, because of the low power and low autonomy (inability to run long distances without recharging) presented by electric vehicles (EV), this early advantage ended quickly when design improvements performed on internal combustion engines (ICE) made them reliable enough to be competitive. While a series of unfortunate events and final bankruptcy buried the EC&WC’s future, the scarce autonomy EVs presented plus governing technical and economical conditions in the early 20th century resulted in the general adoption of ICE-powered vehicles in the US and worldwide. During the fourth quarter of the 20th century and due to several circumstances, such as the oil crisis, environmental issues and technological breakthroughs, the effort to develop viable EVs regained strength. Power electronics technology advances during the ‘70s, and subsequent improvements in the ‘80s, gave birth to new efficient and powerful inverters, which made viable the use of AC motors, which are simpler, more efficient and with more specific power than the classic DC motor. In addition, around the late ’80s the brushless DC motor, invented in 1962 by T.G Wilson and P.H Trickey (Wilson and Trickey, 1962), was improved and made competitive. This machine, a version of the synchronous motor in which permanent magnets in the rotor establish the excitation field, behaves as a DC motor when adequate electronic control is applied. Hence, it incorporates the DC motor’s advantage of high torque at low speeds, but also incorporates the advantage of AC-motor’s simplicity and high specific power, while achieving an excellent dynamic behavior. 15 These advances dissipated doubts about efficiency and specific power in EVs. Nevertheless, EVs continued to be a poor competitor to ICE-powered vehicles, mainly due to the reduced capacity of energy storage devices (compared to specific energy in fossil fuels). This handicap, even though still present to date, has been constantly reduced due to technological advances (new battery technologies, fuel cells, etc.). Nowadays, electric propulsion systems efficiency rates are much higher, surpassing 80% (Eaves and Eaves, 2004), against a typical of around 18% for conventional gas engines (Fueleconomy, 2005) and 35-40% for modern Diesel engines in urban drive conditions. Still, energy density (Wh/l) and specific energy (Wh/kg) is considerably higher in fossil fuels than in most advanced batteries (API, 1988; Chan and Wong, 2004). This is shown in table 1-1. Table 1-1: Energy density comparison for gasoline and different battery types. 97 Octane Gasoline Batteries Lead-Acid Energy Density [Wh/Lt] 9,662 60-90 Specific Energy [Wh/Kg] 12,146 30-45 NiMH Li-ion 130-170 140-200 60-70 90-130 ZEBRA Zn/Air 186 269 118 230 These facts imply that, in vehicles of similar characteristics, the useful energy content in a gasoline tank is several times higher than that contained in an advanced battery pack of comparable weight and dimensions, which translates to lower autonomy for EVs. For example, a 30-liter gas tank can deliver 52 kWh of useful energy to the wheels (accounting for ICE loses); on the other hand, a 100-kg Li-ion battery can deliver 12 kWh to the wheels, almost 1/5th of the energy delivered by gasoline weighting over 3 times more. 16 The aforementioned issue plus the problem of high initial cost and low specific power of most batteries conform the main obstacles to successfully introduce competitive EVs to the public and private transport industry. A comprehensive solution would require the development of more advanced batteries, achievable only through major research breakthroughs and investment in new technologies, or the integration of fossil-fuel energy-storage and electric power conversion and management (higher efficiency, lower noise, lower maintenance costs and lower environmental impact). The second scheme may achieve higher autonomy than pure EVs and higher efficiency than regular ICE-powered vehicles but, in order to reach maximum efficiency and minimum emissions, the main energy transformer (Diesel or gas engine, gas turbine, fuel cell, etc.) must work at its optimum power output which will contrast with the variable power requirements of the vehicle. Also, to reach its potential, the system should be able to recover energy from braking, which fossilbased energy-storage systems cannot do. Therefore, the integration of these dissimilar energy conversion mechanisms require a temporary auxiliary-energystorage device; in such a way the vehicle is able to recover, and reuse, energy from braking, and the main energy transformer (ICE, gas turbine, FC, etc.) is dimensioned to satisfy mean (not peak) power demand, reducing the acquisition cost. These auxiliary energy storage devices should have high power density, high specific power and high efficiency. Vehicles that use such a combination of different energy storage devices are commonly known as hybrid systems. I.2 Integrating different energy systems Recent commercial debut of hybrid vehicles is a proof of the improved efficiency and performance of electric powered vehicles, regardless of the original source of energy (electricity, gasoline, natural gas, hydrogen, etc.). Nevertheless, in terms of power-toweight ratio and cost, new hybrid models still do not strongly compete with traditional gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles; moreover, although hybrids’ yield (km/lt) is usually higher than most gas-powered vehicles, it is comparable to that of some diesel models. Also, the use of combustion engines and complicated gearboxes 17 surely influences cost and weight. On the other hand, power is an issue that must be resolved using appropriate auxiliary energy sources to support peak power requirements. Therefore, all new topologies that could offer improvements in terms of cost, weight and power should be explored and tested by researchers. In accordance, the project presented here studies the technical and economical viability of a seldom-explored hybrid configuration: the combination of batteries and ultracapacitors. At this stage, it is convenient to define different types of hybrids and the energy sources they use or could use. a) Parallel hybrid: is the combination in parallel of two different energy sources, both with independent mechanical outputs that are combined in a special gearbox to deliver or accept energy from the wheels (Fig. 1-A). This topology has been applied in most commercial models; it usually combines an internal combustion engine and an electric motor, which is connected to an electrochemical storage device, such as batteries. b) Serial hybrid: both energy sources deliver energy to the power train through the same electro-mechanical converter (an electric motor), to which they are electrically connected in parallel, as shown in Fig. 1-B. In this case, any two sources that deliver electrical energy could be used, as long as they are compatible in terms of electrical variables. This topology is also the only possible when the main energy source is a battery or hydrogen (through Fuel Cell), because (unlike ICE) they do not produce mechanical power. 18 AESU Traction Motor Gearbox A) Power Inverter + Auxiliary Energy Storage Unit - Internal Combustion Engine Gasoline or Diesel tank MESU MESU B) Traction Motor + + - - Power Inverter Main Energy Storage Unit (Batteries, Fuel Cell, Gas turbine, Diesel Engine , etc.) Auxiliary Energy Storage Unit AESU Figure 1-1: Power circuits of two different hybrid configurations: A) Parallel hybrid; B) Serial hybrid. The two (or more) energy sources involved in the hybrid configuration can be differentiated by their capability of storing energy and delivering power. A source of high energy density serves for an extended driving range and may be called the Main Energy System, because a vehicle could eventually run long distances powered by this source only, even though the power and/or efficiency characteristics could be poor. A powerful and efficient reversible source is the best compliment to the above mentioned and may be called the Auxiliary Energy System, because a vehicle running with this kind of source would perform well and efficiently but only for a few miles; thus, it depends on the previous one for medium and extended-range applications. 19 For the Main Energy System (MES), the most popular and proven choice has been the internal combustion engine (ICE), followed by the gas turbine and, lately, the Fuel Cell (FC). For the Auxiliary Energy System (AES), the most mentioned candidates are high power batteries, ultracapacitors and flywheels, of which only the first two are commercially available. All of these AES offer high efficiency, high power-density and reversibility (Rutquist, 2002). Because an ICE’s natural output is mechanical power (at manageable speeds for gearboxes) and any unnecessary energy transformation is undesirable, it is usually applied in parallel configuration. For the gas turbine, and most other candidates for main energy sources, such as FCs, primary and secondary batteries, the series configuration is more suitable. Recent developments in the areas of FCs and batteries (Zinc-Air, ZEBRA, etc.) suggest a good chance of being a competitive alternative to the ICE for Main Energy System in the near future (DOE, 2003), using series hybrid configuration. The two commercially available storage-device alternatives to implement the AES are advanced batteries and ultracapacitors. Of these, the second present several advantages over batteries for this particular application. The higher specific power and higher efficiency are the most notable; but also, the longer cycle life and no maintenance characteristics translate conveniently into no-replacement-cost and lower-service-cost (Mazaika and Schulte, 2005). These facts motivated the research described in this thesis, regarding the development of an Auxiliary Energy System (AES) based on ultracapacitors and a static converter. This AES has been conceived to be used in series hybrid configurations (Jeong et al, 2002) in combination with different main energy systems. I.3 What are ultracapacitors and how do they work? Electronic double layer capacitors, DLC, or ultracapacitors, were first developed and patented in 1961 by SOHIO. The construction of an ultracapacitor consists of a pair of metal foil electrodes, each of which has an activated carbon (AC) fiber mat deposited on metal foil. The activated carbon side of each electrode is separated by an electronic barrier such as glass paper then sandwiched or rolled into a package. An 20 aqueous or organic electrolyte salt impregnates the activated carbon as shown in Figure 1-2. The electronic properties of an ultracapacitor are strongly dependent on the porosity of the activated carbon and on the molecular size of the electrolyte ions. Activated carbon electrodes used in ultracapacitors have specific surface areas of 1000 to 2300 m2/g and charge separation distances, d in Figure 1-2, on the order of 10 Angstrom or less (Miller and Smith, 2004). Figure 1-2: Physic phenomena in electrostatic capacitors, electrolytic capacitors and ultracapacitors (electronic DLC), (Miller and Smith, 2004). The electrostatic capacitor is generally constructed of metal films, ceramic, or glass, mica or other dielectric material. The electrostatic capacitor in Figure 1-2 consists of two metal electrodes separated by a dielectric of thickness d. A potential across the two metal electrodes creates a uniform electric field in the insulating medium the properties of which determine the voltage rating (Miller and Smith, 2004). An electrolytic capacitor is similar to the electrostatic unit in construction except for the presence of a conductive electrolytic salt that is in direct contact with the metal current collector, or cathode. The anode is made from an etched metal foil that has been anodized by application of an electric potential when the foil is immersed in an electrolyte during manufacture. An electrolyte different from the forming electrolyte 21 is used as the ionic conductor. When the formed anode foil with its alumina dielectric layer is rolled up along with the cathode foil, an insulating separator such as Kraft paper is placed on the outside of the anode foil to insulate it. The negative foil is typically the outside of the electrolytic can. When an external potential is applied across the electrolyte terminals, a uniform electric field is established across the anodized layer of alumina while a decaying electric field exists some distance, δx, into the electrolyte according to Poisson’s equation. Because of the presence of an electric field that extends into the electrolyte, this capacitor will have a more limited breakdown voltage than an electrostatic capacitor. Electrolytic capacitor manufacturers design for breakdown voltages somewhat above the surge rating of the unit. Typically, higher surge rated electrolytic capacitors also have higher resistance, hence a higher equivalent series resistance, ESR, and therefore higher losses in power electronic circuits. Another consequence of an electric field in the electrolyte is the fact that capacitor current is now a function of both voltage change and capacitance change as a function of voltage (Miller and Smith, 2004). The voltage rating of ultracapacitors is constrained by the same phenomena of electric field presence within the electrolyte as in conventional metal foil electrolytic capacitors. Ultracapacitors with organic electrolytes have voltage ratings of <3.0 V per cell whereas with aqueous electrolytes the voltage rating drops to <1.23 V per cell, typically 0.9 V. In all ultracapacitors the terminal capacitance consists of the series combination of an anode DLC and the cathode DLC, so the net rated voltage is twice the value of the electrolyte decomposition voltage. Organic electrolyte ultracapacitors have higher decomposition voltages and higher specific energy but higher resistance than aqueous types. Low conductivity of organic-electrolyteultracapacitors results in higher ESR. ESR can be reduced in general by the addition of vapor grown carbon fiber to the AC. Because capacitance is proportional to the electrodes surface-area and inversely proportional to charge separation distance d, ultracapacitors advantage conventional capacitors, such as electrolytic and electrostatic capacitors, by their porous-ACelectrodes enormous effective areas and the extremely small charge separation 22 distance (Miller and Smith, 2004). The drawback, despite their two capacitive layers instead of one, is the limited maximum voltage ultracapacitors withstand, usually between 2.3V and 2.8V. Ultracapacitors have greater specific power (more than 1.5kW/kg) than conventional or advanced batteries; and higher specific energy (of about 3 to 5 Wh/kg) than aluminum electrolytic capacitors (Dietrich, 2001; Burke and Miller, 2002). Their advantage over batteries, in terms of power, is due to their reduced equivalent series resistance (ESR) and that in these elements, unlike batteries, there are no chemical reactions involved in the process of charge and discharge. Therefore, the speed needed to deliver energy does not depend on the speed of such reactions or the ability of chemical components to recombine, but on electrostatic phenomena, which does not require molecular mutation to take place. Also, the longer cycle life and good behavior at low temperatures (Schneuwly and Smith, 2005) are important advantages. Figure 1-3 shows how ultracapacitors close the gap between batteries and electrolytic capacitors in terms of specific power and energy. Figure 1-3: Ragone plot of specific energy (Wh/kg) versus specific power (W/kg) for different energy-storage technologies (EPCOS, 2001). 23 Because they present low losses and high cycle life at high power demands, these elements of recent development cover a wide field of uses in power engineering applications, especially in schemes with high peak power demand and medium-low energy requirements (Cohen and Smith, 2002). Consequently, they present advantages for complementary use in electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), especially in their energy storage systems. Accordingly, there are an increasing number of studies in which ultracapacitors are used as a complement of the main energy system (ICE, FC, batteries, etc.) in hybrid vehicles. I.4 State-of-the-art traction systems using ultracapacitors Contents of this section show the bibliography analysis made during the thesisproject formulation period. Works reviewed in this process served as a knowledge base of the up-to-date developments in Auxiliary Energy System using ultracapacitors and their results. All publications discussed in this section are contemporary or previous to the project formulation. Works published thereafter, as well as publications presenting this project’s results, are discussed in chapter V. Publications regarding ultracapacitors and auxiliary energy storage may be classified in three groups: i) the ultracapacitor industry reports and surveys, which deal with new material fabrication processes, specific characteristics measurements and testing under different operating conditions; ii) the speculative kind, whose approach is focused in forecasting long term industry trends and suggesting certain technology adoption for the particular application (analysis and conclusions presented in these essays are based on inference and experience acquired within the industry); iii) finally, a third group presents technical reports on practical applications, which expose useful data about behavior and performance obtained from experimental prototypes (or rigorous simulations using real data sets). Publications within this last group describe the state-of-the-art power topologies for EVs and HEVs, therefore an updated analysis on viability of these schemes can be extracted from them. The first group of publications presents studies that describe the state of the industry and its projections (Cohen and Smith, 2002). Production-models characteristics and 24 behavior under stress (and abuse) are measured to evaluate adequacy for different applications (Jehoulet et al, 2000; Varakin et al, 2001; Goesmann et al, 2002; Conte and Pirker, 2005). Projected future materials improvements and costs are also forecasted, based on research’s preliminary results and suggested technology inversions (Burke and Miller, 2001). Most of these works are presented by ultracapacitor manufacturers, a fact that could suggest questionable objectiveness, but data contained in them should be reliable because they are subject to the industry scrutiny and benchmarking. The most useful information contained in these publications is related to behavior under abuse and safety considerations (Goesmann et al, 2002; Conte and Pirker, 2005). The second group of publications could be considered the vanguard analysis that may inspire future developments. Even though they lack real-life experimental results, these works are a sample of the engineering analysis process preliminary to any serious innovative attempt (Furubayashi et al, 2000; Mitsui et al, 2002; Dixon et al, 2000). The third classification group, consisting of practical applications reports, comprises most publications on ultracapacitors to be found. There is a wide variety of explored topologies and the analysis scope spread over an ample spectrum of profoundness. Miscellaneous applications from peripheral-load power-support (Folchert et al, 2002) to ultracapacitors-as-the-single-energy-source configurations (Barrade and Rufer, 2001) can be found. There are several reports on HEVs implementations using ultracapacitors in combination with non-reversible energy sources such as ICEs, FCs and primary batteries among others (Furubayashi et al, 2000; Burke and Miller 2001; Di Napoli et al, 2001; Lott and Späth, 2001; Varakin et al, 2001; Jeong et al, 2002; Okamura, 2002). A couple of publications describing idle stop systems were found (Furubayashi et al, 2001; Mitsui et al, 2002); this application consists of using ultracapacitors in urban buses to power the starter motor of ICEs, which are turned off at every stop to avoid inefficient and contaminating idling conditions. In these cases, ultracapacitors are used to avoid battery deterioration due to successive peak power episodes and to decouple this strongly-perturbing load from other on-board electronic loads. Finally, there is a constantly-growing number of reports that present 25 HEV implementations combining ultracapacitors as Auxiliary-Energy-Systems and different types of batteries as Main-Energy-Systems (Arnet and Haines, 2000; Härri and Egger, 2001; Heinemann et al, 2001; Wight et al, 2001; Wight et al, 2002). These works conformed the most valuable and updated information source when this project was elaborated, because they expose practical details and evaluation results of the early experimental implementations on the topology being evaluated in this research. A thorough review of the highlights of each publication found in this subgroup is presented in the following pages. Arnet (Arnet and Haines, 2000) presents the hardware and algorithm concepts used in the implementation of an AES based on ultracapacitors to be implemented in an electric vehicle using lead-acid batteries as MES. This design was part of Solectria Corporation’s new energy storage devices development program. The static converter used in his design has a Buck-Boost topology, such as the one used in the project presented in this thesis. He also used algorithms that establish an inverse relation between the vehicle’s kinetic energy and the ultracapacitor’s state of charge (SOC). This work is contemporary with the first publication that emanated from this project (Dixon et al, 2000), in which general hardware configuration and algorithm concepts were presented; coincidently, Arnet’s general approach is very similar to that exposed in (Dixon et al, 2000), therefore early conclusions on the feasibility of this implementation could have been extracted from his findings, but his results were preliminary and did not evaluate the general performance of the equipment in reallife operation. Also, some differences appeared in hardware design and algorithm implementation, hence Arnet’s work and this project results could complement eachother. Härri (Härri and Egger, 2001) introduces an energy scheme concept he calls SAM (Super Accumulator Module), which consists on combining batteries and ultracapacitors using a topology he refers to as Virtual Parallel (VP). But the actual semiconductor configuration is not at all clear, nor is under what criterion the different operation modes are selected and the capacitor SOC controlled. Test results and performance data are not presented either. Therefore, this essay does not provide useful orienting insights. 26 Heinemann’s work (Heinemann et al, 2001) is interesting because of exposed temperature management data and ultracapacitor behavior under different operation conditions. Also, his exploration of different energy management strategies presents interesting alternatives. Nevertheless, his findings are mostly simulations or small scale bench tests, and do not deliver conclusive data about the overall efficiency increase and/or available power. By 2002, Wight’s publications (Wight et al, 2001; Wight et al, 2002) had the most illustrative results on ultracapacitors and lead-acid batteries combination for EVs. Data presented in both works summarize test procedures on real-life-scale vehicles using the static converter developed by Arnet and two different ultracapacitor brands, one in each publication. The first study shows a complete set of tests comprising urban, suburban, acceleration and dynamometer experiments on two identical vehicles, both equipped with lead-acid batteries as MES, the first one using the ultracapacitor-based AES and the second one (control subject), which did not have an AES. General conclusions showed that, when using that particular ultracapacitorbased AES, more available power was observed by the driver, acceleration was faster and more energy could be extracted from the batteries before reaching the “discharged” threshold minimum voltage (which allowed some increased autonomy). Nevertheless, even though more energy was extracted from the batteries, in most experiments the overall efficiency or yield (km/Wh) was lower on the vehicle equipped with the AES. The second essay shows almost identical tests but using a different ultracapacitor brand. Results resemble very much those obtained in the first publication; the amount of energy extracted from batteries in the vehicle equipped with the AES was greater in all tests than that extracted from batteries in the control vehicle. This time the results on efficiency where non-conclusive. From available literature, at the time of the research project-formulation, it could be concluded that there was scarce experience of this kind of application and few reallife-scale tests had been performed. Results obtained by Wight suggested that the use of a high-specific-power AES, like the one proposed in this research, would lessen main battery deterioration due to the reduction of peak power demanded and therefore, would probably extend battery life. On the other hand, Wight’s results 27 were not conclusive regarding overall efficiency impact that the use of this AES produced on EVs; there is a chance that efficiency results from his tests could have been influenced by the algorithm structure or its parameters and/or by the efficiency characteristics of his particular static converter. This reasoning suggested that, by incorporating an ultracapacitor-based AES to EVs, in addition to battery life extension and a better acceleration response, overall increase in vehicle efficiency could be achieved if improvements where performed on static-converter design and energy-management algorithm structure. I.5 Objectives and hypothesis The central objective of this research is to identify and improve some of the deficiencies that prevent clean and efficient transport technologies, such as EVs, from successfully competing against traditional pure-ICE-based vehicles. This objective has been partially realized in previous analysis, identifying obstacles such as reduced autonomy, high cost and limited power of EVs and HEVs as the predominant barriers to achieve competitive clean vehicles. Reduced autonomy is a characteristic of pure EVs, which are powered with reduced energy-density electrochemical batteries. This problem has been partially overcome with the development of HEVs, equipped with Main Energy System (MES) of higher specific energy. Nevertheless, some of the energy converters used in these configurations are not as clean or efficient as it would be desirable, as in the case of Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) and Fuel Cells (FCs) (Galliers, 2003). The problem of high cost, common to all clean mobility solutions, is particularly pronounced in the case of FCs, for which forecasts are not optimistic in the short and medium terms (Galliers, 2003; Chan and Wong, 2004). In the case of ICEs, although actual costs are not prohibitive, simple reasoning concludes that their complexity makes them expensive to maintain. Furthermore, if battery technologies are consistently improved and acceptable energy densities are achieved, it is not unreasonable to speculate that manufacturing costs of an electrochemical storage unit with fewer and simpler components could be lower than those of an intricate ICE. Of course complex manufacturing of special alloys and compounds have to be perfected 28 and made cheaper, but that is not impossible given the rate at which manufacturing processes are advancing. Hence, electrochemical batteries seem to be the alternative clean-energy-source that could first break the barrier of unacceptable costs and consistently bring them to competitive levels. The power issue is also prevalent in all technologies previously reviewed. In the case of HEVs efficiency considerations make it transcendental that their MES’s work at constant or near-constant power levels, lower than the peak power demanded; also, cost constraints force the MES’s power-rating reduction to levels near mean power demand. This leaves the burden of power on the AES, whose duty is to quickly deliver or accept bursts of energy as a response to the power-train’s demands. The first elements used for AES implementations were high power batteries, but these require sophisticated charge equalization management (Schneuwly and Smith, 2005) and present a short cycle life, which had an impact in cost; that is why new energystorage elements such as ultracapacitors and flywheels are being tested and implemented in HEVs to address high power issues. In the case of battery-powered pure EVs, batteries present varied problems, such as low specific power, DODdependant cycle life (Mazaika and Schulte, 2005), inefficiency at high power demands, etc. This has motivated the experimentation of different technology combinations to satisfy separate energy and power needs. This is particularly important when primary batteries (such as Zn-air) or high-specific-energy but lowspecific-power batteries (such as Na/Ni-Cl2 or ZEBRA) are used; in the case of these battery technologies, very promising in terms of specific energy, power support is fundamental. From this analysis it can be deduced that, in the medium term, the clean transport technology that will most certainly reduce its costs is battery electrochemical storage. Of which some chemistries have lately achieved important specific-energy improvements. Therefore, an efficient, cost-effective and reliable power support unit could close the circle and make battery-powered EVs a competitive choice in the near future. This reasoning has motivated the development of an ultracapacitor-based AES to be implemented in a lead-acid battery-powered vehicle. The lead-acid technology would 29 be subsequently changed to Na/Ni-Cl2 (ZEBRA) of greater energy density and lower power density. The incorporation of this power support system would certainly increase available power, but it also raises obvious concerns about costs. On the other hand, a question regarding other EVs limitations arise: would this system have a negative effect on efficiency and therefore on autonomy? In this author’s opinion, no, on the contrary: the reduction of maximum power demanded to the battery would increase battery operation efficiency and more energy would be recovered from regenerative braking even when the battery is fully charged; this would more than compensate for the expected losses produced in the static converter interfacing energy flow to and from ultracapacitors. If this reasoning proves correct, then costs could also be compensated, or even reduced, as a result of energy savings and battery life extension. This expectation, founded on intuitive reasoning, could be formulated as a hypothesis to be demonstrated. “The adequate use of ultracapacitor-based Auxiliary-Energy-System in electric vehicles powered with lead-acid batteries, under congested city driving conditions, increases total energetic efficiency and extends its autonomy. That is, in driving conditions with a high number of stops and accelerations respective to the covered distance, the total energy spent (per kilometer) will be measurably lower in a leadacid battery equipped vehicle that uses a ultracapacitor-based AES than that spent in the same vehicle without the AES. The AES-equipped vehicle would also be able to cover a longer distance with one charge.” The demonstration or refutation of this hypothesis will be the central aim of this thesis. A discussion on costs will also be included in the final analysis, but does not fall within the preset scope of this study. I.6 Methodology To demonstrate, or refute, the proposed hypothesis, a real-life scale AES prototype using ultracapacitors and a static converter was designed and constructed. The system was implemented in an EV and tested in an urban drive circuit. Finally, results were 30 analyzed and compared to those obtained without the use of the AES, leading to final conclusions, from which economical implications where drawn. The AES design and implementation were key processes to ensure the success of this project. The ease of power flow control, operational safety and overall system efficiency, depended directly on the adequacy of the power topology, as well as the thorough study and design of converter components and control system. A BuckBoost power topology was used, where the ultracapacitor bank was connected at the low voltage side of the converter, allowing bi-directional power flow with variable voltage at the ultracapacitor terminals. The specially designed and constructed smoothing inductor (of 1.6 mH) and water-cooled heat-sink allowed high efficiency and high power rating by ensuring low amplitude ripple current and stable thermal management. A control and monitoring system was also designed and implemented using a DSP from Texas Instruments. This system allowed the implementation of different energy management strategies without hardware modification and provided real time information through its monitoring and data-logging features. The electric vehicle used in this work, was transformed from a conventional Chevrolet “LUV” truck, shown in Figure 1-4, which is similar in weight and shape to a Chevrolet S-10; its drive train is powered by a Brushless DC traction motor (32 KW nominal power and 53 KW maximum power) and a 54 kW inverter (Dixon et al, 2000). The vehicle’s main energy system was formed by a pack of 26 lead-acid batteries connected in series (356 Vdc), which has been recently replaced with a ZEBRA (Zero Emission Battery Research Activity) battery (371 Vdc). The Auxiliary Energy System was implemented with a 20-Farad ultracapacitor bank and a BuckBoost converter, with a nominal voltage of 300 Vdc, and a nominal current of 200 Adc. 31 Figure 1-4: Electric vehicle, converted from a conventional ICE-powered pick-up truck Chevrolet LUV. The test circuit was a slow and mid-speed driving urban route. Special care was taken to perform tests under similar environmental and technical conditions, such as ambient temperature, traffic conditions, tire pressure, etc. Tests were performed without regeneration, with battery-only-regeneration and with AES-assisted regeneration (two algorithms were tested). Available power (kW) and yield (km/kWh) were the measured performance indicators. 32 II STATIC CONVERTER DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION II.1 Introduction The battery pack, composed of 26 series-connected lead-acid batteries, has a no-load voltage that ranges from 358V, when recently charged, to 312V when discharged. This voltage is also load-dependant, reaching under 250V when heavily loaded and in low SOC condition. On the other hand, it can reach more than 400V when it has been recently charged and regenerative braking is applied. These are extreme conditions which not only deteriorate batteries and shorten their life, but may also damage power inverter (traction equipment has minimum and maximum voltage limits of 250 and 400 V respectively). This situation cannot be avoided unless the vehicle’s drive train power is restricted according to battery voltage. This strategy would avoid inverter damage and could help preserve batteries longer, but would severely affect vehicle performance and efficiency (by restricting power and regeneration); it would limit available power when batteries are partially discharged and, over time, batteries aging would also noticeably affect performance. In other words, batteries would go through a long agony and this would be reflected in vehicle performance. This is where the Auxiliary Energy System fills the gap. As previously defined, the most adequate hybrid configuration to be implemented in a battery-powered EV is a series-hybrid topology, shown in Figure 1-1B. Even though it is called ‘serial’ hybrid (because of the serial mechanical output), the Main and Auxiliary Energy Systems are connected in parallel. Therefore, if the Main Energy System (batteries) remains the same, the AES must be designed in such a way that it adapts to the pre-established power-circuit voltage-rating, and there is an adequate supporting-power-flow during peak power demand. Even though there have been some experiences connecting ultracapacitors directly to the Main Energy System (Jeon et al, 2005; Massé and Freeman 2005), a static converter should interface power connection between batteries and ultracapacitors for several reasons, but three are fundamental. First, batteries work at relatively constant voltage levels while capacitor’s voltage is directly related to their SOC, therefore to 33 use all or most energy storage capacity of ultracapacitors a voltage interface is required. Second, the only way to implement different energy management strategies is by controlling power flow and SOC of at least one of the energy source units, and this can only be done by placing a static converter between the two sources. Third, directly connected capacitors will only support power demand during transients, being useless for more prolonged high power episodes. Thus, EV’s power circuit will be configured as shown in Figure 2-1. MESU + Traction Motor + Power Inverter Lead-Acid Batteries - - Static Converter Ultracap . Bank AESU Figure 2-1: Static-converter-interfaced connection. Given the vehicle’s drive train power rating of 53kW and mean power consumption under 10kW in urban drive conditions, it would be desirable to install an Auxiliary Energy System with a power rating over 40kW. Even though the battery can deliver power above mean demand value (which, by the way, is a very relative value) a static converter with power rating in the order of 40kW will ensure power support under any condition, as long as there is energy left in the ultracapacitor bank. The topology and design of this power converter will be addressed later. Intuition would suggest that the Main Energy System, batteries in this case, should deliver mean power consumed by the vehicle and the AES would complement it to satisfy instantaneous vehicle power demand. Accordingly, the ultracapacitor-bank’s energy storage capability should be large enough to store as much energy as that 34 integrated between the mean power and real power consumption lines in a typical EV power profile such as the one shown in Figure 2-2, which was obtained from an experimental EV in urban driving conditions. Urban Vehicle Power Profile 40 30 Power [kW] 20 10 Inst. Consumed Power 0 Mean Consumed Power -10 30 40 50 60 70 80 -20 -30 Time [s] Figure 2-2: EV power demand profile. The problem with this reasoning is that power consumed by a vehicle is a stochastic process whose mean value is not the same all the time (Mazaika and Schulte, 2005). That is, a vehicle running in suburban mid-speed traffic one day and in congested downtown traffic the next day will have different mean power consumed values. Which one is the ‘real’ mean power? Both actually, because there is no single mean power for a vehicle and this value depends on the situation to which it is inserted. Therefore, the MES cannot be dimensioned for ‘one’ mean power value and the AES for the remaining energy. It follows that the design of a vehicle’s power system cannot aim to have the AES available in every condition, because in particular situations, such as long hill climbing, it would have to contain great amounts of energy not to be depleted after prolonged high power demands. Similarly, the MES cannot be dimensioned to deliver a reduced-average-like power, because, if left to power the whole system alone, it has to perform acceptably. Hence, the AES cannot be considered an always-available system, and it is a matter of trade-offs to install a 35 small, cheap, seldom-available system, or a big, expensive, always-available power source. The idea is to have the system available ‘most’ of the time at a ‘reasonable’ cost. Both of which are relative concepts but that is the nature of consumer products. These concepts were incorporated when dimensioning the system, but because of the experimental nature of this system, costs were not the priority constraint. To have an idea of the amount of energy the vehicle will use in a single powerdemanding operation, acceleration and hill climbing (the most demanding tasks in terms of power) energy requirements are the best examples. The vehicle in question plus its Auxiliary Energy System weighs around 2000 kg. Therefore its kinetic energy at 60 kph is about 77 Wh. This amount of energy plus losses will be spent to accelerate from 0 kph to 60 kph. If a constant speed over a hill climb of 30 m height difference is desired, an approximate amount of 163 Wh (potential energy difference) plus air drag and mechanical losses will be spent. Considering these figures, the AES was designed to store enough energy to consecutively support power during both tasks. Thus the ultracapacitor bank has a 255 Wh energy-storage-capacity, of which only 90 % would be used because of efficiency concerns. This allows sustained power support during most demanding regular tasks in city driving conditions. II.2 Power design Terminal voltage in a capacitor bank, by definition depends directly on its state of charge (SOC). More precisely, the ultracapacitor-bank’s SOC is proportional to its square voltage; hence, as energy is transferred to and from the bank its voltage will change accordingly. For this reason, the static converter topology, shown in Figure 21, must be able to transfer energy between a relatively constant voltage source (battery) and a variable voltage source (ultracapacitor). II.2.1 Buck-boost topology The above mentioned characteristics of the static converter call for a power topology that adapts to the variable nature of capacitor voltage and the relatively constant battery voltage. For this reason a buck-boost topology was chosen. Figure 2-3 shows an equivalent circuit of the power circuit in which the battery is represented by a 36 voltage source and an internal resistance. The ultracapacitor bank is also represented by a voltage source (which, for short periods of time, it is) and its equivalent series resistance (ESR). This topology is conceived to establish controlled bidirectional power transfer between both sources as long as ultracapacitor voltage VU is smaller than battery voltage VB. If this condition does not hold, a current will flow through diode D2. Battery iBAT iC Rint T2 D2 + + VC LS ultracapacitor bank iU C ESR VB T1 Buck Side D1 VS + VU Boost Side Figure 2-3: Buck-boost topology equivalent circuit. During ‘buck’ operation, energy goes from battery to ultracapacitor. This task is performed by commutating semiconductor T2 at a frequency f (period T) and duty cycle δ. This operation is shown in Figure 2-4, where it is clear how current iC through semiconductor T2 has strong discontinuities. Capacitor C acts as a filter so the battery sees a smoother continuous current. 37 iU T= 1/f iBAT iC iC T2 δ VB iU D1 VU iBAT Time Figure 2-4: Buck operation. Energy is transferred from the battery to ultracapacitors. In buck operation, mean currents through battery i BAT and through ultracapacitors iU behave like in a DC transformer (where a=δ) and may be calculated accordingly, as long as δ ≥ VU VB . This is applied in equations 2.1 and 2.2. i BAT iU = VU VB − δ = ESR 2 + R int δ (VB ⋅ δ − VU ) (ESR + R int⋅ δ ) 2 (2.1) (2.2) During ‘boost’ operation, energy goes from ultracapacitor to battery pack. This operation is very similar to the one previously described. Semiconductor T1 is commutated at a frequency f and a duty cycle δ. Figure 2-5 shows this operation and current waveforms. As before, strong discontinuities are present in current iC which, again are filtered by capacitor C. 38 iU T= 1/f i BAT iC iC D2 δ VB T1 iU VU iBAT Time Figure 2-5: Boost operation. Energy is transferred from ultracapacitors to the battery. Once again, mean currents i BAT and iU can be analyzed like in a DC transformer, where the turns ratio is 1/ (1 − δ ) , as long as (1 − δ ) ≥ VU VB . This has been applied in equations 2.3 and 2.4. i BAT VU − VB (1 − δ ) = ESR R int + (1 − δ )2 (2.3) iU = (VU − VB ⋅ (1 − δ )) (R int⋅ (1 − δ )2 + ESR ) (2.4) Ultracapacitor current ripple amplitude is an important design variable, because mechanical vibrations, induced-current-losses and undesirable EMI could be produced if special care is not taken. Expression 2.5 shows the maximum ripple amplitude as a function of VC, f and LS (calculated in Appendix A). iU _ max_ ripple = VC 4 ⋅ f ⋅ Ls (2.5) 39 II.2.2 Static converter components design and selection The converter was designed and tested to deliver up to 60 kW, but current was limited to 150A on the ultracapacitors side to avoid high losses. Hence, the converter can deliver a peak power of 45 kW, which decreases with ultracapacitor voltage, reaching 30 kW at ultracapacitor voltage of 200 V (which is seldom lower). According to this power rate and interconnected systems, buck-boost converter components were selected or designed to work properly at currents up to 200A and voltages up to 400V. a) Ultracapacitor bank Battery voltage can decrease to levels below 250V on heavy loads (when working in battery-only mode), but usually stays over 300V when a regular load is applied. With AES power-support this voltage decreases, at the most, to 300V on full load. Therefore, to avoid voltage crossing, the ultracapacitor bank maximum voltage rating was set to 295 V. The AES was implemented with 132 series-connected ultracapacitors. These units have 2700 Farads each, an ESR of 1 mOhm and a voltage rating of 2.3 V. The bank totals 20.45 Farads, an equivalent series resistance of 132 mOhm, and a total maximum voltage of 303.6 V (limited by software to 295 V). Figure 2-6 illustrates one ultracapacitor and its physical characteristics. 40 Figure 2-6: 2700F ultracapacitor from Epcos. Due to slight differences in capacitance, ultracapacitors may charge unevenly and some units may eventually overcharge. To avoid this, dissipative voltage limiters were installed in each unit as shown in Figure 2-7. 41 Figure 2-7: Ultracapacitor bank with cell balancing units installed. b) Smoothing inductance LS For the smoothing inductance design, maximum current ripple amplitude of 5A was the aim. Therefore, according to expression 2.5 and considering a 12 kHz commutation frequency and a battery voltage of 360 V, the inductance LS should have at least 1.5 mH. It also should be able to conduct currents up to 200A without saturating and/or generating excessive resistive losses. After pondering the electromagnetic relations between material saturation, coresection area and core-length, number of turns and final achieved inductance, an aircore design was implemented, because it would not saturate and the high reluctance could be compensated with more turns, of lower volume and weight ‘cost’ than the other core alternatives required (Ortúzar, 2002). 42 For the winding conductor was fabricated from a 12 cm wide, 0.5 mm thick laminated aluminum sheet was used, to cope with skin effect. Figure 2-8 shows the inductance design schematic and final appearance. Its theoretical inductance value was calculated at 1.37 mH, but the measured inductance was 1.6 mH, this increase was due to larger core section-area produced by packaging elements. Figure 2-8: inductance design configuration and final appearance. This inductance weighed 22 kg, which was reasonable considering another implementation in which an inductance of only 27 uH and more than 40kg weight was designed (Arnet and Haines, 2000) using a continuous-gap powdered composite pot-core. c) Converter capacitor C The inclusion of capacitor C as a low-impedance voltage-source near the converter semiconductor has two main purposes: first, prevent dangerous voltage surges in semiconductor terminals due to parasitic inductance and high di/dt; and second, filter currents between the battery and buck-boost converter. Surge voltage levels depend on parasitic inductance value, 7.5 uH in this case, current level and battery voltage level. In this case, energy contained in this parasitic inductance at maximum rated current calls for low capacitor values below 20 uF. 43 Current filtering between battery and converter called for larger capacitance values than those required for voltage surge prevention. Nevertheless capacitor value cannot be excessively large because of dynamic response delays introduced by LC circuit formed by this capacitor and smoothing inductance LS. Finally, because of its good simulated behavior, a 3300 uF electrolytic capacitor, shown in figure 2-9, was installed to perform current filtration and voltage surge control, both of which were properly achieved. Figure 2-9: 3300 uF electrolytic filter capacitor. d) Semiconductor Given the converter’s commutation-frequency, power and voltage requirements, an IGBT technology semiconductor was selected to operate the static converter. An Intellimod (IGBT with integrated gating circuits), model PM400DSA060 from Powerex, with maximum voltage rating of 600V and 400A current capability was chosen. The electronic device, shown in Figure 2-10, also has integrated over-current and over-voltage protections. 44 Figure 2-10: PM400DSA060 from Powerex. e) Snubbers As mentioned above, parasitic inductance in conductors between battery and static converters may produce voltage surges due to high di/dt during commutations, which is prevented by installing capacitor C. Nevertheless, capacitor C and conductors to IGBT also have non-negligible parasitic inductances, which may also produce voltage surges; thus snubber nets are installed directly at semiconductor terminals and conductors to IGBT are made of laminated-cooper for better performance. In this case, two different snubbers were installed: one single (low-parasiticinductance) capacitor and, in parallel, a diode-capacitor-resistor combination (to avoid destructive currents through IGBT and possible oscillations). Figure 2-11 shows the snubber nets and their connections. 45 Dumped capacitordiode snubber Capacitor snubber Figure 2-11: Snubbers connected to semiconductor terminals. II.3 Safety features A series of hardware and software safety measures were implemented to prevent malfunction and/or dangerous situations. Software measures are mainly failure detection capabilities, which are described further on. The equipment was hardware-protected by fuses on each side of the static converter and a diode to allow boost discharge, preventing capacitor C overcharge if the fuse on the battery side blows. Figure 2-12 shows these safety elements installed in the power circuit. 46 MESU + Traction Motor + Power Inverter Lead-Acid Batteries - - Static Converter Ultracap . Bank AESU Figure 2-12: Safety elements in Power circuit. II.4 Thermal design Due to weight and size constraints, thermal considerations for a good heat-sink design were required. Like any other power electronic device, the static converter must dispose of its energy losses before they buildup temperature inside the semiconductor package. To determine the required heat-sink’s thermal-resistance a thermal model was elaborated. This model, representing both IGBT-diode pairs, is shown in Figure 2-13. 47 INTELLIMOD PM400DSA060 PQ1 TjQ Rth(j-c)Q PF1 TjF Rth(j-c)F Tc Rth(c-f) PQ2 TjQ Tf Rth(f-amb) Tamb Rth(j-c)Q PF2 TjF Rth(j-c)F Figure 2-13: Thermal model of one IGBT-diode pair. Expressions 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 describe temperatures behavior in relation to the semiconductors dissipated power. Conduction plus commutation losses in IGBT and conduction losses in diode are referred to as PQ and PF, respectively. These values will depend on instantaneous current, voltage drop across juncture and on duty cycle. Tc = Tamb + (Rth ( c− f ) + Rth ( f −amb ) )⋅ (PQ + PF ) (2.6) T jQ = Tamb + (Rth ( c − f ) + Rth ( f −amb ) )⋅ (PQ + PF ) + Rth ( j −c )Q ⋅ PQ (2.7) T j F = Tamb + (Rth ( c − f ) + Rth ( f −amb ) )⋅ (PQ + PF ) + Rth ( j −c )F ⋅ PF (2.8) To obtain operating conditions on a worst-case scenario, power losses were calculated for an intensive charge-discharge cycle. The simulated operation consisted on a discharge from 290V to 150V at maximum allowed current and a consecutive charge in the same conditions once every minute (details in Appendix C). Total mean losses were calculated at 257 W, while maximum instantaneous power losses were of 412.4 W. 48 Individual semiconductor mean power losses and thermal characteristics provided by the manufacturer (Appendix D) were applied to the thermal model mentioned above. The required heat-sink’s thermal resistance was calculated to maintain junctures and case temperatures below maximum levels for the evaluated operation conditions. The required thermal resistance for the heat-sink is of 0.107 ºC/W. Because no satisfactory alternative was found on the market, a two-piece machinedaluminum heat-sink was designed and constructed. The design schematic and disassembled prototype are shown in Figure 2-14. Figure 2-14: Water-cooled heat-sink. The theoretical thermal resistance for this heat-sink was calculated (Ortúzar, 2002) at 0.01023 ºC/W, much lower than required leaving a broad margin for possible higher dissipated power. II.5 Mechanical design Considering the high power levels this converter would manage and the severe conditions it would work under, mechanical design and construction standards should be the highest. Therefore, these tasks were carefully planned and several tests were performed before final installation. Figure 2-15 shows the projected layout before construction. 49 uProcessor and control circuit box. Snnubers INTELLIMOD Power connectors to ultracapacitor bank Capacitor C Current LEM Fuse F1 Positive terminal to battery Heat-sink Water circuit pipes. Negative Terminal to battery Figure 2-15: Components layout within static converter. Laminated conductors and placed components within the converter chassis are shown in Figure 2-16. Also snubbers connected directly to the semiconductor terminals are visible. Laminated conductors Control circuits Snubbers Intellimod Heat-sink Figure 2-16: Installed components in converter chassis. 50 Some of the converter’s power connections and water circuit fitting are shown in Figure 2-17A. The location on top of the traction inverter allowed installing short power cables and water-cooling circuit hoses. Figure 2-17B shows the buck-boost converter with its cover, located in the front compartment under the hood. A) B) Figure 2-17: Static converter A) power circuit installation, B) location in front compartment. 51 III MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM III.1 Introduction In addition to power-circuit design and assembly, several guidelines were established regarding the monitoring and control system-requirements to ensure controllable behavior, safety, ease of debugging and means to evaluate performance. The implemented energy management algorithms would determine the AES behavior under different situations and, consequently, the system adequacy to different driving conditions. Such an algorithm for an AES like this one should ensure two basic conditions: 1) to provide power support to the traction system on most probable driving conditions (prioritary rule); and 2) the long term State of Charge (SOC) convergence (i.e. to have stored energy for accelerations and space to store it after braking). At the same time the implemented algorithm should provide both conditions with the highest possible efficiency. These challenges were addressed by implementing and testing two different energy management algorithms, the first one based on heuristics and the second one based on the offline optimization of power flows for known conditions and the training of Neural Networks (NN) to apply this experience on a real-time basis. To allow for easy implementation of these and other energy-management-algorithms, a basic structure or shell was designed, over which algorithms would be programmed to manipulate high-level variables. Within this shell, a series of low-level functions are performed, such as ultracapacitor-current-control, voltage-driven current-limiting (to prevent ultracapacitor overcharge), failure detection and diagnosis, and usercontrol of low level variables for debugging, among others. This structure consists of a combination of hardware and software elements, which will be detailed in this section. III.2 Control algorithms The control algorithms to be implemented and evaluated were programmed in the DSP using specially-defined high-level variables. These algorithms could use and 52 manipulate acquired variables such as motor speed and power, battery voltage and SOC, and system temperature among others. The output these algorithms delivered was the ultracapacitor current-reference, which would then be processed by the lowlevel control loop and final PWM command signals would be delivered to the IGBT power module. Two different algorithms were implemented and evaluated. The aim was to compare performance and energy efficiency of an intuitive heuristics-based algorithm to those achieved by an optimal-control-based algorithm. Both energy management strategies were programmed above the low-level control shell and data was acquired using the monitoring program. a) Heuristic-based energy management algorithm. The first implemented algorithm was based on the notion that long term vehicle energy behavior can be compared to an energy pendulum, where on one side there is electrical energy ready to swing the pendulum to the kinetic energy side and return. This pendulum obviously has losses but these can be supplied by the Main Energy System (the battery) while fast energy swings can be managed by the Auxiliary Energy System. This reasoning did not take into account energy variation due to a change in the vehicle’s altitude position but resembles energy behavior for most situations in city driving. The mentioned heuristic is designed to prepare ultracapacitors (with energy to deliver or space to store it) for the next most probable situation, i.e. deliver power when vehicle is stopped and receive it when vehicle is driving at high speeds. Therefore, it is a reaction to the present situation and serves for long-term convergence of ultracapacitor SOC. But for the immediate future a short-term-oriented rule was included: a software-defined battery-current limit, which operates delivering the required balance current to maintain battery current within established values (as long as there is energy in the ultracapacitors to deliver, or space to store it). These features complement each other. One reacts to speed changes and establishes a new SOC reference for the ultracapacitors accordingly. The second (with priority over the first one) reacts to instantaneous power level changes and maintains battery working inside pre-defined boundaries. 53 Figure 3-1 shows a schematic of the first strategy implementation. In this picture several low-level tasks have been omitted for simplicity. Algorithm-related tasks are ain dri ve inside the light-brown area. and m Buck-Boost Converter Ultracapacitor Bank PWM Battery Motor Control Unit V UCAP LEM I Ucap - PI Real Current System Current Voltage protection Speed P erson al Comp uter Batt. State of charge Ah Counter 2 () PI Speed - UcapSOC Charge ref. + - Real charge Batt Voltage Current reference + RS 232 Flash Mem. TMS320F241 Figure 3-1: Heuristics-SOC-control algorithm and signals manipulation. The system showed excellent performance with this algorithm. Battery power was effectively limited and during non-demanding periods the AES used the opportunity to adjust ultracapacitor’s SOC to be ready for the next power-demanding episode. These two operations were complementary and did not pull the system’s SOC in different directions. b) Optimal control energy management algorithm. Even though the first implemented algorithm performed more than acceptably, there was still no certainty about the efficiency of energy management. Therefore, a second 54 algorithm was designed and programmed by a master’s degree program student, as part of the same research project (Moreno et al, 2004). This algorithm was based on the application of optimal control techniques to determine the optimal power support for a real-life power-demand-profile. The optimal control process consisted on calculating (offline) the optimal powersupport for real power demand data series. To do this, thirty power-demand data series were recorded while driving an EV on urban driving conditions. For each of these data series a power support sequence that would minimize the energy extracted from the battery was found; this is the power support that, if delivered by an AES, would maximize the system efficiency for that driving sequence. An efficiency model of the drive system and the AES was used to implement the cost function. A constraint that forced the ultracapacitors’ state of charge at the end of the exercise to be the same than that at the beginning of it ensured optimization consistency. The power demand data series, together with the corresponding optimal power support data series, were used as the knowledge base to train a Neural Network (NN) offline. The NN would then apply the learned information to determine the power support on real-life experiments, to do this the NN would imitate optimal control behavior on situations similar to those optimized before. Figure 3-2 illustrates the optimal control data generation process and how that information is used to train the NN. 55 Data Data Logging Process Batts. only Power 10100 11100 11110 10010 11101 11100 00010 Speed 00110 01000 00001 00101 01010 00001 01010 Voltage ... 10100 11110 00110 01000 01010 11101 10010 Iterations Optimal Control Process (eficiency model) Application of learned information Batts. + AES Optimal Power Support data Power 10100 11100 11110 10010 11101 11100 00010 Speed 00110 01000 00001 00101 01010 00001 01010 Voltage Power - support 10100 00110 11110 00001 00110 00101 01000 01010 01010 00001 11101 11110 10010 11101 Neural Network Training Figure 3-2: Optimal Control data generation and Neural Network training processes. During offline optimal control path calculation, results obtained presented a mean calculated efficiency increase of 5% compared to that obtained with the simulated operation of the SOC-control-algorithm (illustrated in Figure 3-1). This predicted a positive change in vehicle efficiency using the new optimal-control algorithm. Thirty different power demand series, with calculated optimal power-support data, were used on the NN training process. The Levenberg–Marquardt training algorithm was used. Of the 30 data series, 10 were used for NN training and the remaining 20 for validation. The validation indicator used was the mean square error. To define optimal net architecture, ‘prunning’ algorithms were used (the Optimal Brain Surgeon algorithm in particular). Figure 3-3 illustrates interaction of trained NN with the DSP variables to implement optimal control algorithm. 56 LEM Motor Control Unit PWM Battery an Ultracapacitor Bank I Ucap - PI V UCAP d main dr ive Buck-Boost Converter Actual Current Batt. Voltage Load Current Voltage Protection Speed Person a Comp l uter Batt SOC Ah counter RS 232 Flash Mem. Current Reference + Neural Network Iload(k) Iload(k-1) Pload(k) Pload(k-1) V(k) V(k-1) E(k) E(k-1) Bias(+1) Bias(+1) TMS320F241 Figure 3-3: Optimal-control algorithm, implemented using neural networks. The trained NN presented excellent replication of optimal behavior learned during the training process. This was verified after training by comparing the power-support output from the NN to the optimal output of one validation data series. III.3 Communication layout The basic shell mentioned above consists of a hardware command-andcommunication layout, which is managed by a central microprocessor. A low-level routine, programmed in this microprocessor, allows implementation of dataacquisition functions, a communication protocol and the basic current control loop. The command and communication layout is illustrated in Figure 3-4. Ultracapacitor Bank LEM Motor Control Unit PWM Batt e ry Buck-Boost Converter I Ucap V UCAP and m ain dr ive 57 l P ersona ter C ompu RS 232 Batt Voltage Motor Current Speed Control Circuit Board Flash Mem. Batt. State of charge Ah Counter Figure 3-4: Communication and command flow diagram. III.4 Implementation via DSP The command and communication layout was implemented in a power-electronicsoriented DSP, the TMS320F240 from Texas instruments. This microprocessor was installed in a specially designed circuit board that included signal conditioning for data acquisition, an external flash memory to store user-manageable controlparameters, communication ports and command signal ports. The board with DSP and associated circuitry is illustrated in Figure 3-5. 58 Figure 3-5: DSP control board, signals and data ports. III.5 Real-time monitoring software Given the need, and special aim of this work, to acquire and analyze power system behavior data, special monitoring and acquisition software was programmed in Visual Basic. The definition of a DSP-PC communication protocol and the simplicity of programming in this environment allowed implementing a satisfactory real-time monitoring feature, while monitored data could be stored for further analysis. Figure 3-6 illustrates the main control screen and a data monitoring screen. Figure 3-6: Control and data monitoring/acquisition software screens. 59 The screen on the left shows and allows modification of user-controllable parameters. Data monitoring and low-level control can be commanded from this window too. The screen on the right shows monitored data in a real-time sliding-chart. III.6 Failure detection This feature was designed with the double purpose of preventing dangerous conditions and facilitating the debugging process. The failure detection operates as a software routine that interrupts operation when an abnormal condition is detected. Three abnormal condition types are sensed: battery-side fuse blown, failure signal received from IGBT module and communication interrupted while operating in PCsupervised mode. In all cases gating operations are disabled and failure information is displayed in the monitoring software’s main control screen (if connected). Operations will remain disabled until re-enabled by user with monitoring software. The last failure cause is always stored and displayed on the main control screen. 60 IV URBAN CIRCUIT TESTS IV.1 Introduction Once all supporting parts of the system (power and control) were tested and ready, the evaluation process was prepared. The goal was to determine and quantify the improvements in vehicle performance due to the use of the AES. This assessment would be used to determine the technical and economic contribution of this kind of equipment to pure electric vehicles and the possible application to hybrid vehicles. The performance indicators to be evaluated were: available power (kW) and yield (km/kWh), with and without the aid of this particular AES. Therefore, a protocol to measure these variables was established. During tests, the monitoring system logged and stored variables such as vehicle speed, battery and ultracapacitor voltage, power demanded by motor and power delivered by AES among others. Of more than 40 tests, 23 where performed measuring total energy used (as seen from the charger) in four different conditions: without regeneration, with battery-only regeneration and with AES-assisted regeneration using both described algorithms. Every test was performed with identical tire pressure, at the same time of the day and over a period of one month to ensure relatively identical conditions. The driver plus one passenger rode on tests when the AES was out of action, but an extra passenger was included when this power support system was used to emulate the AES’s extra weight. IV.2 Test circuit Because this system is conceived to support power mainly during acceleration and braking periods, its application is naturally directed to urban driving. Hence, a 14 km urban-drive circuit was established as the standard measure. The circuit has a slow driving portion (inside university campus) and a faster one but with stops every one to two hundred meters. The stops where introduced to simulate congested urban driving conditions. Most stops were dummy traffic jams, which were actually marks 61 on a map where identical stops had been programmed for every test. The approximate mean speed was of 18 km/h, with maximum speeds of 60 km/h. Figure 4-1 illustrates the map of the test course. 0m 100m 200m 300m Figure 4-1: Urban circuit test course. IV.3 Tests results The general driving appreciation was that available power had noticeably increased, allowing fast accelerations, even when batteries were deeply discharged. This can be corroborated by analyzing data plots obtained with the monitoring system. Figure 4-2 illustrates normal load currents for a urban drive and corresponding battery voltage when no power support is applied. 62 160 Current [A] 120 80 I_Load 40 0 463 -40 483 503 523 543 563 583 603 Voltage [V] -80 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 463 V_Batt 483 503 523 543 563 583 603 Time [s] Figure 4-2: Load current and battery voltage without AES’s power support. In this case, battery current is the same as load current. The clearest sign of how power affects battery is the voltage depression during high current demands. Here battery voltage reaches 280V at 140A current output. On the other hand, when power support is enabled, battery current never surpasses its maximum allowed value (40A in this case), while system voltage-regulation is reinforced. This sign of increased available power can be appreciated in Figure 4-3. 63 160 Current [A] 120 80 I_Load I_AESU I_Batt 40 0 162 -40 182 202 222 242 262 Voltage [V] -80 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 162 V_Batt 182 202 222 242 262 Time [s] Figure 4-3: Currents and battery voltage for a power-supported system. When the AES supplies power support, battery power output is limited to around 12 kW. This is done by supplying the balance demanded current. In this way battery does not “see” peak demanded power but values near mean demanded power. Negative power is also limited to a fixed value around -3 kW; this value is automatically manipulated by software when it detects battery voltage rising to prevent gassing, which is especially useful when batteries have been recently charged. In this plot this feature can be observed when battery voltage approaches 340 V. The motor-drive controller, a microprocessor provided by the drive manufacturer, disables power when battery voltage decreases under 250 V. This generally occurred to battery-alone configuration when demanded current surpassed 160 A, but never occurred with AES-supported system. From this, battery available power may be calculated at around 40 kW. The AES-supported system has nominal power of 45 kW+12 kW from battery, but up to 85 kW in total could be delivered if required, by using all 40 kW form battery. 64 The vehicle’s yield (km/kWh) was calculated with measured run kilometers and recharging-energy spent after every test. The spent energy was that measured at the charger, thus it accounted for total energy, including charging losses. This indicator was measured under four different conditions: batteries-only without regeneration, batteries-only with regeneration, AES-power-assisted with SOC control algorithm, and finally AES-power-assisted with optimal control algorithm. Table 4-1 shows these results, in which yield (km/kWh) improvements are calculated in comparison to the batteries-only with regeneration case. Table 4-1. Urban tests results summary. Drive City Circuit (km) kWh Used Ah Used km/kWh km/kWh Improvement Batteries without Regeneration 14.2 5.45 13.90 2.61 - Batteries with Regeneration 14.2 4.61 11.23 3.09 - Batteries with AES (SOC Control) 14.2 4.36 10.55 3.25 5.2% Batteries with AES (Optimal Neural Network Control) 14.2 4.24 10.58 3.36 8.9% 65 V RESULTS ANALYSIS V.1 Economic approach on results An AES, installed in a lead-acid battery powered vehicle, produces, as shown in previous chapters, an improvement in maximum power rating and vehicle autonomy. These facts would probably extend the battery life due to reduction in maximum power demanded. These results imply performance and cost-reduction benefits, which can be measured to calculate the cost-benefit relation of this equipment and therefore, the feasibility of including it in future EV configurations. Nevertheless, performance and/or comfort improvements are hard to evaluate in terms of added value in a market that is virtually non-existent. Therefore, a cost-benefit analysis will be presented including only cost-related benefits generated by this equipment. This analysis will be made in terms of total mean costs $/km of an EV powered with leadacid batteries and compared to the same vehicle using an ultracapacitor-based AES, as the one described herein. To obtain the total mean cost ($/km) of a vehicle, all present and future costs must be calculated and added using a discount rate representing the capital cost and risks throughout time. The result represents the present value (PV) of all costs, which can also be expressed as a monthly payment throughout the vehicle’s lifetime using the same discount rate. This payment divided by the amount of kilometers run per month will represent the total mean cost ($/km) of the vehicle. This analysis will be performed over a lifetime of 12 years. The costs considered are: the ‘core’ (vehicle’s chassis, power train and accessories1); original and replacement batteries throughout vehicle’s lifetime2; AES (ultracapacitors3 + static converter4); cost of spent energy5, annual maintenance6 and the residual value7 at the end of the period analyzed (notes in Appendix C). Electric energy prices are forecasted values calculated by the Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2005). The base case is the aforementioned test vehicle, powered from 26 lead-acid batteries. This case is compared to the same vehicle with the AES installed for peak 66 power support. For the evaluated alternative two different assumptions were explored for the increase in battery life, first a rather optimistic 50% extended life and second a more realistic 20% extended life. Table 5-1 illustrates all of these costs and the corresponding present value and total average cost for each case analyzed. Table 5-1. Total mean costs comparison with batteries as the main energy source. Component Vehicle Batteries Only (1) (2) Bateries (3) (4) Ucaps + static converter (5) Total cost of energy (6) Maintenance (7) Residual value PV of total costs (8) Total average cost ($/km) Cost change percentage Batteries (50%+) + Ucaps Batteries (20%+) + Ucaps $ 8,000 $ 16,181 $ 8,000 $ 11,595 $ 8,000 $ 13,897 $0 $ 3,288 $ 2,856 $ 5,160 $ 3,024 $ 2,856 $ 5,160 $ 3,024 $ 2,856 -$ 450 -$ 724 -$ 578 $ 29,874 $ 29,910 $ 32,358 $ 0.191 $ 0.192 $ 0.207 0.1% 8.3% - Total average costs calculated for each case show that AES’s convenience is relative to the battery life extension it produces. If batteries last 50% longer (an optimistic hypothetic scenario) with the AES working, the total mean cost is almost the same as the cost of the vehicle working on batteries only; therefore, in this case, battery life savings are high enough to compensate for the AES’s cost. On the other hand, if batteries last 20% more cycles (a more realistic scenario), then the total mean costs are 8.3% higher for the vehicle equipped with the AES. Hence, in terms of costs only, the system described in this paper would only justify its inclusion in a lead-acid battery equipped vehicle if battery life extension is equal or higher than 50%. If customer satisfaction is included in the analysis, then more accurate data about battery life extension would be needed to evaluate the convenience of the system. In the case when battery life is extended by 20%, customer satisfaction would have to be high enough to justify an increase in total costs of approximately 8%. Nevertheless, the added complexity of the whole system plus the higher component count could increase failure probability and/or maintenance costs. These facts, as 67 well as the influence of costumer satisfaction are hard to measure in a market (EV’s market) where there is scant experience regarding component failure and costumer acceptance. Continuing the research project’s line of investigation, oriented to evaluate feasible vehicles for the short and medium terms, it is interesting to evaluate the integration of other promising battery technologies for MES and the AES presented herein. Therefore a new EV configuration, that combines a ZEBRA (Na/Ni-Cl2) battery MES and the same ultracapacitor-based AES, has been implemented for evaluation. That experience does not fall within the scope of this thesis; therefore its outcome will be presented and analyzed in other instances within the near future. At the moment of this thesis redaction, the newly configured vehicle was undergoing preliminary tests and being prepared to perform efficiency and power evaluations on it. Regarding long term aimed EVs, a probable scenario to consider is that in which fuel-cell powered vehicles are adopted by automakers and the industry. For this analysis, three power configurations are evaluated: the vehicle powered by fuel cells only, fuel cells plus Li-ion batteries and fuel cells plus ultracapacitors. The efficiency for a fuel cell vehicle (running on gas hydrogen from electrolysis) from the power grid to the wheels, can be derived from the composition of typical efficiencies of all conversion processes involved: electrolysis (72 %), fuel cell (54 %) and electric drive train (89 %), with a total integrated efficiency of 34 % (Eaves and Eaves, 2004). The yield achieved by the wheel-to-road conversion was assumed at 8 km/kWh, equivalent to running 300 miles with 60 kWh coming out of the wheels (Eaves and Eaves, 2004); therefore an integrated yield (power-grid to wheels) for a fuel-cell only vehicle was calculated at 2.72 km/kWh. An extra 18 % yield was considered for the fuel cell plus batteries configuration (because of regeneration savings), and a 24 % of extra yield was attributed to the configuration running on fuel cells and ultracapacitors. These numbers were obtained from experience acquired while testing the AES with and without regeneration. Costs in Table 5-2 clearly illustrate how fuel cells represent an important percentage in the cost structure, and therefore a small fuel cell drastically reduces mean costs, 68 which can be seen in the case of combination with batteries or ultracapacitors. The use of a much smaller fuel cell (20 kW in combination cases) is compensated by the power support from batteries or ultracapacitors during peak power demand; however, this cannot be sustained for a long time due to the limited amount of energy stored in these devices. Hence, the use of combination configurations would limit the amount of continuous time allowed to drive at maximum power, making it unsuitable for sustained high speeds or hill climbing. Nevertheless, these configurations equipped with an AES such as the one described in this thesis could still perform more than well in urban conditions and even on highways at reasonable speeds (assuming good aerodynamics), and the mean cost is drastically reduced in almost equal amounts of 33.7 % and 31.7 % for combinations with ultracapacitors and batteries, respectively. Table 5-2. Total mean costs comparison with Hydrogen + Fuel Cell as the main energy system. Component FuelCell Only FuelCell + Batteries Vehicle(1) Bateries(9) Fuel Cell(10) Ucaps(3) + static converter(4) Total cost of energy(5) (6) Maintenance Residual value(7) $ 8,000 $0 $ 20,000 $0 $ 3,670 $ 2,856 -$ 238 $ 8,000 $ 5,706 $ 4,000 $0 $ 3,110 $ 2,856 -$ 238 $ 8,000 $0 $ 4,000 $ 5,160 $ 2,960 $ 2,856 -$ 238 PV of total costs(8) $ 34,287 $ 23,433 $ 22,737 Total average cost ($/km) $ 0.220 $ 0.150 $ 0.146 -31.7% -33.7% Cost change percentage - FuelCell + Ucaps V.2 Related researches During the last three years, a growing number of scientists have implemented and tested systems of similar characteristics, which is a sign that this project was aimed in the right direction. Moreover, by analyzing their results it is clear that some technical issues have been well resolved in this design and innovative strategies, such as the 69 algorithms developed, have rewarded positive improvements. A brief review of related publications of other authors during this period follows and relevant conclusions will be compared to results from this project. Presently general trends are inclined towards HEVs as a viable approach to zero (or near zero) emission vehicles. The separation of energy-storage and power-support tasks has proved a very efficient and effective strategy; more adequate elements have been applied to each task, which has had a positive impact in power and efficiency, and therefore in autonomy as well. Also, although HEV’s total costs are still not competitive, its advantages compared to traditional ICE-vehicles are being recognized by the industry, such as reduction in maintenance costs (King et al, 2005) and improved comfort. On the subject of available MESs for zero and near-zero-emission HEVs, most projects are experimenting with FCs as being feasible in the long term, even though primary and secondary batteries are the most viable in the short-medium term because of costs and infrastructure concerns (Chan and Wong, 2004). Nevertheless, there are two interesting researches showing hybrid systems using batteries as the MES, both of them primary Zn/air batteries (Stanislowski et al, 2003; King et al, 2005), and ultracapacitor-based AESs. In the case of power sources (AESs), batteries and ultracapacitors are currently the only commercially available choices, where ultracapacitors have proved superior in most cases. Longer and DOD-independent cycle life, good performance at low temperatures(-40ºC), lower cost per kW and higher specific power are the most outstanding advantages against batteries (Schneuwly and Smith, 2005; Jeon et al 2005). But also, performance evaluation in several researches have demonstrated better overall system efficiency, and therefore lower operation costs and higher autonomy in HEVs when evaluating ultracapacitors compared to power-batteries as AES (Mazaika and Schulte, 2005). Some studies have explored and confirmed the influence of energy management strategies on vehicle performance and efficiency (Stanislowski et al, 2003; Mazaika and Schulte, 2005), which has been an important subject in this thesis. This contrasts with some other studies where ultracapacitors have been applied as AESs directly 70 connected to the power bus (Massé and Freeman, 2005; Jeon et al 2005), without a static converter interface, an approach that limits or eliminates any possibility of managing energy and power. Such an approach, even though it may save some losses by eliminating a static converter, is inefficient in the use of ultracapacitor energy storage space; its power support is uneven and only available during transients. In the meanwhile, the use of ultracapacitor-based AESs grows in number and application variety. An example is a sport HEV, integrating an ICE and ultracapacitor power support (Martellucci and Santoro, 2005). This is a different approach than the typical efficiency oriented HEV; nevertheless it confirms the power potential ultracapacitors have. Finally, some more specific technical papers seek to extend the knowledge regarding ultracapacitor behavior. One interesting example evaluates performance under thermal and mechanical stress (Conte and Pirker, 2005); another addresses key issues, such as cell balancing, materials optimization and safety (Okamura and Nakamura, 2003). V.3 General discussion Since the beginning of this project, relevant advances and results obtained from it have been published in engineering journals and/or presented in specialized symposiums. Among these publications, the most relevant published topics are: system configuration proposal and simulated behavior analysis (Dixon et al, 2000); partial results and system behavior description (Dixon and Ortúzar, 2001; Dixon et al, 2003; Ortúzar et al, 2003); new energy management strategy proposal (Moreno et al, 2004); fire incident description and analysis (Ortúzar et al, 2004); Final results and system feasibility analysis (Ortúzar et al, 2005), and a new HEV configuration, using a ZEBRA (Na/Ni/Cl2) battery and the AES described in this thesis (Dixon et al, 2005). The most relevant conclusions from those works have been mentioned in this thesis; nevertheless, some have been omitted for practical reasons. Regarding technical achievements in this project, it was demonstrated that power, efficiency and yield were increased as a result of incorporating the ultracapacitorbased AES to an EV using lead-acid batteries as a MES. Power increase was 71 noticeable for different drivers, but also was measured in the form of voltage depression reduction. This experience confirms previous findings about available power (Wight et al, 2001; Wight et al, 2002), but also demonstrates that efficiency, and therefore autonomy, can be increased using this type of power support. However, it was established that efficiency increase is directly linked to energy management adequacy. This finding can be extended to the reasonable deduction that the energy storage system usage can be maximized with an adequate power and energy control. In this way the MES and AES for a particular vehicle can be optimized in size and weight and therefore costs may be reduced. Conclusions are relative regarding the convenience of this type of AES for lead-acid batteries-based vehicles. In an optimistic scenario, where batteries life-cycle increases in 50%, the ultracapacitor-based AES’s cost is compensated by savings in battery replacement and energy, while adding the value of higher power and autonomy. In the not-so-optimistic scenario, where battery life-cycle increases by 20%, the present value of costs increase by about 8% when using the studied AES, while vehicle power rating is improved; therefore, in this scenario the system’s convenience will depend on the value of consumer satisfaction due to the improved vehicle performance. The experience acquired in this project, while working with the designed and constructed AES, suggests that a better complement could be achieved if the designed system is combined with more energy-oriented batteries (higher specific energy, lower specific power). Primary batteries, such as Zn/air or Al/air, have already been successfully tested in combination with ultracapacitor-based AES (Stanislowski et al, 2003; King et al, 2005). But because of the extremely low specific power these batteries have, such configurations need (and have used) a second battery to provide power for prolonged high power demand episodes, like uphill or high speed driving. Hence, a battery of power and energy characteristics in between Zn/air and lead-acid could perfectly match with an ultracapacitor-based AES. As a consequence of previous analysis, the project described in this thesis has been extended to evaluate the proposed approach: the better match of a higher specific- 72 energy (and lower specific-power) battery, and the designed AES for efficient and powerful performance. This configuration has already been implemented using a ZEBRA (Na/Ni-Cl2) battery and is being tested to determine behavior and performance under different situations and driving conditions. 73 VI CONCLUSIONS In this thesis a power-energy system specially developed for state of the art Electric Vehicles has been described, analyzed and evaluated. As for the project’s outcome, it is valid to say that the general project objectives, as well as particular design objectives, have been broadly fulfilled. During the whole process there has been constant screening and interaction with other researchers working on similar projects, which has allowed for an up to date critical evaluation and makes results presented here a real contribution to the modern transport industry. The search for innovative solutions to address contemporary transport and environmental issues has motivated the development of a practical, powerful and clean transport alternative. Starting from an EV configured with state-of-the-art equipment, key technical problems have been addressed; namely: instantaneous available power, efficiency and autonomy. An Auxiliary Energy System based on ultracapacitors and a buck-boost converter has been designed, implemented and tested. Its performance has been technically and economically evaluated, whose results have been extended to fuel-cell powered vehicles. In particular, the achieved power and energy management capabilities were more than satisfactory, being able to deliver or accept more than 60 kW of power. The ease of powerflow control and overall system efficiency may be attributed to the thorough design of key components, such as the 1.6 mH smoothing inductor and the water-cooled heat-sink, among others, as well as the adequate topology configuration and implementation. These features allowed for a powerful and controllable device that could be integrated into an electric vehicle and safely interact with other power components without conflict. The control and monitoring structure was also an important component of the Auxiliary Energy System and one of the keys to the project success. The control system composed of digital hardware and software, not only allowed for a fine control of power flow and safe operation, but also supported the evaluation process by allowing the implementation of different energy management strategies and by providing data logging and real-time monitoring features. 74 The implemented system achieved an increase in vehicle yield (km/kWh), and therefore in vehicle efficiency, of up to 8.9% using an optimum control energy management algorithm. The available power was increased from an unreliable 40 kW value to a nominal 57 kW and maximum 85 kW, which was evident to the driver. Economical evaluation showed mixed results. While a hypothetical increase of 50% in battery life would compensate for the costs of an AES such as the one being evaluated, lower increases in battery life would not and, therefore, the influence of consumer satisfaction would be the measure by which the convenience of this particular configuration should be judged. The hypothetical combination of fuel-cells and ultracapacitors was also economically evaluated in comparison to pure fuel-cell as well as fuel-cell combined with batteries. The outcome was that the reduction of fuel-cell size in both combination cases (with batteries and with ultracapacitors) allowed for an important reduction in total costs, both alternatives being more than 30% cheaper than the pure FC configuration in terms of total life cycle costs. This project’s results were compared to and complemented by those obtained from other researchers working on similar projects. Also, relevant results from every stage of development were published and presented in pertinent journals and symposiums. Thus, conclusions presented here meet the highest standards of the international scientific community and transport industry. Therefore, it is fair to say that every major and particular objective of this thesis has been fulfilled, and that the proposed hypothesis has been demonstrated and adequately discussed. Improvements achieved are consistent and significant, but as mentioned above, better energy storage devices combinations may be implemented by using more energy-oriented batteries. In this particular project, that challenge has already been assumed, therefore a new high specific-energy ZEBRA (Na/Ni-Cl2) battery, in combination with the aforementioned AES, has been installed in the same EV. 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Equation A.1 defines the duty cycle (δ) as the percentage of time a semiconductor (T1 or T2) is switched on. δ= t0 T (A.1) Where T is the commutation period and t0 is the amount of time the IGBT in question is conducting. Equation A.2 describes the mean voltage VS when IGBT T2 commutates (buck operation). Vs = t0 ⋅ VC = δ ⋅ VC T (A.2) Figure A.2 illustrates the current through Ls and its ripple. This plot will be used to deduce equations that describe this current behavior. 84 di b dt di b dt (+ ) t0 (− ) ∆ib T-t0 T Figure A.2: Current through Ls and it ripple. The positive slope sections of the current waveform correspond to the portion of time the semiconductor T2 is on. This slope depends on voltages VU and VB, resistances Rint and ESR, and on the value of inductance Ls. The negative slope depends on VU, resistance ESR and inductance Ls. If resistance values are neglected the positive and negative slopes can be described as in equations A.3 and A.4. dib dt (+) dib dt (−) = VB − VU ∆ib = Ls t0 =− (R 2 ≈ 0 , R int ≈ 0) ∆ib VU =− Ls T − t0 (R 2 ≈ 0 ) (A.3) (A.4) Combining equations A.1, A.3 and A.4 leads to equation A.5, which describes current ripple amplitude as a function of battery voltage VB, inductance Ls, commutation frequency f and duty cycle δ. ∆i b = VB ⋅ δ ⋅ (1 − δ ) Ls ⋅ f 1 f = T (A.5) The condition to maximal current ripple can be found when the derivate of equation A.5 respect to δ is equal to zero. Solving this equation results in a value for δ of 0.5. Replacing this value in equation A.5 results in the maximum ripple value for current Ib, which is expressed in equation A.6 85 ∆i b max = Vdc 4 ⋅ f ⋅ Ls (A.6) 86 APPENDIX B: DISIPATED ENERGY AND HEAT GENERATION IN SEMICONDUCTORS. Losses in semiconductors can be classified, for calculation purposes, in commutation losses and conduction losses. Both parameters are calculated separately as follows. a) Commutation losses. During semiconductor commutation (forced-commutation state transitions from off to on and vice versa) currents and tension across semiconductor juncture do not change instantaneously, therefore there exists a transition period in which the product VCE·I is small but not zero. If the semiconductor commutates several thousand times per second, the total amount of lost energy during these transitions is not negligible. The instantaneous power losses during a commutation may be calculated by obtaining and multiplying voltage and current waveforms during these operations, if the instantaneous power is integrated along the whole commutation process the energy lost during this operation is obtained. Nevertheless the manufacturer provides an estimation of this value, plotted as a function of the collector current value and the C-E voltage. By selecting the lost energy value from this plot, corresponding to the application conditions, and multiplying it times the commutation frequency, the total loss power corresponding to commutations is obtained. Equation B.1 shows this equivalency, where P_conmut is expressed in Watts. P _ commutation = (E on + E off )[J / cycle] ⋅ 12000[cycles / sec] (B.1) b) Conduction losses. Conduction loses are present in the IGBT and anti-parallel diode, these are calculated separately for each one according to manufacturer datasheet specifications. Instantaneous conduction losses in IGBT are calculated multiplying instantaneous current times the Collector-Emmiter voltage. This tension, obtained from the component’s datasheet, depends on collector current and temperature. Diode losses are calculated the same way. Conduction current is multiplied by diode forward voltage, obtaining instantaneous power loss. 87 Given the buck-boost configuration and operating characteristics, as described in chapter II.2.1, an IGBT and corresponding diode (in parallel with the opposite IGBT) conduct current alternately, during δ and (1-δ) portions of commutation period, respectively. If ripple is small enough compared to the DC component of current, then the same current value (equal to mean current through ultracapacitors) may be assumed for IGBT and diode when each one is conducting. This is valid for buck or boost mode. Thus, mean conducted current through each component, and its corresponding power loss value, may be calculated using the current through ultracapacitors and the duty cycle, as shown in equations B.2 and B.3. This loss power value is calculated the same way for both buck and boost operations, changing only the component that produces it and the duty cycle value. P _ conduction _ IGBT = VCE [V ] ⋅ I C [ A] ⋅ δ (B.2) P _ conduction _ diode = V FD [V ] ⋅ I C [A] ⋅ (1 − δ ) (B.3) c) Losses in worst case scenario. The current has been limited by software to 150 A at the ultracapacitors side, thus the worst case scenario is when ultracapacitors are successively charged and discharged at this maximum current. A charge-discharge cycle once every minute between 290 V and 150 V, representing a transfer of more than 70% of the stored energy, will be simulated and losses calculated. From equations B.1, B.2 and B.3, and values taken from the semiconductor datasheet, the power losses for the diode and IGBT while conducting 150 A are those shown in table B-1. 88 Table B-1: Instantaneous power losses while conducting 150A in semiconductors. IC Commut _ IGBT [W ] Conduct _ IGBT [W ] Conduct _ Diode [W ] 150 168 W 260*δ W 210*(1-δ) W As stated in chapter II.2.1, a buck boost converter behaves as a DC-DC transformer regarding current and voltage mean values. Therefore, if series resistances are small enough, when transferring energy from a battery with voltage VB to the ultracapacitor with voltage VU (buck operation), the duty cycle will be of a value very close to δ=VU/VB. In the same way, when transferring current from the ultracapacitors to the battery (buck operation), the duty cycle will be of a value very close to δ=(1-VU/VB). Also, because at constant current the capacitor voltage will decrease (or increase) linearly with time, the duty cycle will also change linearly with time. Thus, the mean value for the duty cycle may be calculated by interpolating between maximum and minimum duty cycle values for each operation. This mean duty cycle was used to obtain mean power losses values shown in table B-2. Table B-2: Mean power losses while conducting 150A in semiconductors. Conduct _ IGBT [W ] Conduct _ Diode [W ] Operation δ Commut _ IGBT [W ] Buck 0.688 168 W 178.9 W 65.5 W Boost 0.353 168 W 91.8 W 135.9 W A 20.45 F capacitor will take 19.09s to be charged or discharged between 290 V and 150 V at a constant current of 150 A. As this exercise considers one charge and discharge operation per minute, individual semiconductor mean power losses may be calculated. These mean power values are shown in table B-3. 89 Table B-3: Mean power losses throughout time, while cycling 150 A charge and discharge operations for 19.09s within 1min period. Operation Total Mean Losses in IGBT Total Mean Losses in Diode Buck 110.3 W 20.8 W Boost 82.7 W 43.2 W Adding all mean power losses yields the total mean power, equal to 257 W. Transient thermal impedance was considered large enough to maintain a relatively stable temperature; therefore the mean power loss can be used to calculate the required thermal resistance to achieve a certain temperature. d) Thermal resistance to ensure temperature compliance. It was decided that a water cooled heat-sink would be used to control temperature in the semiconductors; the water cooling system used to evacuate losses from the inverter-motor group would remove heat form this heat-sink. During summer days, at 35ºC external temperature, the maximum measured water temperature in the water cooling system had been 55ºC. Also, the measured vehicle mean power was around 10 kW during these tests. The inverter-motor group has a total efficiency rated around 90%; hence the thermal resistance of the water cooling system was calculated at 0.02ºC/W. With the water circuit’s thermal resistance and the semiconductor’s total mean loss power, the water temperature was calculated for the worst case scenario mentioned before. In a day with 35ºC of ambient temperature, absorbing 1 kW of lost power from the motor-inverter group and 257 W from the buck-boost converter, the water temperature should rise to about 60.14ºC. Using the total mean power loss calculated above, thermal resistances provided by the semiconductor manufacturer (see Appendix D) and the water temperature calculated above, the model shown in chapter II.4 was completed except for the heatsink’s thermal resistance (Rth(c-f)). 90 Using the maximum allowed temperature for semiconductors junctures (110ºC) and semiconductor case (100ºC), the required heat-sink’s thermal resistance may be calculated to ensure temperature limits on each semiconductor. These required values are shown in table B-4. Table B-4: Water-cooled heat-sink’s required thermal resistance to ensure temperature compliance for each semiconductor and case. Case IGBT1 Diode1 IGBT2 Diode2 0.155 ºC/W 0.120 ºC/W 0.140 ºC/W 0.107 ºC/W 0.126 ºC/W From table B-4 it can be deduced that, to ensure temperature compliance while working at the intensive charge-discharge cycling mentioned above, the heatsink’s thermal resistance must be equal or lower than 0.107 ºC/W. 91 APPENDIX C: ECONOMIC EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS 1 Arbitrary estimated value of vehicle without energy source of US$8000. Represents an approximate cost of structure, accessories and drive train. 2 Cost of lead-acid batteries for 12 years of operation, based on US$150/kWh (Chan and Wong, 2004). On batteries only configuration (base case), batteries life is 35.000 km. On the “50%+” case, batteries life is 52.500 km; for the “20%+” case, batteries life is 42.000 km. Replacement costs of US$1000 per replacement are included in battery costs. 3 Projected costs of ultracapacitors is US$30 per 2700F cell (Sund and Trice, 2001). 4 Estimated cost of static converter is US$1200. 5 Cost of energy is based on projections by Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2005). 6 Cost of maintenance is an estimated value of US$400/year. 7 The vehicle and battery residual values were estimated separately. A value of US$800 is considered a reasonable price for a 12 year old vehicle in good conditions. The battery residual value was calculated by applying the remaining/total cycles percentage to the new battery value, reduced in 30% because of non-new equipment devaluation. 8 The Present Value (PV) of costs is the sum of all discounted costs. The rate used for discount is 8% (Taylor, 2003) 9 The estimated life of a Li-ion battery for a hybrid vehicle is 6 years. 10 Fuel cells cost is US$200/kW (Chan and Wong, 2004). 92 APPENDIX D: TMS320F241 DSP CONTROLLER, TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 93 94 APPENDIX E: DSP CODE, ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE ;================================================================ ; Programa de Control para Sistema ; Auxiliar de Energía, Basado en Ultracapacitores ; y Convertidor Buck-Boost ;================================================================ .include "243_dsk.h" ;============================================================ ;================================================================ ;Definición de variables .bss TABLA_CARGA, 70 ;dir 514 .bss CODIGO_FALLA, 1 ;dir 584 .bss IFILT, 1 ; 585 .bss V_BATT, 1 ; 586 .bss V_COND, 1 ; 587 .bss IREF, 1 ; 588 .bss ANA3, 1 ; 589 .bss VELOCIDAD, 1 ; 590. .bss ANA5, 1 ; 591 .bss REF_CARGA, 1 ; 592 .bss AH, 1 ; 593 .bss ANA6, 1 ; 94 .bss ANA7, 1 ; 95 .bss ANA0, 1 ; 96 .bss ANA2, 1 ; 97 .bss ANA4, 1 ; 98 .bss ANA1, 1 ; 99 .bss I_BB, 1 ; 600 .bss PWM, 1 ; 1 .bss ERROR, 1 ; 2 .bss IANTERIOR, 1 ; 3 .bss ACCALTO,1 ; 4 .bss ACCBAJO, 1 ; 5 .bss KP, 1 ; 6 .bss KI, 1 ; 7 .bss KP1, 1 ; 8 .bss KI1, 1 ; 9 .bss I_LIM, 1 ; 10 .bss V_LIM, 1 ; 11 .bss CERO, 1 ; 12 .bss FRECUENCIA, 1 ; 13 .bss I_LIM_TEMP, 1 ; 14 .bss CONTROL_VOLT, 1 ; 15 .bss MODO, 1 ; 16 .bss I_BATT, 1 ; 17 .bss ANA01, 1 ; 18 .bss ANA02, 1 ; 19 .bss ANA03, 1 ; 20 .bss ANA04, 1 ; 21 .bss IREF_TEMP, 1 ; 22 .bss IANTERIOR2, 1 ; 23 .bss PWM_TEMP, 1 ; 24 .bss CONTADOR_AH, 1 ; 25 .bss SIGN, 1 ; 26 .bss SIGN_TEMP, 1 ; 27 .bss CONT, 1 ; 28 .bss ERROR_CARGA, 1 ; 29 .bss IANT_CARGA1, 1 ; 30 .bss IANT_CARGA2, 1 ; 31 .bss SALIDA2, 1 ; 32 .bss TEMP,1 ; 33 .bss FLAG_CARGA, 1 ; 34 .bss CARGA, 1 ; 35 .bss FLAG_CARGA2, 1 ; 36 .bss CONTADOR_RX, 1 ; 37 .bss CONTADOR_TX, 1 ; 38 .bss CONTADOR_COMM, 1 ; 39 .bss .bss RELLENO1, 1 RELLENO2, 1 ; ; .bss .bss .bss .bss I_LOAD, 1 I_COMP, 1 CONT_DIV, 1 DIVISION_ALTO,1 ; ; ; ; 40 41 43 44 45 42 95 .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss .bss DIVISION_BAJO,1 V_COND_2,1 V_BATT_2, 1 MULTIPLO,1 EXPONENTE,1 RESTO, 1 MODO_FLASH, 1 READY, 1 READY2, 1 CONTADORSPI, 1 CONTADORSPI_TX, 1 CONTADORSPI_RX, 1 DIRSPI, 1 BUFFERSCI, 1 FLAG_HISTERESIS, 1 FLAG_FALLA, 1 FLAG_ESCALA, 1 DIRECCION_PEDIDA, 1 REGISTRO_PRUEBA, 1 DIVISOR, 1 I_LIM_NEG_T, 1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ; 65 66 .sect ".estados" ;----------------------------------------------------------------------;Definición de variables globales .global INICIO ;================================================================ ;================================================================ .sect RSVECT "vectors" B 1F00h INT1 B GISR1 ;Int externas, alta prioridad INT2 B GISR2 ;Int Timer 1 INT3 B PHANTOM ; PM 6 Int level 3 INT4 B INT4_ISR ; PM 8 Int level 4 7 INT5 B INT5_ISR ; PM A Int level 5 8 INT6 B PHANTOM ; PM C Int level 6 ;================================================================ 6 9 ;Inicializaciones generales ;=================================================================== ; Constantes I_LIM_MIN dV_1 dV_2 I_LIM_NEG1 I_LIM_NEG2 V_BATT_LIM1 .set .set .set .set .set .set 10 5 15 4 6 350 ;=================================================================== .text INICIO deshabilitadas. acc. LDP SETC #0h INTM ;Interrupt mode, 0=todas las mascarables CLRC CLRC CLRC CNF SXM OVM ;DARAM config, 1=RAM para datos. ;Sign extension, 0=supress extension. ;Overflow mode, 0=resultado de overfl va al SETC SPLK LDP SPLK XF #0000h, IMR #0E0h #068h, WDCR ;XF es un flag externo, 0=pin en low. ;Mascaras de interrupción (1-6). ; Configuración PWM LDP #0E8h SPLK #00000h, T1CNT SPLK #00000h, T2CNT SPLK #00000h, T1CMPR SPLK #00000h, T2CMPR SPLK #00320h, T1PR SPLK #01187h, T2CON SPLK #01146h, T1CON SPLK #00045h, GPTCON ;Desabilita el Watch Dog timer. ;Inicializo contadores en 1. ;Se inicia en PWM=0. ;Seteo Período timer a 833 ciclos(341) ;Seteo de control del contador 2. ;Seteo de control del contador 1. ;enciendo los pwm. 96 ;Configuración de Comparadores del modulo Capture SPLK #00h, CAPFIFO SPLK #0010001001010000b, CAPCON ;===================================================================== ; Borrar datos en la RAM ;===================================================================== LAR AR0,#0200h ; AR2 -> B0 start address MAR *,AR0 ; Set ARP=AR2 ZAC ; Set ACC = 0 RPT #0255 ; Set repeat cntr for 255+1 loops SACL *+ ; Write zeros to B0 RAM ;===================================================================== lectura ;Bloque LDP SPLK SPLK SPLK de Configuración Puertos I/O #000E1h ;Página 225 (7080h) #0301Fh, OCRA ;Registro de control de puertos de entrada y #0031Ch, OCRB ; salida. #0E000h, PADATDIR ;Configura los pines del Puerto A para SPLK #0CF00h, PBDATDIR SPLK SPLK #06020h, PCDATDIR #00000h, PDDATDIR ;Bloque LDP SPLK SPLK BIT BCND LACL LACL LACL LACL Conversores A/D #00E0h #00000h, ADCTRL2 #3910h, ADCTRL1 ADCTRL1, 7 ESPERA10, NTC ADCFIFO1 ADCFIFO1 ADCFIFO2 ADCFIFO2 ;Configura los pines del Puerto B para lectura ESPERA10 ;Se inicia conversión de datos 0 y 1 ;Clear ADC FIFOs ;Clear ADC FIFOs ;Configuración SPI SPLK #00h, SPICCR SPLK #0Ah, SPIBRR SPLK #00000110b, SPICTL SPLK #040h, SPIPRI SPLK #10001111b, SPICCR ;===================================================================== ; Inicialización de rutina de comunicación ;===================================================================== SCI_INIT: LDP #00E0h SPLK #0027h, SCICCR ;1 stop bit,odd parity,8 char bits, ;async mode, idle-line protocol SPLK #0003h, SCICTL1 ;Disable RX ERR, SLEEP, TXWAKE SPLK #0003h, SCICTL2 ;Enable RX INT,enable TX INT SPLK #0000h, SCIHBAUD SPLK #0040h, SCILBAUD ;Baud Rate=38400 b/s (20 MHz SYSCLK) SPLK #0023h, SCICTL1 ;Relinquish SCI from Reset. SPLK #0060h, SCIPRI ;Prioridad baja para el SCI LAR LAR AR1, #SCITXBUF AR2, #SCIRXBUF ;Load AR0 with SCI_TX_BUF address ;Load AR1 with SCI_RX_BUF address ;================================================================ ;Bloque principal ;================================================================ ;Lectura de Ah y parametros en mem Flash CALL CALL CALL LDP LACL SACL LEER_PARAM_FLASH LEER_AH_FLASH LEER_TABLA_FLASH #04 CERO IANT_CARGA2 97 SPLK #0, MODO ;================================================================ ;Seteo de interrupciones ;================================================================ LDP #0h LACC IFR ;Load ACC with Interrupt flags SACL IFR ;Clear all pending interrupt flags CLRC INTM ;Enable interrupts SPLK #011011b, IMR ;Desenmascaro (INT1 e) INT2 LDP SPLK SPLK #0E0h #0101b, XINT1CR #0101b, XINT2CR ;Configuración de las interrupciones ; externas. LDP SPLK SPM SPLK #0E8h #080h, EVIMRA #00h #03h, EVIMRC LDP LACL SACL #04h CERO IANT_CARGA2 ;habilita interrupción de periodo1. ;habilita interrupción de captura ;Se almacena el cero en el registro de ;integración del control de corriente de ;referencia para que no parta en otro valor. ;================================================================ ;LOOP principal, dummy ;================================================================ LOOP LDP #04h LACL FRECUENCIA LDP #0E8h SACL T1PR SPLK BIT CC #0E1h ;Esta parte del Loop verifica que esté prendido PCDATDIR, 8 ;el inversor principal de la camioneta para NO_READY, NTC ;setear el bit Ready. #05h #01h, READY #01h, READY2 XXXX #05h #00h, READY READY2, 15 ESCRIBIR_AH_FLASH, TC XXXX LDP BIT BCND B #0E1h PDDATDIR,15 RESETEA_AH, NTC LOOP RESETEA_AH LDP LACL SPLK CC AH #00h, AH NO_READY LDP ; LDP BIT BCND LDP SPLK SPLK B ;en el loop principal solo se verifica una ;entrada digital para ver si el AH counter ;tiene valores negativos, si es así se ;resetea a cero la cuenta de AH en el DSP. #04 ESCRIBIR_AH_FLASH, NEQ ;la cuenta de AH en el DSP se guarda en el ;Registro de codigo de falla. B LOOP ;**************************************************************** ;Escritura de Ah ;================================================================ ; Interrupción por falla ;================================================================ GISR1 MAR lAR SST SST *,AR0 AR0,#0200h #1, *+ #0, * LDP SACL SACH ACCBAJO ACCALTO LDP LDP LACL SUB ;Esta es la pequeña rutina que almacena ;los valores de configuración al entrar a ;una Interrupción. se guarda ST0 y ST1, ;además de el acumulador alto y bajo. #04h #0h #0E0h PIVR #01h ;Se carga el Periferal Interrupt Vector, ;Para ver si la falla fue en el IGBT 1 o 2. 98 BCND LACL SUB BCND B FALLA1 FALLA2 SALIDA LDP LACL SACL LDP SPLK B LDP LACL SACL LDP SPLK B LDP LACL LACC MAR LAR LST LST CLRC RET FALLA1, EQ PIVR #011h FALLA2, EQ SALIDA XINT1CR XINT1CR #0E0h #05h #01, FLAG_FALLA SALIDA #0E0h XINT2CR XINT2CR #05h #02, FLAG_FALLA SALIDA #04h ACCBAJO ACCALTO, 16 *, AR0 AR0,#0201h #0, *#1, * INTM ;se borra el flag de interrupción ;Falla en IGBT1 ;se borra el flag de interrupción ;Se recupera el acumulador y los ;registros de estado ; load ST0 ; load ST1 ;================================================================ ; Interrupción de conversión A/D y PI ;================================================================ GISR2 ESPERA1 ESPERA2 ESPERA3 MAR lAR SST SST SETC LDP SACL SACH *,AR0 AR0,#0200h #1, *+ #0, * XF #04h ACCBAJO ACCALTO RPT NOP LDP SPLK SPLK BIT BCND SPLK BIT BCND LACC LDP SACH LDP LACC LDP SACH LDP LACC LDP SACH LDP LACC LDP SACH #120 #0E0h #00000h, ADCTRL2 #3910h, ADCTRL1 ADCTRL1, 7 ESPERA1, NTC #3934h, ADCTRL1 ADCTRL1, 7 ESPERA2, NTC ADCFIFO1, 10 #04h ANA0 #0E0h ADCFIFO1, 10 #04h ANA2 #0E0h ADCFIFO2, 10 #04h ANA1 #0E0h ADCFIFO2, 10 #04h ANA3 LDP SPLK BIT BCND LACC LDP SACH LDP LACC #0E0h #3958h, ADCTRL1 ADCTRL1, 7 ESPERA3, NTC ADCFIFO1, 10 #04h ANA4 #0E0h ADCFIFO2, 10 ;Almacenaje de datos para la int. ; save ST1 ; save ST0 ;Se inicia conversión de datos 0 y 1 ;Se inicia conversión de datos 2 y 3 ;Se guardan datos 0 y 2 ;Se guardan datos 1 y 3 ;Se inicia conversión de datos 4 y 5 ;Se guardan datos 4 y 6 ;Se guardan datos 5 y 7 99 LDP #04h SACH ANA5 ;================================================================ ;FITRO DMOV ANA03 ;Se suman los ultimos cuatro valores DMOV ANA02 ;de corriente y se dividen por 4 DMOV ANA01 ; (promedio movil simple) LACL ANA0 SACL ANA01 ADD ANA02 ADD ANA03 ADD ANA04 SFR SFR SACL IFILT LACL CERO ADD CERO SUB IFILT SACL IFILT ;================================================================ ;Ajuste de Voltaje LACL ANA1 ;Se carga el valor de voltaje de SFR ;Batt y se divide por dos, para SACL V_BATT ;obtener el valor real, se guarda. ;================================================================ ;Control de carga ;================================================================ ;Valor de carga real Corregida C_NEG LACL SFR SACL LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB RPT SFR SACL LACL SUB SACL BCND ZAC B RPT SFR SACL ADD ANA2 V_COND CERO C_NEG, C IFILT IFILT ;(IFILT - CERO)/16=~(IFILT - CERO)/(2*7.5). CERO #03 I_BB V_COND I_BB I_BB NO_CERO,C NO_CERO #03 I_BB V_COND ;Se guarda el valor de la operación ;a esto se le resta I_BB, *** NO_CERO SACL I_BB ;con esto se calcula la tensión del condensador, SQRA I_BB ;corregida con la corriente, y elevada al cuadrado. PAC SFL ;se divide por 256, ya que 300^2=90.000 SACH CARGA, 7 ;y ese numero no cabe en 16 bits ;================================================================ ; Valor de ref. de carga 1023/8 analoga valor LACC ANA4, 13 ;el ADC, 6825 RPM equivale a 130 KPH =~ SACH VELOCIDAD ;se almacena como velocidad la entrada LACL LAR SUB VELOCIDAD AR5, #69 #69 ;dividida por 8 MAS_DE_70, C AR5, VELOCIDAD *, AR5 #0FFh #0FFh #04h * #2250 ;de la tabla correspondiente a 70 ;si no, se toma la velocidad real BCND LAR MAS_DE_70 MAR ADRK ADRK ADRK LACL ADD base.(2250=300^2/4*0.1) RPT #2 ;si la velocidad es mas de 70 se toma el ;se le suma el offset de 512 a la velocidad ;para utilizar el valor como puntero de tabla ;entonces (1+100/128)=1/(0.56). ;al final se suma la carga 100 SFL SACH REF_CARGA, 7 ;... y se almacena como referencia ;================================================================ ;Verificación de comunicaión y Bit Ready. LDP BIT BCND LDP LACL SUB BCND OK #05h READY, 15 MODO_0, NTC MODO #04h #03h VALIDA_FALLA, EQ LACL SUB BCND SPLK CONTADOR_COMM #24000 OK, NC #0, MODO SPLK SPLK ADD SACL #01, CODIGO_FALLA #00, CONTADOR_COMM #24001 CONTADOR_COMM ;cuando se esta funcionando conectado ;a un PC y se hacen pruebas de PWM ;fijo o ref de corriente fija, se debe ;tener la precaución de comprobar que ;existe comunicación para continuar ;ya que si no se puede sobrecargar el ;ultracapacitor, esto evita que el ;equipo quede a la deriva con corriente. ;Si se ha perdido la comunicación se ;hace cero la corriente y se pasa a ;modo CERO, o sea apagado. ;OJO que si se deja el equipo en ;MODO_3 y se pierde la conexión ;el eqipo sigue funcionando. ;================================================================ ;Rutina para verificar que las fallas detectadas sean reales y no solo Ruido. VALIDA_FALLA NOHAY LDP BIT BCND SPLK LDP SPLK BIT BCND LDP SPLK LDP SPLK B LDP SPLK LDP #05h FLAG_FALLA, 15 PRUEBA_FALLA2, NTC #10000b, FLAG_FALLA #000E1h #0301Bh, OCRA PADATDIR, 13 NOHAY, NTC #000E1h #0301Fh, OCRA #04h #02, CODIGO_FALLA APAGA #000E1h #0301Fh, OCRA #05h BIT BCND SPLK LDP SPLK BIT BCND LDP SPLK LDP SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK FLAG_FALLA, 14 NOFALLA, NTC #100000b, FLAG_FALLA #000E1h #0011Ch, OCRB PDDATDIR, 14 NOHAY2, NTC #000E1h #0031Ch, OCRB #04h #03, CODIGO_FALLA #00h, MODO #0E8h #00000h, T1CMPR #00000h, T2CMPR #0E1h #0CF40h, PBDATDIR LDP SPLK LDP BIT BCND LDP SPLK LDP LACL BCND #000E1h #0031Ch, OCRB #04h CODIGO_FALLA, 15 CODIG_1, NTC #0E1h #0CF40h, PBDATDIR #04 CODIGO_FALLA MODO_0, NEQ ;Página 225 (7080h) ;Página 225 (7080h) ;Falla en IGBT1 ;almaceno el codigo de falla corresp. ;Página 225 (7080h) PRUEBA_FALLA2 APAGA NOHAY2 NOFALLA CODIG_1 ;pasamos a modo cero ;se apagan los PWMs ;Se prende la luz de falla ;================================================================ ; SELECCIÓN DE MODO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO LACL MODO ;Verifica el modo de funcionamiento BCND MODO_0, EQ ;y salta al codigo correspondiente. SUB #01h 101 BCND MODO_1, EQ LACL MODO SUB #02h BCND MODO_21, EQ LACL MODO SUB #03h BCND MODO_3, EQ SPLK #0, MODO B MODO_0 ;================================================================ ;Calculo del error, saturación y control PI MODO_3 cargarlo con escala en forma ESC NEXT NEXT1 NEXT2 NEXT3 SAT_CERO NO_SAT2 MPY LDP LACL SUB V_COND #04h #20 ;Al encender el sistema primero hay que ;corrientes moderadas, para esto se hace una SPLK #525, IREF ;de corrientes hasta los 80 volts para cargar BCND LACL SUB SPLK BCND LACL SUB SPLK BCND MODO_2, NC V_COND #50 #545, IREF MODO_2, NC V_COND #80 #575, IREF MODO_2, NC ;lenta. LACL SUB SACL BCND SUB BCND BIT BCND BIT BCND SPLK LACL SACL SACL B ADD BCND BIT BCND BIT BCND B SPLK SPLK B SPLK SPLK LT MPY PAC ADD ADD SACH SACL ROL BCND LACL SUB BCND SPLK B SPLK SPLK REF_CARGA CARGA ERROR_CARGA NEXT, NC #4 NEXT1, C FLAG_CARGA2, 15 ESC, TC FLAG_CARGA, 15 NEXT3, TC #1, FLAG_CARGA2 CERO IANT_CARGA2 SALIDA2 NORMAL2 #4 NEXT2, NC FLAG_CARGA2, 15 ESC, TC FLAG_CARGA, 15 NEXT3, NTC ESC #1, FLAG_CARGA #0, FLAG_CARGA2 NEXT3 #0, FLAG_CARGA #0, FLAG_CARGA2 ERROR_CARGA KI1 PAC ADD RPT SFL SACH BIT LACL IANT_CARGA1 IANT_CARGA2, 16 IANT_CARGA2 IANT_CARGA1 SAT_CERO, C IANT_CARGA2 #1000 NO_SAT2, NC #1000, IANT_CARGA2 NO_SAT2 #0, IANT_CARGA1 #0, IANT_CARGA2 KP1 IANT_CARGA2, 3 #5 SALIDA2, 7 SALIDA2, 0 SALIDA2 ;calculo y almaceno el error de carga, ;REF_CARGA-CARGA es el valor del error ;si la carga es menor que la ref. se suma un ;valor positivo a la integral con esto la 102 NORMAL BCND SPLK B SUB BCND SPLK NORMAL, NTC #0, SALIDA2 NORMAL2 #1023 NORMAL2, NC #1023, SALIDA2 NORMAL2 ;================================================================ ;Control de voltaje de batt. LACL V_BATT SUB V_LIM BCND NO1, NC LDP #5 SPLK #I_LIM_NEG1, I_LIM_NEG_T B NXT NO1 LACL V_BATT SUB #V_BATT_LIM1 BCND NO2, NC LACL V_LIM SUB V_BATT LDP #5 SACL I_LIM_NEG_T LT I_LIM_NEG_T LACL #I_LIM_NEG2 SUB #I_LIM_NEG1 SACL I_LIM_NEG_T MPY I_LIM_NEG_T PAC SACL DIVISION_BAJO SACH DIVISION_ALTO LDP #4 LACL V_LIM SUB #V_BATT_LIM1 LDP #5 SACL DIVISOR CALL RUTINA_DIV LACL CONT_DIV ADD #I_LIM_NEG1 SACL I_LIM_NEG_T B NXT NO2 LDP #5 SPLK #I_LIM_NEG2, I_LIM_NEG_T NXT ;================================================================ ;Control de cruces de tensión LDP #4 LACL V_BATT SUB V_COND BCND NO3, NC SUB #dV_2 BCND NO3, NC LACL I_LIM SACL I_LIM_TEMP B NXT2 NO3 LACL V_BATT SUB V_COND BCND NO4, NC SUB #dV_1 BCND NO4, NC SACL I_LIM_TEMP LT I_LIM_TEMP LACL I_LIM SUB #I_LIM_MIN SACL I_LIM_TEMP MPY I_LIM_TEMP PAC LDP #5 SACL DIVISION_BAJO SACH DIVISION_ALTO LACL #dV_2 SUB #dV_1 SACL DIVISOR CALL RUTINA_DIV LACL CONT_DIV ADD #I_LIM_MIN LDP #4 SACL I_LIM_TEMP B NXT2 103 NO4 SPLK #I_LIM_MIN, I_LIM_TEMP NXT2 ;================================================================ ;Control de corriente de batt LACL ANA3 ;se carga el valor de corriente SUB #512 ;de carga, se centra en cero ??????"SUB #512" BCND CORR_NEG, NC ;si I_load era neg se salta. LDP #05h SACL I_LOAD ;si no se guarda y se escala: LT I_LOAD ;para escalar se multiplica por MPY #600 ;300 y luego se divide por 512 PAC RPT #8 SFR SACL I_LOAD LDP #04 LACL CERO ;le sumo el cero artificial y lo LDP #05 SUB I_LOAD ;guardo, con la convención de corr BCND NO_NEG, C ZAC NO_NEG SACL I_LOAD ;positivas bajo el cero. B ADELANTE ;salto adelante. CORR_NEG LACL #512 ;si la corriente era negativa SUB ANA3 ;le saco el cero, LDP #05h SACL I_LOAD LT I_LOAD ;la multiplico por 200 y la divido MPY #400 ;por 512, segun la escala de la PAC ;fuente de datos. RPT #8 SFR LDP #04 ADD CERO ;le sumo el cero artificial y lo LDP #05 SACL I_LOAD ;guardo. ADELANTE LDP #04 ;Para comprobar que se respeten ADD I_LIM_TEMP,1 ;los limites de corriente se le SUB SALIDA2 ;suma I_LIM y se resta la salida, BCND ADELANTE2, C ;si esta Ok se sigue adelante, LDP #05 ;si no esta Ok se vuelve a cargar LACL I_LOAD ;I_LOAD y se le suma I_LIM LDP #04 ADD I_LIM_TEMP,1 SACL SALIDA2 ;esto queda como la salida. SACL IANT_CARGA2 ;y se limita a este valor la integral ADELANTE2 LDP #05 ;Ahora se comprueba que esté por LACL I_LOAD ;sobre I_LOAD-I_LIM_TEMP SUB I_LIM_NEG_T LDP #04 SUB SALIDA2 BCND ADELANTE3, NC ;si esta dentro del limite se sigue LDP #05 ;si no, se fija la salida como LACL I_LOAD SUB I_LIM_NEG_T LDP #04 SACL SALIDA2 ;se guarda y también se fija a este SACL IANT_CARGA2 ;valor la integral ADELANTE3 ;================================================================ ;Ajuste de ref de corriente para escala de voltaje de condensador MODO_21 LDP #04 LACL V_COND ;para evitar las divisiones por LDP #05h ;cero ó números chicos se toma como SACL V_COND_2 ;voltaje mínimo 70 V. SUB #70 BCND VOLT_OK, C SPLK #70, V_COND_2 VOLT_OK LDP #04h ;se prepara la salida para escalar, LACL SALIDA2 ;primero se le quita el cero y se SUB CERO ;ve si es negativo, si es así se BCND SALIDA_NEG, C ;salta adelante, si no sigue. LACL SUB LDP SACL LT CERO I_COMP SALIDA2 #05h I_COMP ;si es positivo, se saca el cero ;para escalar. 104 DIVIDIR3 LACC MENOR3 FIN_DIV3 LACL LIMITADOR1 SALIDA_NEG DIVIDIR4 LACC MENOR4 FIN_DIV4 LACL LIMITADOR2 ADELANTE4 LDP #04h MPY V_BATT LDP #05h PAC SACH DIVISION_ALTO SACL DIVISION_BAJO SPLK #04000h, MULTIPLO DIVISION_ALTO, 16 ADD DIVISION_BAJO LT MULTIPLO MPY V_COND_2 SPAC BCND MENOR3,NC SACH DIVISION_ALTO SACL DIVISION_BAJO LACL CONT_DIV ADD MULTIPLO SACL CONT_DIV BIT MULTIPLO, 15 BCND FIN_DIV3, TC LACL MULTIPLO SFR SACL MULTIPLO B DIVIDIR3 CONT_DIV SUB #300 BCND LIMITADOR1, NC SPLK #300, CONT_DIV LDP #04h LACL CERO LDP #05h SUB CONT_DIV SACL I_COMP SPLK #0, CONT_DIV B ADELANTE4 LDP #05h SACL I_COMP LT I_COMP LDP #04h MPY V_BATT LDP #05h PAC SACH DIVISION_ALTO SACL DIVISION_BAJO SPLK #04000h, MULTIPLO DIVISION_ALTO, 16 ADD DIVISION_BAJO LT MULTIPLO MPY V_COND_2 SPAC BCND MENOR4,NC SACH DIVISION_ALTO SACL DIVISION_BAJO LACL CONT_DIV ADD MULTIPLO SACL CONT_DIV BIT MULTIPLO, 15 BCND FIN_DIV4, TC LACL MULTIPLO SFR SACL MULTIPLO B DIVIDIR4 CONT_DIV SUB #300 BCND LIMITADOR2, NC SPLK #300, CONT_DIV LDP #04h LACL CERO LDP #05h ADD CONT_DIV SACL I_COMP SPLK #0, CONT_DIV LDP LACL LDP SACl ;se multiplica por V_BATT. ;el resultado de la mult. se pasa al ;ACC y se guarda para ser dividido ;comienza la división con 2^15. ;cargo el numero a dividir ;cargo el multiplo y multiplico por ;el numero divisor ;este se resta al numero a dividir ;si la resta es negativa se salta, ;si no es negativa se guarda el numero ;a dividir restado y al resultado se ;le suma el multiplo ;pruebo si llegue al fin de la division ;si es asi, salto al final, ;si no es asi corro la coma del ;multiplo una posición. ;vuelvo a iterar. ;si terminó la división compruebo que ;el resultado no sea mas de 150 amps ;se le introduce el cero al resultado. ;guardo el resultado final como I_COMP ;reseteo CONT_DIV para otra division. ;la división de numeros negativos es ;analoga. #05h I_COMP #04h ;Manda el valor de I_comp calculado ;anteriormente como I_Ref ... y punto. IREF ;================================================================ 105 ;Control de corrientes maximas para buck_boost y carga minima ;la corriente maxima se fija en 200 LACL IREF ;compruebo que este por debajo ADD #400 SUB CERO ;de este valor, si no, se fija al BCND MAX_NEG, C ;tope. LACL CERO SUB #400 SACL IREF MAX_NEG LACL CERO ;lo mismo para el maximo negativo ADD #400 SUB IREF ;que es -200. BCND MAX_POS, C LACL CERO ADD #400 SACL IREF MAX_POS LACL CARGA ;si la carga es mayor que 22500 SUB #351 ;(que es el maximo) se impiden las BCND V_MAX, NC ;corrientes negativas, es decir LACL IREF ;no se permite cargar mas los SUB CERO ;condensadores. BCND V_MAX, NC LACL CERO SACL IREF V_MAX LACL CARGA ;si la carga es menor que 2250 SUB #35 ;(que es el minimo 10%) se impiden BCND V_MIN, C ;las corrientes positivas, es decir LACL IREF ;no se permite descargar los SUB CERO ;condensadores. BCND V_MIN, C LACL CERO SACL IREF V_MIN B MODO_2 ;===================================================================== MODO_0 LDP #04h SPLK #00h, IANTERIOR SPLK #00, IANTERIOR2 SPLK #00h, PWM MODO_01 LDP #0E1h SPLK #0E000h, PADATDIR LACL PBDATDIR AND #0CF40h OR #00001h SACL PBDATDIR LDP #0E8h SPLK #00000h, T1CMPR SPLK #00000h, T2CMPR LDP #05h SPLK #0, FLAG_ESCALA LDP #04h B FIN ;-------------------------------------------------MODO_1 LACL SIGN_TEMP SUB SIGN BCND DALE_NOMAS, EQ LACL CONT BCND TIEMPO_MTO, NEQ SPLK #05, CONT B MODO_0 ;por la TIEMPO_MTO SUB #01 SACL CONT BCND FIN_TM, EQ B MODO_0 FIN_TM LACL SIGN_TEMP SACL SIGN DALE_NOMAS NOLUZ CTRL_CARGA: BIT BCND LACL LDP SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK SACL SIGN, 15 PWMEN1, TC PWM #0E1h #0E080h, PADATDIR #0CF00h, PBDATDIR #0E8h #00000h, T1CMPR T2CMPR ;en modo cero solo se monitorean ;las variables, ambas PWM son 0. ;se modifican las salidas ;digitales correspondientes a los ;leds. ;En el modo_1 se trabaja segun una ;PWM determinada por el programa ;o recibida del PC monitor. ;se implementó un tiempo muerto que ;tiene el largo del Nº en esta línea duración del período de PWM. ;Según el signo que aparece en el ;mismo registro de la PWM se envía ;la señal al IGBT correspondiente ;y el otro ...callaito no mas. ;También se encienden las luces ;correspondientes. 106 LDP LACL SUB LDP MAX = 290) CTRL_CARGA2 recuperación=288 CTRL_CARGA3 BCND SPLK LDP B BIT BCND LDP LACL SUB NOLUZ2 CONTROL_DESC #290 #05h CTRL_CARGA2, NC #01, FLAG_HISTERESIS #04h MODO_0 FIN, NTC V_COND #285 LACL LDP SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK SACL PWM #0E1h #0E040h, PADATDIR #0CF00h, PBDATDIR #0E8h #00000h, T2CMPR T1CMPR V_COND LACL SUB SACL SPLK B IREF I_POS LACL SUB SACL SPLK B IFILT LST ;correspondientes. FIN I_NEG LDP LACL LACC MAR LAR LST #1, * CLRC CLRC RET ;Control de voltaje de condensador V de #40 CONTROL_DESC, C MODO_0 B LDP LACL SACL ;corrientes negativas, es decir #04 ;-------------------------------------------------MODO_2 LDP #04 LACL CERO SUB IREF BCND MODO_0, EQ BCND I_POS, C FIN ;(que es el maximo) se impiden las (V_COND #04h CTRL_CARGA3, NC #04h MODO_0 #05h #00, FLAG_HISTERESIS FIN LDP LACL SUB BCND B ;si la carga es mayor que 22500( CARGA) FLAG_HISTERESIS, 15 BCND LDP B LDP SPLK B PWMEN1 #04h V_COND IFILT ERROR #00, SIGN_TEMP PI IREF ;En MODO_2 se debe seguir una referencia ;de corriente obtenida del programa ;o recibida del PC monitor. ;Aquí se decide si la corriente es positiva ;o negativa. ;Si es negativa se saca el valor de error ;y se setea el signo en cero (equivale a -) ;Si es positiva, lo mismo pero al revés. ERROR #01, SIGN_TEMP PI #0E8h EVIFRA EVIFRA #04h ACCBAJO ACCALTO, 16 *, AR0 AR0,#0201h #0, *- ;este pedacito de rutina es el que finaliza ;la interrupción, borra los flags y ese ;tipo de cosas. ;recupera el acumulador y los registros ;de estado INTM XF ;================================================================ PI ;Esta es la rutina de control PI, ;aqui se calcula el PI para obtener ;la PWM necesaria. 107 SATURNEG SPLK NOSATURADO TODOCERO SPLK LDP #05h BIT FLAG_ESCALA, 15 CC ESCALA_CORRIENTE, NTC LDP #04h ;Cargo el error para multiplicarlo por LT ERROR ;Ki MPY KI PAC ;El resultado pasa al acumulador ADD IANTERIOR ;le sumo la integral anterior *1024 ADD IANTERIOR2, 16 SACL IANTERIOR ;guardo todo dividido por 1024 SACH IANTERIOR2 ROL ;saco el bit mas significativo, BCND SATURNEG, C ;si es 1 esta negativo, en ese caso... LACL IANTERIOR2 ;devuelvo el bit mas significativo SUB FRECUENCIA ;le resto el PWM mas grande posible SUB #01 ROL ;para ver si esta saturado, BCND NOSATURADO, C ;si no es así salto, LACL FRECUENCIA ADD #01 SACL IANTERIOR2 ;pero si esta saturado, guardo este Nº B NOSATURADO ; y salto igual #0, IANTERIOR ;... se pone un cero en la integral SPLK #0, IANTERIOR2 MPY KP ;multiplico el error por Kp PAC ;lo paso al Acc. ADD IANTERIOR2,10 ;le sumo la integral *1024, ROL ;le saco el bit mas signif. para ver BCND TODOCERO, C ;si esta negativo, si es así salto... ROR ;, si no devuelvo el bit SACH PWM,6 ;y guardo la suma como PWM B MODO_1 ;Paso al Modo_1 donde aplico la PWM. #00h, PWM B MODO_0 ;... y pongo un Cero. ;luego salto a Modo_0 ;===================================================================== ESCALA_CORRIENTE LDP #04h LACL V_BATT LDP #05h SACL V_BATT_2 LDP #04h BIT SIGN_TEMP, 15 BCND ESCALA_BOOST, TC LT V_COND MPY FRECUENCIA LDP #05h PAC ;el resultado de la mult. se pasa al SACH DIVISION_ALTO ;ACC y se guarda para ser dividido SACL DIVISION_BAJO B ESCALAR ESCALA_BOOST LACL V_BATT SUB V_COND SACL TEMP LT TEMP MPY FRECUENCIA LDP #05h PAC SACH DIVISION_ALTO SACL DIVISION_BAJO ESCALAR DIVIDIR31 MENOR31 SPLK SPLK LACC ADD LT MPY SPAC BCND SACH SACL LACL ADD SACL BIT BCND LACL SFR #00, CONT_DIV #0400h, MULTIPLO DIVISION_ALTO, 16 DIVISION_BAJO MULTIPLO V_BATT_2 MENOR31,NC DIVISION_ALTO DIVISION_BAJO CONT_DIV MULTIPLO CONT_DIV MULTIPLO, 15 FIN_DIV31, TC MULTIPLO ;comienza la división con 2^10. ;cargo el numero a dividir ;cargo el multiplo y multiplico por ;el numero divisor ;este se resta al numero a dividir ;si la resta es negativa se salta, ;si no es negativa se guarda el numero ;a dividir restado y al resultado se ;le suma el multiplo ;pruebo si llegue al fin de la division ;si es asi, salto al final, ;si no es asi corro la coma del ;multiplo una posición. 108 SACL MULTIPLO B DIVIDIR31 ;vuelvo a iterar. FIN_DIV31 SPLK #01, FLAG_ESCALA LT CONT_DIV MPY #29 PAC RPT #4 SFR LDP #04h SACL IANTERIOR2 SPLK #0, ERROR RET ;===================================================================== RUTINA_DIV LDP #5 SPLK #0400h, MULTIPLO ;comienza la división con 2^10. SPLK #0, CONT_DIV XDIVIDIR31 LACC DIVISION_ALTO, 16 ;cargo el numero a dividir ADD DIVISION_BAJO LT MULTIPLO ;cargo el multiplo y multiplico por MPY DIVISOR ;el numero divisor SPAC ;este se resta al numero a dividir BCND XMENOR31,NC ;si la resta es negativa se salta, SACH DIVISION_ALTO ;si no es negativa se guarda el numero SACL DIVISION_BAJO ;a dividir restado y al resultado se LACL CONT_DIV ;le suma el multiplo ADD MULTIPLO SACL CONT_DIV XMENOR31 BIT MULTIPLO, 15 ;pruebo si llegue al fin de la division BCND XFIN_DIV31, TC ;si es asi, salto al final, LACL MULTIPLO ;si no es asi corro la coma del SFR ;multiplo una posición. SACL MULTIPLO B XDIVIDIR31 ;vuelvo a iterar. XFIN_DIV31 RET ;===================================================================== ;Captura de corriente ;Esta rutina captura los pulsos del Ah ;meter y los suma consistentemente para INT4_ISR MAR *,AR0 ;calcular el valor de Ah consumido. LAR AR0,#0200h SST #1, *+ SST #0, * ;Primero se hece la rutina de guardar LDP SACL SACH CAP1_INT SUMA_UNO CAP2_INT ACCBAJO ACCALTO #04h ;datos para la interrupción. #0E8h ;Se carga el registro de flags de interr. ;por captura para ver que unidad capturó ;un flanco de subida. LDP LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND SPLK LDP LACL LDP SACL B #01h CAP1_INT, EQ EVIFRC #02h CAP2_INT, EQ #03h, EVIFRC #04 IFILT #05 REGISTRO_PRUEBA BAD_INT2 SPLK LACL LDP LACL ADD SACL SUB BCND B #01h, EVIFRC CAP1FIFO #04h CONTADOR_AH #01 CONTADOR_AH #00B40h SUMA_UNO, C FIN_INT_CAP LACL ADD SACL SPLK B AH AH #0, CONTADOR_AH FIN_INT_CAP PLK LACL LDP #02h, EVIFRC CAP2FIFO #04h EVIFRC #01 ;Si fue la unidad 1 se borra ese flag, ;se lee el registro cap1fifo para borrarlo ;y asi se puede producir otra int. ;Se suma 1 al contador de Ah. ;Se guarda el resultado, ;resto 2880 para ver si pasó 1/5 Ah, ;si es así se suma uno al contador oficial. ;si no se salta al final de la int. ;este es el contador oficial, aqui se ;le suma 1 (corrido en 8 bits). ;se resetea el contador Ah. ;salto al fin de la int. ;Si fue la unidad 2 se borra ese flag, ;se lee el registro cap2fifo para borrarlo 109 RESTA_UNO FIN_INT_CAP LACL BCND SUB SACL B CONTADOR_AH RESTA_UNO, EQ #01 CONTADOR_AH FIN_INT_CAP LACL BCND SPLK LACL SUB SACL AH FIN_INT_CAP, EQ #00B40h, CONTADOR_AH AH #01h AH LACL LACC MAR LAR LST LST CLRC RET ACCBAJO ACCALTO, 16 *, AR0 AR0,#0201h #0, *#1, * INTM ;...el resto es analogo al anterior... ;===================================================================== INT5_ISR: ;Esta rutina es la que maneja las ;comunicaciones con el PC Monitor. MAR *,AR0 lAR AR0,#0200h ;Esta es la rutina de inicio de la int. SST #1, *+ SST #0, * LDP #04h SACL ACCBAJO SACH ACCALTO LDP LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND B #00E0h PIVR #0006h SCI_RX_ISR,EQ PIVR #0007h SCI_TX_ISR,EQ BAD_INT ;cargo el registro de flags de interrupciones ;salto a la rutina correspondiente a la ;evento que inició la interr. ;si no es ninguna de las ant. salto a bad_int SCI_RX_ISR: DP SPLK LACL MAR BCND BIT BCND LACC SACL B #04h #0, CONTADOR_COMM CONTADOR_RX *,AR2 NO_GUARDA, EQ CONTADOR_RX, 15 IMPAR, TC *,8,AR4 * ISR_END1 ;esta es la rutna de recepción de datos ;Reseteo el contador de seguridad. ;Cargo el contador de recepción. ;activo el registro auxiliar AR2. ;Si el contador es 0 salto a NO_GUARDA. ;pruebo el bit menos signif para ver ;si el contador esta impar. salta... ;si es par carga el pedazo mas signif de dato ;y lo manda a su direccion destino en AR4. ;pasa al fin de la int. IMPAR dato LACC *,AR4 ;si es impar carga el pedazo menos signif de OR SACL *+ incrementa. NO_GUARDA para B * ;se hace OR con el pedazo mas signif y luego ;se guarda en la dirección destino, esta se ISR_END1 ;paso al final de la interrupción. #032h ;en el caso de no estar esperando datos, lo ;que llega se interpreta como un comando, LACL SUB * BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB GUARDAR_PAR, EQ * #033h CONTINUAR_0, EQ * #037h ENVIAR_PAR, EQ * #038h BORRA_FALLA, EQ * #039h NUEVO_CERO, EQ * #031h ;lo que se identifica el valor del ;comando y se salta a su rutina ;correspondiente. 110 GUARDAR_PAR: BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB BCND LACL SUB CC LACL SUB CC LACL SUB CC LACL SUB CC B RECIBIR_TABLA, EQ * #034h CONTINUAR_1, EQ * #035h CONTINUAR_2, EQ * #036h CONTINUAR_3, EQ * #045h RECIBIR_DIRECCION, EQ * #046h ENVIAR_DIRECCION, EQ * #047h ESCRIBIR_DIRECCION, EQ * #041h GUARDAR_TABLA_FLASH, EQ * #042h LEER_TABLA_FLASH, EQ * #043h GUARDAR_PARAM_FLASH, EQ * #044h LEER_PARAM_FLASH, EQ ISR_END DMOV SPLK SPLK LAR B MODO #0, MODO #16, CONTADOR_RX AR4, #KP ISR_END DMOV SPLK SPLK LAR B ;Aqui se espera recibir la tabla de ref de MODO ;cargas la que tiene una longitud de 70, #0, MODO ;por lo que se pone un 140 en el contador #140, CONTADOR_RX ;de recepción. AR4, #TABLA_CARGA ;Y apunto al comianzo de la tabla ISR_END ;con el AR4. RECIBIR_TABLA: ;Esta rutina guardará los parametros de ;funcinamiento como p Ej. Kp o Ki... ;estos datos son 7 por lo que se pone un ;16 en el contador de recepción. ;Se apunta el AR4 al Kp que es el primero ;de los datos a almacenar. RECIBIR_DIRECCION: DMOV SPLK SPLK LDP LAR B MODO #0, MODO #2, CONTADOR_RX #05 AR4, #DIRECCION_PEDIDA ISR_END ESCRIBIR_DIRECCION DMOV SPLK SPLK LDP LAR B MODO #0, MODO #2, CONTADOR_RX #05 AR4, DIRECCION_PEDIDA ISR_END CONTINUAR_0: ENVIAR_DATO SPLK SPLK LAR LDP B #0, MODO #20, CONTADOR_TX AR3, #CODIGO_FALLA #0E0h SCI_TX_ISR SPLK LDP LAR LDP B #2, CONTADOR_TX #5 AR3, DIRECCION_PEDIDA #0E0h SCI_TX_ISR ;Continuar_0 significa que seguimos en ;modo apagado (0) y solo enviamos datos. ;los datos a enviar son 9 por lo que ;ponemos un 18 en el contador TX y ;apuntamos con AR3 al primer dato a enviar. ENVIAR_DIRECCION CONTINUAR_1: ;Esta rutina prepara la recepción del 111 CONTINUAR_2: CONTINUAR_3: ENVIAR_PAR: SPLK SPLK LAR B #2, CONTADOR_RX ;valor de PWM desde el PC. #1, MODO AR4, #PWM_TEMP ENVIAR_DATO SPLK SPLK LAR B #2, CONTADOR_RX #2, MODO AR4, #IREF_TEMP ENVIAR_DATO SPLK B #3, MODO SPLK LAR LDP B #16, CONTADOR_TX AR3, #KP #0E0h SCI_TX_ISR SPLK #00, CODIGO_FALLA ENVIAR_DATO BORRA_FALLA: LDP B NUEVO_CERO #04h ENVIAR_DATO ; LACL SACL B IFILT CERO BIT BCND LDP LACL BCND B SCICTL2, BIT7 SCI_TX_ISR, NTC #04h CONTADOR_TX CONTINUAR1, NEQ ISR_END CONTINUAR1: MAR BIT BCND LACC SACH LDP SACL B *,AR3 CONTADOR_TX, 15 TX_IMPAR, TC *+,8,AR1 * #05h BUFFERSCI FIN_TX0 TX_IMPAR: LDP LACC MAR SACH B #05h BUFFERSCI,8 *, AR1 * FIN_TX0 ISR_END1: LACL SUB SACL BCND CONTADOR_RX #01 CONTADOR_RX ISR_END, NEQ; CAMBIAMODO LACL MODO SUB BCND LACL SACH AND SACL B LACL SUB BCND LACL SACL B #1 PRUEB_MODO, NEQ PWM_TEMP SIGN_TEMP,1 #07FFFh PWM ISR_END MODO #2 ISR_END, NEQ IREF_TEMP SALIDA2 ISR_END SCI_TX_ISR: PRUEB_MODO ENVIAR_DATO ;Esta recibirá un valor de referencia de ;corriente y lo pasará al control ; de corriente para que la produzca. ;Aqui solo se setea el modo y se pasa al ;pedazo de rutina de Continuar_0 que envía ;los datos. ;Envía los parametros almacenados en ;el DSP. (LAR AR3, #KP) ;Esta rutina es llamada desde el PC cuando ;detecta una falla para borrarla del codigo ;También apaga la luz de falla. ;Esta rutina invocada por el PC resetea el 0 ;al valor de corriente medido en el instante, ;obviamente no se llama a esta rutina si ;se esta funcionando en un modo distinto ;de 0. ;Antes de enviar datos se prueba el bit ;que indica que se está listo para ;mandar datos. ;se carga el contador de TX y si no es ;0 se envía lo que este esperando. ;si es 0 se pasa al fin de la int. ;Aqui se hace algo analogo a la recepción. ;Esta es la rutina que fianliza para la RX ;disminuye el contador de RX y si este ;no queda en 0 pasa afinalizar la int. ;si era 0 el contador prueba en que modo ;se encuetra funcionando, por que si es 1 ;ó 2 carga la ref de PWM o de Corriente ;respectivamente para ser utilizadas. ;en los modos 1 y 2 el PC manda la PWM o ;una ref de Corriente que el DSP utiliza ;para obtener las salidas. 112 FIN_TX0: LDP LACL SUB SACL ISR_END: LDP LACL LACC MAR LAR LST LST CLRC RET GUARDAR_TABLA_FLASH: CALL LDP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK LAR GRABA1 LDP SPLK CALL CALL CALL CALL B LEER_TABLA_FLASH: CALL LDP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK LAR LEE1 CALL CALL CAll SPLK ESP6 BIT BCND B GUARDAR_PARAM_FLASH: CALL LDP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK LAR B LEER_PARAM_FLASH: CALL LDP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK #04h CONTADOR_TX #1 CONTADOR_TX ;Esta rutina disminuye en 1 el contador TX. #04h ACCBAJO ACCALTO, 16 *, AR0 AR0,#0201h #0, *#1, * INTM APAGA2 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #140, CONTADORSPI_TX #00, CONTADORSPI_RX #00, DIRSPI #04h #07, CODIGO_FALLA AR7, #TABLA_CARGA #05h #0, CONTADORSPI STAT WRITE_ENABLE WRITE DIRECCION ENVIASPI APAGA2 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #140, CONTADORSPI_RX #00, CONTADORSPI_TX #00, DIRSPI #04h #09, CODIGO_FALLA AR7, #TABLA_CARGA STAT LEESPI DIRECCION #00, SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP6, NTC RECIBESPI APAGA2 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #16, CONTADORSPI_TX #00, CONTADORSPI_RX #160, DIRSPI #04h #07, CODIGO_FALLA AR7, #KP GRABA1 APAGA2 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #16, CONTADORSPI_RX #00, CONTADORSPI_TX #160, DIRSPI #04h #09, CODIGO_FALLA ;Aquí se finaliza la interrupción de comm. ;y para eso se recuperan todos los datos ;relevantes. ;se habilitan nuevamente las interrupciones. 113 LAR B AR7, #KP LEE1 LEER_AH_FLASH ESCRIBIR_AH_FLAS ENVIASPI: CALL LDP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK LAR B APAGA2 CALL DP LACL ADD RETC SPLK SPLK SPLK SPLK LDP SPLK LAR B APAGA2 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #2, CONTADORSPI_RX #00, CONTADORSPI_TX #180, DIRSPI #04h #09, CODIGO_FALLA AR7, #AH LEE1 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX CONTADORSPI_TX NEQ #00h, READY2 #2, CONTADORSPI_TX #00, CONTADORSPI_RX #180, DIRSPI #04h #08, CODIGO_FALLA AR7, #AH GRABA1 LDP LACL SUB BCND ADD SACL LACL BCND LDP SPLK RET SUB SACL MAR LACL LDP SACL BIT BCND LACL B #05h CONTADORSPI #32 NUEVA_PAG, EQ #34 CONTADORSPI CONTADORSPI_TX SALTO1, NEQ #0E1h #06020h, PCDATDIR NUEVA_PAG SPLK LACL ADD SACL LDP SPLK B #00, CONTADORSPI DIRSPI #32 DIRSPI #0E1h #06020h, PCDATDIR GRABA1 RECIBESPI LDP LACL MAR SACL LDP LACL SUB SACL BCND LDP SPLK RET LDP SPLK BIT BCND B SALTO1 ESP7 SALTO2 ESP8 #02 CONTADORSPI_TX *, AR7 *+ #0E0h SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP7, NTC SPIRXBUF ENVIASPI SPIRXBUF *+ #0E0h *, AR7 #05h CONTADORSPI_RX #2 CONTADORSPI_RX SALTO2, NEQ #0E1h #06020h, PCDATDIR #0E0h #00, SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP8, NTC RECIBESPI 114 BAD_INT: LST BAD_INT2: LDP SPLK LDP SPLK #04h #04, CODIGO_FALLA #0E1h #0CF40h, PBDATDIR ;Cuando se produce una interrupción ;y no se logra identificar el periferico ;que la produjo, se llama a esta rutina ;que avisa de la situación mediante el LDP LACL LACC MAR LAR LST #1, * CLRC RET #04h ;codigo de falla y vuelve al ACCBAJO ;funcionamiento normal, recuperando antes ACCALTO, 16 ;los datos de configuación. *, AR0 AR0,#0201h #0, *- LDP SPLK LDP SPLK LDP LACL LDP SACL #04h #10, CODIGO_FALLA #0E1h #0CF40h, PBDATDIR #04 IFILT #05 REGISTRO_PRUEBA INTM ;Cuando se produce una interrupción ;y no se logra identificar el periferico ;que la produjo, se llama a esta rutina ;que avisa de la situación mediante el LDP #04h ;codigo de falla y vuelve al LACL ACCBAJO ;funcionamiento normal, recuperando antes LACC ACCALTO, 16 ;los datos de configuación. MAR *, AR0 LAR AR0,#0201h LST #0, *LST #1, * CLRC INTM RET ;**************************************************************************** STAT LDP #0E1h SPLK #06000h, PCDATDIR LDP #0E0h SPLK #10001111b, SPICCR SPLK #0500h, SPITXBUF ESP1 BIT SPISTS, 9 BCND ESP1, NTC LACL SPIRXBUF LDP #0E1h SPLK #06020h, PCDATDIR ROR BCND STAT, C RET WRITE_ENABLE: ESP2 WRITE ESP3 DIRECCION LDP SPLK LDP SPLK SPLK BIT BCND LACL LDP SPLK NOP NOP NOP RET #0E1h #06000h, PCDATDIR #0E0h #10000111b, SPICCR #0600h, SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP2, NTC SPIRXBUF #0E1h #06020h, PCDATDIR SPLK LDP SPLK SPLK BIT BCND LACL NOP NOP RET #06000h, PCDATDIR #0E0h #10000111b, SPICCR #0200h, SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP3, NTC SPIRXBUF LDP SPLK #0E0h #10001111b, SPICCR 115 ESP4 LEESPI ESP5 APAGA2 LDP LACL LDP SACL BIT BCND LACL RPT NOP RET LDP SPLK LDP SPLK SPLK BIT BCND LACL NOP NOP RET #05h DIRSPI #0E0h SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP4, NTC SPIRXBUF #10 #0E1h #06000h, PCDATDIR #0E0h #10000111b, SPICCR #0300h, SPITXBUF SPISTS, 9 ESP5, NTC SPIRXBUF LDP #0E8h SPLK #00000h, T1CMPR SPLK #00000h, T2CMPR LDP #0E1h SPLK #0CF40h, PBDATDIR RET ;===================================================================== ; I S R - PHANTOM ; ; Description: Dummy ISR, used to trap spurious interrupts. ;===================================================================== PHANTOM: MAR *,AR0 lAR AR0,#0200h ;Phantom es una rutina de interrupción SST #1, *+ ;solo por si se desencadena accidentalmente SST #0, * ;una de las interrupciones que estan LDP #04h ;enmascaradas. SACL ACCBAJO ;la situación se avisa mediante el codigo SACH ACCALTO ;de falla y luego se retorna al SPLK #05, CODIGO_FALLA ;funcionamiento normal. LDP #0E1h SPLK #0CF40h, PBDATDIR LDP #04 LACL IFILT LDP #05 SACL REGISTRO_PRUEBA LDP #04h LACL ACCBAJO LACC ACCALTO, 16 MAR *, AR0 LAR AR0,#0201h LST #0, *LST #1, * CLRC INTM RET