programación y contenidos del curso

Entry Requirements
- Student has passed and certified Level B1.1 at CSIM or has an official document grading them
as having completed B1.1
- Student has tested at Level B1.2 in recent placement test at CSIM
20 per week
Level B1.2 CSIM
Richard Griffiths
Amy Wallace
Caroline Bunce
[email protected]
Course Outline:
B1.2 is a 60-hr intensive summer course with 15-20 hours of tasks to be done outside class, in which the 5 main
language skills are consolidated and practised:
(1) Oral expression (speaking)
(2) Oral interaction (conversation)
(3) Listening comprehension
(4) Reading comprehension
(5) Writing
Grammar review and vocabulary acquisition are also an important part of the course. Regular attendance and the
active participation for the full duration of the course are necessary to achieve full competence at this level.
to understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in
work, school, leisure, etc.
to understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or
professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
to understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language.
to understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.
to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling.
to enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to
everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).
to connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and
to breafly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
to narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions
to write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
to write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
CSIM  Centro Superior de Idiomas Modernos
Programación y contenidos curso
UCM  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Página 1
Course Contents:
The course will include the following
Topics and Functions
Check information that we think is correct
Showing concern, giving and responding to advice
Asking for and making recommendations
Softening opinions and making generalizations
Explaining what you need
Discussion language
Use polite language through indirect questions
Warnings and advice
Doctor/Patient talk
Asking for, giving and refusing permission
Talking about free time activities
Expressing likes and dislikes
Talking about work, food, travel and holidays, sleeping habits, rules, happiness, love and marriage, the news,
music, my town/city, my home and neighbourhood, future plans, social networks and the internet, superstitions,
birthdays, traditional festivals, important possessions...
Talking about past/recent experiences
Making deductions
Describing people
Making hypothesis
Grammatical Areas
Question forms
Indirect and direct questions
Positive and negative verb forms, words and phrases
be able to, be supposed to, be allowed to and modal verbs
Present Continuous and Present Simple
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Used to
The future: will, be going to and Present Continuous
Zero conditional; conditionals wit imperatives and modal verbs; in case
First conditional and future time clauses
Second conditional
CSIM  Centro Superior de Idiomas Modernos
Programación y contenidos curso
UCM  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Página 2
Ability: be able to, manage, be useless at, etc
The Passive
Quantifiers: a bit of, too much/many, (not) enough, plenty of, etc
Relative clauses
Present Perfect active and passive for recent events
was/were going to, was/were supposed to
Modal verbs: making deductions
Articles usage
Reported speech
Lexical Areas
Vocabulary related to 'Weekend activities'
Adjectives about feelings and prepositions with adjectives
Adjectives about character
Adjectives related to work
Collocations related to 'music'
Collocations related to 'the news'
Collocations with 'make' and 'do'
Phrasal verbs related to 'travel'
Word building: suffixes for adjectives and nouns
Word building: prefixes and opposites, other prefixes and suffixes
Reflexive pronouns
Vocabulary related to 'homes'
Vocabulary related to 'materials'
Vocabulary related to 'goals and achievements'
Vocabulary related to 'computers'
Vocabulary related to 'bad weather and natural disasters'
Vocabulary related to 'health'
Contacting people
Describing people
Connecting words
Final mark = 60% continuous evaluation + 40% final exam (compulsory)
60% Continuous Evaluation
10% - participation
50% - assessed tasks and homework
CSIM  Centro Superior de Idiomas Modernos
Programación y contenidos curso
UCM  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Página 3
The teacher will give details of the book, materials and class blog in the first day of class
Other information:
CSIM  Centro Superior de Idiomas Modernos
Programación y contenidos curso
UCM  Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Página 4