Resumen - UIBcongres

Youth culture in Spain: between cinema and television
Paul Julian Smith, Graduate Center, City University of New
Recent work on youth culture has sought to broaden the range
of debates that were originally based on examples of teen
cinema or subculture drawn from the US or UK. Thus there have
been studies of youth culture in global cinema or those
attempting to go beyond Anglo-American subculture to address
youth and identity in a postcolonial world. Yet Spanish youth
media, creatively innovative and commercially successful, have
not attracted the scholarly interest they deserve, either at
home or abroad. This paper offers case studies of two topgrossing feature films and two top-rated TV series from the
year 2009. Giving an account of the production and reception
of these screen narratives, it traces the growing convergence
between the two media of cinema and television. And focusing
on the twin questions of immigration and gay youth, it also
asks what specificities we find in social representation in a
Spanish context. Finally the paper explores the textual
composition of the shows, exploring how the peculiar ecology
of media in Spain affects the aesthetics of youth culture on
film and TV.
Bio data:
Prof Smith specialises in Spanish Literature from the Renaissance period and in the cinema,
television, and visual culture of Spain and Latin America. Prior to his current position at the City
University of New York, he was Professor of Spanish in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval
Languages of the University of Cambridge since 1991 and Visiting Professor in ten universities
(including Stanford, UC Berkeley, NYU's King Juan Carlos Chair, Johns Hopkins, Universidad del
País Vasco, and Lund, Sweden). He has given over one hundred invited lectures and conference
papers around the world and is the author of fourteen books (with translations into Spanish and
Chinese) and fifty academic articles. He is a regular contributor to Sight & Sound, the journal of the
British Film Institute, and the Guardian Film Blog, and was a Trustee of the British University Film and
Video Council. He is one of the four founding editors of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies
published by Routledge and was the editor of the book series Oxford Hispanic Studies, published by
Oxford University Press.
He organised a conference held in Cambridge on December 1, 2006: Spanish Screen Media:
Cinema, Television, Internet. In July 2008 he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy. In 2009 he
was Visiting Professor in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and in City University of New York
Graduate Center. Some of his latest international publications are Spanish Visual Culture. Cinema,
Television, Internet (2006, Manchester University Press), Television in Spain. From Franco to
Almodóvar (2006, Tamesis) and Spanish Screen Fiction. Between Cinema and Television (2009,
Liverpool University Press).
El Dr. Smith es especialista en literatura española desde el Renacimiento, así como en el cine, la
televisión, y la cultura visual de España y América Latina. Antes de trabajar para la City University de
Nueva Cork, fue catedrático de español en la Facultad de Lenguas Modernas y Medievales de la
Universidad de Cambridge desde 1991, así como Profesor Invitado en diez universidades (entre ellas
las de Stanford, UC Berkeley, NYU Cátedra rey Juan Carlos I, Johns Hopkins, Universidad del País
Vasco, y Lund, Suecia). Ha dado más de cien conferencias y ponencias por el mundo entero y es
autor de catorce libros (algunos traducidos al español y al chino) y cincuenta artículos científicos. Es
colaborador asiduo de Sight & Sound, la revista mensual del British Film Institute, y del Guardian Film
Blog, y fue miembro del consejo de administración del British University Film and Video Council. Es
uno de los cuatro fundadores del Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Routledge) y fue editor de la
serie de monografías Oxford Hispanic Studies, editada por Oxford University Press. Fue director de
un congreso bilingüe que tuvo lugar en Cambridge el 1 de diciembre de 2006: Spanish Screen Media:
Cinema, Television, Internet. En julio de 2008 fue nombrado Miembro de la British Academy. En 2009
ha sido Profesor Invitado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y en el City University of New York
Graduate Center.
Entre sus más recientes libros, todos de amplia difusión internacional, cabe mencionar Spanish
Visual Culture. Cinema, Television, Internet (2006, Manchester University Press), Television in Spain.
From Franco to Almodóvar (2006, Tamesis) y Spanish Screen Fiction. Between Cinema and
Television (Liverpool University Press).
El Dr. Smith és especialista en literatura espanyola des del Renaixement, així com en
cinema, televisió, i cultura visual d’Espanya i Amèrica Llatina. Abans d’arribar a la City University de
Nova York, el Dr. Smith fou catedràtic d’espanyol a la Facultat de Llengües Modernes i Medievals de
la Universitat de Cambridge i ha estat professor convidat a deu universitats (entre elles les de
Stanford, UC Berkeley, NYU Cátedra Rey Juan Carlos I, John Hopkins, Universidad del País Vasco, i
Lund, Suècia). Ha fet més de cent conferències i ponències arreu del món i és autor de catorze llibres
(alguns traduïts a l’espanyol i al xinès) i cinquanta articles científics. És col.laborador assidu de Sight
& Sound, la revista mensual del British Film Institute, i del Guardian Film Blog, i fou membre del
consell d’administració del British University Film and Video Council. És un dels quatre fundadors del
Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Routledge) i fou editor de la sèrie de monografies Oxford
Hispanic Studies, editada per Oxford University Press. Fou director d’un congrés bilingüe que tengué
lloc a Cambridge l’1 de desembre de 2006: Spanish Screen Media: Cinema, Television, Internet. El
juliol de 2008 fou nomenat membre de la British Academy. El 2009 ha estat professor convidat a la
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid i al City University of New Cork Graduate Center. Entre els seus
llibres més recents, tots d’una difusió internacional ampla, cal esmentar: Spanish Visual Culture.
Cinema, Television, Internet (2006, Manchester University Press), Television in Spain. From Franco
to Almodóvar (2006, Tamesis) i Spanish Screen Fiction. Between Cinema and Television (Liverpool
University Press).