prueba de inglés

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Today, the man of our story, a farmer, has left his home and has come back to see his now expropriated property for the last time before the dam gates are shut and a huge lake swallows up
the landscape which has been so dear to him. How can everything be the same and yet be so
different! His house, which had always seemed huge to him, has now become tiny in
comparison with the gigantic wall built across the river gorge. The tall poplar trees, once again,
as they have always done, give him shade on this summer´s evening, but his mind is filled with
the vision of the rising water approaching their tops and finally covering them. The sheep-hut
and fences, which he had always been so careful and concerned about, now make no difference
to him. The very ground under his feet, the most solid of all references, is about to lose that
quality. No doubt the new perspective has already changed everything.
1.-¿Cuál sería el título más apropiado para este texto? A) El tamaño relativo de las casas
campesinas. B) No hay que ser sentimental en esta vida. C) El campo y la naturaleza. D) El
granjero y la presa.
2.- (Línea 3) Señale la opción más acorde con el significado de la expresión “so dear to
him” en el contexto dado: A) tan caro para él B) tan querido para él C) que le costó tanto
D) con tantos ciervos
3.-Según el texto: A) la casa es en realidad muy pequeña. B) los árboles ya no le dan sombra.
C) los árboles pronto estarán cubiertos por el agua. D) los muros de la casa son gigantescos.
4.- (Línea 6) “They” se refiere a: A) los altos muros B) las aguas C) las copas de los árboles
D) los altos álamos
5.-(Línea 9) ¿Qué expresión transmite un significado similar al de “make no difference to
him”?: A) le resultan diferentes B)le hacen sentirse diferente C)le transmiten un sentimiento
nuevo. D) le son indiferentes
6.- Elija la opción correcta: “He took
C)doctors D) doctor
the…………advice.” A) doctor´s
7.-¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones es la correcta?: A) “He forgets to lock the door never at
night.” B) “He forgets never to lock the door at night.” C) “He never forgets to lock the door at
night.” D) “He forgets to lock the door at night never.”
8.-Elija la opción correcta: “Alice is _______Rosa but just as tall as Peggy.” A) more tall
than B) taller than C) taller that D) tallest than
9.- Elija la opción correcta: “ John and Susan are a happy couple.” “Yes, they _____10
years”. A) are together for B) have been together for C) are together since D) have been
together during
10.- Complete correctamente: “This is not my money. It is____.” A) him B) her C) you
D) his