Question and answer starter: school

Question and answer starter: school
Se llama Escola Palcam.
Tengo mates.
Me encantan porque en mi opinión son útiles.
Hay cuatro clases al día.
Empiezan a las nueve menos diez.
Sí, me gusta mucho porque creo que es bueno.
Sí, es azul.
A las tres menos diez.
Hay unos mil cuatro cientos alumnos.
Hay unos ochenta.
© 2016
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Question and answer starter: school
¿Cómo se llama tu instituto?
¿Qué estudias los lunes a las diez?
¿Te gustan las mates?
¿Cuántas clases hay al día?
¿A qué hora empiezan las clases?
¿Te gusta tu instituto?
¿Llevas uniforme?
¿A qué hora terminan las clases?
¿Cuántos alumnos hay?
¿Cuántos profesores hay?
© 2016
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Question and answer starter: school
Teaching notes
Print pp.1-2 double sided and cut up to make double sided cards.
Give out one card between two.
The students with the first question (marked on the back with a green arrow) stand up
and read their question.
The rest of the class listen and see if their card has the correct answer.
If so, they stand up and read the correct answer.
They then turn over the card and the second student in the pair reads the next question.
This continues the ‘chain’ of questions and answers around the class until the last card
(marked with a red stop sign) is reached.
If you have more than twenty students in the class, you may wish to make additional
cards. Alternatively you could simply make additional copies and students would have to
race to be the first to give the correct answer!
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