desde cuba condenamos el asesinato politico de la

From Cuba, we condemn the political assassination of Berta Cáceres, people’s leader in Honduras
Havana, March 3, 2016
Source :
We of the social and mass organizations of the Cuban Revolution, we who accompany efforts linked with the
struggle for social justice and unity among our peoples, express our most profound indignation and firm
condemnation of the assassination of our sister Berta Cáceres. We travel the road of dignity and hope, and we share
the battle against imperialism and oppression at the side of our brothers and sisters of the movements and
organizations for the people in Latin America and the Caribbean. Berta Cáceres was the leader of the Lenca
community, coordinator of the Civic Council of People’s and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, (COPINH in
its Spanish-language initials), and a defender of human rights.
We awoke with the sad news of one more very painful happening in Honduras. It too is hard, just like all news
taking hold of us about the process of change beginning in that Central American country. Today it’s a question of a
beloved combatant in social struggle who died not from natural causes but through inhuman greed, really from the
silencing of those capable of lifting up oppressed peoples. Thugs who are afraid because we are not afraid!
This atrocious act once more demonstrates that death threats against those who defend human and environmental
rights – they are always there in the background - have not ended. In fact they are growing in that Central
American country. This political crime constitutes an affront not just for Honduras but for all peoples of the
continent and in the world.
According to the Global Witness report “How Many More?” (“¿Cuántos más?”), there were 111 assassinations of
environmental activists in Honduras between 2002 and 2014.(1) More than 80 of them took place in the past three
years and in the Bajo Aguán area. That region was where Berta Cáceres put her life in danger. For her, threats and
acts of harassment were never far off. The Lenca indigenous communities, who live in Western Honduras, fight in
defense of their ancestral territory which they view as threatened by hydroelectric projects and by mineral
concessions approved despite no previous consultation with the people.
Judy in sending the article on Berta Caceres to Walter lippmann I made changes. The first revised paragraph,
below, is midway down the translation. The second one is at the end. If they could be inserted in the posted version
Thanks, Tom
We demand that the intellectual authors [of the murder] and those who carried it out
be punished under the full weight of the law. May this regrettable political assassination not end in impunity.
May there be no more criminalization of social protest in Honduras .
The sorrow we share on the assassination of our beloved comrade Bertica reaches all families, friends, and
comrades in struggle, and the people of Honduras. May they accept the burden that goes along with the most
vigorous rejection of this crime that
offends us. And we commit ourselves more and more each day to follow at the side of the lowly, battling for the
Bertica, as we always call her, knew how to win the affection and respect of those who had the privilege of
knowing her. She knew how to defend the rights of women, of indigenous peoples, and small farmers. She fortified
their sense of justice. She gave her very fruitful life for them prematurely. Neither harassments, nor persecution,
nor threats could deter her firm determination. Her only armament was her voice; she never walked around with
weapons. They threatened her and they assassinated her on account of her capacity for resisting, for bringing
people together, and for winning.
In the Lenca tradition, feminine spirits live in the rivers and women are their main protectors. For this crucial
cause, she received the Goldman Environmental Prize for 2015, the world’s top recognition for environmental
activism and for the defense of nature. On receiving that well-deserved award, she denounced continuing threats to
her personal integrity and that of her family.
As part of her active role inside the process of accompaniment and social commitment, she incorporated the
network “Cry of the Excluded” and the “Continental Linkage of Social Movements with ALBA,” among other
organizations oriented towards unity.
The sorrow we share on the assassination of our beloved comrade Bertica reaches all families, friends, and
comrades in struggle, and the people of Honduras. May they accept the burden that goes along with the most
vigorous rejection of this crime that
offends us. And we commit ourselves more and more each day to follow at the side of the lowly, battling for the
Today the rivers of Honduras, those connecting with the plains and mountains, connecting with blood spilled from
its noblest sons and daughters, and connecting with the open veins of Latin America, are weeping. They weep for
the physical absence now of one of their most firm and consistent guardians.
The crime and injustice reaffirm to us that there remains no way but to continue the struggle.
Judgment and punishment for cowardly assassins!
Berta lives, the struggle goes on!
Berta Cáceres, PRESENTE!
Towards victory, always!
This declaration was just made public at the vigil for Berta Cáceres celebrated at the headquarters of the Martin
Luther King Jr. Center [in Havana.] It was a vigil too for continuation of antiimperialist struggle.
We who belong to the Cuban Chapter of the Union (Articulacion) of Social Movements subscribe to the
Martin Luther King Jr. Center
Organization of Solidarity with Peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America(OSPAAAL)
Cuban Workers’ Central
National Association of Small Farmers
Federation of Cuban Women
University Student Federation
Latin American and Caribbean Continental Students’ Organization (OCLAE)
Network in Defense of Humanity - Cuba
Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples
Cuban Movement for Peace and for solidarity of the Peoples.
GALFISA Group/ Cuban Institute of Philosophy
End note:
1. For a summary of this report, and link to the original version, go to:
Translated by Tom Whitney
DESDE CUBA CONDENAMOS EL ASESINATO POLITICO DE LA DIRIGENTE POPULAR HONDUREÑA BERTA CACERES Las organizaciones sociales y de masas de la Revolución Cubana que acompañamos los esfuerzos articuladores y de
lucha por la justicia social y unidad entre nuestros pueblos, que recorremos el camino de la dignidad y la esperanza,
quienes compartimos la batalla contra el imperialismo y la opresión al lado de nuestros hermanos y hermanas de las
organizaciones y movimientos populares en América Latina y el Caribe, manifestamos nuestra más profunda indignación
y firme condena por el asesinato de la líder de la comunidad lenca, coordinadora del Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones
Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH) y defensora de los derechos humanos, nuestra hermana Berta Cáceres.
Amanecimos con la triste noticia de otro muy doloroso suceso en Honduras, duro como aquel que nos arrebató a ese
país centroamericano de su incipiente proceso de cambios. Hoy se trata de una querida luchadora social, que no ha
fallecido por causas de naturaleza humana, sino por la inhumana voracidad de silenciar a quienes son capaces de
levantar a los pueblos oprimidos. Sicarios que sienten miedo porque no tenemos miedo.
Este suceso atroz demuestra una vez más que las amenazas de muerte contra defensores y defensoras de los derechos
sociales y medioambientales se mantienen latentes, no han cesado, crecen en ese país centroamericano. Este crimen
político constituye una afrenta no solo para Honduras, sino para todos los pueblos del continente y del mundo.
Según el Informe ¿Cuántos más? de Global Witness, entre 2002 y 2014 se produjeron 111 asesinatos de activistas
ambientales en territorio hondureño. Más de 80 tuvieron lugar sólo en los últimos tres años en el Bajo Aguán, región
donde Berta Cáceres puso en peligro su vida y no fue ajena a actos de hostigamiento y amenazas. Las comunidades
indígenas lencas, quienes habitan el occidente hondureño, luchan en defensa de su territorio ancestral que se ve
amenazado por proyectos hidroeléctricos y concesiones mineras aprobados sin previa consulta popular.
Exigimos que los autores intelectuales y materiales sean castigados con todo el peso de la ley. Que este lamentable
asesinato político no quede impune. Que cese en Honduras la criminalización de la protesta social.
Bertica, como la llamaremos siempre, supo ganarse el cariño y respeto de quienes tuvimos el privilegio de conocerla.
Supo defender los derechos de las mujeres, de los indígenas, de los campesinos, arraigó el sentido de la justicia, y por
ellos entregó prematuramente su muy fértil vida. Ni hostigamientos, ni persecución, ni amenazas pudieron detener su
firme determinación. Su única arma era la voz, nunca anduvo armada, la amenazaron y asesinaron por su capacidad
para resistir, convocar y vencer.
En la tradición lenca, en los ríos residen los espíritus femeninos y las mujeres son sus principales guardianas. Por esta
decisiva causa recibió el Premio Medioambiental Goldman del año 2015, el máximo reconocimiento mundial para
activistas del medio ambiente y la defensa de la naturaleza. Al recibir ese justo galardón, denunció las constantes
amenazas a su integridad personal y de su familia.
En su activo rol dentro del proceso de acompañamiento y compromiso social integró la red Grito de los Excluidos y la
Articulación Continental de Movimientos Sociales hacia el ALBA, entre otros espacios de unidad.
Llegue a todos los familiares, amigos, compañeros de lucha, y al pueblo de Honduras el dolor que compartimos por el
asesinato de nuestra querida compañera Bertica, reciban el pesar que va acompañado del más enérgico rechazo al
crimen que nos indigna y nos compromete, cada día más, a seguir al lado de los humildes, batallando para los humildes.
Hoy los ríos de Honduras –esos que conectan con los llanos y montañas, con la sangre derramada por sus más nobles
hijos, con las venas abiertas de América Latina– lloran. Lloran por la ausencia física de una de sus más firmes y
consecuentes guardianas.
El crimen y la injusticia nos reafirman que no queda otro camino que continuar la lucha.
¡Juicio y castigo a los cobardes asesinos!
¡Berta vive, la lucha sigue!
¡Berta Cáceres, PRESENTE!
La Habana, 3 de marzo de 2016
La presente declaración de condena acaba de hacerse pública en la vigilia por Berta Cáceres y por la continuidad de la
lucha antimperialista, celebrada en la sede del Centro Memorial Martin Luther King Jr.
La suscriben por el Capítulo Cubano de las articulaciones de movimientos sociales a las que pertenecemos:
– Centro Memorial Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
– Organización de Solidaridad de los Pueblos de Asia, África y América Latina / OSPAAAL
– Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
– Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños
– Federación de Mujeres Cubanas
– Federación Estudiantil Universitaria
– Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes / OCLAE
– Red en Defensa de la Humanidad – Cuba
– Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos
– Movimiento Cubano por la Paz y la Soberanía de los Pueblos
– Grupo GALFISA / Instituto de Filosofía de Cuba