Management of Pediatric Dysphagia in a Developing Country

Management of Pediatric Dysphagia in a Developing Country
Program Itinerary Summer 2016
Tuesday, May 24: Departure from NYC & arrival to Guatemala City, transfer to Antigua
5:30pm – Orientation meeting & group dinner
Wednesday, May 25:
7:45am: Breakfast
9-10:30am: Lecture
11am: Orientation & volunteering at Obras Sociales
1:30pm: Lunch at Café Condessa
3:15-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
7:15pm: Welcome dinner in Antigua
Thursday, May 26:
8am: Breakfast
9-11am: Lecture
12-2pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
2pm: Lunch
3:15-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
Evening: Dinner on your own
Friday, May 27:
8am: Breakfast
9-11am: Lecture
12-2pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
2pm: Lunch
3:15-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
Evening: Dinner on your own
Saturday, May 28:
8am: Breakfast
9am-2pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
2pm: Lunch
3:15-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
7:30: Group dinner at the hotel
Sunday, May 29: FREE DAY
Monday, May 30:
Group 1:
Group 2:
7am: Breakfast
7:30-11:30am: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
Afternoon free & dinner on your own
7am: Breakfast
Morning free
3-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
Dinner on your own
Tuesday, May 31:
8am: Breakfast
9am-2pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
2pm: Lunch
3:15-6:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
7:30pm: Group dinner at the hotel
Wednesday, June 1:
8am: Breakfast
9am-1:30pm: Volunteering at Obras Sociales
Afternoon on your own
7:30pm: Farewell Dinner
Thursday, June 2:
7am: Breakfast
7:45am: Depart for Guatemala City
Flight to NYC