OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 20, 2016 Saint John Paul II Parish Pastor: Fr. Raul Covarrubias ● Parochial Vicar: Fr. Javier Corral Piña Deacons: Wence Rodriquez, Chris Reilly, & Álvaro Ponce 145 East 9th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 Phone: 208-522-4366 Fax: 208-523-3827 Email: [email protected] ● Website: www.ifcatholics.net Felices ustedes, cuando por causa mía los insulten, los persigan y les levanten toda clase de calumnias. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you because of me. Mateo 5:11 Matthew 5:11 Weekday Masses/ Misa Entre Semana Monday through Friday 8:15AM Holy Rosary, English Saturday Masses/Misa Sábado 5:00PM Christ the King, English 7:00PM Santo Rosario, Español Sunday Masses/Misa Domingo 8:00AM Holy Rosary, English 10:00AM Christ the King, English 12:00PM Cristo Rey, Español 5:00PM Christ the King, English St. Ann’s, Mud Lake, ID 9:30AM, Español St. Anthony’s, Roberts, ID 11:00AM, Español Adora on/Adoración Thursday/Jueves 9:00AM-7:00PM Holy Rosary Confessions/Confesiones Thursday/Jueves 6:00PM-7:00PM Holy Rosary Saturday/Sábado 3:30PM-4:30PM Christ the King Please visit our website: www.ifcatholics.net ● Subscribe to receive SJPII Parish updates! Por favor, visite nuestro si o web: www.ifcatholics.net ● Suscribirse para recibir actualizaciones de la Parroquia de San Juan Pablo II ! 1 General Information/Información General Holy Rosary 905 S. Lee Ave. Idaho Falls, ID Christ the King 1690 E. 17th Street Idaho Falls, ID St. Anthony 657 N. 2871 E. Roberts, ID St. Ann 1084 Hwy #33 Mud Lake, ID Parish Office Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM; Closed WEDNESDAY from 10:00AM-1:00PM Horario de la Oficina Parroquial: 9:00AM-5:00PM; Cerrado los MIÉRCOLES de 10:00AM-1:00PM Thanksgiving Parish Office Hours / Horario de Acción de Gracias para la Oficina Parroquial: Parish Office will close at noon on Wednesday, November 23rd and will reopen on Monday, November 28th. La Oficina Parroquial cerrará al mediodía el Miércoles 23 de Noviembre y volverá a abrir el Lunes 28 de Noviembre. The Parish Office will close Thursday, Dec. 8 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and reopen on Friday, Dec. 9. La Oficina Parroquial cerrará el jueves 8 de Dic. En observación del día de la Inmaculada Concepción y reabrirá el viernes 9 de Dic. Bap sms/Bau smos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:00AM in English, Holy Rosary Church (must pre-register for bap sm classes) Primer y Tercer Sábado del mes 10:00AM en Español, Iglesia de Santo Rosario Confession/Confesiones Thursdays at Holy Rosary Church/Jueves en la Iglesia de Santo Rosario, 6:00PM Saturdays at Christ the King Church/Sábado en la Iglesia de Cristo Rey, 3:30PM Marriages/Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office as least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda Anoin ng of the Sick/Uncion de los Enfermos Contact the priests at the Parish Office any me. A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes en la oficina parroquial Misa de Celebración de Quinceañeras Segundo Sábado del mes, 10:00AM, Iglesia de Cristo Rey Communion Services at the Assisted Living Centers Morning Star 1st Tuesday of the month at 10AM Fairwinds Every Tuesday at 10AM Lincoln Court 3rd Friday of the month at 10AM Parish Staff Father Raul Covarrubias (Pastor) Father Javier Corral Piña Deacon Wence Deacon Chris Elementary Religious Ed Youth Minster School Principal Opera ons Manager Controller Recep onist Administra ve Assist Administra ve Assist 522-4366 Ext. 105 Ext. 104 Ext. 107 Ext. 108 Jodi ext. 112 Tim ext. 110 Carina ext. 114 John ext. 106 Marie ext. 113 Tina ext. 100 Lilia ext. 103 Jen ext. 102 Parish Councils and Groups Pastoral Council Lyle Roybal Finance Council J.R. Zaranek School Board Andrew Slaughter School PTO Cassie Fell Liturgy (English) Deacon Chris Homebound Mary Pat Murphy Hospital Ministry John Walter Jail Ministry Kerry Ponce Knight of Columbus Armando Ramos Music Karen Hannah Adult RCIA (English) Chris Ischay 538-3138 881-9003 522-7781 405-5326 221-2087 524-7440 206-9267 521-4558 681-7769 523-9718 525-3294 Monday, November 21 Tuesday, November 22 Wednesday, November 23 Thursday, November 24 Friday, November 25 Chris Ischay Connor Allen Carroll+ Maria Calvillo Dave Nimtz Angela Magnani-Wood+ Saturday, November 26 Sunday, November 27 5:00PM Cesar Rojas 7:00PM Antonio Rodriguez+ 8:00AM 10:00AM Juan Santana+ 12:00PM Pro Populum 5:00PM Ponce & Anderson Family 2 From the Pastor/De Parte del Pastor Many poli cal campaigns recently came to an end. Many are pleased. Many are disappointed. Christ also conducted a campaign. His goal was to teach mankind how to conduct themselves on this earth for a be er life here and prepare for a perfect one later. He gave courage to the downtrodden and upbraided the arrogant. He exposed evil without destroying the individual. His style was studded with deeds and parables. His theme was the dignity of every human being. He had no personal ambi ons. His en re life on earth was an appeal. The poli cal campaign which culminated about 10 days ago was also an appeal. The deprived are offered relief. All are promised equitable treatment and a be er life. But the moves, style and ability to deliver are different. The poli cian desires to be elected. The style is to proclaim that which most people want to hear. Whether or not delivery on the promises will materialize depends upon sincerity, existence and availability of the promised benefits, and the power to deliver the same. It’s a ma er of credibility as well as representa on. In poli cal campaigns one must use great care to determine what and whom to believe; not an easy task. Unfortunately, a campaign may move from issues to personal a acks, argumentum ad hominem (destroy the concept by destruc on of the individual), a senseless process. Such was the thrust of the crucifixion of Christ. It didn’t work, as foretold by Him, “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up again.” And He did. In poli cal campaigns we are encouraged to go to the polls and exercise the privilege of vo ng wisely and to recognize that candidates might not deliver on their promises. When we go through the business of this life, in the following of Christ, may we realize that He always delivers on His. Keep this as your focus. A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all. May we remember to begin and end this upcoming day of Thanksgiving with a prayer of gra tude to Our Lord. See you in church. In Gra tude Always, Fr. Raul Las campañas polí cas han llegado a su fin. Algunos están contentos y otros tantos decepcionados. Cristo, también llevó a cabo una campaña. Su obje vo era enseñar a la humanidad cómo comportarse en esta erra; aquí, para una vida mejor y prepararse para una perfecta; más adelante. Cristo dio valor a los oprimidos y reprendió a los arrogantes. Expulsó al mal sin destruir a la persona. Su prác ca al enseñar era a través de parábolas. Su principal interés fue la dignidad de cada ser humano. Él no tenía ambiciones personales. Su vida entera en la erra consis a en un “llamado”. La campaña polí ca que culminó hace 10 días también fue un llamado. A los despojados se les ofrece alivio. A todos se promete un trato equita vo y un mejor es lo de vida. Pero el es lo, la forma y la habilidad para llevar a cabo sus propuestas son diferentes. El polí co desea ser elegido, su es lo es proclamar lo que la mayoría de la gente desea escuchar. El cumplir o no estas propuestas dependen de la sinceridad, la realidad, la disponibilidad de los beneficios prome dos y del poder para ejecutarlos; es una cues ón de credibilidad tanto como de imagen. En campañas polí cas, uno debe tener mucho cuidado en saber en qué y quién debemos creer, una tarea no muy fácil. Desafortunadamente en medio de una campaña se puede ir de propuestas a ataques personales, “ad hominem” (discusión en donde dejan el concepto aun lado para destruir a la persona), un proceso totalmente sin sen do. Cómo lo fue la Crucifixión de Cristo. Nadie creyó cuando él dijo, "Destruid este templo y lo levantaré otra vez." Y lo hizo. En campañas polí cas nos exhortan a ir a las urnas y ejercer el privilegio de votar conscientemente y a reconocer que los candidatos no podrán cumplir sus promesas. Que en el recorrido de nuestras vidas y caminando con Cristo, podamos reconocer que él siempre cumple con sus promesas. Concentrémonos en esto. Un feliz y bendecido día de Acción de Gracias a todos. Que podamos recordar al iniciar y terminar este día con una oración de gra tud a nuestro Señor. Nos vemos en la iglesia. En gra tud siempre, El padre Raul 3 Elementary &Youth Education Information Información Educación Religiosa Primaria y Juventud ELEMENTARY EDUCATION (Grades K-5th) Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2016 2:00PM-3:15PM – No Classes due to Thanksgiving Monday, Nov. 21st, 2016 4:00PM-5:15AM – No Classes due to Thanksgiving Sunday, Nov. 27th, 2016 2:00PM-3:15PM – Classes Monday, Nov. 28th, 2016 4:00-5:15PM – Classes Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016, 2:00 – 3:15PM - Classes Monday, Dec. 5, 2016, 4:00 – 5:15PM – Classes Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016, 2:00 – 3:15PM – Classes Monday, Dec. 12, 2016, 4:00 – 5:15PM – Classes Sunday, Dec. 18, 2016, 2:00PM – 3:15PM – NO CLASS – CHRISTMAS BREAK Monday, Dec. 19, 2016, 4:00PM - 5:15PM – NO CLASS – CHRISTMAS BREAK EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA (de K al 5to Grado) Domingo 20 de Nov. 2016 2:00PM-3:15PM – No habrá clases debido al día de Acción de Gracias. Lunes 21 de Nov. 2016 4:00PM-5:15AM – No habrá clases debido al día de Acción de Gracias. Domingo 27 de Nov. 2016 2:00PM-3:15PM – Clases Lunes 28 de Nov. 2016 4:00-5:15PM – Clases Domingo 4 de Dic. 2016, 2:00 – 3:15PM - Clases Lunes 5 de Dic. 2016, 4:00 – 5:15PM – Clases Domingo 11 de Dic. 2016, 2:00 – 3:15PM – Clases Lunes 12 de Dic. 2016, 4:00 – 5:15PM – Clases Domingo 18 de Dic. 2016, 2:00PM – 3:15PM – NO CLASES – VACACIONES DE NAVIDAD Lunes 19 de Dic. 2016, 4:00PM - 5:15PM – NO CLASES – VACACIONES DE NAVIDAD Please contact Jodi Bright with any ques ons at/Favor contacte Jodi Bright para cualquier pregunta al 522-4366 ext. 112. YOUTH MINISTRY (Grades 6th-12th) High School Retreat: Postponed un l further no ce. Sunday, Nov. 20th,— No Class due to Thanksgiving Break Monday, Nov. 21st — No Class due to Thanksgiving Break Sunday, Nov. 27th, 3:30PM—4:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM — Class Monday, Nov. 28th, 6:30PM—8:00PM — Class Sunday, Dec. 4th, 3:30PM—3:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM — Class Monday, Dec. 5th, 6:30PM – 8:00PM — Class Sunday, Dec. 11th, 3:30PM—3:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM — Class Monday, Dec. 12th, 6:30PM—8:00PM — Class Sunday, Dec 18th — No Class (Christmas Break) Monday, Dec. 19th – No Class (Christmas Break) Sunday, Dec. 25th – No Class (Christmas Break) Monday, Dec. 26th – No Class (Christmas Break) MINISTERIO DE JUVENTUD (del 6 al 12 Grado) Re ro para nivel Preparatoria: Pospuesto hasta nuevo aviso. Domingo 20 de Nov. — No Clases / descanso de Acción de Gracias Lunes 21 de Nov. — No Clases / descanso de Acción de Gracias Domingo 27 de Nov. 3:30PM—4:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM —Clases Lunes 28 de Nov. 6:30PM—8:00PM — Clases Domingo 4 de Dic. 3:30PM—3:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM — Clases Lunes 5 de Dic. 6:30PM – 8:00PM — Clases Domingo 11 de Dic. 3:30PM—3:45PM & 6:30PM – 8:30PM — Clases Lunes 12 de Dic. 6:30PM—8:00PM — Clases Domingo 18 de Dic.— No Clases (Vacaciones de Navidad) Lunes 19 de Dic.– No Clases (Vacaciones de Navidad) Domingo 25 de Dic. – No Clases (Vacaciones de Navidad) Lunes 26 de Dic. – No Clases (Vacaciones de Navidad) Please contact Tim Lynn with any ques ons at/Favor contacte Tim Lynn para cualquier pregunta al 522-4366 ext. 110. Holy Rosary Catholic School As William Arthur Ward said, “Feeling gra tude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” I want to be sure to express my sincere gra tude to the priests, parish staff, and parishioners that con nue to support OUR parish school with their me, talent, and treasure. Thank you. Como William Arthur Ward dijo, “SenƟr agradecimiento y no demostrarlo, es como envolver un regalo y nunca entregarlo”. Deseo expresar mi sincero agradecimiento a los sacerdotes, al personal de la parroquia y a los parroquianos que conƟnúan apoyando NUESTRA escuela parroquial con Ɵempo, talento y tesoro. Gracias. Please contact Jodi Bright with any ques ons at/Favor contacte Jodi Bright para cualquier pregunta al 522-4366 ext. 112. We would love to welcome your family into our school./Nos encantaría recibir a su familia en nuestra escuela. God Bless, Carina VanPelt Holy Rosary Principal Mission Statement Holy Rosary Catholic School’s mission is to use its Chris an Catholic Tradi ons and community resources to empower and celebrate student achievement, so that our students will have a secure environment in which to grow in their knowledge of God, themselves, the community, and academics and use to that knowledge to reach their God-given poten al. 4 Spiritual Growth & Sacramental Preparation Crecimiento Espiritual y Preparación Sacramental T M G A M H ACTIVIDADES DE LA FESTIVIDAD DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE I. Rosario de Aurora S Thursday, November 24th Jueves 24 de Noviembre 9:30AM Santa Ana en Español 10:00AM Holy Rosary in English 11:00AM San Antonio en Español 1:00PM Cristo Rey en Español NO 8:15AM Mass/Misa NO Adora on or Confession /NO Adoración ni Confesiones Viernes 2 de Diciembre al 10 de Diciembre Iglesia Cristo Rey 5:30AM II. Novena de Rosarios Viernes 2 de Diciembre al 10 de Diciembre Iglesia Cristo Rey 6:30PM Parish Office will close at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd and will reopen on Monday, Nov. 28th. La Oficina Parroquial cerrará al mediodía el Miércoles 23 de Noviembre y volverá a abrir el Lunes 28 de Noviembre. e * Con excepción del Sábado 10 de Diciembre, el rezo del Rosario será durante la procesión. III. Novenario de Misas Viernes 2 de Diciembre al 10 de Diciembre Iglesia Cristo Rey 7:00PM * Con excepción del Sábado 10 de Diciembre, la misa de 7PM será en la Iglesia Santo Rosario Advent Penance Service/ Servicio PenitenƟal de Adviento Celebraciones de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Domingo 11 y Lunes 12 de Diciembre Tuesday, Nov. 29/ Martes, Nov. 29 7:00PM, Christ the King Church 7:00PM, Iglesia de Cristo Rey NO Confessions Thursdays, Nov. 24 or Dec. 1 NO Confesiones Jueves Nov. 24 o Dic. 1 Más información en los siguientes boleƟnes. REZO DEL SANTO ROSARIO El Lunes 21 y Martes 22 de Noviembre a las 4:00PM y los Jueves frente al San simo en la Iglesia Santo Rosario a las 6:30PM. N N C I H I C ( ) Tuesday, Nov. 29 - Wednesday, Dec. 7 Novena Prayer & Rosary a er 8:15AM daily Masses* *Sat., Dec. 3, Novena Rosary a er 5PM Mass, Christ the King Sun., Dec. 4, Novena Rosary a er 8AM Mass, Holy Rosary Martes, Nov. 29—Miércoles, Dic. 7 Novena y Rosario al finalizar las Misas diarias de 8:15am* *Sabado, Dic. 3 al finalizar la Misa de 5PM, Cristo Rey Domingo, Dic. 4 al finalizar la Misa de 8AM, Santo Rosario MISA EN ESPAÑOL La misa en Epañol será el Miércoles 23 de Noviembre en la Iglesia Cristo Rey a las 7:00PM GRUPO DE ORACIÓN Viernes 25 de Noviembre en la Iglesia Cristo Rey a las 7:00 PM. CLASES PRE BAUTISMALES EN ESPAÑOL Martes 22 de Noviembre, 7:00PM. Salón de Cristo Rey. Sábado 26 de Noviembre, 10:00AM. Salón de Cristo Rey. GRUPO JUVENIL “L A Immaculate Concep on Mass/ Misa en honor de la Inmaculada Concepción Thursday, Dec. 8/Jueves, Dic. 8 8:15AM Holy Rosary Church, English 7:00PM Holy Rosary Church, English 7:00PM Iglesia de Cristo Rey, Español NO Confessions/Confesiones PRE-BAPTISM CLASS IN ENGLISH Sunday, Dec. 18th , 10:30AM at Christ the King Hall. Please call Pat Morey at 522-4061 to preregister. ” El grupo “La Anunciación” invita a todo jóven cursando la Preparatoria a una experiencia personal con Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador. Las reuniones serán en el Salón de Madre Teresa en Cristo Rey, todos los Viernes a las 7:00PM. CLASES PARA LAS QUINCEAÑERAS Las clases para las Quinceañeras serán el Sábado, 26 de Noviembre de 8AM a 2PM en la Cafetería del Santo Rosario. Favor de registrarse con an cipación en la Oficina Parroquial. El costo de la clase es de $50.00, favor de traer copia del cer ficado de Bau smo y la Primera Comunión al momento de registrarse. Se requiere que uno de los padres esté presente por media hora. Nota: No se aceptarán quinceañeras que no se hayan registrado ó que no lleven el libro a la clase. 5 Parish News & Events / Anuncios en Español THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE is available at the Churches. Please write the name of your deceased loved ones and they will be remembered at the Masses in November. LECTORS WORKBOOKS The workbooks for the 2017 Liturgical Year are available to purchase at the Parish Office. The new year begins November 27, 2016. S .V P :A C B P is under way! Please take the gi tags for children hanging at both churches. We make sure every child has 2 gi s: a “need” and a “want.” Please return gi s ASAP to the church on weekends or Parish Office during the week. Return gi s by Thursday, Dec. 8th. No later than Monday, Dec. 12th. We are in need of turkeys. Please store them un l Dec. 1 then deliver them to our building, the old Smith Chevrolet. You may also bring them to St. Vincent de Paul during the week. Thank you to our generous and faithful community. I C C C C W E D , December 3, 2016, 10:00AM – 1:00PM Carol Kolbet’s House at 3792 W 33rd S in Idaho Falls ID 83402 (Ext. 116, go west, first house on the right a er stop sign) RSVP by Nov 30th 208-390-4186 or [email protected] LUNCH BUNCH will share lunch together on Tuesday, December 6th, at 1:00PM, at the Sizzler Restaurant, on 17th Street. EVERYONE is welcome! Please call Mary Dee, 521-5955, to let her know that you're planning to come!!!! T K C G ’s next mee ng is Thursday, Jan. 19th , at 9AM at Christ the King Hall. We appreciate donaons of fabric and yarn. Please call 524-0072 to have any donaons picked up. F F I F is a fellowship of young adults seeking to draw closer to Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. For more informa on, email frassa [email protected] - Frassa Fellowship Study Night featuring Bishop Robert Barron's "Catholicism" series. It will be Tuesday nights at 7:00PM in classroom #1 at Christ the King. The next SENIOR LUNCHEON is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 20th at 1:00PM, Christ the King Hall. The Please RSVP with Margaret at 524-3356. The 2017 CURSILLO is coming in February The Cursillo is a 3-day "short course" in Chris anity. Brochure & Registra on form at the church entrances. Where: Holy Rosary Hall, Idaho Falls Women’s Cursillo Date: Thursday, Feb. 2nd through Sunday, Feb. 5th. Contact Rectora: Rose Brookshier (208) 521-9845. [email protected] Men’s Cursillo Date: Friday, Feb. 17th through Monday, Feb. 20th. Contact Rector: Spencer Brookshier (208) 680-3334 or [email protected] Go online and check out all the great books and media now available to SJPII Parishioners for FREE at FORMED.org. More info to come! Parish code: PR47GM EL LIBRO DE CONMEMORACIÓN DE LOS FIELES DIFUNTOS ya está disponible en las Iglesias. Por favor, escriba el nombre de sus seres queridos que han fallecido, ellos serán recordados en las misas durante el mes de noviembre. NOVENARIO PARA DIFUNTOS Si ene la necesidad para que le dirigan un novenario para difuntos favor de contactar a la Sra. Gloria Lepe al 524-0923 Los invitamos a que visiten la página en internet FORMED.org y dé una mirada a todos los libros y programas disponibles ya gra tuamente para los feligreses de SJPII. Habrá más información! Parish Code: PR47GM Les recordamos!! Tenemos nuestra enda de ar culos religiosos en la Iglesia Cristo Rey, la encontrará en servicio al finalizar las misas del fin de semana. 6 Financial Information/ Información Financiera God blesses each and every one of you who have so generously responded in support of the 2016 Idaho Catholic Appeal which supports over 20 diocesan ministries. If you have heard the call to respond and have not yet responded, please do so today. Pledge envelopes are located at the back of the church and can be dropped in the collection basket or you may donate online at www.catholicidaho.org. Dios bendice a todos y a cada uno de ustedes que tan generosamente han respondido apoyando la Campaña Católica del Diezmo, la cual apoya a 20 ministerios diocesanos. Si usted ha escuchado la llamada a participar y aún no ha respondido, por favor hágalo hoy. Los sobres se encuentran ubicados en la parte posterior de la iglesia y pueden ser colocados en la canasta de la colecta o usted puede donar en línea en www.catholicidaho.org. Our parish ICA goal for this year is: Nuestra meta parroquial para este año es de: Saint John Paul II (95.77%) x Goal $ 158,340 x Pledge $ 151,635 x Paid $ 143,767 THANK YOU!!! St. Ann St. Anthony (201.68%) (93.74%) x Meta $ 2,024 x Meta $ 2,460 x Compromiso $ 4,082 x Compromiso $2,306 x Se ha pagado $3,632 x Se ha pagado $2,251 Please support and thank our Advertiser of the Week for bringing you this bulletin: Insure Today... Be Sure Tomorrow Carpet One Last Week’s General Collections Colecta de la Semana Anterior Saint John Paul II Envelopes & Loose Collec on Children’s Collec on $18,143.14 $ 467.60 San Antonio Sobres y Colecta de la Semana Colecta de los Niños $ 254.00 $ 55.00 Santa Ana Sobres y Colecta de la Semana Colecta de los Niños $ 223.00 $ 18.00 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device We Represent Over 20 Insurance Companies Call today for fast, friendly service & a free insurance quote Carolyn Peterson • 522-2253 CatholicMatch Idaho Have your doctor order from Pacific Medical 1-800-726-9180 Covered by most Insurances ~ Medicare Approved Call Donna 1-800-867-0660 ch216 CatholicMatch.com/meetID 7 Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Browning Law Our Lady’s Bookstore and Religious Gifts Allen Browning 482 Constitution Way, Suite 111 Idaho Falls, ID 83402 542-2700 browninglaw.net Se Habla Español 1023 Yellowstone Ave., Suite E Pocatello, ID 83201(The Crossing Plaza) 208-233-6547 Shipping Available. Please give me a call or email me @ [email protected] Monday - Friday 10am-6pm • Saturday 10am-4pm Personal Injury CrImInal Defense Buy Where the Service Is Michael J. Whyte 2635 Channing Way • Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 (208) 522-1230 • Fax (208) 522-1277 [email protected] www.BradysBunch.com • 1445 E Lincoln Rd • (208) 522-6763 - HRSEF Information: holyrosaryschoolif.org -Send Donations:: HRSEF, Attn: Robert Anderl 143 9th St., Idaho Falls, ID, 83404 Mike Crapo: 208-406-9743 Up to $2000 to your selected Catholic charity at closing Catholic Owned 10% off Labor with this ad! Michele Robison 1820 John Adams Parkway (208) 523-5400 208-520-4236 Family Owned for over 100 years 208-522-2751 www.CaliberRealty.Team [email protected] Kevin Bodily Funeral Director www.woodfuneralhome.com Beautiful Made Affordable John Andary, M.D. Shoulder & Knee Specialist 405 W. 17th St., Idaho Falls, Idaho 208-529-1951 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-3pm carpetone.com 1-800-CARPET-1 $100 off new roof when you mention this ad Personalized & Comfortable Joan Ozmun, RDH (208) 201-5703 Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call Sheila Ph: 208.524.5633 Fx: 208.524.1045 2035 East 17th Street Idaho Falls, ID 83404 Spencer Brookshier Financial Advisor Personal Financial Planning • Retirement Planning Mutual Funds • Education Funding P.O. Box 81026 Seattle, WA 98108-1026 1-800-616-4138 Call Sheila Miller “We make sure it’s done right the first time” • Shingles • Flat Roofs • Soffit • Metal Roofs • Fascia • Repairs Exceptional Customer Service & Quality Work. 100% Guaranteed Licensed & Insured Se habla Espanol Presupuestos Gratis Tony Burton Parishioner Computers, Tablets,TV’s,etc. LL C (208) 521-9409 • New Construction • Service & Repairs Onsite Electronics Dr. Looking to our School’s Future! Your donation qualifies you to reduce your taxes by utilizing the Idaho Tax Credit under the current tax code. 1465 Jefferson Ave Idaho Falls, ID 83402 PLUMBING SERVICE Residential ~ Commercial It’s Geek Ta Me HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION, INC. Diego Acevedo PROGRESSIVE ©CPI - 216 - www.catholicprintery.com Hot Tubs Vacuums Sewing Machines Billiards Water Treatment Excercise Equipment ComfortAir Beds __________________________________ 1075 South Utah Ave. Suite 100 Idaho Falls, ID 83402 208-745-0037 carpet and furniture cleaning www.buckmillerhann.com 208-522-7424 BRADLEY K. STODDARD, M.D. SPECIALIZING IN INTERNAL MEDICINE 2001 South Woodruff Suite 15 (208) 522-7310 All American All American Remodeling Remodeling & Handyman Services e flood, fire, mold cleanup Funeral Home & Cremation Services Idaho Falls Parish members receive a 10% discount on funeral goods and services at our funeral home and any DIGNITY MEMORIAL provider nationwide. 9653 (04/16) e Fr 24hour emergency Office: (208) 529-3993 [email protected] Financial Advisors™ Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member SIPC r ne % hio s s 10 Pari unt te a r/ o nio sc tim Se Di Es 1-800-616-4138 BUCK-MILLER-HANN 208-351-9304 For Advertising Call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 Call for FREE estimate 208.360-6929