Volumen 1, nº2 01 . 07 . 2015 Boletín Escolar I N S T I T U T O E S P A Ñ O L V I C E N T E C L o n d o n A Ñ BLANQUITO LIBRARY PET A D A B L A N C H E x p e r i e n c e My family and I decided to come to London to learn English, and in order to do it my parents took a sabbatical year. At first I didn’t want to come to London because I had to leave my old school and my old friends and make new friends. Another reason was that I had to come to England with a low level of English. My parents came here in July 2014 to see the flats for rent and managed to rent a flat near Westfield and near the school. I came here to London in September 2014 and I went straight to school. The first day of school I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know anyone. The students were really nice with me and I made friends very quickly, which helped me a lot because I didn’t know anyone. Furthermore, I thought it would be more difficult to make friends because English people are known as not very friendly people, but it resulted that most of the students were Spanish. One thing that I didn’t like about England was the weather. However, I got used to it very quickly. Moreover, when I came here, it darkened very soon so I was a little bit depressing, because you finished school and it was already dark. However, now it darkens later than before. De safio matematico LA CUERDA Y EL CILINDRO ¿Serías capaz de decir cuánto mide una cuerda que da cuatro vueltas a un cilindro de 12 centímetros de largo y cuatro de circunferencia? One thing that I really loved was the amount of parks in London, because they are so green and perfect to have a picnic in a sunny day, or even to play football. It has been a very good experience. The school has treated me really well and the teachers have been very helpful. I loved the activities such as the football tournament and the trip to Andorra with all my friends. I miss my home in Spain a lot, but I wouldn’t change this experience, not even for all the tea in China. Manel Piera 2º ESO B Dpto Inglés Taller de matemáticas. Dpto Matemáticas. P á g i n a 2 B o l e t í n E s c o l a r U NE ANNÉE À L ONDRES ET AU CAÑAD A BL ANC H Je suis arrivée le 2 Septembre 2014 avec mes parents et mon frère pour passer une année à Londres. Je me rappelle le premier jour d’école. J’avais envie de connaître de nouvelles personnes mais j’étais très nerveuse et effrayée. Tout a été plus facile de ce que je pensais. Tout le monde a accueilli parfaitement à tous les nouveaux. Les professeurs nous présentèrent nos nouveaux camarades et ils nous expliquèrent les installations principales de l’école après nous avoir donné la bienvenue. confort puisque tu ne te sens pas exclue. Je remercie la manière dont ils ont accueilli et aidé tous ceux qui sommes venus d´Espagne. Claudia Piera 4°ESO A Dpto Francés. Après deux semaines on connaissait presque tous les élèves. Cela te donne une sensation de What do you really want? I have a family I have a home I have friends I have food I want a new phone I have a family I have a home I have friends I want a new phone I want a new car I have a family I have a home I want a new car I want a new phone I want to travel I have a family I want to travel I want a new car Cuento ganador 1º de primaria I want a new phone I want fame I want fame I want to travel I want a new car I want a new phone I have everything but no one besides me. Anas, Alex, Paloma & Paula 1ºBachillerato Dpto Inglés. V o l u m e n 1 , P á g i n a n º 2 E n s a l a d a “ C a ñ a d a Ingredientes: -Un pouquiño de ourego -Un bol grande de leituga sementada na horta do IE Cañada Blanch -Un chorro de aceite de oliva -5 tomatiños pequenos -Uns ravos cortados en láminas finas -Media lata de atún -Media lata de olivas -Unha presiña de sal de rocha -Un chisco de pementa -Unha presiña de comiños 3 B l a n c h ” -Unha pinga de vinagre de Módena Preparación: 1-Poñer a ensalada nun bol despois de lavala 2-Cortas os tomates pola metade e engadilos 3-Botar o sal e a pementa e remexer 4-Botar a media lata de atún sen o aceite e incorporar as olivas. 5-Engadir os comiños, o ourego e os ravos. 6-Aliñar co aceite e vinagre. 7-Remexer todo cunha culler e un garfo. Servir A DESFRUTAR!!! Cristina de la Cruz, 1º ESO Area de Gallego L a t i d o s Late cada día y cada noche. Cada minuto y cada segundo. Algunas veces late muy rápido, como cuando le ves a él o a ella. Incontrolable. Doloroso. Late demasiado deprisa, como si te fuese a salir o explotar. En otros momentos late muy lento, como ahora… Palpita lentamente, pero no duele, Es como todo a mi alrededor, va muy lento, tan lento que al final ya no siento los latidos y todo para… Eirini Christina Nicola 4esoB Dpto Lengua Castellana y Literatura Comic by Ana Rose Layosa 4º Eso A Dpto Dibujo. B I O L O G Y C R O S S W O R D ASTRONOMY ASTROPHYSICS ATOMS BACTERIUM BIOCHEMISTRY BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY ELECTRONS ELEMENTS GENES GENOME MECHATRONICS MICROSCOPE NANOBOTS NEUROSCIENCE PERIODICTABLE PHYSICS RESEARCHERS SPECIES ZOOLOGY Y Y G O L O I B A P I J P S R M S R S M O T A H N L E V C E O S E T Q H J Y J H R V N I S N P Q N S I S R H I T U A S E O E C N E I C S O R U E A R C B C C G M T L Y N O O H R T I Q S E F I E G A R J B P S E O N E C I O H T I P O O H A S O M T L L R C C V U T R E K M W A U O E E S J O X S T R E B B U O U L M W S L I Z S S F L J Z Y E S W E E I F B A J E M E C H A T R O N I C S E P O C S O R C I M T M E P B A C T E R I U M P J S N Y S W Dpto. Inglés. p o e m One jump, two, three Can’t get it out, night’s approaching. Great! It has fallen into the sea. It’s still in the same place. I know it is sinking. I can see it. And I have to get it. I can’t go inside, it’s freezing. It’s my grandma’s necklace, much appreciated. The waves are now angry. The necklace is moving. This is going to be mission impossi- I’m afraid I won’t get it back. ble. I know I won’t, unless I start The ocean is immense, moving. There is no way I will ever get it back, Maybe, just not today. I start moving, Take a glance. It’s at the bottom of the sea. I know it. It is no longer there. Laura Porras 3º ESO A Dpto Inglés. Cuento ganador 3º de Primaria Boletín escolar diseñado por Ricardo Lora. 4º ESO. J U A M Crucigrama realizado para la semana de la ciencia en el Cañada Blanch. I play with my cousins in the sand. C Dpto. Tecnología