Pause and Pray in 2016 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Bearing fruit in

Pause and Pray in 2016
Be prepared for periods of darkness, anxiety,
doubts, fears, and temptations.
For if there were nothing to bear,
for what would you go to heaven?
If there were no trials,
there would be no struggle.
Without a struggle,
victory would be impossible,
and without victory,
there is no reward.
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday by all those who have celebrated their 18th birthday
and have not yet celebrated their 60th birthday. Abstinence
from meat is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and all
Fridays of Lent by all who have celebrated their 14th
Stations of the Cross
We will have Stations of the Cross on
Wednesdays in Spanish at 6:45pm and
Fridays in English at 7:00pm.
Lenten Masses
During the Season of Lent we will have Mass in English on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm in the Old
Knights of Columbus
Fish Fry
The KC is hosting an “All you can Eat” Fish
Fry Dinner every Friday during Lent from 68pm in the Parish Hall. Cost: $10 for Adults
& $5 for Children (12 and under). Bring your
whole family!
Coffee and Donuts
Come and join the KC for coffee and donuts after
the 8:00am Mass in the Parish Hall.
FEBRUARY 28, 2016
Bearing fruit in God’s name
DOWN” (LUKE 13:8-9).
During Lent we have a special opportunity to take a close
look at whether we are living as disciples of Christ.
Traditionally, we concentrate on those aspects of our lives
that are interfering with our relationship with God. What
sins, addictions, or distractions keep you from following
Jesus? What should you cut out of your life so that you may
bear fruit? What ought you to give up?
Another approach is to nourish and cultivate those areas of
our lives that seem to be bearing fruit already. How are you
already following Jesus? Do you feel close to him when you
pray but don’t make much time for it? Do you appreciate
God’s presence in nature but hardly ever go outside? Do
you experience God’s love when you spend time with family
but find yourself spending more time working instead? How
can we be more responsive to God?
Lord Jesus, help me to bear fruit in your name.
Karla Manternach
First Friday in Honor of the Sacred Heart
We will have our monthly Holy Hour on Friday,
March 4th from 8:30-9:30am. Everyone is invited to
Blessing for Expectant Mothers
Next weekend we will have our monthly blessing
for expectant mothers of our parish after all the
Last Week’s Collection:
Diocesan Coll. (Black & Indian):
FY’15-16 Budgeted Average:
FY’15-16 Average Sunday Coll. thru 01/31/16: 6,215.42
Saturday, February 27
4:00 PM
Pro Populo
Sunday, February 28
8:00 AM
†Mary Kennedy by Connie & Danny Doak
10:30 AM
†Estela Ventola & †Ricardo Santiago by
Rosalina Ventola
12:15 PM
†Octavia Gonzalez
Charlotte Bruso by Mary Bruso
Tuesday, March 1
7:00 PM
John Miller by James & Melody Zimmer
Thursday, March 3
7:00 PM
†Dorothy Newburn by Elsie &
Friday, March 4
8:00 AM
Tuesday, March 1
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:30 PM
Pláticas Bíblicas para Adultos-Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
Wednesday, March 2
6:30 PM
R.E. evening classes
6:45 PM
Vía Crucis
Monday, February 29
7:00 PM
Monday, February 29
1:00 PM
Crochet Ministry at Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Grupo de Oración en la Casa St. John
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
Thursday, March 3
7:00 PM
Daily Lenten Mass
7:00 PM
RCIA meeting in Casa St. John
Friday, March 4
8:00 AM Daily Lenten Mass
6:00 PM
KC “Fish Fry” – Parish Hall
7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross
In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday, March 5
4:00 PM
Jennifer Thomson by Darlene & Bill
Sunday, March 6
8:00 AM
Pro Populo
10:30 AM
†Sylvia Lozano by her Parents
12:15 PM
†Candelaria Diaz & †Domingo Rivera Int.
de Juana Ramos
Sound Catholic practice encourages us to offer the Mass for the departed and for
those in any need. To request a Mass to be offered, please visit the parish office
or return to the office a completed Mass intention card. Available cards are
located in the foyer of the church.
Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of
March 5/6
Sat. 4:00pm James Langdon/Karen Mathers
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Gerald Garcia
Sun.10:30am Karie Hammond/Maury Buford
Sat. 4:00pm Paul Mathers*/Sherry G./Michael G./Debbie P.
Sun. 8:00am David Bendele*/Wayne M./Robert B./Abby H.
Sun. 10:30am Dennis Connolly*/Kevin P./Richard Jr./Erik A.
Extraordinary Ministers
Sat. 4:00pm Gary Whalin/Linda Whalin/Karen Mathers
Sun. 8:00am Marianne Marsden/Mary Pat Samuels
Sun. 10:30am Martha Aranda/Bill Bedrick/Argie Benavidez
Shelilah Dean/Tammy Guerra/Bud McClure
Richard Collier
Richard Lozano Sr.
Mike Gonzales
Amalia Ibarra
Ma. Mercedes Sanchez
Kenneth Elliott
Jennifer Whitehouse
Odilia Vargas
Patricia Reyes
Frank Kasper
Paul Gumler
Jimmy Blasingame
Rosario Rodríguez
Cindy Kinkaid
Rosann Kinkaid
Mayra Anguiano
Michelle Elliott
John “Sonny” Jones
Bill Blankenship
Patti Sikors Garrett
Yamileth Martinez
Warren Terry
Frances Aguirre
Rosa Esperanza Ramirez
Crystal Sanchez
Susana Olvera
Nick Morales, Sr.
Jack Sikors
Raul Rivera
Brenda Newburn
Henry Taft
Martha Kasper
Edgar Reyes
Mason Gumler
Felipa Garcia
Joe Wages
Donna Lain
Margarito Soto
William Mellon
Laurie Rangel
Olivia Nicole Yates
Erica Vargas
Margaret Wages
Lee Wilde
Elaine Kasper
Sheila Wages
Jerry Lain
Lucy Carrillo
Lucio Lopez
Johnnie B. Malouf
Jodie Fenton
Clemente Medina
FEBRUARY 28, 2016
Lenten Sacrifice Project
During the 40 days of Lent, we will follow in Christ’s steps by
Praying, Fasting, and giving Alms (helping the poor and those in
Religious Education Calendar for March:
Please note that because of Spring Break, Holy Week, and
Easter, the Religious Education classes in March are as
Sunday Classes: 20th: No classes on the 6th, 13th, or 27th.
Tuesday Classes: 1st, 15th, 29th. No classes the 8th or 22nd.
Wednesday Classes: 2nd, 16th, 30th. No classes on the 9th or
Spring Break set for March 6-13th.
Students and Catechists will get a nice break in
March when we have Spring Break beginning
March 6 and continuing through March 13.
The days that classes are in session are printed above.
Thank you to the many parents that are following the
procedures for dropping off and picking up children at
Religious Education classes. For the parents that are still
not complying, we will continue to print the following
Parents’ guide for bringing their children to class and
picking them up after class:
Each child/youth in the Religious Education program received a
Sacrifice Box in class. The sacrifice boxes are to be displayed in a
prominent place in the home to remind the children and the family
that we are all to make sacrifices during Lent. Every time a
child/youth makes a sacrifice by giving up a soda, candy, a movie,
etc., the money that is saved is to be placed in the Sacrifice Box.
The box is to be returned to the child’s Religious Education
classroom after Easter.
The Lenten project this year will benefit the St. Vincent De Paul
Society at St. Martin’s in Forney, where many of our parishioners
have been referred in time of need.
Confirmation Retreats in April
Due to the large number of Confirmation students, there will be
two Confirmation retreats this year. Deacon Jose Mora, a youth
minister and active Deacon in the Diocese of Lubbock will present
the retreats on April 9th and 10th. The High School students will
have their retreat on Saturday, April 9th starting at 10:00am and
ending with Mass at 4pm. The 8th grade students’ retreat will
begin on Sunday, April 10th with Mass at 8am and will end at 3pm.
The Confirmation Masses will be celebrated on Friday, May 13th,
and Friday, May 20th, at 7pm, with a reception following each
Mass in the Parish Hall.
Parent Meetings for First Communion
Grades K-4: Students in grades K-4 must be accompanied
to class by a parent or designated adult 18 years or older. No
exception. Parents may park behind the old church or in the
parking areas north of the main Church and north of the
parish hall. Parents must not park in the driveway between
the parish hall and the parish center.
Parent Meetings for First Communion will be held this Sunday,
February 28th. There will be two sessions, one in English and one
in Spanish. At least one parent should attend one of the meetings.
Important information concerning details about First
Reconciliation and First Communion will be discussed.
Grades 5-12: Parents dropping off their children in grades
5-12 are to turn right off of Frances St. (not left) into the
driveway between the Parish Hall and the Parish Center, and
then drop their children off by the ramp at the Parish Center.
Children are to exit their vehicle only on the right side next
to the ramp, not the left side. The driveway is two lanes and
children exiting on the left of their car could get hit by
another car passing in the other lane. Parents are not to drop
their children off on Frances St. or in the parking lot north of
the church. Those that do will be given a refund on tuition
and their children will be removed from the program.
Parents that have an issue with this may contact Susan
Warner or Fr. Orosco in the Parish office. The safety of our
children is much more important than the few minutes it
might save a parent getting home. We ask everyone’s
patience and cooperation. Thank you for complying with this
English: 2:00pm in the Parish Hall
Spanish: 4:00pm in the Parish Hall
First Communion and First Reconciliation (First Confession)
dates set for April and May.
First Communion Masses and First Reconciliation will take place
in the Main Church on the following days and at the following
First Communion: Saturday, April 23rd, 10am;
First Reconciliation: Sunday, April 17th, 4pm.
First Communion: Saturday, April 30th, 10am;
First Reconciliation: Sunday, April 24th, 4pm.
First Communion: Saturday, May 7th, 10am;
First Reconciliation: Sunday, May 1st, 4pm.
First Communion: Saturday, May 14th, 6:00pm;
First Reconciliation: Monday, May 9th, 7pm.
First Communion: Saturday, May 21st, 6pm;
First Reconciliation: Sunday, May 15th, 4pm.
Clases de Pre-Bautismales
Ofrecemos clases Pre-Bautismales cada primer
sábado de cada mes a las 6:00pm en el Centro
Parroquial. Favor de llamar a la oficina (972563-3643) para más información.
¿Cuántas cuaresmas hace que Dios, dueño y Señor de
todas las “higueras”, viene a buscar frutos en la mía?
¿Hará 15, 20, 30, 50 o quizá más?
Y ¿ha encontrado higos o purititas hojas?
¿Mucha ceniza y nada de conversión verdadera?
¿Un poco de ayuno en alimentos –para llenar el
expediente- y casi nada de compartir mi pan con el
hambriento, de vestir al desnudo, de no dar la
espalda a mi propio hermano, que es el ayuno que el
Señor quiere?
¿Mucho “viacrucis”, pero nada de llevar mi cruz de
cada día?
¿Mucha admiración por el Cirineo, pero sin echarles
una manita a nuestros hermanos con su pesada cruz
de hambre, miseria, soledad, desempleo?
¿Mucha rabia contra los que condenan a Cristo, pero
condenando nosotros, muchas veces sin oír, a
nuestros hijos, a nuestro cónyuge, a nuestros
empleados, a nuestros jefes…?
¿No estaremos ocupando la tierra inútilmente?
Ayunar y Abstenerse: Se les obliga abstenerse de comer
carne todos los viernes de cuaresma a personas mayores de
14 años.
Vía Crucis: Todos los miércoles durante la
cuaresma tenemos Vía Crucis en español a las
6:45pm en la Iglesia.
Misas Cuaresmales: Durante la Cuaresma tenemos Misa
los Lunes, Martes y Jueves de cada semana a las 7pm en
Caballeros de Colon: Los Caballeros de
Colon van a tener cena de Pescado Frito cada
viernes de cuaresma comenzando a las 6:00pm
en el Salón Parroquial. El costo: $10 los adultos y $5 los
niños (menores de 12 años).
Grupo de Oración
El Grupo de Oración se reúne cada lunes a
las 7:00pm en la Casa St. John.
Unción de los Enfermos
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca está necesitado en recibir
comunión o el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos favor de
llamar al Padre Orosco en la oficina de la Iglesia al número 972563-3643.
Calendario para el mes de Marzo:
Favor de anotar que por las vacaciones de primeravera, la Semana
Santa y la Pascua, las clases de doctrina en marzo serán las
Clases de los domingos: 20. No hay clases el 6, 13 y 27
Clases de los martes: 1, 15 y el 29. No hay clases el 8 y 22
Clases de los miércoles: 2, 16 y el 30: No hay clases el 9 y 23
Vacaciones de Primeravera
No vamos a tener clases de Doctrina el 6-13 de marzo por ser las
vacaciones de primeravera.
Retiros para las clases de Confirmación
Porque tenemos un gran número de estudiantes para la
confirmación, vamos a tener dos retiros este año. El Diacono José
Mora, un ministro de la juventud y un diacono en la Diócesis de
Lubbock presentara los retiros el sábado, 9 de abril y el domingo,
10 de abril. Los estudiantes de la escuela segundaria tendrán su
retiro el sábado comenzando a las 10am y terminando con la Misa
de las 4pm. Los estudiantes del grado 8 tendrán su retiro el
domingo comenzando con Misa a las 8am y terminando a las 3pm.
Las Misas de Confirmación serán celebradas el viernes, 13 de
mayo y el viernes, 20 de mayo a las 7pm y enseguida tendremos
una recepción en el salón parroquial después de cada misa.
Primera Comunión y Primera Reconciliación
Las misas de la Primera Comuniones y Primera Reconciliaciones
tomaran lugar en la Iglesia en los siguientes días:
Primera Comunión: Sábado, 23 de abril a las 10am
Primera Reconciliación: Domingo, 17 de abril a las 4pm
Primera Comunión: Sábado, 30 de abril a las 10am
Primera Reconciliación: Domingo, 24 de abril a las 4pm
Primera Comunión: Sábado, 7 de mayo a las 10am
Primera Reconciliación: Domingo, 1 de mayo a las 4pm
Primera Comunión: Sábado, 14 de mayo a las 6pm
Primera Reconciliación: Lunes, 9 de mayo a las 7pm
Primera Comunión: Sábado, 21 de mayo a las 6pm
Primera Reconciliación: Domingo, 15 de mayo a las 4pm
FEBRUARY 28, 2016