- Friar Servants of Mary USA Province

Secular Servite News
October 2011
Mary’s Compassion and Suffering –
A Model For All
Deacon Jack Rhine, OSSM
Several devotions are based on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, which are believed to be the seven
most emotionally difficult times in her life. The seven sorrows of Mary may be compared to
difficult situations in our own lives that we face in this day and age.
The first sorrow is the prophecy of Simeon. Mary was
at a high point in her life when she presented her son,
Jesus, at the temple. Then, Simeon prophesized that
she would have a painful life. How many times have we
thought life was about as good as it would get and then
our path became difficult?
The second sorrow is the flight
into Egypt. Because of Harod’s threat against the life
of Jesus, the Holy Family is forced to flee in to exile.
They went to Egypt, away from their friends and
families into an entirely different culture. Are there
aspects of our lives that we should exile?
The third sorrow is the loss of Jesus in the temple.
Mary must have been in an absolute panic when she
Profile of Secular Order.. 3
In Remembrance............ 8
Vatican Exhibit.............10
Credo Mariano..............11
Letter of Prior General.. 14
discovered that Jesus was not with the caravan returning home from Jerusalem with her family. What life situations have caused panic for us?
The fourth sorrow is Mary meeting Jesus on the road to Calvary. He has
been brutalized by scourging and is forced to carry his heavy cross to
his own execution. How have we been placed in a situation where we
thought our load was too heavy to continue or where those we love are
forced to endure pain?
The fifth sorrow has Mary witnessing her son’s death. Outliving a child
is one of the worst experiences a loving parent can have. How have our
lives been changed by the death of loved ones, situations or attitudes
we have experienced?
The sixth sorrow is the reception of Jesus’ body into Mary’s arms. What
tragedy and loss have we had to accept into our lives?
The seventh sorrow is the laying of Jesus in the tomb. What have we had to bury in our lives
and how have the burials brought us new life?
We all have had and will continue to have experiences in our lives that are relatable to the
sorrows of Mary’s life. Her experiences give us guidance and comfort in our own lives. We can
continue to identify with and grow from Mary’s life in different ways. One is through devotions.
Secular Servite News is
published three times a
year by the Office of the
National Assistant to the
Servite Secular Order
Kindly address all correspondence to:
Fr. Vidal Martinez, O.S.M.
3121 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60612-2729
[email protected]
A good resource for learning about how we can integrate Mary’s teaching
from the seven sorrows into our lives is a book by Joyce Rupp, a Servite
sister and well known author, Your Sorrow is My Sorrow. It goes into great
detail about each sorrow and how we can fully live the
lessons Mary has taught us.
We are all witnesses to suffering and Mary is our example. Her ability to endure the death of her son is not just
a story from the past, but it speaks to each of us in our
lives today. We all can imitate Mary by reaching out in
compassion and love to assist others who are suffering.
This can be as simple as just listening to someone as a
friend who is suffering. It could be as difficult as watching a loved one suffer through a painful terminal illness.
It helps us, during the times when
our own suffering is extreme, to
remember Mary at the foot of the cross. Even when
it seems like we cannot go on, Mary shows us that
through our love for others, rooted in our love for
God, faith in the resurrection and the power of God’s
grace, we have the strength to persevere any suffering
that comes our way.
© 2011
Order of Friar Servants of Mary
3121 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60612-2729
Method for Data Collection
The survey was created by the OSSM
National Council. Hard copies were
provided in both English and Spanish (depending on the community)
to the prior or prioress of each local
community. It took from Spring
2010 to the beginning of Summer
2011 to get the completed surveys
back, three new communities were
formed (St Juliana in Fullerton,
Holy Rosary in Chicago, Mother of
Divine Mercy in West Palm Beach)
and are not included in the results.
Two communities (Our Lady of
Belen in New Mexico, which is not
active and St. Juliana in Lakeview
Oregon, which is very small) did not
return their surveys.470 surveys were
returned accounting for approximately 90% of all active Servites.
The conclusions drawn from this
number are statistically accurate. The
Access database and reports were created by Art VanDenBerghe, a friend
of the OSSM. The analysis was done
by Deacon Jack Rhine OSSM, the
Southeastern Regional Councilor.
Summary Analysis of Data
For the most part, the data confirms
what we already know:
• Gender - Women outnumber men
three to one and this ratio is generally consistent throughout the US
• Age – About 80% of Secular Servites are between the ages of 51-90.
About 18% are 50 or below. 2%
are over 90. Although the survey
requested input in age ranges, not
exact age, observation suggests that
a great number of respondents are in
the upper part of the 51-70 range.
In several regions, Central, Southeastern and Southwestern, the largest
number of Secular Servites are in the
71-90 range. This data suggests that
we, as an Order, are aging out and
need to attract younger members to
ensure our continuation.
• Ethnicity – Ethnic makeup of our
members is about 50% Caucasian,
40% Latino and 10% Asian, African
American, Haitian, and other with
Asians being about 50% of these
ethnicities. Latinos outnumber other
ethnicities in the Western region
about 2 to 1 and account for all of
the Northeastern region members.
• Country of Birth – About two
thirds of Secular Order members
were born in the United States. Out
of the remaining third, about half
were born in Puerto Rico or Mexico.
Secular Servites were born in 25
countries, primarily in the Western
• Education – About 50% of our
members have at least some college
education and over 40% have a high
school education. The number of
members with a college education
outnumbers those with a high school
education in all regions except
Southwestern where those with a
high school education outnumber
those with college by over two to
• Occupation – About 60% of our
members are retired, not surprising
giving the data on age. Unfortunately about 5% of our members are
• Year of Promise – This is difficult
to analyze across the US, but one of
the trends evident for many communities is that most promises occur at
the founding of the community and
within a year or so after and then
slow down considerably. This is not
always the case for all communities.
General Conclusions
The data collection and data entry
were very time consuming. There
were no real surprises in the results.
Another such study in the near
future would probably not be worth
the effort. Unless there are a large
number of new communities established that are primarily made up of
people who don’t speak English as
a first language, it is recommended
that another survey not be undertaken until at least 2015.
The main issue, which was already
known, is the increasing age of the
order. Although we don’t have a
previous study to compare this one
with, it is likely that the percentage
of members who are non-English as
a first language Caucasians is increasing with Latinos being the fastest
increasing group.
Coming Servite Feasts
3 - Bl Maria Gudalupe Ricart
25 - Bl John Angelo Porro
16 - All Saints of the Order
17 - Commemoration of All Deceased Servites, Benefactors,
Relatives and Friends
10 - Bl Jerome of Sant’ Angelo
in Vado
15 - Bl Bonvanture of Pistoia
12 - St Anthony Pucci
15 - Bl James the Almsgiver
St. Peregrine Community
Rice Lake, Cumberland, Spooner WI
Joanne Melcher, OSSM
Our Community has been keeping busy! We hosted a Community Dinner recently, and provided a pasta dinner
for over 120 people. This is an annual event for us. Last year, we fed around 90 people.
Some of our members volunteer at St. Vincent DePaul, and others are involved with Faith in Action, Food Pantry,
and as we see needs in our communities.
We gather to pray the Liturgy of the Hours twice each week, on Wednesday and Saturday, followed by the Servite
Rosary. We have many people on our prayer list, and we always appreciate being remembered in your prayers, and
we thank you in advance for remembering us! We will do the same for you.
Our next meeting, September 19, will be held at the Cumberland beach. On that day, we will have a picnic meeting, and we will celebrate the 58th wedding anniversary of Louie and Doris Muench on that very day! May God
bless them, and all of you.
St. Juliana Community
Ladysmith, WI
Sr. Marguerite Samz, O.S.M.
On May 21, 2011 three new members were received and welcomed into the St. Juliana Community of Secular
Servites, Ladysmith, Wisconsin. The ceremony was held in the chapel of the Rusk County Memorial Hospital and
Nursing Home.
The Rite of Promise was preceded by a May Crowning Ceremony, planned by Sr. Marguerite Samz, OSM. Songs
included were “ Hail Mary” and “Bring Flowers of the Rarest”, accompanied by Sr. Lucy Daniels, OSM on the
piano. Candle Bearers were Jane Effertz, Mary Lee Morgan. Flower Bearers were George Effertz, Tilly Galetka.
Crown Bearer was Kathy Mai. Crowning was by Mary Ornberg.
In a Chapel filled with family members and friends of the three candidates, Jane Effertz, Linda Effertz, and George
Effertz pronounced their Promises in the Secular Order. Sr. Marguerite Samz, OSM presided with the assistance of
Tilly Galetka,OSSM, Prioress and Pam Verdegan, OSSM, Formator. All present welcomed the new members and
joined in the closing prayer of blessing.
The celebration continued in the Riverside Room of the Nursing Home with a buffet luncheon social for the new
members, guests, and Servite Sisters.
Your prayers are appreciated for these new members of the Order of Secular Servants of Mary.
Feast of St. Philip Benizi
Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Pershing Golez, OSSM
St. Peregrine Parish, in Tunasan, Muntinlupa City,
Philippines, celebrated the Feast of St. Philip Benizi
last August 20, 2011. The feast day was preceded with
Triduum Masses, August 17 to 19, 2011.
Main celebrant during the feast day mass was Rev. Fr.
Beni M. Isip, O.S.M., parish priest with the OSSM
National Spiritual Assistant in the Philippines, Rev. Fr.
Ador Ma. Javier, OSM.
St. Philip Benizi is the patron saint of the OSSM
Community in the parish of St. Peregrine Laziosi,
headed by its prioress Esther N. Cruz, OSSM. Three
(3) members who have been accepted and under probation made their Promise during the celebration of
the mass. The three, Sis. Leni Miralles, Sis. Virginia C.
Pelino and Sis Christina P. Wong received their OSSM
Pin and Scapular from Rev. Fr. Beni Ma. Isip, OSM
and Rev. Fr. Ador Ma. Javier, OSM, assisted by the
National Prior Bro. Pershing V. Golez and the Local
Prioress, Sis. Esther N. Cruz.
The rites were very solemn with the three Promised
Members offering their respective candles in the image
of St. Philip Benizi.
Promised Members of the OSSM St. Philip Benizi
Community also made their renewal of commitment
and similarly offered their respective candles in the image of St. Philip Benizi.
Bread and water, symbols of St. Philip Benizi were
blessed during the mass and later distributed to the
Dinner followed in the Formation House of St. Peregrine Laziosi attended by members of the OSSM St.
Philip Benizi Community, Friars, Sisters and Seminarians.
Sts. Alexis and Juliana Community
Hillside, Illinois
Carol Bavone, OSSM
Sts. Alexis and Julianna Community in Hillside IL, celebrated
the Feast of St Phillip with an evening of food, fellowship, and
fun at a local restaurant. Sr. Margaret gave out prayer cards. We
all reviewed the prayers on creation that Sister also had. It was
beautiful to celebrate together. Sixteen members attended along
with two spouses as guests. We also had the privilege of Father
Tim Fiala, pastor of S. Domitilla, join us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
“Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros, pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte.
Anthony Caruso (03/23/11)
Stephanie Celentano
Julius Giraldo
Frances Villano
Maria Antonia Blasini (07/01/11)
Mary Kutz (07/21/11)
Evelyn Caruso (04/16/11)
Deacon Alfred Bouey (07/07/11)
Russell Domangue (10/20/10)
Marie Hernandez (07/17/11)
Eileen Rivard (04/20/11)
Mary C. Haasl (07/07/11)
“The Secular Servite will pray often for their departed sisters and brothers, imploring the Lord’s
mercy on their behalf. On the day of death and of burial of a sister or brother, the Secular Servite
will join in the bereavement of the family by offering the appropriate prayers for the repose of the
soul of the decease” (RL #30).
“El Siervo de María Seglar recordará frecuentemente a los Hermanos y Hermanas difuntos, implorando la misericordia del Señor para ellos. En el día de la muerte y la sepultura de un Hermano o
Hermana, la Orden Seglar se unirá al duelo de los familiares y ofrecerá en sufragio oraciones apropriadas para el descanso del alma del difunto”.
Lord God, who gives life and destroys death,
Welcome our sisters and brothers
Who have left our community of Secular Servants of Mary
And now return to you.
Amid the difficulties and labors of this world,
They dedicated themselves to follow Christ
And to bring to fulfillment the evangelical commandment of love,
In the service of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Señor Dios, que das vida y destruyes la muerte,
Recibe a nuestros Hermanos y Hermanas
Quienes han dejado a nuestra comunidad
De la Orden Seglar de los Siervos de María
Y han retornado a Ti.
Entre las dificultades y labores de este mundo,
Se dedicaron a seguir a Cristo
Y a llevar a su plenitud el mandamiento evangélico del amor,
En el servicio de la Virgen María.
“Eternal life grant unto them, Oh Lord”…
“Dales, Señor, el descanso eterno”…
Vatican International Eucharistic
Miracle Exhibit
Bob Ornberg, OSSM
conference room and three adjacent classrooms.
Some guests spent as long as 3 hours reading everything. About half were from outside of Hayward.
Many were drawn by the additional blessing of being
able to venerate the relics of 17 saints in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, which adjoins the parish center
site. This privilege was made possible by the kindness
and generosity of “our own” Sisters, the Ladysmith
Servants of Mary. Third class relics of all 17 saints
- prayer cards touched to the reliquaries - were available for those who desired them, along with a brochure on those saints. The relics included the Seven
Holy Founders, St. Juliana, and St. Peregrine.
In the month of July at the meeting of the St. Juliana
Community in Ladysmith, Bob Ornberg, OSSM, presented a summary of the Vatican International Exhibit
of Eucharistic Miracles exhibition. This exhibit was on
display at St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Center
in Hayward, Wisconsin, from June 30th through July
4th. Bob explained four of the miracles as examples,
and expanded his talk with a DVD of his photographs
of the project. The goal of the planning committee was
to increase understanding of what the Holy Eucharist
really is, and to help people develop an even greater
love for Jesus in this Sacrament of His Body and
The enthusiasm of those who undertook this little
pilgrimage made the work involved very worthwhile
for the parishioners who planned it and facilitated
it. As the planners had hoped, quite a few lay people
and several priests expressed interest in bringing the
exhibit to their parishes. The display is loaned free of
charge by the owners, a parish in Illinois. A substantial deposit to cover possible damage or theft is all
that is required from the borrowing parish, who must
also transport it. Bob is happy to provide information
to anyone interested: 715-699-1287.
The Vatican originated the exhibit, and the U.S. Real
Presence Assn., who sponsors it in the USA, was
granted permission to translate it from Italian to English, and to reproduce the 160 large, full-color panels,
which provide pictures and explanations of over 120
Church approved Eucharistic miracles from around
the world. The exhibit covers a time period beginning
in the 8th century, with the miracle in Lanciano, Italy,
and continuing into the 20th century.
Over 600 visitors, including some of the Sisters and
our Community members, passed through the multiple aisles of the display, which was setup in the large
Credo Mariano
Fray Neal Mª Flanagan, OSM
Creo que el <<Hágase>> de María marcó el inicio de la era
cristiana. Creo que María fue el modelo original de todo cristiano
que cree, de todo cristiano que se abre a Dios.
Creó que el <<Hágase>> de María la introdujo en lo más
vivo de la obra salvadora de Cristo. Madre del Siervo doliente
de Yahvé, también ella fue asociada al dolor, al sufrimiento y a la
gloria que acompañan al amor que se entrega.
Creo que la disponibilidad de María con Dios se completó
con su apertura a las necesidades del prójimo: para con su prima
Isabel, los jóvenes esposos de Caná, para con Jesús en la Cruz y
con la Iglesia naciente.
Creo que el sí
continuo de María a Dios y al prójimo es la expresión viviente de
la radical ausencia de pecado en ella. Por eso la llamamos Inmaculada Concepción.
Creo que la Asunción de María, como la resurrección de Cristo, no es garantía y esperanza de que
el amor es de verdad más fuerte que la muerte.
Creo que María, en cuanto Madre de Jesucristo, plasmó hondamente la personalidad y el ambiente
en que creció su hijo.
Creo que María no es solamente un modelo, un ideal lejano, sino una persona viva, extraordinariamente amable.
Esto, Señor, creo: ¡Aumenta mi fe!
Assumption Community
Denver, CO
Admission ceremony for candidate
John Jiron
Comunidad San Peregrino
Kissimmee, FL
The St. Peregrine OSSM Community gathered as
Servite Family on September 15th, Feast of Our Lady
of Sorrows to honor our Blessed Mother with a Mass
celebrated on the occasion by Fr. Nazaire Massillion,
Parochial Vicar and formerly our Assistant. Many
members of the community participated in the celebration, wearing our OSSM scapulars in tribute. El
día 15 de septiembre, Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de los
Dolores, la Comunidad de San Peregrino en Kissimmee,
Florida honró a Nuestra Madre Santísima con la Santa
Misa en su honor.
St. Peregrine Community also collaborates with the
parish outreach to the poor. At each of our monthly
meetings, we collect canned and imperishable goods
which we deliver to the individuals who are responsible
for distributing the food to needy families. Following
the example of Mary, we wish to be attentive to the
needs of her children that suffer. Nuestra Comunidad
de San Peregrino se ha unido al proyecto existente de ayuda a los pobres de nuestra Parroquia de Santa Catalina
de Siena. Nuestra aportación consiste en brindar comida
enlatada y no perecedera el día de la reunión de grupo,
para hacerla llegar a la persona responsible de distribuirla
a familias necesitadas. A ejemplo de María, queremos
estar atentos a sus hijos que sufren.
Another parish activity in which we took part was in
the Ministries’ Fair, which is an annual parish event.
The goal of this activity is to motivate parishioners to
become actively involved in the various ministries. Los
Seglares Siervos de María estuvimos presentes en la celebración de la Feria de los Ministerios, que se celebra todos
los años. El propósito de dicha actividad es la de motivar
a los feligreses a que se integren a los distintos ministerios.
Candida Carbone, OSSM
St. Mary, Source of Our Joy Community
Chicago, IL
Nancy DeBiasi, OSSM
We often hear that “God is in the details!” On July 25, 2011, St. Mary
Source of Our Joy Community tapped into our tradition, uncovering the
life and legacy of Therese Martin, better known as the “Little Flower,” who
was a cloistered Carmelite nun for less than ten years and died at 24. Her
remarkable legacy of “the little way” ---the importance of ordinary life
as our spiritual path---and the enduring love and friendship between the
three Martin sisters was the focus of this dramatic presentation. Marcia
Whitney-Schenk, a writer, artist, and performer, presented a dramatic presentation of St. Therese’s life, showcasing photographs by her sister, Celine.
Facilitator: Marcia Whitney-Schenk, former publisher and editor of Christianity and the Arts, is interested in interpreting the lives of women of
faith in a dynamic way for contemporary audiences by using PowerPoint
and interactive theatrical experiences to create unforgettable presentations.
October 28 - 30 2011 - Orlando, Florida
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Receive a cordial greeting in the Lord and Saint Mary with the hope that all are enjoying health,
peace and wellbeing.
I was happy to learn that you will celebrate a National Conference of the Secular Order of the Servants of Mary, October 28-30, 2011, in Orlando, Florida, and that the theme of the encounter will
be: “Servants of Mary and Care of Creation”.
“Our First Fathers, in the solitude of Monte Senario, cultivated respect for nature and devotion
to creation as a gift from God”. I believe that this example is a challenge for all of us: we need to
grow in our love for and care of creation, beginning with a respect for the dignity of the human being that is the greatest of God’s creation.
¿How can we accomplish this? Beginning with ourselves, focusing on a lifestyle of simplicity and
not allowing ourselves to be caught up by consumerism. And even though our attempts are a
small part of the total creation, in the world, almost nothing, a drop in the ocean, Jesus assures us
that the Kingdom of God is like a small mustard seed that, when planted in the earth, becomes a
shrub. Let us confide in Jesus. Let us have faith in Jesus. Take serious the decisions of this IV Conference for us and for the world.
And let us accomplish all of this in imitation of Mary, as Servants of Mary. She is our model, our
guide, our Mother, our Sister, our friend. She knows the path that leads us to Christ and always
tells us: “Do whatever He tells you”. She is the woman of hope, of faith. She is the woman of sorrow and of Easter.
Good work. May you have a beautiful and fruitful encounter full of fraternity, of hope, of faith and
all the beautiful things of life. May God bless you and Saint Mary accompany you in the pathways
of life.
From our Convent of San Marcello
September 22, 2011
Dedication of the Basilica of Monte Senario
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SOSM pins and pendants are available from Annunciata OSSM Community. Please contact Fr. Conrad Borntrager, O.S.M., at 773.221.1040 x30.
SOSM Pin - $4
SOSM Pendant - $6