in November and in April. This Mexican plant is known in the Rio

in November and in April. This Mexican plant is known in the Rio Mayo valley
only from the valley of Curohui.
macrocarpa Benth.
D I S T . Foothills and barrancas, Sonora; Tepopa ( 1 4 1 6 ) , Agrimensor (3038),
Canon Estrella ( 3 9 6 ) . Type locality: Aguascalientes.
H A B . Slopes and bottom in Oak Forest. 2500-4000 feet.
Yellow-flowered vine climbing on shrubs, no. 3038 on Lippia Gentryi. Flowers
(L.) DC.
D I S T . Barrancas, Sonora and Chihuahua; Bacachaca ( 1 4 5 4 ) , Guasaremos (1848,
H A B . Grassy slopes and flats in Short-tree Forest and Oak Forest. 2500-3500
A small, fine-stemmed, scandent perennial climbing on shrubs and stone fences.
Flowers yellow; summer.
D I S T . Barrancas, Sonora; Tepopa (2239).
H A B . Moist canyon slope in dense cover; Oak Forest. 3500 feet.
A clambering vine with small purple flowers; May and June. Apparently a rare
( L a m . ) Urban
Chanate pusi ( M )
D I S T . Barrancas, Sonora and Chihuahua; Carimechi ( 1 1 6 8 ) , Sierra Charuco
( 1 8 2 1 ) . Recorded observations: Alamos, San Bernardo, Guasaremos.
H A B . Alluvial sandy soils in arroyo margins; Short-tree Forest. 800-2500 feet.
A vine climbing high on shrubs and trees; flowers through the fall following
the summer rains. T h e bright, lacquer-like seeds, half red and half black, ripen
through the winter, and from them the plant takes its Mayo name "pusi," eye, and
"chanate," a bird.
Rhynchosia rariflora Standi., Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser., vol. 1 7 , p. 264, 1937
D I S T . Barrancas, Chihuahua; Guasaremos (2883 type). Type locality: Guasa­
remos, Chihuahua.
H A B . With grasses on gentle slope of valley margin in Short-tree Forest at foot
of oaks. 3000 feet.
A small, climbing vine with yellow flowers; September. On the slopes of the
Guasaremos valley, the only observed locality, it was obscured in the rife bunch
grasses, on which it clung.
Rhynchosia sp.
D I S T . Lowlands, Sonora; San Bernardo (2278).
H A B . Arroyo margin; Short-tree Forest. 1000 feet.
Eriosema grandiflorum
(Schl. & Cham.) Seem.
D I S T . Montane, Sonora and Chihuahua; Sierra L a Chuna (collected in 1 9 3 3 ) ,
Guasaremos ( 1 8 3 7 ) , Canon Estrella (434), Algodones, Cedros range (460).
Recorded observations: Mescales, Sierra Saguaribo. Type locality: Hacienda de la
Laguna, Veracruz.
H A B . Rocky hill slopes in Oak Forest. 3000-4500 feet.