L3 Presentación Oral

Presentación Oral: “Un accidente de auto”
L3 - Narrando en el pasado
20 puntos - ORAL
La Situacion: (la escena, la conversación, el diálogo, el encuentro)
Diego es un niño adolescente con un problema. Tuvo un terrible accidente de auto y ahora está hablando con su
amigo Pedro sobre la situación.
Instrucciones: Formen parejas, decidan en sus papeles (roles) y luego empiecen a escribir sus guiones (scripts).
Presten atención a los detalles pequeños, por favor, especialmente la pronunciación, el estrés, los acentos, la
concordancia (agreement) y la ortografía (spelling). ¡Diviértanse!
1-2-3-4: jueves 1 de noviembre
7: viernes 2 de noviembre
Pedro (el amigo)
says hello and then asks Diego how he is
Diego (el chico que tuvo el accidente)
responds that he’s not doing too well right now
because something terrible happened to him
asks what happened (ocurrir/pasar/suceder/tener lugar)
tells him that he had a terrible auto accident
asks when it happened
answers that it took place on Friday night at 10pm
on a dark street in the hills of Los Gatos
asks how it happened
says there was a lot of rain and that because it was
so dark and rainy, and his car was going so fast,
he skidded off the road (salir de la calle)
asks if he drank or used drugs prior to the crash
(beber o usar drogas)
says that he never drinks or smokes (beber/fumar)
responds with positive approval and then asks if he
broke anything (romper algo)
says no, but that he fainted (desmayarse)
responds that he received a call from his friend
Memo saying that Diego had died
Diego pauses and expresses shock, then insists
that he is alive and doing just fine!
responds joyfully and then asks him when they can
hang out
says he will be better (estar mejor) probably in a
few weeks but that for now he needs to rest
says okay and then asks what happened to the car
says his 1992 (mil novecientos noventa y dos)
Honda is in the shop (el taller mecánico)
NOTE: You may vary the small details (date, location, car model) but not the other specifics.
Presentación Oral: “Un accidente de auto”
L3 - Narrando en el pasado
20 puntos - ORAL
La Situacion: (la escena, la conversación, el diálogo, el encuentro)
Diego es un niño adolescente con un problema. Tuvo un terrible accidente de auto y ahora está hablando con su
amigo Pedro sobre la situación.
Instrucciones: Formen parejas, decidan en sus papeles (roles) y luego empiecen a escribir sus guiones (scripts).
Presten atención a los detalles pequeños, por favor, especialmente la pronunciación, el estrés, los acentos, la
concordancia (agreement) y la ortografía (spelling). ¡Diviértanse!
1-2-3-4: jueves 1 de noviembre
7: viernes 2 de noviembre
Pedro (el amigo)
says hello and then asks Diego how he is
Diego (el chico que tuvo el accidente)
responds that he’s not doing too well right now
because something terrible happened to him
asks what happened (ocurrir/pasar/suceder/tener lugar)
tells him that he had a terrible auto accident
asks when it happened
answers that it took place on Friday night at 10pm
on a dark street in the hills of Los Gatos
asks how it happened
says there was a lot of rain and that because it was
so dark and rainy, and his car was going so fast,
he skidded off the road (salir de la calle)
asks if he drank or used drugs prior to the crash
(beber o usar drogas)
says that he never drinks or smokes (beber/fumar)
responds with positive approval and then asks if he
broke anything (romper algo)
says no, but that he fainted (desmayarse)
responds that he received a call from his friend
Memo saying that Diego had died
Diego pauses and expresses shock, then insists
that he is alive and doing just fine!
responds joyfully and then asks him when they can
hang out
says he will be better (estar mejor) probably in a
few weeks but that for now he needs to rest
says okay and then asks what happened to the car
says his 1992 (mil novecientos noventa y dos)
Honda is in the shop (el taller mecánico)
NOTE: You may vary the small details (date, location, car model) but not the other specifics.