holy apostles santos apóstoles

The Church of
Iglesia Catolica de
April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter
Our Mission Statement: The Church of Holy Apostles is a compassionate, welcoming and
healthy family that strives to love God and serve others with respect and dignity.
God Bless our 2016 Confirmandi!
Tuesday, April 12, 5:30 PM
Confirmation Mass
Friday, April 15—17
“Luke 18” Retreat for 8th Graders
Saturday, April 23, 6 PM
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Saturday, April 30
8:30 AM: “Healthy is Holy” Seminar
11 AM: First Communion Mass
6 PM: Knights of Columbus Trivia Night
Sunday, May 1
First Communion at 10 AM &12 PM Masses
Help us communicate with you!
Download our app on our website,
thechurchofholyapostles.org or on iTunes or
Google Play Store
Subscribe to Flocknote on
thechurchofholyapostles.org or flocknote.com/
CHURCH & PARISH OFFICE: 5211 W. Bull Valley Rd. • McHenry, IL 60050 Telephone 815-385-5673 FAX 815-385-6045
FAMILY FAITH FORMATION OFFICE: 815-385-5673, Ext. 218, 220 or 225
Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.thechurchofholyapostles.org
MASS SCHEDULE: Mon: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Tue: 7:30 AM & 6:30 PM; Wed: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM;
Thu: 7:30 AM & 7 PM (en Español); Fri: 7:30 AM & 12:10 PM; Sat: 7:30 AM & 5 PM and
Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM (en Español) & 5 PM
CONFESSIONS: Tue: 5:30 to 6:15 PM; Thu: 8 to 8:45 AM & 6 to 6:45 PM (Spanish & English); Sat: 4 to 4:45 PM
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Dear Holy Apostles Parish Family,
This week we will be celebrating Confirmation
with just under 100 students. This year we used
a different program called Chosen that has given us more student interaction. Father Michael
Schmitz is the star of the day on videos and
social media and he is the main presenter. Our
hope is that it be more applicable to the students,
so they get more out of it that is practical and
makes a difference in their lives.
Last weekend we had the Confirmation Retreat
for students and parents. It is always interesting
to hear what people have to say. We all struggle
to raise our kids in this world and have God be
part of it. I found many of their concerns similar
as in years past, but this year we seem to hit a
chord when we spoke of anxiety. It seems that
we all are filled with worries that make us
anxious, especially after the recession 8 years
ago hit. We struggle to feel confident even if
things go well. Our children seem to have much
anxiety too. It hits me that with all the social
media and immediate communication we are
overwhelmed with so much. I find it interesting
that when we go on mission trips and students
do not have their phones they say, “It’s a relief
not to have to keep up with it all.” It is a good
time to ask, “What are we doing to ourselves
and our kids? Do we ever really relax and unplug
Have a Blessed week!
Father Paul
Why Do We Do That?—
Catholic Traditions Explained
Question: How do you explain "Real Presence" to
Answer: Sometimes it is easier to explain to
children than to adults. Their faith and trust in
Jesus is not limited by the questions and doubts
that often come with the question of how he
does it. Rather they focus on the question why,
and the answer is something they can easily
grasp: love. Christ wants to be with us because
he loves us. Nothing is purer in truth or in faith.
Not even the theological explanation of transubstantiation, or philosophical reasoning or symbolic references come close. Christ takes on the
form of bread and wine to be simple and approachable, so that no one is afraid or turned
away. His love for us is complete and total. We
try to love him the same way in return. For a child
it is simple; for us adults, we keep trying.
"Unless you turn and become like children, you will
not enter the kingdom of heaven" Mt 18:3.
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
All the homeless, the unemployed, the military, the addicted, the
grieving, the imprisoned, and the physically and emotionally ill.
Nancy Hoffman
Marisa Diedrich Richardson Sharon Justice
Carole Dumont
Patrick Waldron
Bill Michaelis
Glenn Ehrhart
John Jelinek
Annette Feller
Clara Williams
Donald Gauwitz
Len Kubiak
Kathy McCormick
Ethel Parisi
Joan Flood
Tom Majercik
Toni Nolde
Darlene Briscoe
Diane Briscoe
Carole Ann Walberer
Michael L. Prihoda
Gene Seaver
Frank Sweeney
Anthony Scianna
Tracy Norlen
Bennie Brown
Bertha Smith
Jean Bower
Victor Ortiz
Baby Maxine Branson
Reg Hawkes
Robert Holas
Liz Vavrik
Baby Lukas Zalewski
Jamie Dusthimer
Carlos Torres
Baby Kale Brenner
John Christensen
Irene Agrella
Erick J.
Mike Moore
Germaine Henningfield
Baby Cole Schwarz
Fernando Acevez
Mary Yeagley
Yolanda Mendoza
Josie Gluesing
Laura Smith
Nancy Guzzo
Maureen Skinner
Denise Lucas
Donald Nolde
Lucas Palacios
Colton Wray
Grace Wesinger
Alexander Pacheco
Bill Fenwick
Rev. Msgr. Wm. Clausen Mark Patterson
Brendan W. Thompson
Ed Adeszko
Ann Gaul
Ruth Gantz
Julia Ramsland
Donna Spino
Sandi Baumgartner
John Baumgartner
Jen Finch
Cindy Koeune
Maureen Kasarski
Lorado Pontone
Deacon Dan Krey
Juliana Gentile (child)
Donnie Schoen
Terri Anderson
God hears our prayers! Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 to
add a name to our Prayer List. If you or loved ones need prayers but do
not want names to be published here, please contact the Holy Apostles
Prayer Line at 815-385-2404 or email to [email protected].
Please call the Parish Office at 815-385-5673 or stop by during office
hours (8:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday) to arrange for a Mass
Intention for a deceased or ill loved one or other special intention. The
customary donation us $10 per Mass intention. If you mail a check or
drop it in the collection basket, please write the name of the intention
on your check and the Mass date/time you have chosen. Thank you!
Next Sunday:
Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30/Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51--8:1a/Ps 31:3-4, 6-8, 17, 21/Jn 6:30-35
Acts 8:1b-8/Ps 66:1-7/Jn 6:35-40
Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20/Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1-2/Jn 6:52-59
Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:12-17/Jn 6:60-69
Acts 13:14, 43-52/Ps 100:1-3, 5/Rv 7:9, 14b-17/Jn 10:27-30
For complete daily Mass readings, visit the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops website, usccb.org. Click on the date on the calendar
for that day’s readings.
Saturday, April 16:
8 PM—Fr. Paul
Sunday, April 17:
8 AM—Fr. Rubén
10 AM—Fr. Paul
12 PM—Fr. Rubén
5 PM—Fr. Tim
*Subject to changes in priests’ schedules.
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Third Sunday of Easter
SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2016
8:00 AM Mass: †Paul Miller and †Hank Bourassa
9:30 AM Family Faith Formation in whole building
10:00 AM Taped Mass
†Baby Gabryan Green and the People of Holy Apostles
12:00 PM Misa en Español
†Sergio Luna, †Abelina Ramirez Alonso , Alfredo Luna (for
healing), Maribel Luna (for healing) and Maria Silvia Zarate
(for healing)
1:00 PM Girl Scout Troop 1807 Meeting in St. Joan of Arc
1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church
5:00 PM FYRE Mass: †Carole Reibel and Juiliana Gentile (for healing)
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:10 PM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Mass: †Stanley & Stella Chura
Adult Faith Formation Study in St. Francis/St. Augustine
Hope Takes Action Meeting in St. Ambrose
Mass: †Fred & Ruth Merl
Mass at The Fountains Retirement Center
Mass at The Fountains Healthcare Center
Community Kitchen Meal in Fr. Sherry Parish Ctr./Kitchen
Girl Scout Troop 1614 Meeting in St. Theresa
Cub Scout Meeting in Seraphim
HALO Meeting in St. Francis/St. Augustine
Adult Faith Formation Study in Archangels/Angels
Spanish Emmaus Meeting in Thrones
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
2:00 PM
5:30 PM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Mass: †Victims of Suicide
Adult Faith Formation Study in St. Francis/St. Augustine
Staff Meeting in Archangels/Angels
No Confession/Reconciliation
Confirmation Mass
No Mass
Confirmation reception in Sherry Cente/Apostles Bay
Charismatic Prayer Group in O’Neill Reading Room
St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting in Seraphim
Knights of Columbus Council 1288 Mtg. in St. John
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
10:00 AM
12:10 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Mass: †Michael Schmitt and †Lavonne Sallaz
Dementia Discussion Group in St. Ambrose/St. Catherine
Mass: †Justin May
Church Housekeeping
HALO Historical Evening in Sherry Center
Teen Faith Formation Meeting in Family Center
Men’s Emmaus (Spanish) Meeting in Thrones
Video Ministry Meeting in TV Studio
Community Kitchen Ministry Meeting in St. Theresa
Marriage Ministry Meeting in St. Ambrose
Knights of Columbus Bishop Boylan Ass’y. Mtg. in St. John
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
Mass: †Ronnie Vician and Kelli Phelan (birthday)
Confession/Reconciliation until 8:45 AM
Magnificat Prayer Group Meeting in Apostles Bay
Children’s Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room
Confessions (Spanish & English) until 6:45 PM
Misa en Español: †Antonio Zamora
April 10, 2016
THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2016 (Continued)
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Al-Anon Meeting in Seraphim
Leadership Meeting in Apostles Bay
Mission Trip Meeting in Sherry Center
Adult Choir Rehearsal in Choir Rehearsal Room
Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016
7:00 AM Rosary
7:30 AM Mass: †Katherine & Laura Lyn Blumm and †Dennis R.
8:00 AM Noah’s Ark Preschool Circus Day in Sherry Center
12:10 PM Mass: †Nicholas & Jeanette Cannella
6:30 PM Spanish Marriage Ministry in St. John and Upper Room
8:00 PM Luke 18 Retreat begins in whole building
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
Mass: †Michelle Michaelis
David Winsko/Jenna Buss Wedding
Confession/Reconciliation until 4:45 PM
Mass: †Robert Walsh and †Ann Panico
SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016
8:00 AM Mass: †Patricia Byrne and †Members of our parish who
died during this month in past years
10:00 AM Taped Mass
†Lu Andersen and Bob Wohnrade
12:00 PM Misa en Español
The People of Holy Apostles
1:30 PM Estudio de Biblia in Room of Remembrance
3:30 PM FYRE Choir Rehearsal in Church
5:00 PM FYRE Mass: †Rosalyn Kollenkark
Motorcycle Blessing
Holy Apostles’ annual Motorcycle
Blessing will take place on Sunday,
April 24, at 11 AM in the Sherry
Center parking lot. Come receive a
blessing for a safe riding season.
(Enjoy a delicious breakfast at the Knights of Columbus
Pancake Breakfast in Sherry Center too!)
Advertiser of the Week
We wish to thank the business people who use our bulletin for
advertising their products and services. Our advertisers
make it possible for Holy Apostles to provide our weekly
bulletin to you AT NO COST TO THE PARISH. Please patronize our advertisers. This week we especially thank:
Reiche’s Plumbing & Sewer Rodding
Cavitette Systems, Pump work, Sewer installation
1115 S. Pontiac, McHenry IL 815-385-6480
Contact Jeff Tkachuk of LPI Publications at 1-800-950-9952,
Ext. 2513 or [email protected] to place an ad.
Page 4
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
We Share Our Blessings
Help free our
parish of the
debt “anchor!”
Our Parish Tithe this week will be given to Catholic
Assistance Missions (CAM).
Knights of Columbus Trivia “Knight”
Come and have a good time at Knights of Columbus
McHenry Council 1288’s semiannual Trivia Knight on Saturday,
April 30, in Sherry Center. Doors
open at 6 PM and game starts at
7 PM. The cost is $5.00 per person
or $50 a table. Beer, wine, water and pizza will be available for purchase at reasonable prices and there will also
be a 50/50 raffle. To make a reservation contact John
Vleck at 815-388-5260 or [email protected].
Offer Your Intentions with Candles
Four large candles surround the Blessed Sacrament in
the All Saints Perpetual Adoration Chapel, each burning
for 14 days. Request your own personal intentions for
their duration by contacting the Parish Office. The suggested
donation is $15 per candle. From April 10 through 23, with
these candles, your prayers have been requested by
Sheila Noland.
Make your pledge today!
Go to thechurchofholyapostles.org—click on Anchors Aweigh
or complete the pledge cards in the pews or Information Center
and drop them in the collection basket or Parish Office. Thanks!
We Welcome the Newly Baptized
Kevin Gabriel Cortes, child of Gabriel Cortes and Araceli Tejeda
Emmett Cole Edwin Erickson, child
of Sean and Megan Erickson
Faith Marie Gilman, child of Marcus
and Katherine Gilman
Maxton Scott Howard, child of
Christopher and Trisha Howard
Miles Joshua Lambo, child of Zachary and Rebecca Lambo
Julia Marie Mauch, child of Benjamin and Rebecca Mauch
Dayani Tirado Mendez, child of Pioquinto Tirado and
Lisbeth Menez
Emilia Ann Miller, child of Jason and Jaime Miller
Aiden Valentino Moctezuma, child of Hector and Stephanie Moctezuma
Abrham Josue Moctezuma, child of José Moctezuma
and Luz Ramirez
Adeline Therese Plautz, child of Chad and Molly Plautz
Brian Alexis Puga and Ricardo Puga, children of Efrain
and Fabiola Puga
Esmeralda Esther Reyes, child of Juan Reyes and
Celeste Barron
Catalina Marie Robles, child of Vanessa Robles
Madison Elizabeth Shay, child of Scott and Terri Shay
Lucille Adrienne Sietz, child of Steve Sietz and
Meaghan Stephan
Madelyn Rose Stephan, child of Daniel Kopsell and
Meaghan Stephan
Jayden Dieterich Swartz, child of John and Lindsay Swartz
Save the Date for a Special Celebration
On Saturday, May 28, Father Sherry will be coming
home to Holy Apostles so we can celebrate his 50th
year of priesthood. Mark your calendars now so you
don’t miss this special day! More information will be
available as the day nears.
Page 5
Third Sunday of Easter
Dementia Discussion Group Meeting
Mary Helen Ekstam, the JourneyCare Life Learning Advocate from Barrington, will be the presenter at our seventh meeting. She has over 30
years’ experience in healthcare administration
and outreach and has presented at many conferences and workshops. She is an expert in medicine, music therapy and neurological rehabilitation.
Her topic will be “Hospice and Palliative Care and
how they help manage pain and provide comfort
and support to loved ones with Dementia.” Family members, caregivers and loved ones are invited
to attend, offer comments and ask questions. Our
meeting will be from 10 to 11:30 AM in Apostles
Bay on Wednesday, April 13.
April 10, 2016
The coupon below must be presented at Panera.
Support for Family Caregivers Offered
“Connections for Those Who Care, “ a family
caregiver conference series by Family Alliance
Comprehensive Care Services will present “Your
Story Matters: Support for Family Caregivers,”
on Saturday, April 16, at 12555 Farm Hill Drive,
Suite 800, in Huntley. The event begins at 8:30
AM with coffee/refreshments and speakers and
presentations begin at 9:15 AM and go through
12:30 PM, followed by lunch. Please call 224654-6300 to register. Seating is limited.
HALO Wish List
Holy Apostles Ladies Organization (HALO) is looking for donations of yarn and fleece fabric for
upcoming craft projects. Any kind of yarn and any
size pieces of fleece fabric is acceptable. Please
drop off your donations at the Information Center
in the narthex. Thank you to all those who have
already donated!
Save the Week for Bible Camp
Vacation Bible Camp will be held the week of July
11 through 15 this year. Be sure to set aside this
week now so you don’t miss the fun!
We’re open after all weekend
Masses and other special
events. Shop online at
Come shop our beautiful
selection of First Communion
and Confirmation gifts!
A Tasty Way to Raise Funds for iPads
Welcome to the 3rd annual McHenry Panera Montini Tech
fundraiser. Enough money was raised last year to purchase
one iPad for the Primary Center. The goal this year is to
earn enough to purchase two iPads. To help
us reach that goal, the McHenry Knights of
Columbus Council 1288 will match dollar for
dollar the amount raised up to $500. Let’s
take advantage of this generous offer. Cut out
the coupon above and take it to the McHenry
Panera on Thursday, April 14 between 6 AM
and 9 PM. You could eat breakfast, lunch and
dinner at Panera as well as bring home snacks. Montini will
earn between 10% and 20% of qualifying sales. Montini
parents this is the date for the Academic Fair so instead of
rushing home to cook, take the family to Panera before or
after the
PURCHASE. You can also access a copy of the flyer on the
Montini web site at montini.k12.il.us. It will be in the news
section on the left side of the home page. If you do not
have the flyer you can bring it up on your smart phone
while at Panera. Thank you for your support
Montini Tech
Page 6
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
“Luke 18” Retreat for 8th Graders
“Luke 18” is a three day retreat for 8th graders
that’s a fun, exciting and life-changing experience that will help prepare the teens for their
adventure in high school.
It’s also a great way to
grow in faith and make
friends with other Catholic teens. The retreat runs from 8 PM on Friday,
April 15 until 11:30 AM on Sunday, April 16. To
register call Joe Filpi or John Jelinek at 815-3855673, ext. 112 or 118. Registration forms are
available on thechurchofholyapostles.org under
“Youth” and“Junior High.”
Help Us Have a Great Retreat
Please consider making a donation of supplies
that are needed for the Luke 18 Retreat. We will
be feeding several meals and snacks to a group of
14-year-olds over the almost three days of the
retreat, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please choose a suggested donation from the
Luke 18 basket at the Information Center and
drop off your donations before Friday, April 15.
Thank you!
Join HALO for “A Step Back in Time”
Holy Apostles Ladies Organization (HALO) invites
all ladies of the parish to join us as we take a trip
down memory lane and visit the McHenry of yesteryear with McHenry historian Pat Wirtz. Our trip
to the McHenry of the “good old days” will take
place on Wednesday, April 13, at 7 PM in Sherry
Center. Anyone who is interested is welcome!
You’re Invited!
'Thank YOU for your Time!' You're invited to an evening filled with
fun, laughter and fellowship! Please come celebrate Mass (at
5 PM) and attend the Volunteer Appreciation Dinner (at 6 PM) on
Saturday, April 23. Let us treat you to dinner provided by 31 North,
live music by the Freakin' Deacons, fun games & raffle prizes!
“Hope Takes Action” Seminar Offered
Hope Takes Action will be presenting “Bridges Out of Poverty”,
an educational seminar required for volunteers who wish to
participate in this program, on Saturday,
April 23, from 7:30 AM to 3 PM at St.
Patrick Church, 3500 Washington St.,
McHenry. There is a $20 fee to cover cost
of books, materials, lunch and refreshments.
For more information or to pre-register,
visit hopetakesaction.net or email [email protected].
One Quiet Hour with Him Each Week
The specific way that Jesus asks you to love Him
in return is to spend one quiet hour with Him
each week in the Blessed Sacrament. Take some
time each week to visit Jesus in
the Divine Eucharist at the All
Saints Perpetual Adoration
Chapel. and thank Him. Pray,
listen, and feel the peace that
He gives us so lovingly. Take a
break from your busy life to
acknowledge His comforting
Please pray about committing to an hour or even
half-hour. Praise God all open times are filled!
Contact Mike Thielsen, 815-385-8562 or
[email protected] to volunteer as a permanent
Page 7
Third Sunday of Easter
April 10, 2016
Please pray this prayer for the intention of our Confirmation candidates who will be confirmed by Bishop David Malloy
on Tuesday, April 12, at 5:30 PM here at Holy Apostles.
Creator Spirit, strengthen these young men and women with your gifts of grace, to love and serve as a disciple of
Christ. Grant that they may grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ. Fill them with the joy of your presence.
Increase in them the fruit of your Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of love, patience and gentleness, the spirit of wonder and true holiness. Amen.
Mauro Acosta
Geovanni Aguilar
Claudia Angelica Alanis
Gustavo Almaraz Ruiz
Justine Marjolein Asperga
Rebecca Isabel Avila
Emma Abigail Baader
Claudia Bandala
Naomi Monserrat Barranco
Elizabeth Becerril
Alex Nicholas Burr
Jasmin Carbajal
Isabel Carolina Corona
Alessandra Marie Cullotta
Mathew Tom Czerwiec
Jesus Javier Del Moral
Michael Timothy Dowling
Charly Guadalupe Duran
Daniel Charles Dusik
Dillon John Ebbert-Moede
Noah Joseph Emmert
William Mateos Esteban
Margaret Finnegan
Ivan Flores Esquivel
Shantia Lindsey Frydrychowicz
Jessica Rae Gagnon
Daniel Gallegos
Filiberto Garcia
Jenifer Garcia
Drew Christopher Gende
Meier William Glab
Bryan Andrew Gomez
Karen Gonzalez
Osvaldo Gonzalez Cruz
Daisy Guadalupe Graciano
Abby Rose Gunwall
Eric Guadalupe Guzman Duran
Cole Nicholas Heintzelman
Lauren Elizabeth Henderlight
Stefanie Carol Henkel
Mayra Hernandez
Ali Hamal Hernandez
Salma Nayeli Hernandez Olivarez
Zureidy Aileen Hernandez
Kaylee Hettermann
Taylor Hettermann
Zachary Robert Huff
Jonathan Juan
Patrick Filan Kelly
Kaitlyn Nicole Kirby
Caleb Kenneth Kwasigroch
Meghan Rose Lingle
Brian David March
Caroline Elizabeth Martin
Zachary Charles Martin
Olga Lidia Martinez
Ryan Patrick Marulli
Emily Maya
Steven Andrew Maye, Jr.
Trevor Daniel McAllister
Yohana Merino Rodriguez
Rubi Dorothy Miderski
Katherine Jane Miller
Julissa Mota
Carole Musielak Miller
Karina Alexandra Najera
Abigail Susan Noe
Ana Liliana Ortiz Aca
Miguel de Jesus Palomino
Caitlin Rose Pieroni
Michaela Rae Pieroni
Trey Anthony Piotrowski
Jonathan William Preston
Brian Puga
Bryann Ramirez
Colton Dean Reckamp
Andy Elvis Renteria
Peyton Adam Roper
Ellis William Rost
Kevin Falcón Ruiz
Alexander William Ryan
April Sanchez
Isaac Jair Sanchez
Michael James Scatena
Gretchen Rose Schweinberg
Hannah Margaret Schweinberg
Garrett Anthony Sode
Victoria Elizabeth Spiziri
Mackenzie Lauren Spung
Matthew Francis Susi
Blandina Jean Tackett
Hannah Catherine Talusan
Roman Tapia Mejia
Jenny Lizbeth Tejeda
Olivia Kathleen Thielsen
McKennen James Tobin
Emily Elizabeth Todd
Christian Jesús Vazquez
Abigail Vera
Erin Elizabeth Wallin
Thomas Charles Walsh
Blake Allen Weisenberger
Lydia Grace Weltzien
Hope Hanna-Marie Wenk
Amber Rae Wiedyk
Skylar Barbara Wirtz
Pagina 8
La Iglesia de Santos Apóstoles , McHenry, IL
Servicios en Español, Rev. P. Rubén Herrera
Cena de Apreciación para los Voluntarios
MISAS: Domingo a las 12 PM en la Iglesia
Jueves a las 7 PM en la Capilla
Para solicitar una misa pasar a la oficina por lo menos
dos semanas antes de la fecha. El horario es de lunes a
viernes de 8:30 a 5 PM.
CONFESIONES: Jueves de 6:00 a 6:45 PM
ROSARIO: Jueves a las 6 PM. Domingos a las 11:30 AM
PRESENTACIONES : Para los niños de 3 años Y 40
dias son el segundo y cuarto domingo de cada mes en
la misa de las 12 PM. Si desea anotar a su niño(a)
comunicarse al 815-385-5673 o pasar a la oficina de
Lunes a Viernes de 8:30 a 5 PM.
Se acerca la fecha de la cena en agradecimiento a
todos los voluntarios que forman parte de alguno de
los ministerios de la Iglesia de los Santos Apóstoles.
La fecha es el sábado 23 de abril, iniciando con la
misa de las 5 PM y al terminar la misa los esperamos
en el Fr. Sherry Center para la cena. Esperamos verle!!
Si tiene planeado bautizar a su hijo(a) en la Iglesia de los
Santos Apóstoles, venga personalmente a la oficina que
está abierta de Lunes a Viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.
Las próximas fechas para Bautizar en Domingo en la misa
de las 12 pm son:
Mayo 1; June 5; Julio 3; Agosto 7; Septiembre 4
Los Bautismos en Sábado son las 9 am. Mayo 28; Jun 25;
Jul 23; Agosto 27 y Septiembre 24 (ultima fecha)
Fechas de la clase Pre-bautismal: Lunes 6:45 pm
Abril 25; Mayo 23; Junio 27; Julio 25; Agosto 29
A partir de la próxima clase necesita estar REGISTRADO
para tomarla. Llamar a la oficina, el cupo es limitado
Favor NO TRAER NIÑOS y traer una Biblia el día de la clase
Requisitos para Bautizar
*Traer copia del acta de nacimiento del niño(a)
*Asistir a la clase pre-bautismal Papás y Padrinos.
(Si toman la clase en otro lado traer el comprobante).
Padrinos que son esposos traer certificado de matrimonio.
Retiro para Jóvenes de 8 Grado (Luke 18)
Todos los estudiantes que están cursando el octavo grado
los invitamos al retiro de tres días. Es divertido y tendrán
una experiencia que les ayudara para empezar a estar preparados para entrar a la High School. Aproveche la oportunidad de que su hijo conozca jóvenes católicos de su edad.
Las fechas son: entrando el viernes 15 de abril a las 8 pm y
saliendo el domingo 17 a las 11:30 am. Para registrarse
llamar a John o Joe al 815-385-5673 ext. 218 o 212; O en
el website puede encontrar la forma de registro.
Donaciones para el Retiro de Luke 18
Le pedimos su cooperación a las persona que puedan
colaborar haciendo alguna donación de comida para los
muchachos que acudirán al retiro. En el centro de información hay una canasta con lo que necesitamos que pueda
donar. Puede tomar un papelito para saber que tipo de
comida. Para entregar sus donaciones puede traerlas al el
centro de información el fin de semana o en la oficina de
la Iglesia de lunes a viernes 8:30 a 5 PM. Gracias por
Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento
Jesús esta esperando por ti!! Aprovechemos la oportunidad en tener al Santisimo Sacramento
expuesto las 24 horas del dia. Demos
lasgracias por todas las bendiciones
recibidas dia a dia. Separe un espacio de
su tiempo y visítelo. Le Tenemos excelentes noticias todos los horarios están
cubiertos por ahora. Pero si desea unirse
a alguna persona que usted conozca que viene en algún horario en específico puede contactar Medalit O
'Hagan 815-690-7373 o Celia Rojas 815-600-0050.
Estudiantes de la Primera Comunión
Los papás que no han escogido aun la fecha de la primera comunión para su hijo(a), favor de pasar a la
oficina o llamar al 815-385-5673 preguntar por Ana.
Las fechas son las siguientes:
Sábado 30 de Abril a las 11 am. (En Ingles)
Domingo 1ero de Mayo a las 10 am (En Ingles)
Domingo 1ero de Mayo a las 12 pm (En Español)
Ministerio de Emaús
Agradecemos a toda la comunidad por el apoyo que
nos brindaron en la venta de tamales, gracias por
cooperar para este Proyecto, que Dios y la Santísima
Virgen los bendiga y multiplique al ciento por uno
cada dólar que gastaron. Gracias a todas las servidoras por su gran trabajo.
Información para la Confirmación
El ensayo para la misa de Confirmación es HOY
domingo 10 de Abril de 6 PM a 7:15 PM. Tienen que
venir los jóvenes con su(s) padrinos.
La misa de Confirmación es el Martes 12 de Abril a
las 5:30 PM. Todos los estudiantes que se confirmaran y sus padrinos tiene que llegar a las 5 PM. Se
les recuerda que las muchachas que serán confirmaran deben de traer los hombros cubiertos. También
después de la celebración habrá una recepción en el
Fr. Sherry Center con el Obispo, tendrán la oportunidad de fotografiarse con el y compartir un rato. Habrá
galletas y limonada.
Bible Camp (Campamento de Biblia)
Separe la fecha para traer a sus niños al campamento
de Biblia. Este año será del 11 al 15 de Julio. Sera una
experiencia divertida. mas información próximamente.
Page 9
Tercer Domingo de Pascua
Porque Jesús Pregunto a Pedro si lo Amaba.
Porque Jesús le pregunto a Pedro 3 veces si lo amaba.
“Al final del Evangelio de San Juan aparece la triple confesión que Jesús hace pronunciar a San Pedro delante
de los Apóstoles, sin duda que en el contexto Judío tres
afirmaciones corresponde al cierre de un negocio, en
este contexto con el tono solemne de JESÚS corresponde
a una alianza
Cuál es el "negocio"? Apacentar a la Iglesia en nombre
del Maestro. Por qué? Porque DIOS es un DIOS de orden
y conocía la necesidad de un pastoreo visible para mantener la unidad de la Iglesia, recuerda que JESÚS le dijo
al mismo Pedro "Sobre esta piedra edifico MI Iglesia, pero místicamente tiene también un mensaje muy profundo que nos abre una ventana al espíritu de Pedro y a la
obra que el Señor estaba e iba a hacer en él.
En esta triple confesión se utilizan dos de las palabras
que hemos mencionado, ἀγαπάω (agapáô) y φιλέω
([philéô) ambas tienen un significado profundo en este
dialogo En esta triple confesión de San Juan 21, 15
comienza Jesús preguntando “ Simón hijo de Juan, me
amas más que estos? Acá Jesús utiliza la palabra AGAPE,
Jesús le dice a Pedro “Pedro me amas con amor divino
como el Padre me ama a mí, con amor de SACRIFICIO?”
A lo que Pedro responde “Tu sabes que te amo” , pero
Pedro acá responde con la palabra “phileo” o sea Pedro
responde “señor tu sabes que te amo como un amigo, o
sea con todas mis emociones.
Jesús le vuelve a preguntar por segunda vez “ Simón hijo
de Juan, me amas más que estos? Acá Jesús vuelve a
utiliza la palabra AGAPE” A lo que Pedro vuelve a responder “con la palabra “phileo”. O sea, Jesús le pregunta a Pedro, me amas con amor de Dios y Pedro responde
dos veces, “te amo con amor humano”, amor de
emoción. Por tercera vez, Jesús hace la pregunta pero
ahora dándose cuenta de que Pedro aún no ha abierto
su corazón a las cosas de arriba cambia las palabras y
Jesús pregunta: “Simón me amas (phileo) más que estos?” y Pedro sin entender responde “Señor tú lo sabes
todo, tu sabes que de verdad yo te amo (phileo) Ahora si
podemos entender y encaja lo que Jesús dice después:
18 Te aseguro que cuando eras joven tú mismo te
vestías e ibas a donde querías. Pero cuando seas viejo,
extenderás tus brazos, y otro te atará y te llevará a donde
no quieras». Acá Jesús le dice a Pedro “Pedro ahora me
amas con amor humano de emoción (phileo) pero más
adelante me vas a amar con amor divino (ágape) y sabrás lo que es pues darás tu vida por mí. Aprendió Pedro
esta lección???
Por supuesto que sí, el Espíritu Santo el día de Pentecostés irrumpió en el espíritu de Pedro y transformo el
Phileo en Agape… así lo vemos en sus Epístolas 1 Pedro
1:8 a quien amáis sin haberle visto, en quien creyendo,
aunque ahora no lo veáis, os alegráis con gozo inefable y
10 abril, 2016
Venta de Desayuno
Venga a desayunar con su familia en el Fr. Sherry Center
el 24 de Abril a partir de las 8:30 am hasta las 11:30am.
Los Caballeros de Colon le invitan a la venta de desayuno, habra pancakes, huevos, bisquets, café, te,
leche y juego de naranja . “Los esperamos”
Precios accesibles $6 dolares y niños menores de 12
años $4 dolares.
Veladoras en la Capilla de Adoración
Las familias que deseen que una de las veladoras que
están en la Capilla de Adoración al Santísimo sea encendida por sus intenciones, sus necesidades, o alguna
petición en especial.( solo se anuncia el nombre de quien
la solicita). Puede pasar a la oficina de la Iglesia para
solicitarla, tenemos espacios disponibles. Dura 14 días
encendidas y el costo son $15 dólares por veladora. Se
encienden del 10 de abril al 23, por las intenciones de
Sheila Noland.
Formación, Matrimonio y Famila
Iniciamos el día viernes 22 de Abril 6:45 PM en el
Remenbrance Room.
La Biblia Luz y Guía para el Matrimonio y la Familia
Ciertamente, la Biblia es la Palabra de Dios inspirada por
el Espíritu Santo. En ella, Dios se revela a la humanidad y
manifiesta su Plan perfecto para nosotros, el cual podemos resumir en solo una palabra: Amor.
El Evangelio según San Juan afirma que Aquel que es la
Palabra se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros. Por ello
podemos de alguna manera decir que la Biblia es Dios
mismo; y quien la lee está frente al mismo Dios; y el que
está frente a Dios es iluminado, es transfigurado por la
luz que proviene de Dios.
Por ello, el matrimonio y la familia que lee y medita en la
Palabra, juntos la comparten y oran inspirados por ella,
son necesariamente iluminados por el mismo Dios y
transformados en El, quien es el Amor, y llevados a un
compromiso de vida donde reina el Amor. Les invitamos
en este mes de la Biblia a reunirse como matrimonio y
como familia a leer, meditar y orar con la Palabra y le instamos a mantener siempre esta sana costumbre. Y
Dios, les dará la luz para entender su mensaje, la
sabiduría para hacer las mejores decisiones, la fuerza
para superar las pruebas y el amor para formar matrimonios y familias ¡que inspiran!
Limpieza de la Iglesia
La limpieza de la Iglesia se realiza el
Segundo y Cuarto miércoles del mes
a las 5:45 PM Su ayuda es muy I
mportante, juntos podemos hacer un
gran equipo de limpieza. Los próximos días de limpieza son: miércoles
13 de abril, y Miércoles 27. Empezamos a las 5:45 PM. “Le esperamos.”
Page 10
The Church of Holy Apostles, McHenry, IL
Marian Hosts All Night Bingo
Marian Central’s Fathers Club is hosting an
All Night beginning on Saturday, April 16,
at the school at 1001 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. School doors open at 5 PM; Bingo
doors open at 6 PM; and games begin at
7:30 PM. $35 reserves a seat and a 36-sheet set.
Reservations are recommended. Visit marian.com for
information or call 815-338-4220, ext. 106.
Let’s Play Ball!
Who wants to play some softball? Come out and join the
fun and fellowship with our Holy Apostles softball team.
Anyone who is 17 years old and up is welcome to join
our co-ed team that ranges in age from 20’s to 60’s. All
skill levels are welcome. For details contact Ted Dinkelman
at 815-353-4459 or [email protected] or Ed Dicken at
847-961-8172 or [email protected].
Mental Health Discussion at MCC
The National Alliance on Mental Illness and McHenry
County College will offer a discussion and workshop,
“Breaking the Silence: a Discussion about Mental Illness
and Addiction” on Tuesday, April 19, 1 to 2:20 PM, at
McHenry County College, Room B166-167. Three experts will present topics that discuss understanding the
struggles and finding solutions.
Help Touch a Heart in Haiti
Pictured left, two
Knights of Columbus
carry the new Divine
Mercy image after
the Divine Mercy
Mass last Sunday.
The image was
processed out to the
Adoration Chapel and
hung on the wall in
the narthex area of
the chapel.
Come to Help Touch a Heart in Haiti, the annual fundraising event to benefit Catholic Assistance Missions on
Saturday, May 14, 6 to 10 PM in Sherry Center. As
Catholic Assistance Missions turns
ten this year; help us celebrate and
give glory to God for all that He has
done for the people of Haiti through
your generous support. Advance
ticket prices: $20/adult, $5/
children 10 and under. Price at
door: $25/adult, $10/children 10 and under. Please call
Colleen at 815-578-0975 to purchase advance tickets.
Emmaus Ministry Gives Thanks
The Emmaus Ministry thanks everyone for their generous
support of their Tamale Sale last Sunday! Thanks to you,
they were sold out!
Love, Serve, Connect: Mission Trips 2016
Most everyone who has gone on a Mission Trip comes
back saying it was the best week of their lives. Make this
the year you decide to go serve people who are in need.
There are two trips: One to New Orleans, June 11 to 19,
for high school juniors and seniors only; the other to
Cincinnati, June 12 to 18, for 8th graders and up. Make
the commitment now! To register/details contact Joe Filpi,
815-385-5673 or [email protected].
Pictured right,
Fr. David Austin,
pastor of St. Mary
Church, McHenry
and Deacon Craig
Robinson stand
before the new
image in the
Adoration Chapel.