Questions and Answers II (FA)

Questions and Answers n°2
(Full Application step)
EN - FR - ES
(for questions received in one of the languages of the call, answers given in the
language in which the question was received)
Restricted Call for Proposals
"EIDHR Global Call for Proposals 2015"
As per section 2.2.4 of the Guidelines, in the interest of equal treatment of
applicants, the European Commission cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility
of an applicant, a co-applicant, an affiliated entity, an action or specific activities.
Comme stipulé dans la Section 2.2.4 des Lignes directrices, et afin de garantir un
traitement équitable entre les demandeurs, la Commission Européenne ne peut
émettre d'avis préalable sur l'éligibilité d'un demandeur, un co-demandeur, une
entité affiliée, une action ou d'activités spécifiques.
Con el fin de garantizar un tratamiento equitativo a los solicitantes, la Comisión
Europea no puede emitir dictámenes previos sobre la elegibilidad de un solicitante,
un co-solicitante, entidad afiliada, una acción o de una actividad concreta (véase
sección 2.2.4)
Questions and Answers - EuropeAid/150264/DH/ACT/Multi
QUESTIONS on Eligibility of the ANSWERS
24) Under the call it reads: “Grant
applications may be eligible if
submitted by entities which do not have
legal personality under the applicable
national law, on the condition that the
representatives of that applicant can
prove that they have the capacity to
undertake legal obligations on behalf of
the applicant, and that they offer
financial and operational guarantees
See answer to question n°1 in the Q&As
document published on the 19th of February.
As per section 2.1.1 on the eligibility of the
"Lead applicant
(1) In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead
Commission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, BELGIQUE/BELGIË - Tel. +32 22991111
equivalent to those provided by legal
applicant must:
persons.” Can you give any guidance
 Be a natural person or an entity without legal
about what proof would be sufficient?
personality ,or
 Be a legal person and […]"
As per section 2.4. of the Guidelines: " A lead
applicant whose application has been
provisionally selected or placed on the reserve
list will be informed in writing by the
Contracting Authority. It will be requested to
update where necessary and complete the
documents requested at Concept Note and Full
Application stage in order to allow the
Contracting Authority to verify the eligibility of
the lead applicant, (if any) of the co-applicant(s)
and (if any) of their affiliated entity(ies): […]".
Moreover "Entities without legal personality
must, to the extent possible, submit the
documentation listed […] In addition, a letter
must be provided by the legal representative
certifying his/her capacity to undertake legal
obligations on behalf of the entity".
No template has been foreseen and a free text
drafted and signed by the legal representative
will be sufficient.
QUESTIONS on financial matters
25) I am advising a potential client for a You can refer to section 2.1.5 of the Guidelines
potential application to LOT 1 of this concerning the eligibility of the costs.
call (call was for Concept Notes in Oct
2015 but we are assuming there will be For additional information please refer to:
the same call with Concept Notes
 General Conditions applicable to
deadline in Oct 2016)
European Union-financed grant contracts
Q1: is there a % maximum for the
admin costs of the Project Leader? And
a clear definition of ‘administration
costs’ if there is a maximum?
for external actions included in Annex G,
specifically in Articles 14 and 15.
 Annex K – Guidelines and checklist for
assessing Action budget and simplified
cost options
Please note that a maximum of 7% of eligible
Grant applications may be eligible if submitted by entities which do not have legal personality under
the applicable national law, on the condition that the representatives of that applicant can prove that
they have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on behalf of the applicant, and that they offer
financial and operational guarantees equivalent to those provided by legal persons.
costs can be requested in the budget for the
26) Could you share with us as public See answer to question n°1 in the Q&As
information how many concepts notes document published on the 19th of February.
have been selected under Lot 3 and for
which amount?
As per the Guidelines, "The highest scoring
applications will be pre-selected until the limit
of at least 200% of the available budget for this
call for proposals is reached".
For Lot 3, 20 concepts notes have been
preselected for a total requested amount of EUR
21 461 652.
Could you share with us as public For Lot 2, 5 concepts notes have been
information how many concepts notes preselected for a total requested amount of EUR
have been selected under Lot 2 and for 7 300 000.
which amount?
27) Me dirijo ustedes para preguntar un
asunto relacionado a la auditoría
financiera de las entidades solicitantes.
Nuestra propuesta fue pre-seleccionada
y como parte de la continuación del
proceso, ustedes aclaran en la guía de
subvención para solicitantes en el
apartado relativo a la presentación de
los documentos justificativos de las
provisionalmente, que se debe facilitar a
través de PADOR un informe de
auditoría externa realizado por un
auditor autorizado. La pregunta es: hay
algún requerimiento en particular sobre
éste profesional, en términos de
pertenecer a alguna institución? En
Colombia, un Contador Público,
certificado por la Junta Central de
Contadores de Colombia, entidad
encargada de regular y avalar el
ejercicio profesional de Contadores, está
en capacidad legal de realizar dicha
El solicitante principal deberá cargar en PADOR
los documentos justificativos listados en la sección
2.2.5 de la Guía
"(...)Un informe de auditoría externa realizado
por un auditor autorizado en el que se
certifiquen las cuentas del solicitante principal
del último ejercicio disponible si la subvención
solicitada excede de los 750 000 EUR.
La presentación de este informe debería hacerse
en el momento de la presentación del formulario
completo de solicitud como se indica en el punto
19 de la "Lista de verificación para orientación
propia" (Anexo A.2).
Dicho resquito es mencionado igualmente en la
sección 2.4 de la Guía:" Un informe de auditoría
externa realizado por un auditor autorizado en
el que se certifiquen las cuentas del solicitante
principal del último ejercicio disponible si la
subvención solicitada excede de los 750 000
EUR. No se requiere el informe de auditoría
externa de los cosolicitantes, en su caso".
A pesar de que su organización cumpla los
Que documentos (del auditor) se requisitos en lo que respecta a su legislación
deberían anexar como parte de dicha nacional, la prestación de un informe de
auditoría externa realizado por un auditor
autorizado, sigue siendo obligatorio para todas
las solicitudes para las que la subvención
solicitada exceda los 750.000 euros.
Sin embargo, como se indica en la sección 2.4
de la Guía:" El Órgano de Contratación
informará por escrito del resultado de su
evaluación a los solicitantes principales
provisionalmente seleccionados o incluidos en
la lista de reserva y les solicitará que
actualicen, si procede, y completen les
documentos solicitados en las fases de
documentos de síntesis y de solicitudes
completas para poder verificar su elegibilidad y
la de sus cosolicitantes y entidades afiliadas,
en su caso".
Esto significa que el informe de auditoría
externa realizado por un auditor autorizado
deberá en todo caso, estar disponible cuando se
le informe de que su solicitud ha sido
seleccionada provisionalmente o incluida en la
lista de reserva.
Tenga en cuenta que las cuentas del solicitante
principal del último ejercicio fiscal (la cuenta de
resultados y el balance del último ejercicio fiscal
cuyas cuentas hayan sido cerradas). y el informe de
auditoría son utilizados por los evaluadores para
evaluar el apartado 1.4 de la tabla de evaluación:
¿Dispone el solicitante principal de fuentes de
financiación estables y suficientes?
Un auditor autorizado debe entenderse como
sigue: (Véase sección 1.1 del Anexo VII
El Auditor o la empresa pertenecen a un
organismo o institución nacional de contabilidad
o auditoría que, a su vez, es miembro de la
Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC).
El Auditor o la empresa pertenecen a un
organismo o institución nacional de contabilidad
o auditoría. Aunque este organismo no sea
miembro de la IFAC, el Auditor se compromete
a realizar la presente misión con arreglo a las
normas deontológicas y profesionales de la
IFAC expuestas en el presente Pliego de
El Auditor o la empresa están registrados
como censor jurado de cuentas en el registro
público de un órgano público de supervisión de
un Estado miembro de la UE, de acuerdo con los
principios de supervisión pública establecidos en
la Directiva 2006/43/CE del Parlamento
Europeo y del Consejo (condición aplicable
tanto a los auditores como a las empresas de
auditoría establecidos en algún Estado miembro
de la UE ).
El Auditor o la empresa están registrados
como censor jurado de cuentas en el registro
público de un órgano público de supervisión de
un tercer país y ese registro está sujeto a los
principios de supervisión pública establecidos en
la legislación del país de que se trate (condición
aplicable tanto a los auditores como a las
empresas de auditoría establecidos en un tercer
28) I am advising a potential client for a Please refer to the annex on the special
potential application to LOT 1 of this conditions of the grant contract: Article 2 —
Implementation period of the Action
Is there an earliest and latest date for the
start and finish of the project?
This Contract shall enter into force
on the date when the second of the two Parties
Implementation of the [Action] shall begin on:
choose one of the following:
- [the day following that on which the second
of the two Parties signs]
- [the first day of the month following the
date on which the first instalment of prefinancing is paid by the Contracting
- [<a later date (specify the date)>]
Moreover as per section 2.1.4 of the Guidelines, "
The initial planned duration of an action may
not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 36
29) We would be grateful for the The objective of the lot is to "support children
following clarifications regarding the associated with armed forces, groups and gangs
submission of the full application:
and impacted by armed violence". According to
the Convention on the Rights of the Child in its
- Is the target group description of article 1, a child means every human being
"children" for Lot 5 referring strictly to below the age of eighteen years.
youth under 18 years?
According to the specific objectives of the lot,
comprehensive actions are needed, taking into
consideration children and their environment
(families, communities, authorities).
30) I have two further questions seeking
clarification about registering coapplicants on Pador. I am not sure
whether to submit these to this account
or the Pador helpdesk. Any guidance
you can offer is much appreciated.
Our understanding is that non-registered
organisations may also apply (as “an
entity without legal personality” under
Section 2.1.1. of the Guidelines. Can I
confirm if non-registered organisations
must also register on Pador? The
Guidelines state that all applicants/coapplicants must all register on Pador,
and footnote 14 reads: “Natural persons
who apply for a grant (if so allowed in
the guidelines for applicants) do not
have to register in PADOR. In this case,
the information included in PROSPECT
and the grant application form is
sufficient. “It is our reading that coapplicants that are not registered, and
are not natural persons, must register on
Pador. Is that correct?
See answer to question n°1 in the Q&As
document published on the 19th of February.
As per section 2.2. of the Guidelines: " "Please
note that the registration of this data in PADOR
is obligatory2 for this Call for proposals".
According to footnote n°14, only natural
persons do not have to register in PADOR. In
this case, the information included in
PROSPECT and the grant application form is
PROSPECT enables the entities without legal
personality to register the same way as legal
persons. Please, be aware that at Concept note
step, registration and uploading statutes is
obligatory for lead applicants whereas at Full
application step, registration and uploading
statutes is obligatory for co-applicant(s) and
affiliated entity(ies). Lead applicants must make
sure that their PADOR profile is up to date
according to section 2.2.5.
As per section 2.4. of the Guidelines: " A lead
applicant whose application has been
provisionally selected or placed on the reserve
list will be informed in writing by the
Contracting Authority. It will be requested to
update where necessary and complete the
documents requested at Concept Note and Full
Application stage in order to allow the
Contracting Authority to verify the eligibility of
the lead applicant, (if any) of the co-applicant(s)
and (if any) of their affiliated entity(ies): […]".
All questions related to registration in PADOR
should be addressed to the IT helpdesk at
[email protected] . Please
note that the working languages of the IT
support are: English French and Spanish.
Therefore users are invited to send their
questions in English, French or Spanish should
they wish to benefit from an optimum response
Will it be necessary to submit English time.
translations of the Statutes/Registration
Documents of co-applicants, or are
original language versions sufficient?
Please refer to the answer to question 12 of
Questions and Answers I published on
I hope this email meets you well. Please
I am writing to know if an organization
that has been approved to send in full
application can increase the number of
co-applicants at proposal development
As per Guidelines (Section "Important"): No
modification of the partnership between the
Concept Note and the Full Application will be
allowed, only in exceptional cases, justified by
force majeure. Force majeure shall mean any
unforeseeable exceptional situation or event
beyond the parties’ control which prevents either
of them from fulfilling any of their obligations,
is not attributable to error or negligence on their
part and proves insurmountable in spite of all
due diligence. In such cases, the applicant must
clearly indicate the requested change and justify
the request in Annex A.2. Section 5. The validity
of the justification provided will be examined
during the evaluation of the Full Application.
Should the justification not be deemed valid, the
proposal may be rejected on that sole basis.