Conocimientos y Actitudes del Personal de Salud, hacia la Aplicación de las Medidas de Bioseguridad del Hospital “Félix Mayorca Soto” Tarma – 2003. Cuyubamba Damián, Nilda Elena. Derechos reservados conforme a Ley SUMMARY The adultez is the stage where the identity, responsibility and aptitude well are defined, the values, concepts and definitions have been adapted to the usual changes of the life in the performance of their daily task and in its center of work. The health personnel develops diverse activities in the Levels of Attention directed to protect the health of the community, patient and personnel. In the level of Promotion and Prevention with respect to the presence of it intrahospitable infections have an important and protagónico roll since they are the direct people in charge to foment the use of the Measures of Bioseguridad: washing of hands, use of protective barriers, measures of isolation among others of equal importance, thus to contribute to diminish the risk of acquiring and of transmitting nosocomiales infections. During the professional work in the Hospital Felix Mayorca Grove inadequate use of the Measures of Bioseguridad by the lack of knowledge was probably observed For that reason it is the present developed to study titled RELATION BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE ATTITUDES OF THE HEALTH PERSONNEL, TOWARDS THE APPLICATION OF THE MEASURES OF BIOSEGURIDAD IN THE SERVICES OF GREATER RISK OF HOSPITAL “FÉLIX MAYORCA GROVE” TARMA - 2003, in order to obtain answer to the investigation question one considered like general mission: To determine the relation that exists between the level of knowledge and the attitudes towards the application of the Measures of Bioseguridad. The quantitative corelational descriptive method in a total population of 40 professionals in health of both sexes was used. The technique used for the Elaboración y diseño en formato PDF por la Oficina General del Sistema de Bibliotecas y Biblioteca Central de la UNMSM Conocimientos y Actitudes del Personal de Salud, hacia la Aplicación de las Medidas de Bioseguridad del Hospital “Félix Mayorca Soto” Tarma – 2003. Cuyubamba Damián, Nilda Elena. Derechos reservados conforme a Ley data collection was the survey, with the instruments: Lickert scale and questionnaire; for its analysis and interpretation the theoretical frame in a general context was used. The results of the investigation with respect to the relation that exists between the level of knowledge and the attitudes of the health personnel towards the application of the Measures of Bioseguridad are not significant according to the analysis and validation of the test of square Chi, p>0.05 with g.l.=2 what means that to manage a FAVORABLE ATTITUDE besides to have the indispensable knowledge he is urgent to make a deep reflection and revision of our practice to correct or to improve the conditions in which the functions are fulfilled, also is necessary to motivate and to stimulate to the fulfillment of the bioseguridad measures and to create conscience and responsibility on the reach that has the personnel of health in prevention of the intrahospitable infections of professional risk since they are those that offer to attention to the user in continuous and permanent form the 24 hours of the day. KEY WORDS: Nurse, Pioneer, Bioseguridad, attention, Qualit Elaboración y diseño en formato PDF por la Oficina General del Sistema de Bibliotecas y Biblioteca Central de la UNMSM