Alchemy CATALYST Advanced Training Course

Advanced Training Course
Advanced Training Course
Advanced options
Text File Parsing
Leveraging options
General Options
Extracting a glossary
Quickship Expert
Command line parameter
Advanced options
CATALYST Text File Parsing
Step 1
1) The first step is to add the extension of the
file we wish to parse to our File Types:
To add a File Type to CATALYST:
Click Tools, Options, and click the File Types
Choose Text File from the File Types list box.
Type the new file extension (here it is “prs”) in
the New file extension box., and click the Add
button to add to the File extensions list.
Click OK.
ithin CATALYST a text
file parsing facility has
been designed and
implemented to allow the
identification, extraction and
translation of strings held within
text files. The resulting text file
resource held within the
CATALYST TTK format file can
then be translated and leveraged
like any other CATALYST
Let us start with the file Strings in
quotes.prs which is in the
Advanced\Parsing folder. We
wish to translate only the strings
within single or double quotes in
this file.
2) The next step is to create parsing rules for
this File Type:
To create parsing rules for a File Type:
Click Tools, Options, and click the Text Parsing
CATALYST Text File Parsing
Choose your file extension from the FileType list
Choose your file type identifier from the File
Type Identifier box. By default this is
STANDARD. To create a new identifier, click the
Add button, enter a name for the rule and press
In the String Identification section, the Start
Tag and End Tag entries are the characters by
which the strings are delimited. Double click in
the first Start Tag ID input box and you should
be in edit mode. When you have finished
entering a tag, press the tab key to move to the
next. When you have finished entering tags,
press the Escape key and press OK to accept
your entries.
The below entries would extract anything between
quotes or double quotes, but would not show the
quotes themselves. If you wish to display the
delimiters (i.e. the quotation marks in this
example), then the Include Tag would be set to
Start Tag
End Tag
Include Tags
Insert the file into a CATALYST ttk to see how this
new filter works.
Comments may be extracted from a file using the
Comment Identification section.
Enter the following rules for the file
in the Advanced\Parsing folder:
String Parsing
Start Tag
End Tag
Include Tags
Comment Parsing
Start Tag
End Tag
Extract Com.
Insert the file into a CATALYST ttk to see how this
Exercise: Create a text parsing rule for the file
Config.loc in the folder Advanced\Parsing. The file
consists of the first column of text which is not for
translation, followed by either two or three tabs and
then a column of text which is for translation.
Advanced Parsing Attributes:
The user may define the Advanced Parsing
Attributes which identify End Of Line, New Line,
Form Feed, Tab Stop, Carriage Return and Word
Delimiter. These are set by default to Windows text
file values. Files created on other operating
systems (such as Unix or Mac) may use different
The available preset values which can be used as
parsing tags are the following.
<BOS> Beginning of String
<EOL> End of Line ( EOL value of Parsing
New Line ( NL value of Parsing Attributes)
Form Feed ( FF value of Parsing Attributes)
<CR> Carriage Return ( CR value of Parsing
Tab ( TAB value of Parsing Attributes)
Space Character(s) . N = Number
of spaces. I.e. <SPACE[1]> indicates a
single space .
The Start Identifier field defines the value which the text
parser will use to identify the beginning of a string or
comment. It can be a single character or a string, and can
include any of the parsing attributes such as <T> or <NL>
(but not <EOL>). It can also be defined as <BOS>, or
beginning of string, which simply means that the string
starts directly after the last string has ended.
The End Identifier field defines the value which the text
CATALYST Text File Parsing
parser will use to identify the end of a string or comment. It
can be a single character or a string. It can also be defined
as any of the parsing attributes, such as <T>, <NL> or
Step 1
The Include IDs field is set to TRUE if you want to include
the start and end identifiers when extracting the string, or
FALSE if you want the identifiers to be omitted. The default
value is FALSE.
The Extract Comment field is set to TRUE if you want to
extract comments for translation, or FALSE if you want
comments to be ignored. The default value is FALSE.
Importing and Exporting Text Parsing Rules
Alchemy CATALYST allows the user to import and
export text parsing rules. A file is provided with
CATALYST with parsing rules for 17 different
filetypes. This file is TxtParse.ctr which is found in
the folder in which CATALYST was installed. To
import this file, from the menu select Tools | Text
Parsing Rules | Import…, select TxtParse.ctr for
To export text parsing rules, select Tools | Text
Parsing Rules | Export…
Leveraging Options
To specify Leverage Expert options:
Step 1
ou can customize the
leverage process to suit
your requirements by
specifying different leverage
options in Alchemy CATALYST's
Leverage Expert.
Files for leveraging are provided in
the Advanced\Leveraging folder.
Note that leveraging can take
place from a ttk, or from a glossary
in *.txt or *.tmx format.
In the Navigator window, select the object
that you want to leverage.
Click Tools, Leverage Expert, or right_click
and click Tools, Leverage Expert, or press
Click the Options tab in the Leverage
Expert dialog box. Note that you can also
access the Options tab by clicking Tools,
Options, Leverage.
To leverage text from the same object
type, enable the Leverage from same
object types only check box. If this option
is not selected, the Leverage Expert will
search other object types. For example, if
the Leverage Expert cannot find a
translation for a dialog control in the dialog
objects, it will search other text objects
(menus and string table objects).
To leverage text information only, enable
the Leverage text only check box. If this
option is not selected, the Leverage Expert
will also leverage dialog control
Leverage private data only
The option Leverage private data only acts in the very
same way as the normal leverage except that it does not
leverage the text when a match is found i.e. the text in
the source files is used to match the control, but the text
translation is simply not used when replacing the control.
Only the coordinates will be leveraged.
Leverage text only
Only text, not coordinates, will be leveraged.
Add missing ampersands
To add an ampersand character to the beginning of the
leveraged text if a text string contains a hotkey but the
leveraged text does not, enable the Add missing
ampersands (&) to beginning of strings check box.
Expand x-coordinates if dialog match not found
To specify a percentage width increase for dialog controls if
a dialog control text match is not found during the leverage
process, enable the Expand x_coordinates by percentage if
dialog match not found check box.
Leverage from same object types only
To leverage text from the same object type, enable the
Leverage from same object types only check box. If this
option is not selected, the Leverage Expert will search
other object types. For example, if the Leverage Expert
cannot find a translation for a dialog control in the dialog
objects, it will search other text objects (menus and string
table objects).
Leveraging Options
Leverage old locking information
To preserve locks in translations leveraged from the old
source version, enable the Leverage old locking information
check box. Qsimport.ttk in the Advanced\Leverage folder
contains locked strings in String Table 9.
Mark text for review only when translation differs
from source
To mark a text string as translated only if it is different from
the source text string, enable the Mark text for review only
when translation differs from source check box. For example,
the "OK" button in a dialog box is the same for both the
English and German languages and will not be marked as
translated if this option is enabled.
Supplementary file
To leverage translations from an alternative source, enable
the Use supplementary .TTK check box. Specify an
alternative source for leveraging translation by typing the
directory location and filename in the Use supplementary
.TTK text box, by selecting a previously opened file from the
drop down list, or by using the browse icon.
Click OK to save any leverage settings you specify.
Step 1
Use fuzzy matching
To search for strings that are similar but not identical
to a text string, enable the Use fuzzy matching at %
check box. For software files, you should specify a
high percentage. For best results in the case of .RTF
topics, it may be necessary to reduce the percentage
in order to match .RTF paragraphs.
If the Interactive option is selected for fuzzy
leveraging, then any time a fuzzy match is found, the
translator is given the opportunity to edit the
translation, if more than one match is found, they
may select between the matches, and then edit the
chosen translation.
You may then select the number of fuzzy matches
that are offered to the user for consideration during
the Interactive Fuzzy matching process.
Set the fuzzy matching option at various levels and
try it out on the files in the Advanced\Leverage
Step 1
You can choose to view objects that satisfy any of
the following translation status criteria:
All objects marked as untranslated
All objects marked for priority translation
All translated objects marked for review
In addition, you can choose to create a custom
object filter for viewing objects that satisfy other
criteria including objects that have memos attached
or objects that are locked to prevent translation.
A ttk has been provided in the Advanced\Filters
folder to allow you to set filters.
ou can customize or filter
your view of objects and
their status in the Navigator
window by using the Tools menu
or the Filter tab at the bottom of
the Navigator window.
Note the “Check Sub Items” option.
Setting General Options
Step 1
ou can use the Options
command in the Tools menu
of Alchemy CATALYST to
set a number of general options.
You can choose to display the
Document Selection dialog box
when you first start Alchemy
CATALYST, edit objects in
WYSIWYG mode, or specify a
startup folder so that each time
you open or save a file, Alchemy
CATALYST automatically selects
this folder by default.
To enable the double-byte character set
This option if selected has two functions. It will
grey out the predefined substitution sets in the
Pseudo Translate options page, as these appear as
garbage on the wrong code pages. It will also
ensure that any inserted hotkeys in menus or
dialogs will be taken from the original string so that
they are valid keyboard characters.
Click Tools, Options.
In the General tab, select the Double_byte
character set option.
To display or hide the Document Selection
dialog box
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, enable or disable the
Show Document Selection dialog on startup
check box as required.
Alchemy CATALYST will autosave your ttk to the
folder you select here. The file will be saved with
the extension “atk”. It can then be renamed as a
ttk if required.
To edit objects in WYSIWYG mode
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, enable the Edit objects in
WYSIWYG mode check box.
To specify a startup folder in Alchemy
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, specify a startup folder
by typing a filename and location for the folder
in the Startup folder text box, or by using the
Browse button to choose a folder as your
startup folder.
Details File Extraction
This allows us to keep locks,memos and maximum
string lengths in a details file (*.det). This file can
Setting General Options
be extracted as a tab delimited text file, or it can
effectively be included within the executable. If this
executable is subsequently opened in Alchemy
CATALYST, it will contain the locks and memos, even
though it is not within a .TTK file.
Click Tools, Options.
In the General tab, check the option to Set
individual locks when freezing an object
Include debug information for runtime
A details file can be imported into an exe or dll by
right clicking on the file and selecting Import
Details/Locks. If the user is importing a details file
with locking information, but the locks may refer to
strings which have changed, options are provided in
order to specify what should happen to those strings,
ie should they be set to their original string, set to
the string in the details file, or remain unchanged.
This option stamps dialogs with their Ids for
debugging purposes during the Runtime Validation
(or Extract and Validate) process. It allows a list of
errors to be built up in CATALYST's output bar. The
user can then double click on each error and be
brought to its location within CATALYST. When this
option is checked, dialogs will appear with
information similar to the one below:
Step 1
The details information can include
the locked string (for reverting purposes)
To extract the file as a tab delimited text file
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, select the Extract .DET file
when extracting .EXE.
To include the details information in an .EXE
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, select the Include details
resource in .EXE.
ID information for debugging purpos
es in Runtime Validate mode
To show a notification dialog when any of the
Experts finish
This is a simple dialog that appears on the screen
when time consuming operations are performed, it
allows the user to see from the distance that
Alchemy CATALYST is finished.
1.Click Tools, Options.
2.In the General tab, check the option to Show
notification dialog on completion.
To set individual locks when freezing an object
This option, when set will run through an object's
sub-items and apply a lock to them if that object has
been set to frozen.
The exe or dll extracted with this information is
meant for error detection only and should not
subsequently be inserted into a CATALYST ttk.
When a file is judged ready for use, it should be
extracted without this information, through the
normal Extract files process.
A Sample glossaries
Step 1
To extract a glossary, select Tools | Extract
terminology | Glossary from the menu. Note the
options available for the glossary output:
ou can use the Extract
Glossary command to
extract translated text
strings with their original text
strings to a tab-delimited text file.
You can also export additional
information to the text file, such as
the name of the file from which the
glossary was generated. You can
then use this text file as a glossary
file that Alchemy CATALYST's
glossary management system can
reference as you translate or edit
text strings in objects. For
example, if you are translating a
new version of a software
application, the glossary file may
contain a useful list of
recommended translations for the
previous version of the application.
A glossary can also be extracted in TMX format
Tools | Extract Terminology | TMX. This TMX file
can be used in the same way as glossaries in *.txt
Translation memory exchange (TMX) is a data
exchange format used to transfer translation
memories between different localization tools. The
TMX standard ( has been developed by
an industry special interest group called OSCAR
(Open Standards for Container/Content Allowing
Re-use). The format is based on XML, and OSCAR
has published an XML dtd (document type
definition) which defines the fields which can be
Quickship Expert
Step 1
From the CATALYST menu, select Tools | Quickship
he QuickShip Expert allows
the user to compress ttk
files, glossaries and memos
into one file for ease of distribution
to translators. The result is a selfextracting compressed file; a
translator can decompress the
contents of this file to their own
computers, and use the free
QuickShip edition of Catalyst to
localize it.
Alchemy CATALYST QuickShip is a functionally
limited edition which is available for free
download from It
only opens .ttk files created with the Enterprise
edition. Designed for translators, the following
features are disabled:
file insertion and extraction
folder creation and deletion
Comparison Expert
PseudoTranslate Expert
Leverage Expert
Update Expert
TMX terminology extraction.
Language Support in Alchemy CATALYST
Step 1
CATALYST now allows the user to specify a source
and target language for each .ttk or opened
Source language
Target language
ntil Version 3, CATALYST
used the default Windows
language when loading and
saving executable files. If the user
inserted a Japanese .dll while on
an English system, the Japanese
text within the .ttk data would be
corrupted, since CATALYST would
have specified the wrong language
when converting the Unicode
resources to ANSI.
By storing these language flags, conversions
to/from Unicode can be carried out on any machine
which supports these languages. For example,
Japanese support can be added to English NT 4.0 or
Windows 2000 using the Regional Settings control
panel applet. This means that by selecting
Japanese as the .ttk source language, a Japanese
.dll can now be inserted into a .ttk, for example,
without corruption of the characters. Likewise for
extraction of the files. There is no longer any need
to install a Japanese version of the Operating
System to do this.
Adding regional support for Japanese (for example)
to an English version NT4 does not however allow
the user to view or edit the Japanese characters,
even though creating a ttk or extracting a ttk does
not corrupt Asian characters. Windows 2000, on
the other hand, does allow the user to view and
edit Asian characters.
Installing language support on NT4
In order to install language support on NT4 -- the
code page files are available in the LangPack folder
on the NT4 CD. This folder contains INF files which
Language Support in Alchemy CATALYST
install them from the CD to your hard disk (right click
and choose Install).
Step 1
To demonstrate setting up language support for
Japanese in Windows 2000:
In Windows 2000 go to Start -> Settings ->Control
Open the Regional Options icon.
Under the “Language settings for the system”
section, check “Japanese” and click on “Set default”.
You will then be prompted for the locale select
You may then be prompted for the Windows 2000 CD
if you do not already have the necessary files on your
You will then be prompted to restart the system
before the changes take effect.
Inserting a Japanese file into Alchemy CATALYST will
show you that Japanese characters can be viewed
If you wish to enter Japanese characters, you must
add the Japanese keyboard to your system.
Do this from the Keyboard applet in the Control
Language Settings in a CATALYST ttk
Source languageThis language setting
applies to the original terms in a .ttk or opened
executable. When an executable file is inserted,
Unicode text is converted to ANSI text based on
this language.
Target languageThis language applies to
the translated terms in a .ttk or opened executable.
When an executable file is extracted, its resources
are converted to Unicode based on this language,
and the language flag of each resource is set to this
Tools | Options | Language tab
Source LanguageThis source language is
applied to all new .ttk's and opened executables,
when the 'Use these settings as default' checkbox is
turned on.
Target LanguageThis target language is
applied to all new .ttk's and opened executables,
when the 'Use these settings as default' checkbox is
turned on.
Executables contain resources for more
than one languageThis option is meant for files
which contain resources of more than one language
property. For example, if you open the file
Multi.exe which is in the Advanced\Language
Support folder in Visual Studio, you will see that it
contains resources with both “English(Ireland)” and
“French(France)” properties. If this setting is
turned on, only resources with the target language
property are displayed. If the setting is not
checked, resources of all languages are displayed.
So, in the case of multi.exe, if we create a new ttk
with Source language English and target language
French, and then insert multi.exe, only those
resources in the file with the “French(France)”
property are visible in the ttk.
If “Use these settings as default” is not checked,
the user is asked to decide on a language in several
situations:File | Open (when an executable is
chosen).Object | Import Translations (when an
executable is selected in the Navigator).Tools | Find
& Replace (Batch of files, Replace option turned
on).Tools | Pseudo Translate Expert (Batch of files).
3.Select locale
1.Check box
for Japanese
2.Click “Set default button
Command Line parameters
Inserting Files into a TTK / Making a TTK
Import Translations
Creating a Glossary File
Update Expert
Creating a Report
Extraction (Extracting application files from .TTK files)
Alchemy Catalyst 3.1 Return Codes
Language List
Command line parameters
Inserting Files into a TTK / Making a TTK
This command can insert files into one TTK file, or create one TTK file for each of a number of files.
A log file (CatalystBatchLog.txt) is produced in the same folder as the specified TTK if one has been specified and it exists. If
no TTK file has been specified, the log file will be placed in the same folder as the TTK being created or having a file inserted.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/M user_name [TTKName:ttkname] FileListFile:ListFile
[sourcelang: SourceLanguage targetlang:Target Language]
/M user_name [TTKName:ttkname] FromFolder:FolderName [/S]
[sourcelang: SourceLanguage targetlang:Target Language]
/M user_name [TTKName:ttkname] filename [ filename] [filename]
[sourcelang: SourceLanguage targetlang:Target Language]
c:\Alchemy\Catalyst /M John “C:\My English Files\File.exe@ sourcelang:”English (Ireland)” targetlang:”German
c:\Alchemy\Catalyst /M AJohn Brown@ TTKName:”C:\English\TTKFile.ttk”
d:\Alchemy\Catalyst /M John TTKName:”C:\English\TTKFile.ttk” C:\AllFiles\
Indicates Inserting Files into a TTK/Making a TTK operation. Must be first parameter.
The name that will appear in the history list in the TTK(s) into which files are inserted. This must be second
parameter. If the name contains spaces it must be surrounded by brackets.
Indicates that a ttkname will be provided. This tag must be included in the command line. No space may
exist between TTKName: and the actual name of the TTK.
This is the name of a TTK file. If the file ttkname does not exist it will be created. All files to be inserted will
be inserted into ttkname. If TTKName:ttkname is not present each file will be inserted to a TTK file that has
the same name and path as the file to be inserted, but it will have TTK as an extension.
Indicates that a ListFile will be provided. No space must exist between FileListFile: and ListFile.
This is the name of a text file that contains on each line, the file name and path of a file to be inserted.
Indicates that a FolderName will be provided. No space must exist between FromFolder: and FolderName.
The name of a folder. The files in this folder with extensions that Catalyst recognises will be inserted.
Command line parameters
Indicates that the files in all sub folders of FolderName will be inserted.
The name of a file to be inserted. Multiple filenames on the command line must be separated by spaces.
A tag to indicate that a source Language is to be specified for this ttk. This tag must be present on the
command line.
See the section entitled “Language Help” below for a list of languages.
A tag to indicate that a target Language is to be specified for this ttk, this is the language that the TKK will
be translated to. This tag must be present on the command line.
See the section entitled “Language Help” below for a list of languages.
Glossary line parameters
The leverage operation produces an updated (leveraged) TTK in a folder that depends on the new_version parameter. It also
extracts the file(s) from this TTK into the same folder as the TTK.
You may now also Leverage from either a Glossary file or a TMX file via the command line.
A log file (CatalystBatchLog.txt) is also produced in this folder.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/L user_name [/D] [/R] old_version new_version dest_folder
C:\Alchemy\Catalyst /L John /D C:\English\File.exe “C:\Version1\German Files\File.exe@ C:\Version2\English\File.exe
“C:\Version2\German Leveraged\”
C:\Alchemy\Catalyst /L AJohn Brown@ C:\TmxFiles\German.tmx
C:\Leveraged\German012.ttk TmxSrcLang:”English (Ireland)” TmxTrgLang:”German (Standard”)
Indicates leverage operation. Must be first parameter.
The name that will appear in the history list in the leveraged TTK. Must be second parameter. The name
can not contain any spaces unless surrounded by quotations.
Indicates the default set of leverage options will be used. If this parameter is not present the options
currently in the registry will be used, i.e. the last leverage options used in non-batch mode. This parameter
may appear anywhere after the user_name.
Indicates that a leverage report will be generated. Not implemented yet. Do not use yet.
The path and filename of the TTK to Leverage from.
The path and filename of the TMX file or glossary file to leverage from.
(If you specify a TMX file then you must also specify Source and Target languages for the TMX file. This is due to the fact that
the TMX may have multiple languaes contained within it.
There are two tags that are used to do this, 'TmxSrcLang:' and 'TmxTrgLang:' These are explained below.)
“the name and path of an old original-language application file followed by the path of the old translated version of that
application file”
(i.e a pair of files, one original version and one modified version)
This can be either “the name and path to the new TTK”
the name and path of the file to be leveraged followed by the path of the folder where the leveraged files
should appear”.
The name of the folder into which the leveraged application files will put. If this parameter is not present,
the files will be put in the same folder as the TTK. If the folder does not exist it is created by CATALYST.
A tag to indicate that a source Language is to be specified for this TMX file. This tag must be present on the
command line. There must be no spaces between this tag and the language itself.
Glossary line parameters
The language itself. See LanguageHelp below for a list of languages
A tag to indicate that a target Language is to be specified for this TMX file.
This is the language in which Catalyst will Leverage. This tag must be present on the command line.
The language itself. See LanguageHelp below for a list of languages.
The “View report immediately” and “Interactive display strings when a fuzzy match is found” leverage options are always
If the /D parameter is used, the default settings are:
Generate Report
All Object Types are leveraged.
Leverage Same Type Only (different to non-batch default)
Leverage Text Only
Leverage Private Data Only
Leverage Old Locking info
Add Missing Ampersands
Increase Coords is dialog match not found
Mark for review only when trans differs from source
Fuzzy Matching
Supplementary TTK
Glossary line parameters
Import Translations
This command inserts one or more application files into a TTK file, then imports translations for each file from a translated
application file.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/T user_name original translated destination
Catalyst username requested when launching Catalyst.
original: file or folder containing the original application file.
file or folder containing the translated application file.
TTK file or a folder to store the created TTK in.
When applied to folders, this command does not operate on sub-folders.
Both original and translated must match in that both must be either a file or they must both be a folder a folder.
If destination does not already exist, this command tries to create a TTK file with that name.
If the destination TTK file exists and already contains the application file being inserted, a second copy of the application file will be inserted
and translated.
Glossary line parameters
Creating a Glossary File
This command will create a glossary from a TTK or from a group of TTKs within a folder.
You may specify one of two glossary options by including flags in the command line parameters. These will allow the user to
use the default CATALYST settings for creating a glossary or the settings currently contained in the registry.(These settings
willl have been retained when the user last created a glossary using the CATALYST User Interface.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/G [Glossary options] TTKName:ttkname [GlossName:GlossaryName]
/G [Glossary options] FromFolder:FolderName GlossName:GlossaryName [/S]
C:\Catalyst.exe /G /D TTKName:”C:\English\TTKFile.ttk”
C:\Catalyst.exe /G TTKName:”C:\English\TTKFile.ttk” GlossName:”c:\English\MyGlossary.txt”
C:\Catalyst.exe /G FromFolder:”C:\English\” GlossName:”C:\English\MyGlossary.txt” [/S]
Indicates creating a Glossary of terms. Must be first parameter.
[Glossary options]
This section allows you to specify which settings you wish CATALYST to use when creating the glossary file.
This may be one of two options.
/D CATALYST will use its default settings to create a simple glossary.
It will attempt to create a glossary file of the same name as the TTK in the same location. If this file exists
it will append to it.
If no flag is entered then Catalyst will use the settings that it has stored in its registry.
A tag to indicate that a ttkname will be provided. No space must exist between TTKName: and the actual
TTK name.
This is the name and path to a TTK file from which to create the Glossary.
A tag to indicate that a FolderName will be provided. No space must exist between FromFolder: and the
actual folder name specified
The name of a folder. All the files in this folder with extensions .ttk will be used in the creating of the
Glossary. If this option is specified then the user must also specify a GlossaryName.
Indicates that a GlossaryName will be provided. No space must exist between GlossName: and
This is the name of the Glossary file that will be written to. If it does not exist it will be created unless you
are creating a glossary from a folder in which case this must be specified. By default Catalyst will append to
this file rather than overwrite it.
When creating a glossary from a folder, this flag instructs CATALYST to look in all subfolders also.
Glossary line parameters
Update Expert
This command will update a previously translated TTK with a more recent version of a file contained within this TTK.
The old version of the file in the TTK is replaced with the more recent version. This process also leverages the translations
from the old file into the new file now contained in the TTK. The memos, status and history of the old file are retained by the
replacement in the , now updated TTK file. A log file (CatalystBatchLog.txt) is produced in the TTK folder.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/U user_name [/D] [/R] ttkname Replacement_filename Alias_name
D:\Alchemy\Catalyst\Catalyst /U johnd
C:\TtkFiles\Version1Fr.ttk C:\SourceFiles\Version2File.exe Version1File.exe
D:\Alchemy\Catalyst\Catalyst /U johnd
Indicates Update operation. Must be first parameter.
The name that will appear in the history list in the updated TTK. Must be
second parameter.
Indicates the default set of leverage options will be used. If this parameter is not present the options
currently in the registry will be used, i.e. the last leverage options used in non-batch mode. This parameter
can appear anywhere after the user_name.
Indicates that a leverage report will be generated. Not implemented yet. Do not use yet.
The name and path of the TTK containing the file to be updated.
The name and path of the file that will be used replace the file currently in the TTK.
This parameter is used in the situation where the name of the replacement
file differs from that of the file it is to replace in the TTK.
This Alias_name is the name of the file currently in the TTK which will
Glossary line parameters
Creating a Report
This command allows the user to generate about a file or a group of files within a specified folder.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/R user_name TTKName:ttkname [ReportName:Report Name] [/V] [/C]
/R user_name FromFolder:FolderName ReportName: Report Name [/V] [/C] [/S]
C:\Alchemy\Catalyst /R John TTKName:”C:\English\TTKFile.ttk” /V
D:\Alchemy\Catalyst /R John FromFolder:”C:\English\” /S ReportName:”C:\English\MyReport.txt” /C
Indicates creating a report. Must be first parameter.
The name that will appear in the history list for the TTK(s) reported on. Must be second parameter. The
name can not contain any spaces.
A tag to indicate that a ttkname will be provided. No space must exist between TTKName: and ttkname.
This is the name and path of a TTK file from which to create the Report.
Indicates that a FolderName will be provided. No space must exist between FromFolder: and FolderName.
The name of a folder. All the files in this folder will be reported on. If this option is specified then the user
must also specify a ReportName.
Indicates that a Report Name will be provided. No space must exist between ReportName: and Report
Report Name:
The actual name and path of the report to be created.
Create a verbose format report
Create a Compact format report
When a FromFolder is specified, also look in subfolders for Items to include in the report
Glossary line parameters
Extraction ( Extracting application files from .TTK files )
The extract operation extracts the translated versions of all application files that are contained within a TTK or a folder of
TTKs. A log file (CatalystBatchLog.txt) is produced in the root of the folder to which the files are extracted.
Syntax and Parameter list:
/E ttk_file_name [dest_folder] [/P]
/E folder_name [dest_folder] [/S] [/P]
c:\Files\Test.ttk c:\Destination /P
c:\Files\Test.ttk c:\Destination
Ac:\File Folder@ c:\Destination
c:\Folder c:\Destination /S /P
Indicates extraction operation. Must be first parameter.
The name of the TTK file from which the application files will be extracted.
The name of the folder to which the application files will be extracted. If this parameter is not present, the
files will be placed in the same folder as the TTK(s). If the folder specified, doesn=t exist it is created by
The name of a folder that contains TTK(s). All the TTKs in this folder will have their files extracted.
Indicates that CATALYST should also perform the extraction from any TTKs contained in subfolders of
folder_name. This flag only applies if a folder_name has been specified and not a filename. If dest_folder is
also present the extracted files will be in the same folder tree structure as the TTKs in folder_name are. In
this case, the necessary folders will be created as needed.
Indicates that the files contained in the TTK(s) are to be extracted into the destination folder (if specified),
preserving the hierarchy of Project folders within the TTK itself. The project folder structure within the ttk
will be recreated in the destination folder. If this flag is not used then all the files within the ttk will be
extracted to the same destination folder.
Glossary line parameters
Alchemy Catalyst 3.1 Return Codes
These codes can be viewed in the Log file created by Catalyst on completion of command line operations and can be used to
troubleshoot any command line issues.
0. The operation was completed successfully
1.Your version of Catalyst does not support this operation.
2.CATALYST encountered an invalid command line parameter.
3.A file or folder could not be created.
4.Open file operation failed.
5.Command line Extract operation failed.
6.A destination folder was not specified.
7.Attempt to create a .ttk failed.
8.File folder mismatch when importing translations.
9.Invalid filename or file type parameter.
10.Attempt to update a .ttk with the specified file has failed.
11.Could not find the required username
12.A file is empty.
13.Glossary extraction failed.
14.Required glossary name was missing.
15.Could not find the specified folder.
16.TMX Source or Target Language parameter missing.
Glossary line parameters
Language Help:
The Languages below can be used to specify source and destination languages when creating a TTK and are also used when
Leveraging from a TMX file to identify which language you wish to use from the TMX file, as it may contain more than one.
The languages should be entered on the command line exactly as they appear below, this includes the double quotes.
"Language Neutral"
"Arabic (Saudi Arabia)"
"Arabic (Egypt)"
"Arabic (Algeria)"
"Arabic (Tunisia)"
"Arabic (Yemen)"
"Arabic (Jordan)"
"Arabic (Kuwait)"
"Arabic (Bahrain)"
"Chinese (Taiwan Traditional)"
"Chinese (Hong Kong)"
"German (Standard)”
"German (Austrian)"
"German (Liechtenstein)"
"English (United States)"
"English (Australian)"
"English (New Zealand)"
"English (South Africa)"
"English (Caribbean)"
"English (Trinidad)"
"Spanish (Mexican)"
"Spanish (Guatemala)"
"Spanish (Panama)"
"Spanish (Venezuela)"
"Spanish (Peru)"
"Spanish (Ecuador)"
"Spanish (Uruguay)"
"Spanish (Bolivia)"
"Spanish (Hondurus)"
"Spanish (Puerto Rico)"
"French (Standard)”
"French (Canadian)"
"French (Luxembourg)"
"Italian (Standard)”
"Korean (Johab)"
"Dutch (Belgian)"
"Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
"Portuguese (Brazilian)"
"Serbian (Cyrillic)"
"Swedish (Finland)"
"Process Default Language"
"Arabic (Iraq)"
"Arabic (Libya)"
"Arabic (Morocco)"
"Arabic (Oman)"
"Arabic (Syria)"
"Arabic (Lebanon)"
"Arabic (U.A.E.)"
"Arabic (Qatar)"
"Chinese (PRC Simplified)"
"Chinese (Singapore)"
"German (Swiss)"
"German (Luxembourg)"
"English (United Kingdom)"
"English (Canadian)"
"English (Ireland)"
"English (Jamaica)"
"English (Belize)"
"Spanish (Traditional Sort)"
"Spanish (Modern Sort)"
"Spanish (Costa Rica)"
"Spanish (Dominican Republic)"
"Spanish (Colombia)"
"Spanish (Argentina)"
"Spanish (Chile)"
"Spanish (Paraguay)"
"Spanish (El Salvador)"
"Spanish (Nicaragua)"
"Spanish (Castilian)" //same as Traditional Spanish
"French (Belgian)"
"French (Swiss)"
"Italian (Swiss)”
"Dutch (Standard)"
"Norwegian (Bokmal)"
"Portuguese (Standard)”
"Serbian (Latin)"
Glossary line parameters
Alchemy Software Development Ltd.
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Tel: +353-1-7082800
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Email: [email protected]