Current work at the Robotics group of the Universidad de Guanajuato Vı́ctor Ayala Ramı́rez and Raúl E. Sánchez Yañez Universidad de Guanajuato FIMEE Tampico 912, Col. Bellavista Salamanca, Gto. {ayalav,sanchezy} 1 Introduction At Universidad de Guanajuato at Salamanca, robotic techniques are developed in LaViRIA (Laboratory of Vision, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence). Our work is directed towards developing methods that integrate computer vision techniques and artificial intelligence techniques (mainly based in soft computing) in robotics applications and its implementations in the real robots. Main applications we are pursuing are related with agricultural robotics and minirobotics. Our group is composed of three researchers and two others in formation and about fifteen students developing thesis for the two academic programs to whom our laboratory contributes, to know: the B. Eng. program in Electronics and Communications, where it is possible to follow a Computer Engineering major; and the Master program in Electrical Engineering option Instrumentation and Digital Systems that includes a research theme on signal processing. 2 2.1 Main research themes Computer vision – Texture analysis (detection, classification and segmentation). Texture analysis is essential for scene interpretation in outdoor images. We have developed works [1] on texture detection, where the main concern is to detect if there is some texture on an image. Regions where texture is detected can then be segmented and processed in the scene interpretation stage. Our approach is based on the application of fuzzy inference rules to the homogeneity measures over some neighboorhood window of the images. Our method has been validated on synthetic compositions of texture patches. Concerning texture classification, we have developed two approaches: one that uses fuzzy inference rules [2] and another that uses GLCM but interpreting them using a Bayesian framework [3]. Both methods were tested on images from the Brodatz texture database. – Object recognition and modeling. Object recognition is very important in robotic vision applications as in visual servoing or visual tracking tasks. We have developed some methods using Hausdorff distance to compare object models [4]. Another method [5] [6] describes regions in an image as color patches in the CIELab color space. We have also worked in active object recognition using mutual information [7] where we take advantage of an active sensor to assign a class label for an object by choosing views that provide optimal information to reduce ambiguity. This procedure is carried out using a mutual information framework and a Markovian decision process. – Motion analysis. Motion analysis is the main component of dynamic tasks in robotic vision. We work on the motion detection problem [8] where we use a Gaussian mixture approach to detect motion zones that could be used as target initializations in a target tracking system. Another work [9] deals with the problem of interaction of several modalities of tracking methods in order to optimize the visual tracking task of a mobile robot by following target characteristics and tracking performance over the temporal evolution of the scenes acquired by a mobile robot. 2.2 Soft computing – Soft computing libraries. We have developed object-oriented libraries that implement basic functionalities of soft computing techniques. Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms [10] can then be implemented in our sytems easily in order to develop intelligent systems for robotics applications. – Model identification using fuzzy systems. We have also woked on modeling systems from input/output numerical evidence [11]. This has lead us to develop some original methods in fuzzy clustering and to implement some other classical methods as the Fuzzy-C means method. – Genetic algorithm (GA) applications. Some work is in progress to solve a packaging problem of arbitrary shapes by using genetic algorithms [12]. This approach is intended to help leather and textile industries, two very important manufacturing sectors in our region. We are developing also methods for path planning in robotics that optimize trajectories for mini-robots by considering uncertainty in tha actual path execution in the fitness function. 2.3 Robotic applications – Mini-robotics navigation and mapping In this subject, we have worked on handling uncertainty in robot position [13] and how to implement in mini-robots from the Lego Mindstorms series [14]. We have also used in the past a robot simulator environment developed – – – – 3 at our laboratory that uses a reactive navigation strategy using fuzzy logic. In the near future, we will have an all-terrain robot that will serve us to validate our previous approaches to robot navigation and mapping. Visual servoing and tracking A fuzzy approach to visual servoing and its optimization by means of genetic algorithms has been dealt by Pérez [15]. Color target tracking has been developed by Montecillo [5]. In its work, target has ben represented by fuzzy rules that use values in the CIELab color space. Parametric shape detection using GA Genetic algorithms were used in a parametric object recognition problem by Garcia [16]. In this work, circle and ellipses are detected in real-world images. Some extensions for this method will be applied in industrial metrology problems. Modality control of active sensors. We have worked in the recent years in the modality selection problem for active sensors (also known as active sensing). Our initial were directed towards path servoing problems [17] [18]. We have recently addressed the active object recognition problem [19] [7]. Robot architectures Some works have dealt the sensor/actuator interaction in a robot architecture [20] [21] [22]. Our approach is based on the concept of the intelligent sensor(actuator) that can be in charge of high level tasks. This enables the robot to use low bandwidth when communicating with these devices. Main research projects – Topological navigation in structured and semi-structured environments. We are participants of the French-Mexican Laboratory on Informatics (LAFMI). We are partners with the Laboratory of System Analysis and Architecture in Toulouse, France to develop techniques for the topological navigation of mobile robots [23]. A first application of these techniques will be demostrated on a high-cleareance agricultural vehicle designed at FIMEE. – Fuzzy texture detection for topological navigation. In this project, we use fuzzy approaches for texture detection, segmentation and classification in natural environments [24]. Main tasks include road extraction and place recognition. – Active perception in robotics. Active perception for outdoor robotics has been the object of a Ecos Nord project [25]. This project has contributed mainly to fund mobility programs for researchers in the partner robotics teams during four years. Some active perception functionalities for mobile robots have been developed in a CONACYT project [26]. This project has contributed with funding to buy some vision and computing processing equipment. 4 Conclusions and prospectives Our group has established a steady flow of human resources trained in our laboratory. We are working to set up a doctoral program and, in parallel, to build some partnerships with other programs in Mexico and abroad to have doctoral students that could help us in the development of our laboratory. We are working towards our consolidation as a research group in robotics applications. We have already developed some academic research and we have established some partnerships with other laboratories around the world. We need however to develop knowledge transfert skills in order to impact Mexican industrial environment and to become more independent with relation to funding issues by obtaining some contracts with Mexican industries. References 1. Del Moral Perea, A.: Detección de textura en imgenes usando un modelo difuso de inferencia. M.E.E. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato FIMEE (2004) 2. Ramı́rez Chiu, M.A.: Una aproximación difusa a la caracterización de propiedades de texturas visuales. M.E.E. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato FIMEE (2004) 3. Ayala-Ramirez, V., Obara-Kepowicz, M., Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E., Jaime-Rivas, R.: Bayesian texture classification method using a random sampling scheme. In: Proc. of the 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, DC, IEEE Press (2003) 2065–2069 4. Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Parra, C., Devy, M.: Active tracking based on hausdorff matching. In: Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2000). Volume 4., Barcelona, Spain, IEEE Computer Society Press (2000) 706–709 5. Montecillo Puente, F.J.: Sistema de seguimiento de objetos en tiempo real mediante caracterización difusa del color. B. Eng. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2003) 6. Montecillo-Puente, F.J., Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Pérez-Garcı́a, A., Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E.: Fuzzy color tracking for robotic tasks. In: Proc. of the 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, DC, IEEE Press (2003) 2769–2773 7. Trujillo-Romero, F., Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Marı́n-Hernández, A., Devy, M.: Active object recognition using mutual information. In: Proc. MICAI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Volume 2972 of LNAI., Mexico City, Mexico, Springer Verlag (2004) 672–678 8. Rincón Casián, J.A.: Detección de movimiento usando mezclas de gaussianas (in progress). B. Eng. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2004) 9. Marı́n-Hernández, A., Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Devy, M.: Collaborative tracking for robotic tasks. In: Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2003). Volume 1., Las Vegas, NE, IEEE Press (2004) 272–277 10. Pérez-Garcı́a, A., Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Jaime-Rivas, R.: Una librerı́a genérica de algoritmos genéticos para aplicación enproblemas de optimización. In: Memoria 5to. Congreso Mexicano de Robótica, San Luis Potosı́, Mexico (2003) 141–146 11. Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E., Ayala-Ramı́rez, V., Jaime-Rivas, R.: Fuzzy models for system identification. In: Proc. of the 2003 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Washington, DC, IEEE Press (2003) 3330–3335 12. Ponce Pérez, A.: Empaquetamiento de formas arbitrarias usando algoritmos genéticos (in progress). B. Eng. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2004) 13. 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Pérez-Mendoza, S., Ayala-Ramirez, V., Pérez-Garcı́a, A., Sánchez-Yáñez, R.E.: Visual servoing for micro-robotic platforms. In: Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Electronics, Communications and Computers (CONIELECOMP’2004), Veracruz, Mexico, IEEE Computer Society Press (2004) 18–22 20. Dorado Prieto, A.: Interfaz de comunicación del sistema de instrumentación de un robot móvil. M.E.E. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2002) 21. Alvarado Martı́nez, T.: Especificación de un actuador inteligente para tareas robóticas. M.E.E. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2003) 22. Pérez Mendoza, J.S.: Servocontrol visual para plataformas mini-robóticas. B. Eng. thesis, Universidad de Guanajuato (2003) 23. Ayala Ramı́rez, V., Devy, M.: Concepción de funciones de navegación topológica de robots móviles en ambientes estructurados y semi-estructurados. Project funded by LAFMI, Universidad de Guanajuato and Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes (2002-2004) 24. Sánchez Yáñez, R.E.: Navegación topológica de robots utilizando análisis difuso de textura. Project funded by SEP-PROMEP, Universidad de Guanajuato (20032005) 25. Jaime Rivas, R., Devy, M.: Percepción activa para robótica de exterior. Project funded by ANUIES (México) and Comité ECOS (France) No. M99M01, Universidad de Guanajuato and Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes (1999-2003) 26. Ayala Ramı́rez, V.: Concepción de funciones de percepción activa. Project funded by CONACYT I-39328A, Universidad de Guanajuato (2002)