SSC Minutes April 2015 - North Ranchito Elementary

North Ranchito Elementary
8837 Olympic Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Office Phone (562) 801-5031
Rachel Aguirre, Principal
School Site Council Agenda Minutes for April 24, 2015
Date of Posting: April 3, 2015
Meeting Date: April 24, 2015
Starting Time:
2:45 p.m.
Proposed Ending Time: 3:45 p.m
Total Number of SSC Members:
___1_SSC Parents or Community Members
___1_Other School Personnel
A quorum must be present in order to conduct business. A quorum of the committee members:
 X Has been met.
 Has not been met.
Participants at the Meeting: School site council members. All staff, parents, and members of
the public are invited to attend the meeting.
Participantes de la Junta: Miembros del concilio consejero. Todo el personal, padres, y
miembros del public se han invitado a asistir a la junta.
Agenda Item
I. Call the Meeting to Order/ Se Convoco la Junta:
Meeting was called to order at 2:54 p.m. by Mrs. Aguirre, Principal
II. Roll Call/ Pasar la Lista:
Stephanie Guerrero
Guadalupe Gonzalez
Sandra Bedoy
Marisol Vera
Alejandra Barrientos
Amparo Robledo (alternate)
Rachel Aguirre
Maria Gonzalez
Jose Muñoz
Jose Spencer
Aracely Pañeda
Gina Gonzalez (alternate)
III. Changes/Additions to the Agenda/ Cambio/ Adiciones a la Agenda:
Additions to the agenda:
College Tutors
Health Assistant Hours
Ms. Pañeda motion to accept minutes with additions
Ms. Gonzalez seconded motion.
IV. Committee Reports/ Reportes del Comité:
DAC /DELAC Meeting(s)/ Juntas del DAC/ DELAC
No reports were given both members were not present for the meeting.
V. Public Comment(s)/ Comentarios del Público:
VI. Unfinished Business/ Asuntos Continuados:
North Ranchito Elementary
8837 Olympic Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660
Office Phone (562) 801-5031
Rachel Aguirre, Principal
VII. New Business/ Asuntos Nuevos:
1. 2014-2015 SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) Student Populations
Mrs. Pañeda presented information on student populations. The categories include English Learners, Special Education,
Title I, Socio Economic Disadvantage students, and GATE. The importance of focusing funds to meet the needs of
each student population was discussed as well as LCFF and LCAP. SSC members were given the opportunity to ask
2. Language Census
At North Ranchito 220 students whose home language is Spanish. More specifically, one third grader whose home
language is Vietnamese. A fifth grader whose home language is Tagalog, another whose language is Hindi. One
second grade student whose language is other non-English languages. One of the reasons the state conducts the survey
is to inform the school of the diversity of the population it serves.
Mrs. Pañeda presented information on the SBAC Field Test. Fourth graders began the SBAC/ CAASPP this week. It
is an online test that includes multiple-choice questions and a performance task. The importance of implementing
technology was discussed. Student are asked to synthesize, analyze, problem solve, and use keyboarding skills. SSC
members were given the opportunity to ask questions.
4. Parent Needs Survey
Mrs. Pañeda presented information on the Parent Needs Survey that was sent before Spring Break. Parent shared that
she received the survey at home. Information regarding the survey was discussed. Members were given the
opportunity to ask questions. Teachers confirmed that they distributed the survey.
5. College Tutors: Mrs. Pañeda presented information on preliminary funding to the college tutors. Recruiting
college students to complete survey hours. Creative scheduling may be needed. Two college tutors at 3.75 hours. Ms.
Gonzalez made a motion to accept the budget. Mr. Muñoz seconded motion.
6. Health Assistant Additional Hours: Mrs. Pañeda presented information on funding additional hours for
the health assistant. This year the district paid for 3.75 health clerk. Furthermore, the school site funded
additional hours for a total of 5.75 hours every 20 days funded by LCFF funds. Mr. Muñoz made a motion to
accept the budget. Ms. Gonzalez seconded motion.
5. Adjournment/ Clausura:
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm. Mr. Muñoz made a motion to conclude the meeting. Ms. Gonzalez seconded