speaking assessment – semester 1 rubric for questions

The semester 1 speaking assessment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to respond to some simple questions in
Spanish and to also demonstrate your ability to tell a story in Spanish. You will have time during each class period to practice
your delivery. At the end of the semester, you will answer 2 questions and tell one story for a total of 50 points possible. This is
part of your final exam for the first semester. For each question answered/story told, you will receive a score on the rubric below.
Your final score will be averaged. For example, if you receive a 2 on question #1, a 3 on question #2, and a 2.5 on the story, your
total score would be a 2.5 (a B- on our class rubric). During the assessment, I can repeat a question ONCE at your request. If the
question is still not understood, I will give you a zero for that question.
4 points = student understands question, responds promptly and intelligibly with complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and
structure, fluid pronunciation that would make a native speaker proud and includes a LOT of detail.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation.
Student gives prompt response, and gives some detail.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has
multiple errors. Answer may be too simple.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo
Or, student understands question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you).
0 points = student does not understand question and cannot respond.
1. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
Me gusta________ (bailar, cantar, dibujar, leer, etc.)
¿Tienes un talento? ¿Qué puedes hacer?
Sí, tengo un talento. Yo puedo_______ (cantar, tocar la guitarra, dibujar, etc.)
¿Qué hiciste durante el fin de semana? (What did you do during the weekend?)
Fui a…
Pasé tiempo con…
¿Qué hiciste después de la escuela ayer?
Fui a…
Pasé tiempo con…
¿Qué vas a hacer después de la escuela?
Voy a…. (infinitive verb: dormir, hacer la tarea, etc…)
¿Qué vas a hacer durante el fin de semana?
Voy a…. (infinitive verb: dormir, hacer la tarea, etc…)
¿Qué vas a hacer durante las navidades (Winter break)?
Voy a…. (infinitive verb: dormir, hacer la tarea, etc…)
4 points = student responds with very rich and complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and structure, and has fluid pronunciation
that would make a native speaker proud (little to no hesitation and a fantastic accent). Story includes a LOT of detail and might include
correct use of dialogue. Story includes an extensive range of both current and previous vocabulary with minimal errors.
3 points = student responds with complex sentences with connecting words such as and/or/but, and because/since/therefore. Mostly
correct grammar and structure are used with a few minor mistakes; good pronunciation with a little hesitation but story still flows naturally.
Story includes some detail and might include correct use of dialogue. Story includes both current and previous vocabulary with few errors.
2 points = student responds with simple sentences that may be choppy, but are organized and complete (may be a list of descriptions or
actions). Several grammar and structure errors on grammar that has been taught in class; pronunciation is highly influenced by native
language. Vocabulary use may be limited and/or incorrect but some current vocabulary is evident.
1 point = student responds with sentences that may be incomplete and/or student has made little attempt. Vocabulary use is severely
limited and/or incorrect usage far outweighs correct usage. Errors in grammar/sentence structures far outweigh correct usage making
comprehension difficult. Spanglish or some English might be used for words student should know. Pronunciation is highly influenced by
native language.
0 points = student cannot tell the story at all.
la ropa se cae – the clothing falls
el suelo – the ground
la cinta – the tape
duerme – she sleeps
el aeropuerto – the airport
arregla – she fixes
un ladrón – a thief
se cae – it falls
los pasajeros – the passengers
les rescata – he rescues them
el océano – the ocean
el mono – the monkey
se caen – they fall
dinero – money
4 points = student understands question, responds promptly and intelligibly with complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and structure, fluid pronunciation that
would make a native speaker proud and includes a LOT of detail.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Student gives prompt response, and
gives some detail.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Answer may be
too simple.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you).
0 points = student does not understand question and cannot respond.
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
¿Tienes un talento? ¿Qué puedes hacer?
¿Qué vas a hacer después de la escuela?
¿Qué vas a hacer durante el fin de semana?
¿Qué vas a hacer durante las navidades?
_______ ¿Qué hiciste durante el fin de semana?
_______ ¿Qué hiciste después de la escuela ayer?
4 points = student responds with very rich and complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and structure, and has fluid pronunciation that would make a native
speaker proud (little to no hesitation and a fantastic accent). Story includes a LOT of detail and might include correct use of dialogue. Story includes an extensive range
of both current and previous vocabulary with minimal errors.
3 points = student responds with complex sentences with connecting words such as and/or/but, and because/since/therefore. Mostly correct grammar and structure
are used with a few minor mistakes; good pronunciation with a little hesitation but story still flows naturally. Story includes some detail and might include correct use of
dialogue. Story includes both current and previous vocabulary with few errors.
2 points = student responds with simple sentences that may be choppy, but are organized and complete (may be a list of descriptions or actions). Several grammar
and structure errors on grammar that has been taught in class; pronunciation is highly influenced by native language. Vocabulary use may be limited and/or incorrect
but some current vocabulary is evident.
1 point = student responds with sentences that may be incomplete and/or student has made little attempt. Vocabulary use is severely limited and/or incorrect usage far
outweighs correct usage. Errors in grammar/sentence structures far outweigh correct usage making comprehension difficult. Spanglish or some English might be used
for words student should know. Pronunciation is highly influenced by native language.
0 points = student cannot tell the story at all.
_______ Cuento #1
_______ Cuento #2
_______ Cuento #3
_______ Cuento #4
TOTAL: __________________________
4 points = student understands question, responds promptly and intelligibly with complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and structure, fluid pronunciation that
would make a native speaker proud and includes a LOT of detail.
3 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly with complete sentence and mostly correct grammar/pronunciation. Student gives prompt response, and
gives some detail.
2 points = student understands question, responds intelligibly but with broken grammar/structure/English-heavy pronunciation, and has multiple errors. Answer may be
too simple.
1 point = student thinks he/she understands the question but does not and thus answers incorrectly (ex. ¿Cómo estás? – Me llamo Andy). Or, student understands
question, but responds almost unintelligibly (meaning, I cannot understand you).
0 points = student does not understand question and cannot respond.
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
¿Tienes un talento? ¿Qué puedes hacer?
¿Qué vas a hacer después de la escuela?
¿Qué vas a hacer durante el fin de semana?
¿Qué vas a hacer durante las navidades?
_______ ¿Qué hiciste durante el fin de semana?
_______ ¿Qué hiciste después de la escuela ayer?
4 points = student responds with very rich and complex sentences, correct/advanced grammar and structure, and has fluid pronunciation that would make a native
speaker proud (little to no hesitation and a fantastic accent). Story includes a LOT of detail and might include correct use of dialogue. Story includes an extensive range
of both current and previous vocabulary with minimal errors.
3 points = student responds with complex sentences with connecting words such as and/or/but, and because/since/therefore. Mostly correct grammar and structure
are used with a few minor mistakes; good pronunciation with a little hesitation but story still flows naturally. Story includes some detail and might include correct use of
dialogue. Story includes both current and previous vocabulary with few errors.
2 points = student responds with simple sentences that may be choppy, but are organized and complete (may be a list of descriptions or actions). Several grammar
and structure errors on grammar that has been taught in class; pronunciation is highly influenced by native language. Vocabulary use may be limited and/or incorrect
but some current vocabulary is evident.
1 point = student responds with sentences that may be incomplete and/or student has made little attempt. Vocabulary use is severely limited and/or incorrect usage far
outweighs correct usage. Errors in grammar/sentence structures far outweigh correct usage making comprehension difficult. Spanglish or some English might be used
for words student should know. Pronunciation is highly influenced by native language.
0 points = student cannot tell the story at all.
_______ Cuento #1
_______ Cuento #2
TOTAL: __________________________
_______ Cuento #3
_______ Cuento #4