Effective August 1, 2015

Effective August 1, 2015
Due to the severity of the California drought, water providers and their customers throughout the state must
make major reductions to the amount of water they deliver and further use. Effective August 1, 2015,
Suburban will be implementing Stage 2 of our Drought Contingency Plan.
Stage 2 Water Enforcement:
Additional Water Shortage Contingency Plan Measures:
If a customer is seen violating the water use restrictions, as outlined in Rule No.
14.1, the customer will be subject to the following penalty structure:
All non-essential unauthorized uses of water identified in Stage 1
remain in effect
First violation: Written notice, including explanation of penalty for subsequent
All leaks, breaks, or other malfunctions in the water user’s plumbing
or distribution system must be repaired within seventy-two (72)
hours of notification from Suburban
Commission-approved Schedule No. 14.1 Drought Surcharge
Second violation – if Suburban verifies that the customer has used potable
water for non-essential, wasteful uses after having been notified of the first
violation, Suburban shall provide the customer with a second written notice of
violation. In addition, Suburban is authorized to take the following actions:
Commission-approved Schedule No. 14.1 Violation Penalties
Installation of flow restrictors on egregious violators
Suburban may request a change from current Stage at anytime by
filing an advice letter with the Commission
Apply the following waste of water penalties, which are in addition to
any other charges authorized by this Schedule No. 14.1 or other
Suburban tariffs:
If Stage 1 is in effect, $25
If Stage 2 is in effect, $50
Drought declared over
If Stage 3 is in effect, $100
Suburban not meeting conservations standards
If Stage 4 is in effect, $200
*Please note that we do not have any restrictions on pools or re-filling
them. However, please be aware that the drought surcharge will apply
for any usage over 17ccf (or depending on meter size).
Stage 2 Drought Surcharge:
Schedule No. 14.1 Drought Surcharge
Drought surcharges are a tool Suburban is using to help encourage water conservation and ensure that state mandates are met. Depending on
your meter size, the drought surcharge will apply once you exceed the
monthly usage listed below.
Whittier/ La Mirada Goal
Gallons Saved
June 2015– Feb. 2016
June 2015– Feb. 2016
Apply the following waste of water penalties, which are in addition to
any other charges authorized by this Schedule No. 14.1 or other
Suburban tariffs:
If Stage 1 is in effect, $25
If Stage 2 is in effect, $50
If Stage 3 is in effect, $100
If Stage 4 is in effect, $200
Fourth violation – if Suburban verifies that the customer has used potable water
for non-essential, wasteful uses after having been notified of the third violation,
Suburban shall provide the customer with a fourth written notice of violation. In
addition to actions set forth in previous violations prescribed above, Suburban
is authorized to install a flow restrictor on the customer’s service line. Suburban
shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, and/or consequences arising
from the installation of a flow restrictor.
Egregious violation – after providing the customer with one notice of egregious
violation, either by direct mail or door hanger, which documents the egregious
use of potable water for non-essential, wasteful uses and explains that failure to
correct the violation may result in the installation of a flow restrictor on the customer’s service line, Suburban shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, and/or consequences arising from the installation of a flow restrictor.
To Report Water Waste, please call 877-405-1747or email
[email protected] and leave a detailed message of how the water is
being wasted with the complete address as to where the violation is occurring.
San Jose Hills Goal
Gallons Saved
Third violation – if Suburban verifies that the customer has used potable water
for non-essential, wasteful uses after having been notified of the second violation, Suburban shall provide the customer with a third written notice of violation.
Suburban is authorized to take the following actions:
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Every Drop Counts!
A partir de Agosto 1, 2015
Debido a la gravedad de la sequía de California, los proveedores de agua y sus clientes en todo el estado deben hacer grandes reducciones en la cantidad de agua que entregan y su uso posterior. A partir
de Agosto 1 2015, Suburban va a implementar la fase 2 de nuestro Plan de Contingencia de Sequía.
Fase 2 de Aplicación 2 Agua:
Medidas adicionales al Plan de Contingencia:
Calendario No. 14.1 Sanciones de Violación
Todos los usos no autorizados no esenciales del agua identificados en la Fase 1 se mantienen vigentes
Todas las fugas, roturas u otros fallos de funcionamiento en el
sistema de plomería o la distribución de los usuarios del agua
deben ser reparadas dentro de las setenta y dos ( 72 ) horas
siguientes a la notificación de Suburban
Primera violación- Suburban ha sido notificado de violación del agua y
proveera aviso por escrito, incluyendo una explicación de la multa para la posterior violación al cliente
Segunda violación - si Suburban verifica que el cliente ha utilizado el agua
potable para usos no esenciales o excesivos, Suburban está autorizado a
tomar las siguientes acciones:
La Comisión aprobo calendario No. 14.1 Recargo de Sequia
Si Fase 1 esta, en efecto, $ 25
La Comisión aprobo calendario No. 14.1 Sanciones de Violación
Si Fase 2 esta, en efecto, $ 50
Si Fase 3 esta, en efecto, $ 100
La instalación de limitador de flujo en los violadores flagrantes
Si Fase 4 esta, en efecto, $ 200
Suburban puede solicitar un cambio de la fase actual en
cualquier momento mediante la presentación de una carta de
asesoramiento con la Comisión
Tercera violación - si Suburban verifica que el cliente ha utilizado el agua
potable para usos no esenciales o excesivos, Suburban está autorizado a
tomar las siguientes acciones::
Sequía se declaró terminada
Si Fase 1 esta, en efecto, $ 25
Suburban no cumple con las normas de conservar
Si Fase 2 esta, en efecto, $ 50
Fase 2 Recargo Sequía:
Si Fase 3 esta, en efecto, $ 100
Lista No. 14.1 Recargo Sequía
Si Fase 4 esta, en efecto, $ 200
Recargos sequía son una herramienta Suburban está utilizando
para ayudar a fomentar la conservación del agua y asegurarse de
que los mandatos estado se cumplan.
Cuarta violación - si Suburban verifica que el cliente ha utilizado el agua potable para usos no esenciales o excesivos, Suburban está autorizado para
instalar un limitador de flujo en la línea de servicio del cliente.
Violación flagrante - después de proporcionar al cliente con un aviso de violación flagrante, ya sea por correo directo o aviso en la puerta, la cual documenta el uso flagrante de agua potable para usos no esenciales o excesivos,
Suburban no sera considerado responsable de cualquier lesión, daños y perjuicios, y/o consecuencias derivadas de la instalación de un limitador de flujo.
Whittier/ La Mirada Goal
San Jose Hills Goal
Galones Guardado
Galones Guardado
Junio 2015– Feb. 2016
Junio 2015– Feb. 2016
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Conserve su agua
Cada gota cuenta!