Mend, Fix, Arrange Sort out (diferencias)

Mend, Fix, Arrange
Sort out (diferencias)
Mi duda es sobre los usos de los verbos “Mend”, “Fix”, “Arrange” y “Sort Out”.
Todo se ve mas claro con muchos ejemplos y vuestra página es de las mejores en explicación.
Gracias por adelantado
Responde nuestra colaboradora Virginia Gruart.
Estos verbos tienen significados muy parecidos y en algunos casos se pueden utilizar indistintamente.
Fix, es el más general y versátil, sus significados son muchos: sujetar, fijar, reparar o arreglar, organizar, preparar,
etc…veamos ejemplos:
Reparar, arreglar
This door is broken, can you fix it?
Poner un cartel, un anuncio, poster...
I’m going to fix a notice on the wall to warn everybody about the problem.
Mirar a algo o a alguien fijamente
Why did she fix her eyes on him like that!
Concretar una hora, lugar
Have you fixed the time to meet next week?
Fijar el precio de algo.
We need to fix a price before Monday
Acordar, hacer planes
They’ve fixed to meet at Tim’s house tomorrow evening to talk about Mary’s surprise party.
Arreglar, para hacer algo más presentable.
I fixed my hair and make up before meeting Jonh at the pub.
Hacer trampas, amañar
Why do you think the elections were fixed? I’m sure the whole thing was legal.
Preparar la comida.
I’m so tired, could you fix something quick for dinner?
Don’t worry, I’ll fix it up for you to go to the party.
Arrange: organizar, arreglar, disponer, poner en cierto orden:
The list was arranged in alphabetical order.
Concretar (fecha, hora, lugar)
Have you arranged the time of the meeting?
Mend – Fix - Arrange
Mend, Fix, Arrange
Sort out (diferencias)
Acordar, hacer planes
We’ve arranged to meet at Tim’s house to talk about Mary’s surprise party.
Arreglar, para hacer algo más presentable.
I arranged my clothes and make up before meeting John at the pub.
Everything has been arranged for the conference.
Encargarse de algo
Can you arrange for the house to be painted next week?
Decidir, acordar
It was arranged that she should go to a boarding school.
Sort Out: organizar, separar algo de algo, poner en orden, resolver un problema, arreglar…
Poner en orden, organizar (ideas, sentimientos…)
You need to sort out your feelings about him.
Poner en orden, organizar
I’ll need a whole day to sort out this mess.
Separar (from)
She sorted out the best flowers from the bouquet.
How do you sort out the good from the bad?
Resolver un problema
There are a couple of things I need to sort out.
I really need to sort out the mess I’ve made of my relationship.
Arreglar ropa (zurcir, remendar)
She mended my socks really quickly.
soldarse (fractura o hueso) curarse (herida)
My bones are mending really fast.
How can you mend this broken heart? (de la canción de los BeeGees)
Expresiones relacionadas con mend:
*To mend matters: mejorar, arreglar las cosas
It’s never too late to mend matters.
*To mend one’s ways: mejorar, enmendarse
This naughty boy must mend his ways.
*To be on the mend: recuperarse
Mary had a bad accident last month, she’s still on the mend now.
Mend – Fix - Arrange
Mend, Fix, Arrange
Sort out (diferencias)
*To mend relationships: arreglar una relación, hacer las paces.
If you want to be happy, you’ll have to mend your relationship with your parents.
*To mend fences: restablecer las buenas relaciones, hacer las paces.
They are trying to mend fences after years of separation.
Espero que te sirva de ayuda.
Virginia Gruart
Colaboradora de “El Blog Para Aprender Inglés”
Mend – Fix - Arrange