The fight against corruption in Latin America: Implications for lawyers

The fight against corruption in
Latin America: Implications for
12–13 May 2014
Mexico City, Mexico
A conference co-presented by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee and the ICC Mexico Anti-Corruption
Committee, supported by the IBA Latin American Regional Forum
Topics include:
• Anti-corruption compliance programmes for Latin
American companies and law firms
• FCPA, UK Bribery Act and Canadian Bribery law in
Latin America
• Compliance programmes: the role of lawyers
• International investigations and cooperation
• Corruption across industries and sectors
• Lawyers and the fight against corruption
• Doing business with integrity in difficult
• Preparing for an international investigation
• What clients are requesting from lawyers in their
fight against corruption
Who should attend?
In-house counsel and private practitioners involved in international trade and cross-border commerce, compliance
officers, auditors, prosecutors, law enforcement officials and private criminal law defence lawyers
London • São Paulo • Seoul • The Hague • Washington DC
International Bar Association
Rua Helena 170, 14º andar, São Paulo, SP 04552-050, Brasil
Tel: +55 (11) 3046 3321 Fax: +55 (11) 3046 3324
[email protected]
International Chamber of Commerce Mexico
(ICC Mexico)
Indiana #260, Piso 5, Oficina 508
Col. Ciudad de los Deportes
C.P. 03710, Mexico, D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5687 2203 / 5687 2207
[email protected]