Template for abstracts submmition

Template for abstracts submission to the 4th Biohydrology Conference (Title:
Times New Roman 12, bold, single space (1,0) and centered)
Roberto Lazaro1, Yolanda Canton2, Alberto Sole-Benet1 Francisco Domingo1 (Authors:
First Name and last name, Times New Roman 12, complete justification, single space
(1,0), without indentation. Name of the authors presenting the work should be
underlined. The institution should be indicated using a superscript)
Experimental of Arid Zones . CSIC. Almería (Times New Roman 9, complete justification, single space
(1,0), without indentation in the first line)
Agronomy Department. University of Almeria, Almeria
Abstract (Times New Roman 12, bold, single space, without indentation)
Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text,
oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract
text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh!
Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text,
oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract
text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh! Abstract text, oh!.
(Times New Roman 12, single space (1,0), without indentation and complete
Key words
Word, Word, Word, word. (Times New Roman 12, single space (1,0), without
indentation and complete justification)
(Page margins: top and bottom: 2.5 cm; left and right: 3 cm)