LAC IGF 2013 Communications Strategy

LAC IGF 2013 Communications Strategy
Córdoba, Argentina, August 27-29, 2013
Contacts: Flavia Fascendini [email protected] (on-site), Mallory Knodel [email protected] (off-site).
The Sixth Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to be held in August
27-29, 2013, in Córdoba, Argentina.
APC's messaging at the LAC IGF
Three key messages:
Promote a rights-based approach to internet governance: “The same rights that people have
offline must also be protected online.”
Topical: Governments and corporations are restricting internet access in different ways.
Universal, fair, open and affordable access to the internet demands a rights-based approach
to internet governance.
Topical: Mass surveillance by governments and increasing limitations to human rights
online (right to privacy) is being exacerbated by IP law. Promote transparency and
accountability for all stakeholders in internet governance, in order to protect and promote
human rights.
Promote multistakeholder participation, particularly the role of civil society organisations.
Promote enhanced cooperation in internet governance.
Praise effective responses and prevention of tech-related VAW as a prerequisite for good
governance and the full access and realisation of internet rights.
Topical: Hate speech. Threatening someone with rape is violence, not free speech. Promote
nuanced discussions that disrupts the notion that responding to tech-related violence against
women and sexual rights activists conflicts with calls for free speech.
Content production
APC and APC WRP communications teams will be using social networking tools, blogs, press releases,
articles and interviews. All APC staff and APC members on-site and off-site are invited to participate in
Spanish, English, and French.
APCNews, post-event: This newsletter will include a collection of team outputs as well as
photos, documents and articles about the pre-event and APC Os agenda at the LAC IGF to be
published on September 10, 2013.
• edition: A PoliTICas thematic bulletin for in will summarise IGF
coverage from a gender perspective. It will be released in Spanish on 9 of September, 2013. A
selection of these materials will get translated into English and/or Portuguese/French.
- blog: An open platform for any interested person to post content in Spanish,
English, or French guaranteed to receive hundreds of views. You should be logged in and
then go to for English and to for Spanish. Anyone can also send to
[email protected] quick impressions (one or two paragraphs) and photos and they will be
posted. You can submit your inputs or engage in discussions around
women's rights and IG issues in's Feminist Talk. To submit your blog you
should create an account and then navigate to You can also send your reflections and photos
directly to [email protected] and we will upload them for you. You do not need to be
registered to send a comment on other posts.
Note to off-site team: Staff, members and people following the event off-site can help us
blogging by using the tweets sent by on-site team as input for their articles, as well as the
webcast. This is a good practice that allows us to produce more content and to help on-site
Twitter: We invite staff, members and partners to use their personal accounts. We will be using
the hashtags: #lacigf #apc and #genderit (#genderitES for Spanish). APC Twitter accounts are
@APC_News @APCNoticias @APCNouvelles @GenderITorg @GenderITorgES.
Before the event, a set of predefined tweets will be shared via email to facilitate the tweeting
and the dissemination of our key messages.
-On-site team: Tweet (both in English and in Spanish) about conversations you have or
overhear, your observations, soundbytes, links to interesting resources or news, photos,
reminders about events (see Schedule below).
-Remote team: keep an eye out on tweets, re-tweet conversations, reply and join conversations,
and conduct deeper research on tweeted links.
Facebook: APCNews, APCNoticias and APCNouvelles pages will have updates, links and
photos and we invite staff and members to “like” the page, invite others and to post relevant
links as well.
Articles/interviews: Whenever possible, APC staff and members attending the event will write
sessions chronicles, articles on hot topics, or interview key advocacy referents.
-Possible articles/interviews pre-determined:
An interview with Natalia Gherardi from ELA (see more info below) on August 26 about
symbolic violence and its legislative application and recogntion (Flavia, for FLOW)
An interview with a FOE person to take up the point about tech-related VAW and FOE.
An interview with Frank La Rue on the challenges the LAC region is facing in terms of respect,
promotion and defense of human rights online.
An interview to our members (Colnodo, Sulá Batsú and Digital Rights on their perspectives
about the internet governance priorities for the region.
A general article with overview of main topics of the LAC IGF (Valeria to write it post event)
An article about enhanced cooperation (Shawna).
An article about the pre-event, on access and rights (Shawna).
An article linking the discussions to the Colnodo advocacy for FLOW (Andrea).
An article collecting the best tweets from the event (Flavia).
Distribution of responsabilities (this includes the tweeting, blogging, writing, etc):
Dafne, Erika, Flavia: reporting on gender issues and crosscutting subtopics related to FLOW project
area of interest.
Shawna and Flavia: reporting on internet rights issues.
On-site team commitments:
Dafne will write 2 blog posts and will tweet.
Flavia will write 2 blog posts and will tweet.
Erika will write one blog post and will tweet.
Shawna will write two articles and will tweet.
Vivian from Sulá Batsú will write an article.
Andrea from Colnodo will write an article.
Sheyla, Kaca, Jac, Mallory, Analia, Alex, Florencia G., and Valeria will tweet. Everyone else from
Comms, CIPP, WRP and overall APC staff team are invited to tweet as well.
Media and communications coordination
Flavia will be coordinating the communications coverage on-site.
Media contacts for APCNews/APCNoticias and APC blog: Write to [email protected]
or to Shawna [email protected] in English, Frenchor Spanish (ote) orlory [email protected] and
Analia [email protected] ).
Media contacts for Available from [email protected] in English, Spanish or
APC attendance at the LAC IGF
APC staff
Flavia Fascendini, Comms and WRP
Dafne Sabanes Plou, WRP
Erika Smith, WRP
Shawna Finnegan, CIPP
Valeria Betancourt (CIPP) – Remotely
APC members
Paz Peña, Claudio Ruiz y Francisco Vera from Derechos Digitales, Chile
Julián Casasbuenas and Andrea Roodriguez, Colnodo, Colombia
Vivian Zúñiga, Sulá Batsú, Costa Rica
Event participants, partners
Natalia Gherardi, executive director of Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA),
Andrés, Lacnic representative
Fátima Cambronero, from Ageia Densi, Argentina
Eleonora Rabinovich, from Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC), Argentina
Jochai Ben – Avie, from Access
Privacy International
Cyber Stewards
Katitza Rodríguez, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Renata Avila
Promoting APC individual membership
Distributing sign-up forms for
Gathering business cards afterwards into
Resources distribution (paper and online)
*IMPORTANT*: please call people's attention to this url
Tuits para mujeres: reflexiones sobre desafiar la misoginia en línea
Análisis de la integración de la perspectiva de género en las agendas y políticas digitales de
Latinoamérica y el Caribe
Estudio linea de base: normatividad sobre TIC y violencias contra las mujeres en Colombia
¿Cómo incluir la perspectiva de género en los observatorios de medios?
Declaración del Programa de derechos de las mujeres de APC ante la 57 sesión de la Comisión sobre la
Condición de la Mujer: violencia contra las mujeres y tecnologías de información y comunicación
Documento regional sobre la violencia contra las mujeres para la 57ª Sesión de la Comisión sobre la
Condición de la Mujer
Infografía - Activismo por los derechos sexuales e internet
Encuesta sobre activismo sexual, moralidad e internet
Voces desde espacios digitales: violencia contra las mujeres relacionada con la tecnología - informe de
Edición de - Basta de violencia contra las mujeres: lenguaje y acción en CSW 57
Edición de - Trabajo en red, seguridad y agencia sexual
Derechos humanos y protocolos de internet: Comparación de protocolos y principios
Libertad de reunión y de asociación pacíficas en internet
Derechos humanos en internet: nuevos temas y desafíos
Submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Brazil
Joint Submission on Internet-related Human Rights Issues in Colombia
Joint Submission on Internet-related Human Rights Issues in Mexico
Kit Digital de primeros auxilios para defensores de los Derechos Humanos
Understanding impact: an Internet Rights are Human Rights training curriculum from APC
Internet Freedom Index: Draft Checklist for Reporting under Article 19
Uso y regulación del espectro en América Latina: estudios de caso de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia,
Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela
Schedule of Events and Sessions
Pre event, August 26th
Derechos humanos en internet y gobernanza de internet en América Latina y el Caribe
Organised by Access, ADC, AGEIA DENSI, APC and ONG Derechos Digitales
Taller sobre derechos humanos y gobernanza de internet en América Latina y el Caribe
Fecha y hora: Lunes 26 de agosto, ent re l as 10:00 y las 18 :30 horas.
Lugar: Córdoba. Hotel Interplaza.
10:00 - Bienvenida de los organizadores: Access, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC),
Asociación para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones (APC), AGEIA DENSI, Derechos Digitales.
10:30 - Trabajando sobre derechos digitales en LatA m
Un panel de diversos invitados de la región hablará brevemente sobre diversas iniciativas de activismo
e investigación sobre derechos humanos y tecnología en la región, para dar paso a una conversación
con el público .
11:30 - ¿ Quiénes somos? Un mapa de organizaciones de derechos digitales
Integrantes de Access y ONG Derechos Digitales mostrarán los resultados de su investigación sobre
organizaciones de derechos humanos en la región.
12:00 – Coffee Break
12:2 0 - Amenazas y oportunidades regulatorias para la región en DDHH e internet
Diversos panelistas referirán a iniciativas legales que inciden en DDHH e internet, para dar paso a una
conversación con el público sobre si existen tendencias regionales, cuáles son las amenazas más graves
y qué oportunidades existen en la matéria.
13:40 - Almuerzo
15:00 - Inclusión, derechos humanos, género y desarrollo en la regulación de internet para la región
Diversos panelistas hablarán brevemente sobre las variables mencionadas y su relación con la
regulación de internet en la región, para dar paso a una conversación con el público sobre la materia.
16: 2 0 - Coffee Break
17:30 - Conclusiones y estrategias hacia el LAC IGF 6
Conversación entre el público presente sobre puntos en común y prioridades para conversar durante el
Tuesday, August 27th
Access and diversity: the Internet as an engine for growth and sustainable development
Security: legal, regulatory and other frameworks for spam, hacking and cybercrime
Wednesday, August 28th
Principles of multistakeholder participatiom
Enhanced cooperation
Thursday, August 29th
Openness: human rights, freedom of expression, and the free flow of information on the Internet
Internet Governance Principles
SESSION on Access and diversity: The Internet as an engine for growth
and sustainable development
• Connectivity cost structure. How to reduce end-user costs?
• Increasing access:
- Broadband strategies at national level, including mobile broadband
- Regional coordination for access to broadband connections
- Providing access for remote and disadvantaged locations
- Using and managing the radio-frequency spectrum to increase access
• Installing an IXP: political, economic and technical challenges
• Regional interconnection
• Relationship between IPv4 exhaustion, IPv6 deployment and Internet access
Invigorating the local digital content industry
Multilingualism on the Internet
Enabling remote participation at discussion forums to diversify participation
Sustainable models for community access
SESSION on Openness: Human rights, freedom of expression, free
flow of information and privacy on the Internet
• Online surveillance and espionage:
- Challenges and constraints (including relevant legislative activities)
- Censorship
- Controlling child pornography
- The legality of government actions
• Respect for, promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms on the Internet:
- Policy vs. reality
- Internet freedom of expression standards
- Defense and remedy mechanisms
- Online harassment, including violence against women - Limits to intellectual property and
copyright. Their impact on access to knowledge, the free flow of information and freedom of
- The right to be forgotten
- Online content monitoring, filtering and blocking
• Privacy:
- Personal data protection, including the responsibility of Internet intermediaries in protecting
users’ personal data
- Regulatory harmonization
- Monitoring and observatories
- Encryption
- Minimum privacy standards for the protection of user data, intimacy and anonymity
• Open government and open data policies
• Net neutrality:
- Risks and threats posed by the private sector and governments
- Legislation addressing network neutrality at country level
• Promoting free and open technology and culture as a means to preserve openness
SESSION: Security legal, regulatory and other frameworks for spam,
hacking and cybercrime
Analysis and updates on legal and regulatory frameworks (national and regional)
Coordinating and developing Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs)
Legislation addressing cybercrime: current status within the region and harmonization
Security, stability and resiliency of critical Internet resources and infrastructure
A participative approach to the construction of Internet security models
Security at user level:
- Encrypting and authentication
- Secure transaction
- Content Distribution System security
- Security in the cloud
- Fighting spam
- Secure internet communications: capacity building, disseminating best practices
Consistency of international standards addressing security issues
ISP security practices
Malware alert systems
Training, from end users to public and private agencies and organizations
Monitoring, evaluating and managing computer security risks
The use of free software and its relationship to security
SESSION: Enhanced cooperation
• Meaning, purpose and scope of enhanced cooperation for the region and its relationship to
Internet governance
• Roles and responsibilities of the region's various stakeholders in the different aspects of
enhanced cooperation
• The role of the region's countries in global Internet governance
• Enhanced cooperation mechanisms
• Cases where enhanced cooperation has been implemented within the region
SESSION: Principles of multistakeholder participation
• Models for multistakeholder Internet governance collaboration and participation within the
• Capacity building aimed at multistakeholder participation
• Developing forums and platforms for multistakeholder participation in Internet governance
issues at national level
SESSION: Internet Governance Principles
Global Internet governance transparency and accountability
Multistakeholder participation
Defending and promoting respect for human rights
Diversity (including linguistic diversity)
Based on the responses received from the regional Internet community, the main cross-cutting issues to
be considered when discussing the various topics on the agenda are as follows:
Human rights
Capacity building
Net neutrality