COMAL COUNTY COURT AT LAW-COMPLIANCE AND COLLECTIONS UNIT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT OF COURT COSTS, FINE AND FEES CAUSE NO: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS ******IF NOT APPLICABLE, PLACE "N/A" NAME: _ (Nombre) Last (Apelido) STREET ADDRESS: (Direcion) Number (Numero) MAILING ADDRESS: (Direcion De Envio) Number (Numero) PHONE ( (Telephono) Street (Casse) Apt. Street Apt. _ Zip State (Estado) (Codigo Postal) City (Ciudad) ----: State (Estado) City (Ciudad) (C~sse) ----:=-­ _ Zip (Codigo Postal) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If no phone, number where you can be reached ( (Secundo Telefono) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: (Numero de Seguridad social) CELL PHONE: ( (Cellular) SEX: (Sexo) Middle (Segundo Nombre) First (Nombre) _ _ DRIVERS LICENSE: _ _ • (numero de icencia para manejar) DATE OF BIRTH: (Fecha de Nacimiento) _ SINGLE _ _ MARRIED_ _ SEPARATED_ _ DIVORCED_ _ EDUCATION LEVEL (Solitero) (Casado) (Separado) (Divorciado) (Grado de Educacion) _ FRIEND ( (Amigo) )Phone - -No.-(Telefono) - - - - - - -Relationship ---- - - - - - - -Name - -(Nombre) -------­ (relacion) FRIEND ( (Amigo) )-:-----------------------~----:----:------Phone No. (Telefono) Relationship (relacion) Name (Nombre) ASSETS: If you are not working, state why, If you are In school. state which one Employer: (Empleador) Salary: $. (Salario) Name (Nombre) _ ( ) Area Code Phone No. (Area) (Telefono) Address (Direcion) Hourly Wage $ (Salario por Hora) _ ---:-:' Position (Puesto) ~___:_-- How Long (La Duration) Take Home Monthly Pay $ (Salario Mensual) _ weekly bi-weekly monthly What day do you get paid? _ How often are you paid? (Con que frecuencia son usted pago) (semanalmente) (revista bisemanal) (mensualmente) (Que dia Ie hace es pagado) PLEASE CHECK ANY OTHER SOURCE OF INCOME YOU RECEIVE: C1ndigue otro tlpo de sueldo) _ _ Welfare _ _ Social Security _ _Retirement _ _ Unemployment _ _ Child Support Disability (Assistencia de social) (Retiro) (Desempleo) (Sostenimlenta de Ninos) (Incapcidad) AGES: Other than yourself, how many people do you support directly: (Cuantas Personas Mantienes Number Relationship (Edad) (Numero) (Relacion) CREDITORS (Mortgage Companies, Banks, Credit Cards, Finance Companies, Department Stores, etc.) .(de Creditos y Deudas) Company Name (Nombre de Compania) _ $,------------ $,----------­ Balance owed (de pagos) . Monthly payment (Pago Mensual) ,-----------:-­ - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $----~-------$Monthly payment (Pago Mensual) Company Name (Nombre de Campania) Balance owed (de pagos) Page 2 Application for Extension of credit Bank Accounts (Banco de la quinto): Checking Balance $ (Cuenta de Cheques) Name of Bank (Nombre de Banco) Savings Balance $, (Cuenta de Ahorros) _ SUMMARY: ISumario) Monthly Income (Salario Mensual): Current Salaryllncome $. (Salario) Child Support/Alimony $, (Sostenimiento de Ninos/Pension) Spousal Income (EsposolEsposa Salario) $. Other Income $, (Ortro Salario) _ _ Monthly Expenses (Gastos Mensuales): Child Support/Alimony $, (Sostenimiento de NinoS/Pension) Cable Television $. (Cablevision) Mortgage/Rent $, (Renta) Telephone $, (Telefono) .Vehicle Payment/Insurance $, (Pago de Vehicu'lo/Aseguramiento) Groceries $ (Comestibles) Utilities~Gas/LightlWater $, _ (Servicio Publico) Pager/Cellular $, Day Care $ (Cuidado de dial Gasoline $. (Gasolina) _ Medical Expenses $. (Gastos de medicial) Creditors $ (Acreedores) _ _ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND DECLARATION (Reconoclmiento Y Declaracionl: I authorize the compliance department to run a credit report to verify the accuracy of same. Under Penalty of perjury, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, complete and accurate statement of my current financial condition. It is with this understanding and acknowledgement that I formally request an extension of time for payment of the fineslfees and court costs now due and payable to Comal County. y doy permisio a al departamento para obtener un reporte de credito para verificacion del mismo. Bajo pena de perjurio, certifico que'el precedido es una cornpleta y exacta declaracion de mi actual condicion financiero. Es con esta compresion y reconoclmiento que solicito una extension de tiempo porel page de la multa y los cobres de corte debido al cuidad de Comal County. Defendants Signature _ Printed Defendants Signature Date ~ _I _ _ FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Home or Contact Phone Number Verified: YES Employment or Source of Income Verified: YES Interviewed By: REMARKS: _ NO _ NO _ _ Verified By: _