BUL 14 - 15 OT july 13 - Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish

“That all may be one”
(Jn 17:21)
todos sean uno.”
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
at St. James Church
233 County Street
English: 508-992-9408 Español: 508-996-5862 Fax: 508-990-0575
Mass in English: 4:00pm (Sat), 8:30am, 10:00am (Sun)
New Bedford, MA 02740
Misa en Español : 11:30am,
The Holy Father names a new for our Diocese
Most Rev. Edgar da Cuhna
Formal Installation as eighth Bishop of Fall River
September 24, 2014
El Santo Padre ha nombrado un nuevo
obispo para nuestra Diócesis:
Reverendísimo Edgar da Cuhna
Toma de Posesion como el octavo Obispo de Fall River
24 Septiembre 2014ember 24, 2014
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time—July 13, 2014
me to serve in a new posion here in Fall
River. I see this new mission as a gi from
confidence in entrusng now to me the
my new home. I see this as a gi from God, an opportunity
to use the gis God graciously gave me to serve the faithful
extend my hear elt greengs to all deacons, men and
of this great Diocese in this corner of Massachuse#s. I wish
with them. I count on their talents and experse and look
faith, their tradions and learn from them how to celebrate
give my very best to build up the Church, to live and pracce
me, and I am counng on their prayers, their faith, their
support, gis, talents and generosity. /ĐŽƵůĚŶĞǀĞƌ͕ŝŶŵLJǁŝůĚĞƐƚĚƌĞĂŵ͕ŝŵĂŐŝŶĞŵLJƐĞůĨ
Finance Council: The next meeting of the members of the
parish Finance Council will be next Sunday, July 20 at 6:00
PM in the rectory.
Second Collection: The second collection this weekend is
for evangelization. Next week is the monthly maintenance
collection. Thank you for your continued support.
Parish Outing: Today, the parish has reserved
the use of Cathedral Camp for our parish outing
day. All are invited to use the camp: the lake
will be supervised by lifeguards for swimming,
grills will be available for cooking, and food
available for purchase. Bring your own lawn chairs and
beach ball! All are welcome and encouraged to a restful
day at the Camp!
Classes: Tutoring classes will be offered for children ages 610 two afternoons a week in our parish. There will be classes
in English, reading, and Math for each grade level. The
children will also learn to use interactive computer programs,
tablets, and iPads as part of the instruction. There will be a
minimal fee for these classes. If you are interested in having
your child participate, please call Sister Barbara at 477-6345868
Day with Mary: The next Day with Mary will be
on Saturday, August 9 at St. Anthony Church in
New Bedford. All are invited to attend and take
some time to deepen your connection with the
Mother of the Lord.
Youth Choir: The youth choir will take a break until
September. We’re grateful for their enthusiasm and life that
they bring to our liturgies, especially at the 10AM Mass. For
information about joining the choir, please talk to Phil
Parish Council: The upcoming
World Meeting of Families” was
discussed at the recent parish council
meeting. There will be an
informational gathering for those
couples who are interested in attending the event in
Philadelphia in Sept 2015. Financial assistance is
available. For more information about the event visit:
www.worldmeeting2015.org and speak with Fr. Pregana.
“Diapers & Things”: Thanks to Linda
Cheney and her Team who are reaching out
to needy Moms and children living in the
South End. They had their first clothing
distribution last Tuesday and will be here
again this Tuesday, July 15 in the church basement from
10AM-1PM for families on MA Health & SNAP or WIC, or
for families who cannot buy needed clothing. Please bring
MA Health card for each child and your ID. Use the County
Street Entrance. They will begin registration now for
distribution of diapers beginning in September.
Summer Camp: The St. Vincent de Paul
Society is offering an opportunity to any needy
youngsters of the parish ages 4-14 to attend
Cathedral Camp in East Freetown. For more information and
criteria, contact Maureen Lewis at 508-993-6965.
Cereal Drive: The Knights of
Columbus from our parish will have
a cereal drive to benefit St. Anthony
Soup Kitchen next Sunday. Please
bring a box of your favorite brand of
cereal to church to donate to the
Fenway Park: The Boston Red Sox are hosting a “Catholic
Night” at Fenway on Tuesday, July 29, and offering
specially priced bleacher ($30) and right field box tickets
($55). Parishes from the dioceses of New England are
invited to participate in “Catholic Night.” For more
information, there are flyers at the doors of the church.
Altar server Outing: The altar
servers of the parish are invited
to a fun day at WaterWizz in
Wareham on Tuesday, July 22.
For more information talk to Mrs. Carrie Pereira or Fr.
Pregana. Parish Youth are invited to join the server group
for the outing to WaterWizz for the entrance fee of $25
($17 for children under 48”). Info flyers and Permission
slips are available in the sacristy.
Diocesan Spanish Council: The Hispanic Apostolate is
inviting all Hispanic youth to a Cook Out and Camp Day on
Saturday, July 26 from 10am-4pm. Those who are interested
in participating in the day must complete a permission slip.
Please talk to Karla Juarez or Fr. Pregana.
St. Michael Retreat: The San Miguel Prayer Community
will host a retreat in Spanish Aug 16-17. For more
information, talk to Myra Carranza or one of the members of
the prayer community.
Bereavement Group: The New Bedford Area group will
begin meeting on July 16th at 6:30PM at St. Mary’s Church,
783 Dartmouth Street, S.Dartmouth. All are welcome. For
more information, contact Beni Costa-Reedy at 508-9927505.
Golf Tournament: The Diocesan Health Facilities 7th
Annual Golf Classic will be held August 25,2014 at LeBaron
Hills Country Club, Lakeville, MA. All proceeds will benefit
the over 900 individuals we serve in our skilled nursing and
rehabilitation centers and community programs. For details
on the levels of participation available, please contact: The
DHFO at 508-679-8154. Printable registration forms are
available at www.dhfo.org.
UMD: Catholic Campus Ministry at UMD is inviting all
incoming freshmen to a gathering of the CM team and other
new students on Tuesday, July 15 at St. Julie’s in
N.Dartmouth from 7:00-8:30PM. There will be pizza and a
chance to learn some tips to surviving freshmen year! For
more info: www.umassdcatholics.com/embark.
15o domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ 13 Julio 2014
Massachuse#s, y aceptó la renuncia del
Angelo Acca)no, Encargado de Negocios
Día de Descanso: Hemos reservado un día en
Cathedral Camp este domingo para la feligresía.
Todos están invitados: el lago va a estar abierto
para nadar, habrá asadores para hacer comida y
comida disponible para comprar. Lleven sillas y
los ancianos para que ellos también disfruten el día. ¡Vengan
a disfrutar el día como familia!
Segunda Colecta: La segunda colecta este fin es para la
evangelización. El próximo domingo es para el
mantenimiento de la parroquia. Gracias a todos.
Consejo Financiero: Los miembros del Consejo
Financiero se van a reunir con el Padre el próximo domingo
20 de julio a las 6:00 PM en la rectoría.
“Panales y Cosas”: Gracias a las Sra. Linda
Cheney y su Equipo que está ayudando a las
madres en necesidad. Van a estar en el
beisment el martes, 15 de julio desde las
10AM hasta las 1PM para familias necesitadas
que reciben MA Salud & SNAP o WIC, o para familias que
no pueden comprar la ropa. Traigan las tarjetas de Salud.
Entren el beisment por la puerta de County Street. Están
anotando nombres ahora para distribuir panales en
Coro Juvenil: El Coro juvenil ha decidido tomar unas
semanas de descanso durante el verano. Se van a reunir al
inicio de sept. Mayor información, hable con Teresa o Phil.
Coro Parroquial: Iván invita a los interesados formar parte
del coro que canta en la Misa dominical. No importa si
pertenece a otros grupos, el coro parroquial esta abierta a
todos. Recuerden: ¡cantar es orar dos veces!
Consejo Parroquial: El Consejo trató el tema de “El
Encuentro Mundial de Familias.” Habrá una reunión
informacional para parejas que están interesados en asistir en
el evento en Filalelphia en septiembre 2015. Habrá ayuda
financiera para los que la necesitan. Para mayor información
visite: www.worldmeeting2015 y hable con el Padre.
Día para los Acólitos: Los acólitos
de la parroquia están invitados al
parque acuático “WaterWizz” el día
martes 22 de Julio. Mayor
información, hable con el Padre Pregana o con Sra. Carrie
Pereira. Los demás jóvenes que quieren ir, pueden comprar
el boleto de entrad ($25 o $17 para niños menos de 48”). La
parroquia va a proveer el transporte. El volante está en las
entradas del templo y las hojas de permiso en la sacristía.
Jóvenes Hispanos: El Consejo Diocesano Hispano esta
invitando los jóvenes hispanos a un encuentro con los demás
jóvenes hispanos de la diócesis. El día será el sábado 26 de
julio desde las 10AM hasta el 4 PM. Los que quieren
participar deben devolver la hoja del permiso de sus padres.
Hable con Karla Juarez o con el Padre.
Retiro del Inicio: La Comunidad de San Miguel esta
ofreciendo un Retiro de Inicio el sábado y domingo el 16-17
de agosto. Para mayor información, hable con Myra
Carranza o un miembro de la comunidad.
Campamento para niños: La Sociedad de San Vicente
ofrece una oportunidad para unos niños (4-14 anos) participan
en Cathedral Camp. Para mayor información, hable con
Maureen Lewis 508-993-6965 sobre los requisitos.
Beca: Ingles para los que hablan otras idiomas (ESOL) a
Bristol Community College. Este programa es para ayudar a
los que quieren aprender ingles. Hay 3 niveles disponible
según su capacidad. Clases inician en verano. Los que
cumplen el curso son elegibles para aplicar a estudiar por su
equivalencia de la diploma del colegia. La parroquia ofrece
una beca para estudiar! Hable con el Padre.
Mass Intentions ~ Intenciones de Misa
4:00 PM Henrique & Filomena Barroco
8:30 AM Manuel, Maria, Angelina Almeida & Family
10:00 AM For the Parishioners/Por la Feligresia
11:30 AM Claribel Carranza de Guerra (3o Aniversario)
5:00 PM Mass at Cathedral Camp
7:00 PM Maria da Lourdes Costa & Antonio dos Santos
9:00 AM Nicolau Vasconcellos
9:00 AM Flavia M. Samoes
2:30 PM Residents of the Jewish Nursing Home
7:00 PM Antonio, Manuel & Filomena Rodrigues
9:00 AM Antonio & Cecilia Araujo
2:00 PM Residents of the Taber Nursing Home
5:00 PM Wedding: Luis & Danielle Serano
9:00 AM Luiz Soares
4:00 PM Donald Perry
8:30 AM Pedro Braga
10:00 AM Dennis Walsh
11:30 AM For the Parishioners/Por la Feligresia
Hosts for the Month ~ Las Hostias del Mes
Intencaõ Espesial
Sanctuary Lamp ~ Lámpara del Santísimo
Loretta Viens
“So says the Pope” ~ “Así Dice El Papa”
"The perfect family doesn't exist, nor is there a perfect husband
or a perfect wife, and let's not talk about the perfect mother-inlaw! It's just us sinners. A healthy family life requires frequent
use of three phrases: May I? Thank
you, and I'm sorry, and never, never,
never end the day without making
“Todos sabemos que no hay una
familia perfecta, tampoco un esposo
perfecto o una esposa perfecta. Por
supuesto, ¡ni siquiera hablaríamos
de una suegra perfecta! No terminen
ningún día sin pedirse uno al otro perdón, sin tener paz en su
casa y en su familia. Nunca terminen un solo día sin estar en paz
con cada uno. Este es el secreto para preservar el amor. Este
camino de todos los días tiene reglas que se pueden resumir en
tres palabras, que ya dije a las familias, y que ustedes podrían
aprender a usar entre ustedes: permiso, gracias, perdón.”