+ Parish Life+ - St. Olaf Catholic Church

 Parish Life
Tithing Moments
God gives it all—
then calls us to share.
Sunday Collection Envelope & Loose
Total collections for February 26, 2012
St. Olaf
St. Peter
Total collections for March 4, 2012
St. Olaf
St. Peter
Weekly Prayer Vigil for Pre-born Children
Join members of the St. Olaf Respect Life Committee on Wednesdays to pray for pre-born children.
The "Wednesdays for Life" campaign provides an
ongoing opportunity to stand in prayerful witness
in front of Planned Parenthood in East Bremerton.
Your prayerful presence may well be the inspiration a woman needs to consider keeping her baby
& source of love for these precious little ones. Call
John Dawes: 360-697-1816 for more information.
Rincón de Raquel
Sanar las Heridas del Aborto Provocado “Porque yo sé muy bien lo que hare por
ustedes; les quiero dar paz y no desgracia y
un porvenir lleno de esperanza-palabra de
Yahvé. Cuando me supliquen, yo los escucharé.” - Jeremias 29:11-12 Venga a un
Retiro del Viñedo de RaquelRM y renueva la esperanza y compasión en Jesucristo. El retiro confidencial
en español se llevará a cabo: Del 27 al 29 de abril del
2012 Para mayor información, deje un mensaje confidencial: Olivia 206.450.7814 ¡Con amor eterno te he
amado! El Proyecto Raquel es un programa de la
agencia de Catholic Community Services.
St Olaf Respect Life Committee
No Meetings Required! Are you interested in promoting the Church’s teaching on life from conception to natural death but don’t have time for monthly
meetings? We need you in the St Olaf Respect Life
Committee. Members who cannot attend meetings
receive monthly updates on committee activities as
well as timely action alerts from the Archdiocese and
USCCB. Contact Joanne Graves at 297-2186 or email
[email protected] to be added to the respect
life email distribution list. For those who can attend
meetings, the respect life committee meets between
the Masses on the fourth Sunday of most months.
New Books at St. Olaf / St. Peter Library
My Life with the Saints By James Martin, S.J.
Winner - Christopher Award; Catholic Press Assoc. Book Award; and Publishers Weekly Best Books of
the Year. Father Martin encompasses saints form St. Peter to Dorothy Day. His stories enable readers to
discover how the saints guide us throughout our earthly journeys and how they help each of us find
holiness in our own lives.
Between Heaven and Mirth, Why Joy, Humor and Laughter are at the Hear of the Spiritual Life By
James Marin, S.J.
Drawing on Scripture, sharing anecdotes from his experiences as a lifelong Catholic and including
amusing and insifhtful sidebars, footnotes, and jokes, Father Martin illustrates how joy, humor and
laughter help us to live more spiritual lives, understand ourselves and others better, and more fully appreciate God’s presence among us.