Español 7°, 8°, 9° (5 horas semanales)
El curso de español promueve el desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas del idioma español en
diferentes áreas: Expresión oral y comunicación, lectura y escritura, análisis de la estructura de la lengua
y literatura. Desarrollar en los estudiantes el hábito por la lectura comprensiva y crítica como
herramienta básica para comprender diferentes textos, escritos y no escritos. Apropiarse de manera
racional del manejo del idioma como andamiaje básico para la asimilación e interpretación de su
realidad personal, social y global.
Pre Algebra and Algebra 7th, 8th, 9th ( 4 periods per week)
The students progress from numerical expressions to algebraic ones as they develop fluency in
working with linear equations. Special attention is given to providing students with Strong
mathematical content with real life connections. Students will extend their experiences with
tables, graphs, and equations and solve linear equations and inequalities. They will l extend
their knowledge of the number system to include irrational numbers. They will analyze
situations verbally, numerically, graphically, and symbolically.
Geometry 7th, 8th, 9th (3 periods each week)
Geometry is a subject that will help the student develop spatial skills in both three dimensional
and two dimensional situations. It is a critical component of our Math program. It will establish
a direct link as an application to the Algebra courses. The course covers calculation of distances,
areas and volumes of solids, also, the different properties of polygons. It requires students to
focus on logical proof and critical thinking when solving problems.
Literature 7th, 8th, 9th (3 periods )
The purpose of the literature courses in Middle is to expose students to different genres and
culturally diverse works as they instils in students not only a habit of reading but also an
appreciation for significant pieces of work. Students will identify common literary elements
and be able to analyze selections and give valued opinions about them.
Grammar and Writing
7th, 8th, 9th (4 periods)
This course is designed to help students become more proficient and effective English users in
oral and written communication. They will explore the usage problems associated with
contemporary grammar in both speech and writing. Topics will include: the structure of English,
sentence structure problems, agreement errors, commonly confused and misused words, and
spelling. The students will strengthen their capacity to produce original pieces of writing
following the basic wiring steps (prewriting, drafting, revising editing and publishing). They will
be exposed to diverse genres of writing.
Speech 7th, 8th, 9th (3 periods per week)
This course focuses on the development of public speaking skills. Students are exposed to a
variety of experiences that will enable them to strengthen their oral interpretation, voice
development and diction as well as their non verbal language.
Science 7th, 8th and 9th (5 periods a week)
Middle school science courses present an overview of basic concepts related to Life, Chemical,
Physical, and Earth Science. Concepts are explored with emphasis on the scientific method, and
hands on inquiry. The topics are related to the student's realm of experience to increase their
perception of the world around them. In addition students are given projects in which they
practice in reading, research, report writing, oral presentations.
Geografía 7°, 8° y 9° (2 horas semanales)
El curso de geografía en la pre-media le permite al estudiante reconocer la ubicación en el tiempo y el
espacio de los aspectos sobresalientes en el orden físico, económico, cultural social y político de
Panamá, América, Europa Asía, África y las regiones polares. Distinguir las diferencias y similitudes
culturales, formas de vida de estas regiones de una manera científica y objetiva.
Historia 7°, 8° y 9° (2 horas semanales)
El curso de historia está orientado a promover en los estudiantes el conocimiento y valoración del
origen del ser panameño a través de sus creaciones artísticas y culturales, miles de años antes de la
llegada de los europeos. Su organización social, creencias y valores como forma de preservar sus
creaciones humanas. Ese ser panameño y su historia,, como experiencia de aprendizaje le permite al
estudiante conectar esos conocimientos en el contexto americano, conociendo y entendiendo los
aportes de otros pueblos y culturas que coexistieron cronológicamente. Partiendo de sus realidades,
están en condiciones de abordar de manera sistemática las experiencias de vida y aportes de los pueblos
de Oriente Grecia Y Roma y su marcada presencia en nuestra cultura general.
Cívica 7°, 8°y 9° (1 hora semanal)
El curso de cívica de promueve el conocimiento de las formas de organización social que se crearon en
Panamá, América y otras regiones como elementos de referencia para entender y valorar la evolución
de nuestros sistemas de gobierno y administración social. Se hace énfasis en el reconocimiento de las
principales instituciones sociales como la familia, la escuela, la comunidad, gobiernos locales y
generales. También se incluyen el debate y discusión de los derechos humanos, la cultura de paz y el
respeto a la diversidad como forma de promover la coexistencia pacífica y constructiva.
Educación física 7°- 9° (1 hora semanal)
Reconocer de manera práctica la importancia del cuidado de la salud física y mental de nuestro cuerpo;
conocer integralmente su funcionamiento y desarrollo a través de los juegos deportivos, recreativos
individuales y grupales de manera escalonada.
Estimular las aptitudes deportivas a través de los diferentes deportes más conocidos y de actualidad.
Aprender a trabajar en equipo, seguir reglamentaciones, coordinación motora, habilidad mental y
estrategias para superar obstáculos y retos a nivel personal y en equipo. Desarrollar el espíritu de
competencia positiva, aprender a ganar y a perder.
Data Processing 7°- 9° (1 period a week)
The main objective of our computer curriculum is to provide our students with the necessary tools to
achieve a strong development of technological skills, so that students are able to use computers as
learning and working tools.
The technology presented is effectively integrated into the curriculum creating meaningful learning
opportunities while at the same time sparking their creativity.
Applications from Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Master Collection, 3D Designers, Movie editors and
Developing Software are part of our technology curriculum.
Art and Music Appreciation 7th, 8th, 9th (2 periods)
The main objective of the Art and Music Appreciation classes in middle school is to highlight the
visual Arts and as well as art and music history. This course introduces the origins and historical
development of art and music. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of design principles to
various art forms including but not limited to sculpture, painting, architecture and music. Upon
completion, students should be able to identify and analyze a variety of artistic styles, periods
and artistic movements. They will also acquire a historical understanding of art as a reflective
product of human development.