O F J A M A I C A . _ i 4 7 Corolla. Tetrapetala, pet alts oblongis cochkatis pat en ti bus. Stamina. Filamenta quatuor erecla Corolla duplo longiora ; anthers globofce majores. . . . Piftillum. Germen ovatum; ftilus eredtusJImplex longitudine Corolla; fligma obtufiufculum bilobum. Pericarpium. Capfula fpherica unilocularis bivahis, ab apice ad bajem dehifcens, & femen unicum rotundum atro-nitens ample&ens. I R S I O L A I . Triphylla, fcandens & claviculata, foliis Sicyos. Foliis ternatis incifis. L . Sp. PI. Bryonia. Alba, &c. Slo.Cat. 106. & H . t. 1 4 2 . f. 1. Bryonoides. P k . 1 5 2 , f. 2. & H . M . P . 7 ? t. 4 5 . craffisferratis. The fhady Irliola with fucculent Leaves. T h i s plant is very common in the low lands o f Jamaica •> it is always found climbing on the neighbouring bufhes, and is generally divided into a great many very fhady branches : the leaves are thick and juicy, and the berries round, fmooth, and fucculent - its flowers are fmall, and difpofed in the form of an u m ­ brella. Thefe are the characters o f the genus. y Periantium. Fix notabile quadridenticulatum. Corolla- Fetrapetata decidua, petalis rigidis cochkatis. Stamina. Filamenta quatuor brevijjtma ; anthera? fubrotundce verfatilis. Piftillum. Germefijubrotundum, flilus brevis, Mgmzjimplex. Pericarpium. Bacca fpherica fucculent a femine unico nauco proprip tenui tetJo rejerta (a). c IRSIOLA Scandens, foliis oblongo-ovatis ad margines denticulis fe~ taceis refertis. T a b . 4, f. & 1. 2. An, W a t t o w - V a l l i . H . M . P . 7. t. 32. Bryonia. 2. Albageniculata, &c. Slo. Cat. 106, & ' H . t. 144. 1. The larger Irfiola, or Baftard Bryony with fimple Leaves. • T h i s plant is common about the town o f King/Ion, and generally found climbing upon all the pinquin-fences, and other low bufhes: Its leaves are pretty large and fimple, and the ftalk flender and flexile. T h e flower-bunches are very fpreading and even in all the fpecies. IRSIOLA 3. Tnphylla fcandens, foliis ovatis fubdentatis, petiolo communi marginato, caliculis majoribus. Bryonia. Alba triphylla maxima. S l o . C a t . 106, & H . tab. 1 4 4 . The larger triphyllous Irliola. C O R E T A 1. Foliis minoribus ovatis crenatis, floribus fmgularibus. Corchorus. Capfulis linearibus compreffis bivahibus. L . H . Upf. & Sp. PL Corchoro. Affinis, &c. Slo. H . tab. 94, f. i . & C a t . 50. Corchoroides. L . H . C . Broom-weed. Periantium. Nullum. Corolla. Titrapetala, petalis anguftisprimo ereSlis, etate patent ibus Stamina. Filamenta quatuor ereSia longitudine for is, anthers fmplices: (a) M r . Ehret, who has .differed the fpecimen reprefented here, has drawn it with four feeds, but I could never obferve more than one in any of the berries. 2 Plf-