Publications - California State University, Long Beach

1. “Using Longitudinal Data to Study Migration and Remittances,” Chapter 9 in Carlos
Vargas-Silva (editor), Handbook of Research Methods in Migration, Edward Elgar,
Northampton, MA, pages 186 – 206, 2012 (refereed).
2. “The Choice of Migration Destination: A Longitudinal Approach using Pre-migration
Outcomes,” Review of Development Economics, Volume 13 Number 4, pages 626640, November 2009,
3. “The Effect of Kindergarten Classroom Size Reduction on Second Grade Student
Achievement: Evidence from California,” Economics of Education Review, Volume 28,
Number 3, pages 403-414, , June, 2009.
4. “The Effect of Emigration on the Labor Market Outcomes of the Sender Household:
A Longitudinal Approach Using Data From Nicaragua,” Well Being and Social Policy
special issue on effects of migration on sender countries, Number 2, 2006 (refereed)
5. “Legal Status and Social Exclusion: of Nicaraguans in Urban Costa Rica,” (with
Carlos Sojo and Juan Pablo Perez Sainz), Jere Behrman, Miguel Szekely, and Alejandro
Gaviria (coordinators), Social Exclusion: Who is In, Who is Out, and Does it Matter?,
Inter-American Development Bank and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 (refereed).
6. “Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in the Developing World”,
Chapter in Willam Kosanovich (editor), Improving Labor Market Opportunities and
Security in Developing Countries Volume I, Bureau of International Labor Affairs,
Washington DC, 2003, pages 173-218.
7. “Brain Drain to the United States from Central America”, chapter in Luis Rosero
Bixby (editor), Poblacion del Istmo 2000: Familia migracion, violencia, y medio
ambiente, Centro Centroamericano de Poblacion, University of Costa Rica, San Jose,
Costa Rica, 2001.
8. “Dinamica de la poblacion desde lo rural – Migracion,” chapter in Poblacion,
Territorio, y Economias Rurales, Secretaria Tecnica, European Community in Central
America, 2001 (invited).
9. "The Geographic Concentration of Immigrants and Assimilation," International
Migration Review, Summer 2000
10. "Convergence in Employment Rates of Immigrants," in George Borjas (editor), Issues
in the Economics of Immigration, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000
11. “La Medicion de la Pobreza y Su Aplicacion en el Analisis del Impacto de Cambios
Macroeconomicos en la Pobreza,” in Consuelo Corredor Martinez (editor), Pobreza y
Desigualdad: Reflexiones Conceptuales y de Medicion, CINEP, Santa Fe de Bogota,
1999 (invited)
12. "Cyclical Economic Conditions and School Attendance in Costa Rica," Economics
of Education Review, January, 1999
13. "Changes in the Returns to Education in Costa Rica," Journal of Development
Economics, December, 1998
14. "Tests of Labor Market Rigidities and the Roy Model," Economics Letters ,
November, 1998
15. "Labor Market Outcomes of Female Immigrants in the United States," (with Steve
Trejo) in James Smith and Barry Edmonston (eds.), The Immigration Debate: Studies in
the Economic, Demographic, and Fiscal Effects of Immigration, National Academy of
Sciences, Washington DC, 1998 (refereed).
16. “Evaluation of World Bank Funded Projects on Labor Markets,” World Bank, July
1998 (invited).
17. "The Importance of Firm-Wage Differentials in Explaining Hourly Earnings
Variation in the Large-Scale Sector of Guatemala," Journal of Development Economics,
May, 1998
18. Mercado Laboral y Pobreza en Centroamerica (Labor Market and Poverty in Central
America) (edited with Juan Pablo Perez Sainz, co-author introduction and conclusion
with Juan Pablo Perez Sainz), FLACSO-Costa Rica and Social Science Research
Council, San Jose Costa Rica, 1998
19. "Mobility and Labor Market Segmentation: The Urban Labor Market in El
Salvador," Economic Development and Cultural Change, October, 1997
20. "Labor Market Adjustment to Political Crisis: Changes in the Labor Market in El
Salvador in the 1980s," Journal of Development Economics, February, 1997
21. "Demand and Supply Side Explanations of Labor Market Segmentation in
Developing Countries: The Case of Guatemala," Economic Development and Cultural
Change, January 1997
22. "A Profile of Emigration and Remittances from El Salvador," Chapter 2 in Migracion
Internacional y Desarrollo, Fundacion Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE), San
Salvador, 1997 (invited)
23. "The Urban Informal Sector in Central America: Household Survey Evidence,"
World Development, November, 1996
24. "The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on the States: What Have We Learned?" in
Proceedings Eighty-Eighth Annual Meeting, San Diego, 1995 , National Tax Association
- Tax Institute of America, Columbus, Ohio, 1996 (invited)
25. "The Labor Market Skills of Recent Male Immigrants: Evidence from the Current
Population Survey," with Stephen Trejo, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July,
26. "Remittances from International Migration: A Comparison of El Salvador and
Nicaragua," Review of Economics and Statistics, February, 1995
27. "The Choice of Migration Destination for Migrants from the Dominican Republic and
Cuba," with Fernando Ramos, International Migration Review, Fall, 1993
28. "Do Immigrants Have Lower Unionization Propensities than Natives?: Evidence from
the April, 1983 Current Population Survey," Industrial Relations, Spring, 1993
29."Migration, Remittances, and Economic Adjustment: The Case of El Salvador in the
1980s," Chapter 5 in Richard Freeman and George Borjas (eds.), Immigration and the
Work Force: Economic Consequences for the United States and Source Areas,
University of Chicago Press, 1992 (refereed)
30. "Migration from Nicaragua: Some Recent Evidence" World Development, August,