Urko M. Marigorta December 2011 CONTACT Data of birth: Address: Phone: E-mail: Web-page: 28 December 1983 (Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain) Roc Boronat 54 (08005) Barcelona, Spain (+34)-690034468 [email protected] http://www.urko.info RESEARCH INTERESTS Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology to study human population history and the genetic architecture of complex traits EDUCATION Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain Ph.D. Biomedical Research 2007-2012 Advisor: Prof. Arcadi Navarro Thesis: “Human diversity and the genetic architecture of complex traits” Universitat de Barcelona, Spain Certificat d’aptitud Pedagògica (Spanish High School Teaching Certificate) Open University of Catalonia, Spain Graduate studies of Humanities (2nd cycle not completed) Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain M.S. Biomedical Research B.S. Human Biology 2006-2007 2004-2007 2006-2007 2001-2006 FUNDING Ph.D. grant with teaching duties - Universitat Pompeu Fabra TEACHING M.S in Bioinformatics (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Biomedical Data Analysis (“Statistical Analysis with R”) 16 hours per year 2009-2011 Biomedical Informatics (“Databases of Human Polymorphism”) 8 hours per year 2008-2011 Biology Graduate studies (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Zoology – Assistant Lecturer 64 hour Evolution – Assistant Lecturer 16 hours per year Ecology – Assistant Lecturer 12 hours per year PBL (Problem Based Learning) Assistant Teacher 2009 2008-2010 2009 2008-2011 JOURNAL PAPERS PUBLISHED 1.- Urko M. Marigorta, Oscar Lao, Ferran Casals, Francesc Calafell, Carlos Morcillo-Suárez, Rui Faria, Elena Bosch, François Serra, Jaume Bertranpetit, Hernán Dopazo and Arcadi Navarro: “Recent human evolution has shaped geographical differences in susceptibility to disease” BMC Genomics 2011, 12:55 (Highly accessed article on BioMed Central) 2.- Elodie Gazave, Fleur Darré, Carlos Morcillo-Suárez, Natalia PetitMarty, Angel Carreño, Urko M. Marigorta, Oliver A. Ryder, Antoine Blancher, Mariano Rocchi, Elena Bosch, Carl Baker, Tomàs MarquèsBonet, Evan E. Eichler and Arcadi Navarro: “Copy number variation analysis in the great apes reveals speciesspecific patterns of structural variation” Genome Research 2011 Oct;21(10):1626-39 SUBMITTED 3.- Isabel Mendizabal, Urko M. Marigorta, Oscar Lao and David Comas “Adaptive evolution of loci covarying with the human African Pygmy Phenotype” Under review in MBE IN PREPARATION 4.- Arcadi Navarro, Elodie Gazave, Carlos Morcillo-Suárez, Txema Heredia, Angel Carreño, Urko M. Marigorta and collaborators “Genome-wide association study of several human behavioural traits” Urko M. Marigorta – CV December 2011 5.- Gabriel Santpere, Fleur Darré, Urko M. Marigorta, Angel Carreño, Txema Heredia, Mar M. Albà, Pablo Villoslada and Arcadi Navarro “Characterizing genomic Diversity of EBV B95-8 transforming strain in individuals from the 1,000 genomes” 6.- Urko M. Marigorta and Arcadi Navarro “Disease associated variants unravelled by GWAS are common and shared through populations” TECHNICAL SKILLS Strong knowledge on statistical data analysis Programming in R and Perl MySQL Database management LANGUAGES English, Spanish, Catalan and Basque CONFERENCES 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting: The Biology of Genomes 10th – 14th May, CSHL, New York, USA – Poster presentation 2009 Molecular Antropology in the Genomic Era 4th International conference of the “DNA polymorphisms in human populations” 3th – 5th December, Rome, Italy 2008 Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution 5th – 8th June, Barcelona, Spain) – Poster presentation 3rd Conference European Human Behaviour and Evolution - EHBE (2nd – 4th April, Montpellier, France COURSES 2009 Summer Course on Human Population Genetics Course (5 ECTS) Rasmus Nielsen, Ida Moltke, Anders Albrechtsen, Montgomery Slatkin, Andy Clark 3-7th August, Copenhagen, Denmark Molecular Markers and Population Genetics (MMPG09 Course) Mark Beaumont, Lounès Chikhi, Vítor Sousa 15th - 19th June, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia,Oeiras, Portugal 2008 Symposium on Genetics of Complex Diseases 1st - 2nd October, Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain Urko M. Marigorta – CV December 2011 Urko M. Marigorta – CV December 2011