La Tarea de Español

Name: __________________________________________
Grade: 4
Due Date: _______________________________
Unit/Theme: Energia en mi casa
In this unit, you will learn Spanish language and culture, history, math, reading comprehension, thinking
skills, writing skills and computer skills? Homework helps you learn new information and practice things you
have already learned. The best way to use homework as a study aid is to complete one assignment each week,
the night after you have had Spanish class. Complete these assignments in any order you want within the next 6
weeks. I will check your notebook each week and sign the assignment that you have completed. You don’t have
to complete all 9 assignments, but may choose which ones you like. For easy access to websites, go to my
website: and scroll to the bottom. Click on your
assignment and when the page opens, control + click on the link you need. You will be graded as follows:
6+ assignments completed well = Exceeds
5 assignments completed well = Satisfactory
4 assignments completed = Needs Improvement 3 or less completed = Unsatisfactory
Balance your household
Choose a skills sticker that
budget by figuring out how
you would like to earn.
much you have spent and
Study the vocabulary to earn
how much you have left for
that sticker and try for it in class or after
savings and fun. Use the
school. Ask for the list of skills stickers.
vocabulary to translate Complete any activity of Use our Spanish class web-site for help.
and solve the
your choice from the
problems on the back
of this page.
Create a video or
Go to
PowerPoint naming and
You are a realtor selling a
describing rooms in your anish/learn_more/my_home/slideshow1.
house in Columbia, South America.
house. Use the Spanish
shtml and learn how families in
Draw a picture of the layout of the
vocabulary in this unit to Spanish speaking countries live. What
house. Then, use the directional terms
describe your home.
are their homes like? How are the homes
from the last unit’s vocabulary list or la
similar or different to your own?
Canción de Direcciones (directions
Using a much Spanish vocabulary
song on the skills sticker PowerPoint
from your notebook as
on my website) to describe where items
you can, create a Ven
are in the picture in relation to each
Diagram to compare and
other. Write at least 8 complete
contrast similarities and differences.
sentences in Spanish.
Go to Carlos’ house and play
in his room. Help him rearrange
the room and help his sleep
walking, brother find his way. Go to: You just got a penpal in
2 games to learn and
ndo/mimundo/default.html Describe
Nicaragua and you want
practice your
what Carlos has in his room in terms of to tell them about your
vocabulary. Go to
color and size and location.
home. Write a bilingual
Write five sentences to tell
letter to tell them about
n-la-casa-quiz and play until you reach
where you placed his stuff.
how you live.
90% or better. Print your results.
Then, draw a room map.
Fun List.
If you have any questions or need help, my e-mail is [email protected] and I am available after
school from 2:15-3:30 in my room on Thursdays for tutoring.
You have six weeks to complete these assignments.
¿Cómo es la casa dónde vives? What sort of house do you live in?
Vivo en - I live in
una casa - a
house de – of
dos pisos - two floors
tres pisos - three floors
cuatro pisos - four floors
un apartamento- an apartment
veinticinco pisos - twenty-five
floors con - with
sin - without
jardin - garden
garaje - garage
balcon - balcony
piscina - swimming pool
un apartamento-an apartment
¿Cuántas habitaciones hay en tu
casa? - How many rooms are
there in your house?
La planta baja - The ground floor
El primer piso - The first floor
El segundo piso - The second floor
hay - there is/are
un salón/una sala - a living room
un comedor - a dining room
una cocina - a kitchen
un baño - a bathroom
un estudio - a study
un dormitorio - a bedroom
¿Qué hay en tu dormitorio? What is there in your bedroom?
Hay - There is/are
una cama - a bed
una mesa - a table
una mesita - a bedside table (literally
a little table)
una silla - a chair una
lámpara - a lamp
un armario - a wardrobe
un librero - bookshelves
unas cortinas - curtains
una computadora/un ordenador- a
una televisión - a television
un estéreo - a stereo
gastar- to waste / to
spend energia –energy
apagar – turn off
ahorrar –save
agua- water
electricidad- electricity
Balance your Budget. Solve these math problems
and show your work.
1. Tú (you) ganas (earn) $1000 cada (each) mes
(month). En Octubre gastas (spend) $432 en electricidad
y $251 en agua. ¿Cuánto dinero tienes (do you have)
después de pagar los gastos (expenses)? ____________
2. Si (if) pagas (you pay) $234 de electricida
cada mes, cuánto es el total del año (year)? ___________
3. Tu familia apaga las luces (lights) para(to)
ahorrar electricidad y el consumo mensual (monthly)
cambia (changes) de $460 en agosto a $329 en
septiembre cuánto dinero ahorran? ___________
4. La cuenta (the bill) de agua es $56 dólares menos
que (less than) que la cuenta de electricidad en
diciembre. Si la electricidad in diciembre es $215, cuánto
es la electricidad en diciembre?
5. Write a problem of your own using the Spanish
you have learned in the first four problems, for me to