Dr Josephine Dolan

Dr Josephine Dolan
Website: http://www.uwe.ac.uk/sca/staff/dolan.shtml
Dr Josephine Dolan is a senior lecturer in Film Studies at the University of the West of
England (Bristol, United Kingdom), she has teaching expertise in women and cinema,
feminism, and British cinema. Her research interests have always been related to
questions of identity – childhood, femininity, whiteness, and Englishness. In 2008 she
cofounded with Estella Tincknell WAM (Women, Aging, Media) a research network
which received AHRC network funding in 2008 to run a workshop series and
conference. The PIs report from the series has been included in the AHRC's Impact Task
Force Report (2009) as a good example of impact. WAM is now part of the Aging
Studies in Europe network. She has published widely in prestigious journals such as Aging
Studies in Europe, The Journal of British Film and Television o The Historical Journal of Film,
Radio and Television. She is currently editing with Estella Tincknel Ageing Femininities:
Representation, Identities, Feminism for Cambridge Scholars Press (2010).
La Dra. Dolan es profesora titular de estudios fílmicos en la University of the West of
England (Bristol, Reino Unido), y tiene experiencia docente en los campos de la mujer
en el cine, feminismos, y cine británico. Su trabajo académico siempre ha girado en
torno a cuestiones relativas a la identidad (infancia, femineidad, whiteness, inglesidad).
En 2008 fundó, junto a su compañera Estella Tincknell, la red de investigación WAM
(Women, Ageing, Media), que recientemente ha visto reconocido su índice de
impacto por la AHRC (Consejo Británico para la Investigación en las Artes y las
Humanidades), y que ahora es parte de la Red Europea de Estudios sobre el
Envejecimiento. En su haber se cuentan contribuciones a influyentes revistas como
Aging Studies in Europe, The Journal of British Film and Television o The Historical Journal
of Film, Radio and Television. Actualmente se halla editando, con Estella Tincknell, el
volumen Ageing Femininities: Representation, Identities, Feminism, que será publicado
en 2010 por Cambridge Scholars Press.
La Dra. Dolan és professora titular d’estudis fílmics a la University of the West of England
(Bristol, Regne Unit), i té experiència docent en els camps de la dona en el cinema,
feminismes, i cinema britànic. El seu treball acadèmic sempre ha voltat entorn de
qüestions relatives a la identitat (infantesa, feminitat, whiteness, anglesitat). El 2008
fundà, juntament amb la seva companya Estella Tincknell, la xarxa de recerca WAM
(Women, Ageing, Media), que no fa gaire ha vist reconegut el seu índex d’impacte per
l’AHRC (Consell Britànic per a la Investigació en les Arts i les Humanitats), i ara forma
part de la Xarxa Europea d’Estudis sobre l’Envelliment. Compta amb contribucions a
revistes influents com Aging Studies in Europe, The Journal of British Film and Television o
The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. Actualment està editant, amb Estella
Tincknell, el volum Ageing Femininities: Representation, Identities, Feminism, que serà
publicat el 2010 per Cambridge Scholars Press.