Spanish II Clothing Catalog Project

Spanish II
Clothing Catalog Project - 10A
Due Date: __________________________
The students will create a clothing catalog in Spanish.
The catalog must include a Title, student's name, grade, date
It must include at least 10 articles of clothing form ch.3 vocabulary list.
Each article of clothing must be represented with a picture ( no people wearing the
clothes; just the article of clothing)
Each article must have a description in complete sentences (in Spanish!). It must include:
◦ fabric that is made of
◦ the color and pattern
◦ season to use it
◦ list of sizes available
◦ catchy sentence that will make me want to buy the clothes.
Underline or highlight the vocabulary words. Make sure to double space. (Or at least
1.5 space)
Be creative! The catalog must be typed and printed in color! No excuses!
La camisa está hecha de
algodón y tiene rayas blancas
claras y negras oscuras.
Se usa para el verano o la
Tallas disponibles: pequeño,
mediano y grande
Compra esta camisa y te llevas
la otra a mitad de precio!