X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. ”m-Powering Innovation Initiatives” 1 Nota editorial. X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. 1. 2 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. Antecedentes. 5. 3 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. Conferencias Magistrales, Pánel y Taller. 15. 4 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. VIII Premio Concyteg a la Innovación Tecnológica. 21. 5 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. Distintivo de ahorro y de eficiencia de energı́a eléctrica. 29. 6 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. Estadı́sticas y gráficas. 33. 7 X International Forum of Systems of Innovation for Competitiveness. Términos de referencia. 41. R 10(FISINNCO): Octubre, 2015 Ide@s CONCYTEG . ISSN: 2007-2716. Guanajuato, México. http://concyteg.gob.mx/resources/ideas/ebooks/E6/#/0