Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Country: Person(s) completing Table: Spain Date Table Completed: February 2012 List of transposing national legislation (including legal reference and abbreviations used in TOC) Organic Law 5/2010 of 22 June, amending Organic Law 10/1995, of 23 November (the Spanish Criminal Code) Other abbreviations CA: competent authorities SC : Spanish Constitution SCC : Spanish Criminal Code Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /1 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Table I Main Table of Correspondence Art. EU Obligation Article 1 Subject-matter This Directive establishes measures relating to criminal law in order to protect the environment more effectively. Article 2 Definitions 2 For the purpose of this Directive: (a) ‘unlawful’ means infringing: (i) the legislation adopted pursuant to the EC Treaty and listed in Annex A; or (ii) with regard to activities covered by the Euratom Treaty, the legislation adopted pursuant to the Euratom Treaty and listed in Annex B; or (iii) a law, an administrative regulation of a Member State or a decision taken by a competent authority of a Member State that gives effect to the Community legislation referred to in (i) or (ii); (b) ‘protected wild fauna and flora species’ are: (i) for the purposes of Article 3(f), those listed in: — Annex IV to Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, — Annex I to, and referred to in Article 4(2) of Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 Milieu Ltd. February 2012 National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision Article 5 SCC No hay pena sin dolo o imprudencia There is no criminal sanction without intent or negligence. Article 10 SCC Son delitos o faltas las acciones y omisiones dolosas o imprudentes penadas por la Ley. Crimes or offenses are those acts and omissions that are intentional or reckless and that are punished by laws. Será castigado con las penas de prisión de dos a cinco años, multa de ocho a veinticuatro meses e inhabilitación especial para profesión u oficio por tiempo de uno a tres años el que, contraviniendo las leyes u otras disposiciones de carácter general protectoras del medio ambiente, provoque o realice directa o indirectamente […] que puedan perjudicar gravemente el equilibrio de los sistemas naturales […]. El que cace o pesque especies amenazadas, realice actividades que impidan o dificulten su reproducción o migración, o destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, contraviniendo las leyes o disposiciones de carácter general protectoras de las especies de fauna silvestre, o comercie o trafique con ellas o con sus restos […] Imprisonment for a period from two to five years, a fine of eight to twenty four months and inhabilitation for the exercise of a profession or occupation for a time between one to three years shall be imposed upon those whom, in contravention of laws or other dispositions of general character that are protective of the environment, [...] that might seriously endanger the balance of natural systems [...]. Article 325 SCC Article 334.1 SCC Whoever hunts or fishes threatened species, perform activities that prevent or hinder reproduction or migration, or destroy or severely alter their habitats, contrary to law or general regulations protecting wildlife species, or trades or traffics with them or with their remains, […] Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /2 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds; (ii) for the purposes of Article 3(g), those listed in Annex A or B to Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 of 9 December 1996 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein; National provision (legal ref. & art.) Article 334.1 SCC Article 332 SCC (c) ‘habitat within a protected site’ means any habitat of species for which an area is classified as a special protection area pursuant to Article 4(1) or (2) of Directive 79/409/EEC, or any natural habitat or a habitat of species for which a site is designated as a special area of conservation pursuant to Article 4(4) of Directive 92/43/EEC; d) ‘legal person’ means any legal entity having such status under the applicable national law, except for States or public bodies exercising State authority and for Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Article 334.1 SCC Article 338 SCC Article 35 Spanish Civil Code Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) El que cace o pesque especies amenazadas, realice actividades que impidan o dificulten su reproducción o migración, o destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, contraviniendo las leyes o disposiciones de carácter general protectoras de las especies de fauna silvestre, o comercie o trafique con ellas o con sus restos […] El que con grave perjuicio para el medio ambiente corte, tale, queme, arranque, recolecte o efectúe tráfico ilegal de alguna especie o subespecie de flora amenazada o de sus propágulos, o destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, será castigado con la pena de prisión de cuatro meses a dos años o multa de ocho a 24 meses. Translation into English of national provision Whoever hunts or fishes threatened species, perform activities that prevent or hinder reproduction or migration, or destroy or severely alter their habitats, contrary to law or general regulations protecting wildlife species, or trades or traffics with them or with their remains […] Whoever cuts, fells, burn, boot, gather, or traffick illegally with of any kind of species or sub-species of threatened flora or with their propagules, or destroys or severely alter their habitat, shall be punished with the penalty of imprisonment for six months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty four months. 1. El que […] destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, contraviniendo las leyes o disposiciones de carácter général protectoras de las especies de fauna silvestre […] 1. Whoever [...] destroys or severely alter their habitat, contrary to law or general regulations protecting wildlife species [...] Cuando las conductas definidas en este Título afecten a algún espacio natural protegido, se impondrán las penas superiores en grado a las respectivamente previstas. Son personas jurídicas: 1. Las corporaciones, asociaciones y fundaciones de interés público reconocidas por la Ley. When the conducts foreseen in this title affect a habitat within a protected site, the sanctions imposed will be one degree higher than those originally foreseen. Legal persons are: 1. Corporations, associations and foundations of public interest recognized by law Their personality begins from the very moment in Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /3 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) public international organisations. Su personalidad empieza desde el instante mismo en que, con arreglo a derecho, hubiesen quedado válidamente constituidas. 2. Las asociaciones de interés particular, sean civiles, mercantiles o industriales, a las que la ley conceda personalidad propia, independiente de la de cada uno de los asociados. Article 31bis.5 SCC Article 3 Offences 3 Member States shall ensure that the following conduct constitutes a criminal offence, when unlawful and committed intentionally or with at least serious negligence: Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Articles 5 and 10 SCC + Title XVI SCC Las disposiciones relativas a la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas no serán aplicables al Estado, a las Administraciones Públicas territoriales e institucionales, a los Organismos Reguladores, las Agencias y Entidades Públicas Empresariales, a las organizaciones internacionales de derecho público, ni a aquellas otras que ejerzan potestades públicas de soberanía, administrativas o cuando se trate de Sociedades mercantiles Estatales que ejecuten políticas públicas o presten servicios de interés económico general. En estos supuestos, los órganos jurisdiccionales podrán efectuar declaración de responsabilidad penal en el caso de que aprecien que se trata de una forma jurídica creada por sus promotores, fundadores, administradores o representantes con el propósito de eludir una eventual responsabilidad penal. Translation into English of national provision which, according to law, they are validly constituted. 2. The associations of particular interest, whether civil, commercial or industrial, to which the law accords its own personality, independent of each of those natural persons associated to it. The provisions on criminal liability applicable to legal persons shall not apply to the State, the territorial government and institutional, the Regulatory Bodies, Agencies and public enterprises, international organisations of law public or to those which exercise public powers of sovereignty, administrative or in the case of State trading Companies running public policies or providing services of general economic interest. In those cases, the courts can declare criminal responsibility when they come to the conclusion that the legal person has been established by their promoters, founders, managers or representatives, with the purpose of eventually avoiding criminal responsibility. See text in relation to Article 2 Directive 2008/99/EC above Los hechos previstos en este capítulo séran Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /4 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Article 331 SCC Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) sancionados, en su caso, con la pena inferior en grado, en sus respectivos supuestos, cuando se hayan cometido por imprudencia grave. Los hechos previstos en los artículos anteriores serán sancionados con la pena inferior en grado, en sus respectivos supuestos, cuando se hayan cometido por imprudencia grave. 3(a) (a) the discharge, emission or introduction of a quantity of materials or ionising radiation into air, soil or water, which causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury to any person or substantial damage to the quality of air, the quality of soil or the quality of water, or to animals or plants; Article 344 SCC Article 343.1 SCC 1. El que mediante el vertido, la emisión o la introducción en el aire, el suelo o las aguas de una cantidad de materiales o de radiaciones ionizantes, o la exposición por cualquier otro medio a dichas radiaciones ponga en peligro la vida, integridad, salud o bienes de una o varias personas, será sancionado con la pena de prisión de seis a doce años e inhabilitación especial para empleo o cargo público, profesión u oficio por tiempo de seis a diez años. La misma pena se impondrá cuando mediante esta conducta se ponga en peligro la calidad del aire, del suelo o de las aguas o animales o plantas. 2. Cuando con ocasión de la conducta descrita en el apartado anterior se produjere, además del riesgo prevenido, un resultado lesivo constitutivo de delito, cualquiera que sea su gravedad, los jueces o tribunales apreciarán tan sólo la infracción más gravemente penada, aplicando la pena en su mitad superior. 3. Cuando de acuerdo con lo establecido en el Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision The facts foreseen in this chapter shall be punished with a penalty that shall be one degree lower than the one that should in principle apply, taking into account each criminal event, when they are committed with recklessness. The offenses referred to in the preceding articles shall be liable to the penalty lower grade in their respective situations, when it is committed with recklessness. 1. Whoever discharges, emits or introduces into the air, soil or water, a quantity of materials or ionizing radiation, or causes the exposure, by any other means, to levels of radiation that endangers the life, integrity, health or assets of a person or persons, shall be punished by imprisonment of six to twelve years and specific disqualification from public office, profession or trade for a period of six to ten years. The same penalty shall be imposed when this behavior endangers the quality of air, soil or water, animals or plants. 2. When the conduct described in the previous section produces, in addition to the risk prevented an outcome of harm constituting a crime, whatever its severity, courts or tribunals will appreciate only the most severely punishable offense, and will apply the penalty in its upper half. 3. When, in accordance with the provisions of Article 31bis a legal person is responsible for the offenses covered by this article, it shall be liable to Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /5 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. 3(b) EU Obligation (b) the collection, transport, recovery or disposal of waste, including the supervision of such operations and the aftercare of disposal sites, and including action taken as a dealer or a broker (waste management), which causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury to any person or substantial damage to the quality of air, the quality of soil or the quality of water, or to animals or plants; National provision (legal ref. & art.) Article 343.2 SCC Article 328.3 SCC Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) artículo 31 bis una persona jurídica sea I de los delitos recogidos en este artículo, se le impondrá la pena de multa de dos a cinco años. pay a fine of two to five years. 3. Serán castigados con la pena de prisión de uno a dos años los que en la recogida, el transporte, la valorización, la eliminación o el aprovechamiento de residuos, incluida la omisión de los deberes de vigilancia sobre tales procedimientos, pongan en grave peligro la vida, integridad o la salud de las personas, o la calidad del aire, del suelo o de las aguas, o a animales o plantas. 3. Those who, through the collection, transport, recovery, disposal or recycling of waste, including the omission of the duties of supervision over such procedures, seriously endanger the life, integrity or health of persons, or air quality, soil or water, animals or plants, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to two years. 5. Cuando con ocasión de la conducta descrita en el apartado anterior se produjere, además del riesgo prevenido, un resultado lesivo constitutivo de delito, cualquiera que sea su gravedad, los jueces o tribunales apreciarán tan sólo la infracción más gravemente penada, aplicando la pena en su mitad superior. 3(c) The shipment of waste, where this activity falls within the scope of Article 2(35) of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste and is undertaken in a non-negligible quantity, whether executed in a single shipment or in several shipments which appear to be linked; Article 328.5 SCC Article 328.4 SCC Article 328.5 Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision 4. El que contraviniendo las leyes u otras disposiciones de carácter general traslade una cantidad importante de residuos, tanto en el caso de uno como en el de varios traslados que aparezcan vinculados, será castigado con la pena de prisión de uno a dos años. 5. Cuando con ocasión de la conducta descrita en el apartado anterior se produjere, además del riesgo prevenido, un resultado lesivo constitutivo de delito, cualquiera que sea su gravedad, los jueces o tribunales apreciarán tan 5. When the conduct described in the previous section produces, in addition to the risk prevented an outcome of harm constituting a crime, whatever its severity, courts or tribunals will appreciate only the most severely punishable offense, and will apply the penalty in its upper half. 4. Those whom, in breach of law or other general provisions move a significant amount of waste, whether in one shipment or in several that appear to be connected, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to two years. 5. When the conduct described in the previous section produces, in addition to the risk prevented an outcome of harm constituting a crime, whatever its severity, courts or tribunals will appreciate only the most severely punishable offense, and will apply the penalty in its upper half. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /6 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. 3(d) EU Obligation (d) the operation of a plant in which a dangerous activity is carried out or in which dangerous substances or preparations are stored or used and which, outside the plant, causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury to any person or substantial damage to the quality of air, the quality of soil or the quality of water, or to animals or plants; National provision (legal ref. & art.) SCC Article 328.2 SCC Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision sólo la infracción más gravemente penada, aplicando la pena en su mitad superior. 2. Con las mismas penas previstas en el apartado anterior serán castigados quienes, contraviniendo las leyes u otras disposiciones de carácter general, lleven a cabo la explotación de instalaciones en las que se realice una actividad peligrosa o en las que se almacenen o utilicen sustancias o preparados peligrosos y que causen o puedan causar la muerte o lesiones graves a personas, o daños sustanciales a la calidad del aire, la calidad del suelo o la calidad de las aguas, o a animales o plantas. 5. Cuando con ocasión de la conducta descrita en el apartado anterior se produjere, además del riesgo prevenido, un resultado lesivo constitutivo de delito, cualquiera que sea su gravedad, los jueces o tribunales apreciarán tan sólo la infracción más gravemente penada, aplicando la pena en su mitad superior. 2. The same penalties provided for in the previous paragraph shall apply to those who, contrary to law or other general provisions, carry out the operation of facilities in which dangerous activities are performed or in which hazardous substances or dangerous preparations are stored or used, and which either cause or are likely to cause death or serious injury to persons or substantial damage to air quality, soil quality or water quality, animals or plants. 5. When the conduct described in the previous section produces, in addition to the risk prevented an outcome of harm constituting a crime, whatever its severity, courts or tribunals will appreciate only the most severely punishable offense, and will apply the penalty in its upper half. Article 328.5 SC 3(e) (e) the production, processing, handling, use, holding, storage, transport, import, export or disposal of nuclear materials or other hazardous radioactive substances which causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury to any person or substantial damage to the quality of air, the quality of Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Article 345 SCC 1. El que se apodere de materiales nucleares o elementos radiactivos, aun sin ánimo de lucro, será sancionado con la pena de prisión de uno a cinco años. La misma pena se impondrá al que sin la debida autorización posea, trafique, facilite, trate, transforme, utilice, almacene, transporte o elimine materiales nucleares u otras 1. Whoever enters in possession of nuclear materials or radioactive elements, even without an intention to make a profit, shall be punished with imprisonment of one to five years. The same penalty shall be imposed upon whom, without proper authorisation, posseses, trades, provide, treat, process, use, store, transport or dispose of Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /7 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) soil or the quality of water, or to animals or plants; Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) sustancias radiactivas peligrosas que causen o puedan causar la muerte o lesiones graves a personas, o daños sustanciales a la calidad del aire, la calidad del suelo o la calidad de las aguas o a animales o plantas. Translation into English of national provision nuclear or other hazardous radioactive substances which causes or may cause death or serious injury to persons or subtantial damage to air quality, soil quality or water quality, animals or plants. 2. If the conduct is executed by using force upon things, the penalty will be imposed in the upper half. 2. Si el hecho se ejecutara empleando fuerza en las cosas, se impondrá la pena en su mitad superior. 3. Si el hecho se cometiera con violencia o intimidación en las personas, el culpable será castigado con la pena superior en grado. 3. If the conduct is committed with violence or intimidation against persons, the offender shall be punished with the penalty inmediately higher in grade. 4. Whoever, without authorisation, produces such materials or substances shall be punished with the penalty higher in grade. 4. El que sin la debida autorización produjere tales materiales o sustancias será castigado con la pena Superior en grado. 3(f) (f) the killing, destruction, possession or taking of specimens of protected wild fauna or flora species, except for cases where the conduct concerns a negligible quantity of such specimens and has a negligible impact on the conservation status of the species; Article 334.1 SCC 1. El que cace o pesque especies amenazadas, realice actividades que impidan o dificulten su reproducción o migración, o destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, contraviniendo las leyes o disposiciones de carácter général protectoras de las especies de fauna silvestre, o comercie o trafique con ellas o con sus restos, sera castigado con la pena de prisión de cuatro meses a dos años o multa de ocho a veinticuatro meses y, en cualquier caso, la de inhabilitación especial para profesion u oficio e inhabilitación especial para el ejercicio del derecho de cazar o pescar por tiempo de dos a cuatro años. Whoever hunts or fishes threatened species, perform activities that prevent or hinder reproduction or migration, or destroy or severely alter their habitats, contrary to law or general regulations protecting wildlife species, or trades or traffics with them or with their remains, shall be punished with imprisonment of four months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty four months and in any case, with special inhabilitation to exercise a a profession or occupation as well as to exercise the right to hunt or fish for a period of two to four years. 2. The penalty will be applied in its upper half in Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /8 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) 2. La pena se impondrá en su mitad superior si se trata de especies o subespecies catalogadas en peligro de extinción. El que corte, tale, queme, arranque, recolecte, efectue tráfico ilegal de alguna especie o subespeeie de flora amenazada o de sus propagulos, o destruya o altere gravemente su habitat, será castigado con la pena de prisión de seis meses a dos años o multa de ocho a veinticuatro meses. Translation into English of national provision case of species of subspecies classified as endangered species. Whoever cuts, fells, burn, boot, gather, or traffick illegally any kind of species or sub-species of threatened flora or with their propagules, or destroys or severely alter their habitat, shall be punished with the penalty of imprisonment for six months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty four months. Article 334.2 SSC Article 332 Law SCC 3(g) (g) trading in specimens of protected wild fauna or flora species or parts or derivatives thereof, except for cases where the conduct concerns a negligible quantity of such specimens and has a negligible impact on the conservation status of the species; Article 334.1 SCC 1. El que […] comercie o trafique con ellas o con sus restos, será castigado con la pena de prisión de cuatro meses a dos años o multa de ocho a veinticuatro meses y, en cualquier caso, la de inhabilitación especial para profession u oficio e inhabilitación especial para el ejercicio del derecho de cazar o pescar por tiempo de dos a cuatro años. El que corte, tale, queme, arranque, recolecte, efectue tráfico ilegal de alguna especie o subespeeie de flora amenazada o de sus propagulos, o destruya o altere gravemente su Milieu Ltd. February 2012 1. Whoever [...] trades or trafficks with them or their parts or remains, shall be punished with imprisonment of four months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty four months and in any case, with the special inhabilitation to exercise a a profession or occupation and with the inhabilitation to hunt or fish for a period of two to four years. Whoever cuts, fells, burn, boot, gather, or traffick illegally any kind of species or sub-species of threatened flora or with their propagules, or destroys or severely alter their habitat, shall be punished with the penalty of imprisonment for six months to two years or a fine of eight to twenty Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /9 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Article 332 3(h) 3(i) (h) any conduct which causes the significant deterioration of a habitat within a protected site; (i) the production, importation, exportation, placing on the market or use of ozonedepleting substances. Article 4 Inciting, aiding and abetting Member States shall ensure that inciting, aiding and abetting the intentional conduct referred to in Article 3 is punishable as a criminal offence. Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Article 334.1 SCC Article 338 SCC Article 348.1 SCC Article 28 SCC Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision habitat, será castigado con la pena de prisión de seis meses a dos años o multa de ocho a veinticuatro meses. four months. 1. El que […] destruya o altere gravemente su hábitat, contraviniendo las leyes o disposiciones de carácter general protectoras de las especies de fauna silvestre […] 1. Whoever [...] destroys or severely alter their habitat, contrary to law or general regulations protecting wildlife species [...] Cuando las conductas definidas en este Título afecten a algún espacio natural protegido, se impondrán las penas superiores en grado a las respectivamente previstas. «1. Los que en la fabricación, manipulación, transporte, tenencia o comercialización de explosivos, sustancias inflamables o corrosivas, tóxicas y asfixiantes, o cualesquiera otras materias, aparatos o artificios que puedan causar estragos, contravinieran las normas de seguridad establecidas, poniendo en concreto peligro la vida, la integridad física o la salud de las personas, o el medio ambiente, serán castigados con la pena de prisión de seis meses a dos años, multa de doce a veinticuatro meses e inhabilitación especial para empleo o cargo público, u oficio por tiempo de seis a doce años. Las mismas penas se impondrán a quien, de forma ilegal, produzca, importe, exporte, comercialice o utilice sustancias destructoras del ozono. When the conducts foreseen in this title affect a habitat within a protected site, the sanctions imposed will be one degree higher than those originally foreseen. Those who in the manufacture, handling, transport, possession or sale of explosives, flammable or corrosive, toxic, asphyxiating, or any other materials, tools or devices or that can cause damage, in contravention of established safety standards, putting at concrete danger human life, physical integrity or health or the environment, shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years, a fine of twelve to twenty four months and disqualification for public office, profession or occupation for a duration of six to twelve years. The same penalties are imposed on anyone who, illegally, produces, imports, exports, sells or uses ozone-depleting substances. Son autores quienes realizan el hecho por sí solos, conjuntamente o por medio de otro del que se sirven como instrumento. Actors are those who make the criminal act alone, jointly or through another person who serves as an instrument. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /10 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) También serán considerados autores: a) Los que inducen directamente a otro u otros a ejecutarlo. b) Los que cooperan a su ejecución con un acto sin el cual no se habría efectuado. Son cómplices los que, no hallándose comprendidos en el artículo anterior, cooperan a la ejecución del hecho con actos anteriores o simultáneos. Article 29 SCC Articles 63 SCC A los cómplices de un delito consumado o intentado se les impondrá la pena inferior en grado a la fijada por la Ley para los autores del mismo delito. Translation into English of national provision Authors will also be considered: a) those directly inducing another or others to run it. b) Those who cooperate in its implementation with an act without which it would not have happened. Accomplices are those who, not being included in the previous article, cooperate in the execution of the act with previous or simultaneous acts. The accomplices of a crime or an attempted crime will be punished with a penalty lower in one degree than that imposed by the Act to the authors on the same crime. The above rules will not be of aplication where the attempt and conspiracy are especially punished by law. Las reglas anteriores no serán de aplicaci6n en los casos en que la tentatıva y la complicidad se hallen especıalmente penadas por la Ley. Article 64 SCC Article 5 Penalties Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the offences referred to in Articles 3 and 4 are punishable by effective, proportionate and Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /11 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation dissuasive criminal penalties. Article 6 Liability of legal persons 1. Member States shall ensure that legal persons can be held liable for offences referred to in Articles 3 and 4 where such offences have been committed for their benefit by any person who has a leading position within the legal person, acting either individually or as part of an organ of the legal person, based on: (a) a power of representation of the legal person; (b) an authority to take decisions on behalf of the legal person; or National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision Article 31bis SCC 1. En los supuestos previstos en este Código, las personas jurídicas serán penalmente responsables de los delitos cometidos en nombre o por cuenta de las mismas, y en su provecho, por sus representantes legales y administradores de hecho o de derecho. In the situations foreseen in this code, legal persons will be responsible for the crimes committed in their name or on their behalf, and in their benefit, by the legal representatives and administrators, whether they were acting de iure or de facto. Article 31bis SCC 1. En los supuestos previstos en este Código, las personas jurídicas serán penalmente responsables de los delitos cometidos en nombre o por cuenta de las mismas, y en su provecho, por sus representantes legales y administradores de hecho o de derecho. In the situations foreseen in this code, legal persons will be responsible for the crimes committed in their name or on their behalf, and in their benefit, by the legal representatives and administrators, whether they were acting de iure or de facto. (c) an authority to exercise control within the legal person. Article 31bis SCC In the situations foreseen in this code, legal persons will be responsible for the crimes committed in their name or on their behalf, and in their benefit, by the legal representatives and administrators, whether they were acting de iure or de facto. 2. Member States shall also ensure that legal persons can be held liable where the lack of supervision or control, by a person referred to in paragraph 1, has made possible the commission of an offence referred to in Articles 3 and 4 for the benefit of the legal person by a person under its authority. Article 31 bis in fine SCC 1. En los supuestos previstos en este Código, las personas jurídicas serán penalmente responsables de los delitos cometidos en nombre o por cuenta de las mismas, y en su provecho, por sus representantes legales y administradores de hecho o de derecho. En los mismos supuestos, las personas jurídicas serán también penalmente responsables de los delitos cometidos, en el ejercicio de actividades sociales y por cuenta y en provecho de las mismas, por quienes, estando sometidos a la autoridad de las personas físicas mencionadas en el párrafo anterior, han podido realizar los hechos por no haberse ejercido sobre ellos el debido control atendidas las concretas circunstancias del caso. Milieu Ltd. February 2012 In the same situations mentioned in the previous paragraph, legal persons will also be responsible of the criminal conduct carried out during the exercise of the activities of the company, on its behalf and for its benefit, by those whom, being under the authority of the natural persons mentioned in the previous paragraph, have been able to carry out those criminal conducts by virtue of not having been adequately supervised, taking into account the particularities of each case. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /12 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation 3. Liability of legal persons under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not exclude criminal proceedings against natural persons who are perpetrators, inciters or accessories in the offences referred to in Articles 3 and 4 National provision (legal ref. & art.) Article 31bis SCC Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) 2. La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas será exigible siempre que se constate la comisión de un delito que haya tenido que cometerse por quien ostente los cargos o funciones aludidas en el apartado anterior, aun cuando la concreta persona física responsable no haya sido individualizada o no haya sido posible dirigir el procedimiento contra ella. Cuando como consecuencia de los mismos hechos se impusiere a ambas la pena de multa, los jueces o tribunales modularán las respectivas cuantías, de modo que la suma resultante no sea desproporcionada en relación con la gravedad de aquéllos. 3. La concurrencia, en las personas que materialmente hayan realizado los hechos o en las que los hubiesen hecho posibles por no haber ejercido el debido control, de circunstancias que afecten a la culpabilidad del acusado o agraven su responsabilidad, o el hecho de que dichas personas hayan fallecido o se hubieren sustraído a la acción de la justicia, no excluirá ni modificará la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, sin perjuicio de lo que se dispone en el apartado siguiente. Article 7 Penalties for legal persons Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that legal persons held liable pursuant to Article 6 are punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties. Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Article 33.7 SCC 7. Las penas aplicables a las personas jurídicas, que tienen todas la consideración de graves, son las siguientes : a) Multa por cuotas o proporcional. b) Disolución de la persona jurídica. La disolución producirá la pérdida definitiva de su Translation into English of national provision Liability of legal persons will be actionable whenever a criminal conduct has been carried out by he who holds a position of auhority or carries out functions of representation or management, [as described in paragraph 1 of Article 31bis], even if it is not possible to identify the natural person responsible for the act or when that person cannot be hold liable. When, as a consequence of the criminal conduct, fines are imposed upon both the natural and legal person, the courts will modulate the amounts of the fines in order to enure that the total amount is not out of proportion with the gravity of the conduct. 3. The existence of circumstances reducing or aggravating the criminal responsibility of those that have either carried out the criminal conduct or allowed others to carry it by not exercising appropriate supervision over them—or even the impossibility of making them responsible due to their death or evasion of justice—will not exclude or modify the criminal responsibility of the legal persons, without prejudice to what is said in the next paragraph. 7. The penalties incurred by legal persons, which are all considered as serious are the following: a) monetary fine,, imposed through quotas or in a proportionate fashion. b) Dissolution of the legal person. The dissolution ultimately results in the loss of legal personality Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /13 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) personalidad jurídica, así como la de su capacidad de actuar de cualquier modo en el tráfico jurídico, o llevar a cabo cualquier clase de actividad, aunque sea licita. c) Suspensión de sus actividades por un plazo que no podrá exceder de cinco años. d) Clausura de sus locales y establecimientos por un plazo que no podrá exceder de cinco años. e) Prohibición de realizar en el futuro las actividades en cuyo ejercicio se haya cometido, favorecido o encubierto el delito. Esta prohibición podrá ser temporal o definitiva. Si fuere temporal, el plazo no podrá exceder de quince años. f) Inhabilitación para obtener subvenciones y ayudas públicas, para contratar con el sector público y para gozar de beneficios e incentivos fiscales o de la Seguridad Social, por un plazo que no podrá exceder de quince años. g) Intervención judicial para salvaguardar los derechos de los trabajadores o de los acreedores por el tiempo que se estime necesario, que no podrá excéder de cinco años. La intervención podrá afectar a la totalidad de la organización o limitarse a alguna de sus instalaciones, secciones o unidades de negocio. El Juez o Tribunal, en la sentencia o, posteriormente, mediante auto, determinará exactamente el contenido de la intervención y determinará quién se hará cargo de la Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision and of the capacity to conduct any business, or to carry out any other class of conduct, even conducts that are in themselves legally acceptable, . c) suspension of its activities for a period not exceeding five years. d) Closure of premises and establishments for a period not exceeding five years. e) Prohibition of undertaking in the future those activities in the exercise of which the crime has been committed, encouraged or covered up. This ban may be temporary or permanent. Should it be temporary, the period may not exceed fifteen years. f) prohibition to obtain public subsidies and aids, to work with the public sector and to benefit from fiscal benefits and incentives, as well as benefits from the social security. The prohibition cannot extend beyond a 15 years period ; g) put the company in receivership, in order to protect the rights of employees and creditors for as long as it is deemeed necessary, but with a time limit of 5 years. The intervention may affect the entire organisation or only some of its facilities, sections or business units. The judge or court shall, in the judgment or later, by order, determine the exact content of the intervention and determine who will be responsible for the intervention and in what time frame must make progress reports to the court. The intervention may be modified or suspended at any time after a report of the auditor and the Public Prosecutor. The auditor shall be entitled to access all facilities and premises of the company or legal person and to receive any information deemed necessary for the exercise of their functions. Regulations shall define Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /14 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) intervención y en qué plazos deberá realizar informes de seguimiento para el órgano judicial. La intervención se podrá modificar o suspender en todo momento previo informe del interventor y del Ministerio Fiscal. El interventor tendrá derecho a acceder a todas las instalaciones y locales de la empresa o persona jurídica y a recibir cuanta información estime necesaria para el ejercicio de sus funciones. Reglamentariamente se determinarán los aspectos relacionados con el ejercicio de la función de interventor, como la retribución o la cualificación necesaria. La clausura temporal de los locales o establecimientos, la suspensión de las actividades sociales y la intervención judicial podrán ser acordadas también por el Juez Instructor como medida cautelar durante la instrucción de la causa. 1. La pena de multa consistira en la imposición al condenado de una sanción pecuniaria. 2. La pena de multa se impondrá, salvo que la Ley disponga otra cosa, por et sistema de diasmulta. 3. Su extensión mínima será de diez días y la máxima de dos años. Las penas de multa imponibles a personas jurídicas tendrán una extensión máxima de cinco años. 4. La cuota diaria tendrá un mínimo de dos y un máximo de 400 euros, excepto en el caso de las multas imponibles a las personas jurídicas, en las que la cuota diaria tendrá un mínimo de 30 y un máximo de 5.000 euros. A efectos de cómputo, cuando se fije la duración por meses o Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision the financial aspects of the role of controller, such as compensation and the necessary qualifications. The temporary closure of the premises or facilities, suspension of the social and judicial intervention also may be granted by the trial judge as a precautionary measure during the investigation of the cause. 1. The fine will consist in imposing on the convicted person a monetary sanction. 2. The fine will be imposed, unless the law provides otherwise, through the system of finedays. 3. Its minimum extension is ten days and the maximum two years. The fines imposed to legal persons will have a maximum extension of five years. 4. The daily quota will have a minimum of two and a maximum of 400 euros, except in the case of fines imposed upon legal persons, in which case the daily rate shall be at least 30 and at most 5,000 euros. For the purposes of calculation, when setting the time for months or years, months are considered to have thirty days and years to have three hundred and sixty days. 1. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, and when the Code so provides, the fine will be set in proportion to the damage caused, the value of the crime or the benefit generated by it. 2. In these cases, in the application of fines the Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /15 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) por años, se entenderá que los meses son de treinta días y los años de trescientos sesenta. 1. No obstante lo dispuesto en los articulos anteriores y cuando el Código así lo determine, la multa se establecerá en proporción al dano causado, el valor del objeto del delito o el beneficio reportado por el mismo. 2. En estos casos, en la aplicación de las multas, los Jueces y Tribunales podran recorrer toda la extensión en que la Ley permita imponerlas, considerando para determinar en cada caso su cuantia, no sólo las circunstancias atenuantes y agravantes del hecho, sino principalmente la situación económica del culpable. 3. Si, después de la sentencia, empeorase la situación económica del penado, el juez o tribunal, excepcionalmente y tras la debida indagación de dicha situación, podrá reducir el importe de la multa dentro de los límites señalados por la ley para el delito de que se trate, o autorizar su pago en los plazos que se determinen. Article 50 SCC 4. En los casos en los que este Código prevé una pena de multa para las personas jurídicas en proporción al beneficio obtenido o facilitado, al perjuicio causado, al valor del objeto, o a la cantidad defraudada o indebidamente obtenida, de no ser posible el cálculo en base a tales conceptos, el Juez o Tribunal motivará la imposibilidad de proceder a tal cálculo y las Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision Courts will be able to impose the fine at any level within the range foreseen in the Code, taking into account not only mitigating and aggravating circumstances, but mainly the economic situation of the offender. 3. If, after the judgment, the economic situation of the offender worsens, the judge or court, exceptionally and after due inquiry of the situation, may reduce the amount of the fine within the limits prescribed by law for the offence in question, or authorise its payment in installements to be determined. 4. In those cases where this Code provides for a fine for legal persons in proportion to the benefit received or provided, the damage caused, the value of the object, or the amount defrauded or wrongfully obtained, if it is not possible to calculate the fine on the basis of those concepts, the judge or court will motivate the impossibility of carrying out such a calculation and the fines provided will be replaced by the following: a) A fine of two to five years if the offence committed by the individual carries with it a prison sentence of more than five years. b) A fine of one to three years if the offence committed by the natural person carries a prison sentence of more than two years not included in the preceding paragraph. c) a fine of six months to two years in the other cases. 5. The payment of the fine imposed upon a legal Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /16 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) multas previstas se sustituirán por las siguientes: a) Multa de dos a cinco años, si el delito cometido por la persona física tiene prevista una pena de prisión de más de cinco años. b) Multa de uno a tres años, si el delito cometido por la personafísica tiene prevista una pena de prisión de más de dos años no incluida en el inciso anterior. c) Multa de seis meses a dos años, en el resto de los casos. Article 52 SCC 5. Podrá ser fraccionado el pago de la multa impuesta a una persona jurídica, durante un período de hasta cinco años, cuando su cuantía ponga probadamente en peligro la supervivencia de aquélla o el mantenimiento de los puestos de trabajo existentes en la misma, o cuando lo aconseje el interés general. Si la persona jurídica condenada no satisficiere, voluntariamente o por vía de apremio, la multa impuesta en el plazo que se hubiere señalado, el Tribunal podrá acordar su intervención hasta el pago total de la misma. Sólo podrán considerarse circunstancias atténuantes de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas haber realizado, con posterioridad a la comisión del delito y a través de sus representantes legales, las siguientes actividades: a) Haber procedido, antes de conocer que el Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision person may be split for a period of five years, where it is proven that paying the fine at once would put at risk the survival of the legal person or the maintenance of existing jobs in it, or when it is necessary to protect the public interest. If the legal person failed to pay, voluntarily or otherwise, the fine imposed within which the time frame established by the court, the Court may order that the firm is subject under supervision until full payment is made thereof. The only circumstances that can mitigate the liability of legal persons are having undertaken, after the commission of the crime and through their legal representatives, the following activities: a) to confess to the public authorities the crime before knowing that legal proceedings have been brought against it. b) to collaborate in the investigation of the facts by providing, at any stage of the process, new and decisive evidence to clarify the criminal liabilities arising from the facts. c) to have undertaken, at any time during the procedure and prior to the trial, actions conducive to repair or reduce the harm caused by crime. d) to have established, before the start of the trial, effective measures to prevent and detect crimes in the future that could be committed with the means or under the cover of the legal person. In the application of the penalty, the judges or courts shall observe, depending on the existence of Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /17 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) procedimiento judicial se dirige contra ella, a confesar la infracción a las autoridades. b) Haber colaborado en la investigación del hecho aportando pruebas, en cualquier momento del proceso, que fueran nuevas y decisivas para esclarecer las responsabilidades penales dimanantes de los hechos. c) Haber procedido en cualquier momento del procedimiento y con anterioridad al juicio oral a reparar o disminuir el daño causado por el delito. d) Haber establecido, antes del comienzo del juicio oral, medidas eficaces para prevenir y descubrir los delitos que en el futuro pudieran cometerse con los medios o bajo la cobertura de la persona jurídica. En la aplicación de la pena, los Jueces o Tribunales observarán, segun haya o no circunstancias atenuantes o agravantes, las siguientes reglas: 1. Cuando no concurrieren circunstancias atenuantes ni agravantes o cuando concurran unas y otras, los Jueces o Tribunales individualizaran la pena imponiendo la senalada por la Ley en la extensión adecuada a las circunstancias personales del delincuente y a la mavor o menor gravedad del hecho, razonándolo en la sentencia. 2. Cuando concurra, solo alguna circunstancia atenuante, los Jueces o Tribunales no podrán rebasar en la aplicación de la pena la mitad inferior de laque fije la Ley para el delito. 3. Cuando concurran una o varias circunstancias Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision mitigating circumstances or aggravating circumstances, the following rules: 1. When there are no mitigating or aggravating circumstances or where there are both mitigating and aggravating circumstances, the judges or courts shall impose the penalty prescribed by law to the extent appropriate to the personal circumstances of the offender and the seriousness of the crime, and shall motivate the decision in the judgment. 2. When there is only one mitigating circumstance, the judges or courts may only impose the penalty within the lower half established by the law. 3. If there are one or more aggravating circumstances, judges or courts shall impose the penalty within the upper half established by the law. 4. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances or a single, very qualified one, the court or tribunal, may, with proper motivation, impose the penalty lower by one or two degrees than the one prescribed by the law, applied to the extent they are deemed appropriate in accordance to the entity and number of such circumstances. In the application of penalties to legal persons, the rules established in Article 66.1 to 66.4 and Article 66.6 to 66.8, shall be observed, as well as the following ones: 1.ª In cases where those who come established by the provisions of Book II, to decide on the imposition and extension of the penalties provided in Article 33.7 subparagraphs b) to g) the following shall be taken into account: a) The need to prevent the continuation of the criminal activity or its effects. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /18 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) agravantes, los jueces o Tribunales impondran la pena en la mitad superior de la establecida por la Ley. 4. Cuando sean dos o mas las circunstancias atenuantes o una sola, muv cualificada. los Jueces o Tribunales, razonándolo en la sentencia, podran imponer la pena ınferior en uno o dos grados a la senalada por la Ley, aplicándola en la extensión que estimen pertinente, segun la entidad y número de dichas circunstancias. En la aplicación de las penas impuestas a las personas jurídicas se estará a lo dispuesto en las reglas 1.ª a 4.ª y 6.ª a 8.ª del primer número del artículo 66, así como a las siguientes: 1.ª En los supuestos en los que vengan establecidas por las disposiciones del Libro II, para decidir sobre la imposición y la extensión de las penas previstas en las letras b) a g) del apartado 7 del artículo 33 habrá de tenerse en cuenta: a) Su necesidad para prevenir la continuidad de la actividad delictiva o de sus efectos. b) Sus consecuencias económicas y sociales, y especialmente los efectos para los trabajadores. c) El puesto que en la estructura de la persona jurídica ocupa la persona física u órgano que incumplió el deber de control. 2.ª Cuando las penas previstas en las letras c) a g) del apartado 7 del artículo 33 se impongan Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Translation into English of national provision b) The economic and social consequences of the fines, and especially their impacts on employees. c) The position that the natural person holds within structure of the legal person or of the organ that breached the duty of control. 2. ª When the penalties provided for in Article 33.7 subparagraphs c) to g) are imposed for a limited duration, the latter can not exceed the maximum period of imprisonment provided for the case where the offense was committed by an individual. For the imposition of sanctions provided for in subparagraphs c) to g) for a period exceeding two years it will be necessary under any of the following two circumstances: a) The legal person is a repeat offender. b) The legal person is used instrumentally to commit criminal acts. It is understood that this is the case when the legal activity of the legal person is less relevant than its illegal activity. For the permanent imposition of the sanctions provided for in Article 33.7 subparagraphs b) and e), and for the imposition, for a term exceeding five years, of the sanctions provided for in Article 33.7 subparagraphs e) and f), one of the following two circumstances must apply: a) That the situation considered in Article 66.5 applies. b) The legal person is used instrumentally to commit criminal acts. This is considered to be the case when the legal activity of the legal person is less relevant than its illegal activity. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /19 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision con una duración limitada, ésta no podrá exceder la duración máxima de la pena privativa de libertad prevista para el caso de que el delito fuera cometido por persona física. Article 31.4 SCC Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Para la imposición de las sanciones previstas en las letras c) a g) por un plazo superior a dos años será necesario que se dé alguna de las dos circunstancias siguientes: a) Que la persona jurídica sea reincidente. b) Que la persona jurídica se utilice instrumentalmente para la comisión de ilícitos penales. Se entenderá que se está ante este último supuesto siempre que la actividad legal de la persona jurídica sea menos relevante que su actividad ilegal. Para la imposición con carácter permanente de las sanciones previstas en las letras b) y e), y para la imposición por un plazo superior a cinco años de las previstas en las letras e) y f) del apartado 7 del artículo 33, será necesario que se dé alguna de las dos circunstancias siguientes: a) Que se esté ante el supuesto de hecho previsto en la regla 5.ª del primer número del artículo 66. b) Que la persona jurídica se utilice instrumentalmente para la comisión de ilícitos penales. Se entenderá que se está ante este último supuesto siempre que la actividad legal de la persona jurídica sea menos relevante que su actividad ilegal. Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /20 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision Article 66 SCC Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /21 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision Article 66 bis SCC Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /22 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation Article 8 Transposition Art.8(1) 1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 26 December 2010. When Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine Milieu Ltd. February 2012 National provision (legal ref. & art.) Final Disposition No.7 Law 5/2010 Preamble, Section XXI, Law 5/2010 Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Disposición final séptima. Entrada en vigor. La presente Ley Orgánica entrará en vigor a los seis meses de su completa publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado. Las modificaciones en los delitos contra el medio ambiente responden a la necesidad de acoger elementos de armonización normativa de la Unión Europea en este ámbito. De conformidad con las obligaciones asumidas, se Translation into English of national provision This organic law will enter into force six months after its publication in the Official Journal The amendments [hereby made] to the environmental criminal acts [mentioned in this code] are made in order to transpose [into domestic law] the harmonizing provisions from EU law. In conformity with the obligatinos under EU law, this Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /23 Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 November 2008 on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law by Member States Art. EU Obligation how such reference is to be made. National provision (legal ref. & art.) Complete text of national provision (in language of Member State) Translation into English of national provision produce una agravación de las penas y se incorporan a la legislación penal española los supuestos previstos en la Directiva 2008/99/CE de 19 de noviembre, relativa a la protección del medio ambiente mediante el Derecho penal. code is amended to aggravate the criminal sanctions included in it and to incorporate into Spanish criminal law the conducts included in Directive 2008/99/EC, relative to the protection of the environment through criminal law. Art.8(2) 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive and a table indicating the correlation between those provisions and this Directive. Article 9 Entry into force This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Article 10 Addressees This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Milieu Ltd. February 2012 Evaluation Study on the Implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC (Spain) /24