2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish

2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 6 How do new everyday experiences shape your way of thinking? (Health and Social Education) Reading Assignment Students must read: Cupido es un murciélago, María Fernanda Heredia And their choice of one of the following: 
El árbol de los sueños, Fernando Alonso 
En orden de estatura, Ricardo Silva Romero 
Foto estudio corazón, María Fernanda Heredia 
Jaguar de luz y águila, Celso Román Writing Assignment During their summer break students will have to write 8 diary entries about any day experiences during their vacation. After you return to school in August, you will also have a writing assignment on the required text. The primary focus of the assignment will be your own informed and thoughtful take on the question, “How do everyday experiences shape your way of thinking?” Also, you will have to analyze characters, and make connections in between their experiences and yours. Tarea escrita Durante las vacaciones los alumnos escribirán ocho entradas en su diario sobre experiencias vividas en sus vacaciones. Una vez de regreso, los alumnos tendrán que realizar una tarea escrita en clase del texto requerido. El propósito de esta tarea es reflexionar sobre: Las experiencias diarias, ¿cómo influyen y cambian nuestra forma de pensar? Además de esto, tendrán que describir y analizar los personajes y hacer conexiones entre las experiencias de ellos y las suyas. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 7 How individuals adapt to external circumstances? (Environments) Reading Assignment Students must read: Fenris, El Elfo, Laura Gallego García and one of the following: 
El señor del cero, María Isabel Molina, 
Frin, María Pescetti 
Las alas del sol, Jordi Sierra I Fabra Writing Assignment Choose two “special” words or expressions from each chapter of Fenris, El Elfo and again two “special” words or expressions from each chapter of the book that you have chosen. These “special” words or expressions can be words that are new for you, that you had to look up in the dictionary or that you think are important or representative for the chapter. Create a collection of index cards with these words or expressions. In the back of each index card write a sentence with the word or expression written on that card. From the words that you have chosen select one on each book that you think better represents the topic question “How individuals adapt to external circumstances”. Color those two index cards in order to differentiate them from the rest and in the back of each of them, besides the sentence that you have already written, write a brief explanation of why that word relates to the topic question in relation with the story of the novel. Be ready to discuss about the novel during the first week of school. Tarea escrita: Elige dos palabras o dos expresiones “especiales” de cada capítulo de Fenris, El Elfo y, de nuevo, dos palabras o expresiones “especiales” de cada capítulo del libro que has elegido. Estas palabras o expresiones “especiales” pueden ser nuevas para ti, palabras que hayas buscado en el diccionario o palabras o expresiones que consideres importantes o representativas para el capítulo donde se encuentran. Crea una colección de tarjetas con estas palabras o expresiones. En la parte de atrás de cada tarjeta escribe una frase con la palabra o expresión escrita en esa tarjeta. De todas las palabras que has elegido selecciona una de cada libro que piensas que mejor representa el tema de la pregunta: “¿Como los individuos se adaptan a las circunstancias externas?”. Colorea esas dos tarjetas para diferenciarlas del resto y en la parte trasera de cada una, además de la frase que ya has escrito, escribe una breve explicación de por qué esa palabra o expresión se relaciona con el tema de la pregunta en relación a la historia de la novela. Ven preparado para discutir la novela durante la primera semana de clase. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 8 How has people used literature to explain unknown origins? (Human Ingenuity) “Los dioses han sido hechos a imagen y semejanza del hombre.” ‐ Antonio Caso Reading Assignment Students must read: La ciudad de las bestias, Isabel Allende and their choice of one of the following: 
El reino del dragón de oro, Isabel Allende 
El bosque de los pigmeos, Isabel Allende 
Donde los árboles cantan, Laura Gallego 
Marina, Carlos Ruiz Safón Writing Assignment After you return to school in August, you will have a writing assignment on the required text. The primary focus of this assignment will be your own informed and thoughtful take on the question, “How has people used literature to explain unknown origins?”. To prepare for this assignment, you will need to read with this question in mind. Annotate the books for examples, passages, and quotes that seem to address the topic. You will need to bring an image that portrays the main themes of the novels read during summer (one image per book). Tarea escrita: Cuando regreses a la escuela en agosto tendrás que desarrollar un trabajo escrito sobre La ciudad de las bestias. El enfoque estará basado en tu comprensión y respuesta a la pregunta: ¿Cómo han usado las personas la literatura para explicar orígenes desconocidos? Para prepararte para esta asignación, necesitarás leer teniendo esta pregunta presente a lo largo de la lectura. Toma notas, a medida que leas, en las que incluyas pasajes o frases que te permitan reflexionar sobre la pregunta. Necesitarás traer una imagen que represente, de alguna forma, alguno de los temas principales de las novelas que leas durante el verano (una imagen por libro). 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 9 How do human beings deal with adverse circumstances? (Health and Social Education) Reading Assignment Students must read these two short texts: Jasón y los argonautas, James Riordan and one of the following: 
Un hombre con un tenedor en una tierra de sopas, Jordi Sierra I Fabra 
97 formas de decir te quiero, Jordi Sierra I Fabra 
El capitán Alatriste, Augusto Pérez‐Reverte Writing Assignment Create a comic with at least 12 frames about Jasón y los argonautas. You will have to submit it the first week of school. Be ready to write an in class essay reflecting upon the guiding question “How do human beings deal with adverse circumstances?” The first week of school you will write about the elements in your comic. Tarea escrita: Crea una tira cómica de al menos 12 cuadros sobre Jasón y los argonautas que tendrás que entregar la primera semana de clases. Prepárate para escribir una explicación en clase en la que reflexiones sobre la pregunta “¿Cómo los seres humanos se enfrentan a situaciones adversas? Tendrás que explicar los elementos de tu tira cómica en forma escrita la primera semana de clases. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 10 How can I relate to changing characters? (Health and Social Education) Reading Assignment Students must read: Gómez Soto, Jorge. Respirando cerca de mí and one of the following: 
El viajero perdido, César Mallorquí 
El maestro de esgrima, Augusto Pérez‐Reverte 
Las chicas de alambre, Jordi Sierra I Fabra 
Hacia el fin del mundo, José Ignacio Valenzuela 
Pomelo y limón, Begoña Oro Pradera and Ricardo Cavolo Writing Assignment Pick one of the secondary characters in Respirando cerca de mí. Make a mind map (or any kind of graphic organizer) where you indicate characteristics (physical, psychological) of the character you´ve chosen. Include important quotes of what the character says and what other characters (or the narrator) says about this character. Include his/her motives to act the way s/he acts the way s/he does it. While reading and creating your mind map, reflect on the question; how can I relate to changing characters? and identify changes in the character chosen. This assignment should be turned in the first week of school and will be the foundation for another interesting assignment that you will do in class. Tarea escrita: Escoge uno de los personajes secundarios de Respirando cerca de mí. Crea un mapa mental (telaraña, lluvia de ideas o cualquier otro tipo de organizador gráfico) en el que indiques las características físicas y no físicas del personaje escogido. Incluye citas importantes de lo que el personaje dice y de lo que otros personajes y el narrador dicen de él/ella. Mientras lees y creas tu mapa mental reflexiona sobre la pregunta: ¿Cómo puedo relacionarme con personajes que cambian? e identifica los cambios por los que atraviesa este personaje. Esta asignación debe ser entregada la primera semana de clase y será la base para otra actividad interesante que harás en clases. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 11 Spanish A: Language & Literature How do human beings deal with adverse circumstances? (Health and Social Education) Reading Assignment Students must read: Como agua para chocolate, Laura Esquivel Writing Assignment Create an additional chapter of Como agua para chocolate. You must follow the format of the novel. The new chapter needs to begin with a new Mexican recipe and all the events in the chapter need to match the context and plot of the novel. You will have to submit it the first week of school. Be ready to write an in class essay reflecting upon the guiding question “How do human beings deal with adverse circumstances?” and the rationale behind your chapter. Tarea escrita: Crea un capítulo extra de Cómo agua para chocolate. Sigue el formato de la novela. Inicia tu capítulo con una receta mexicana que no esté incluida en el libro y con los acontecimientos y eventos importantes de esa parte inventada de la historia. Para ayudarte puedes explorar un tema o aspecto de la novela que no se desarrolló lo suficiente o inventar una situación dentro del contexto de la época y de la trama. Prepárate para presentar tu capítulo y para justificar tu elección por escrito en la primera semana de clases. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering SSOL 1 There are no summer reading assignments for SSOL 1. Entering SSOL 2 Reading Assignment Students must read: ¿Dónde está Emiliano Fuentes?, Elvira Sancho and Jordi Surís and one of following: 
Perdidos en el camino del inca, Elvira Sancho and Jordi Surís 
Persecución en Madrid, Elvira Sancho and Jordi Surís 
Misterio en las Alpujarras, Elvira Sancho and Jordi Surís Assignment Students should read at least two Spanish books over the summer. Read the mandatory book and one of the other books. Be prepared for assignments in class at the beginning of the school year. Entering SSOL 3 Reading Assignment Students must read this book: Casi se muere, Lisa Ray Turner and one of following: 
El viaje de su vida, Lisa Ray Turner 
Patricia va a California, Lisa Ray Turner Assignment Students should read at least two Spanish books over the summer. Read the mandatory book and one of the other books. Be prepared for assignments in class at the beginning of the school year. Entering SSOL 4 Reading Assignment Students must read this book: Pánico en la discoteca, Fernando Uría 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Assignment Students should read the mandatory Spanish book over the summer. Answer the questionnaire at the end of the book and turn it in at the beginning of the school year. Be prepared to discuss the book in class at the beginning of the school year. Entering SSOL 5 Reading Assignment Choose at least one of the following Rafael Nadal. Dentro y fuera de la pista, N. Monge Messi. La grandeza de un pequeño, J. Rodríguez, Shakira. Pura intuición, L. Corpa, Assignment Students should read and listen to the biography selected and complete the exercises at the end of the book. These readings will be discussed in class at the beginning of the school year. 2014 Secondary School Summer Reading: Spanish
Entering Grade 11 Spanish B Reading Assignment Viaje de ida, Dunia Esteban Sánchez Assignment Students should read the required text and 1.
Look for two different pictures related to the topic: Immigration. One of the pictures should show a positive look at Immigration and the other one should show the negative aspects of Immigration. o
For each picture students have to answer these questions: 1.
What do you see? 2.
What do you think? 3.
What do you wonder? 4.
Write a minimum of 150 words for each picture. 2.
Create a collage with the headings from different newspaper or online articles (in Spanish) where the topic is Immigration. 3.
Find a song in Spanish where to topic is Immigration. 