Hola is hello, Adios is goodbye. Spanish is fun so give it a try! My

Hola is hello, Adios is goodbye. Spanish is fun so give it a try!
My name is Melinda Neuenfeldt and I teach the Spanish Class here at Mt. Olive. I have studied the
Spanish language since the 7th grade. I have been blessed to have gone on several mission trips to
various Spanish Speaking countries. At Concordia University St. Paul I took courses studying the Spanish
I would like to take this time to share with you what information we cover in our Spanish Class.
Farm Animals:
Pig (Cerdo)
Sheep (Oveja)
Cow (Vaca)
Duck (Pato)
Dog (Perro)
Chicken (Pollo)
Horse (Caballo)
Zoo Animals
Zebra (Cebra)
Polar Bear (Oso Polar)
Tiger (Tigre)
Lion (León)
Elephant (Elefante)
Monkey (Mono)
Snake (Serpiente)
Foods (Comidas)
Fruit (Furtos)
Strawberries (Las Fresas)
Grapes (Las Uvas)
Apples (Las Manzanas)
Banana (Los plátanos)
Pinapple (Piña)
Pear (Pera)
Watermelon (Sandía)
Orange (Naranja)
Meat (Carne)
Ham (Jamón)
Chicken (Polla)
Fish (Pescado)
Eggs (Huevos)
Vegetables (Las Verduras)
Tomato (El Tomate)
Corn (Maíz)
Carrots (Zanahoria)
Beans (Frijoles)
Lettuce (Lechuga)
Broccoli (Brócoli)
Peppers (Pimientos)
Drinks (Bebias)
Juice (Jugo)
Orange Juice (Jugo de naranja)
Milk (Leche)
Water (Agua)
Clothes (Ropa)
Pants (Los pantalones)
Shorts (Pantalones cortos)
Shirt (Camiseta)
Dress (Vestido)
Skirt (Falda)
Shoes (Zapatos)
Colors (Los Colores)
Outside Clothes (Fuera Ropa)
Jacket (Chaqueta)
Coat (Abrigo)
Boots (Botas)
Gloves/Mittens (Guantes)
Scarf (Bufanda)
Months of the year (Meses del año)
Purple (Morado)
Green (Verde)
Pink (Rosa)
Red (Rojo)
Blue (Azul)
Grey (Gris)
Black (Negro)
White (Blanco)
Brown (Marrón)
Yellow (Amarillo)
Orange (Naranja)
January (Enero)
February (Febrero)
March (Marzo)
April (Abril)
May (Mayo)
June (Junio)
July (Julio)
August (Agosto)
September (Septiembre)
October (Octubre)
November (Noviembre)
December (Diciembre)
Days of the week (Días de la semana)
Sunday (Domingo)
Monday (Lunes)
Tuesday (Martes)
Wednesday (Miércoles)
Thursday (Jueves)
Opposites (Los Opuestos)
Big (Grande) Small (Pequeño)
Hello (Hola) Goodbye (Adiós)
Dirty (Sucio) Clean (Limpio)
Fast (rápido) Slow (Lento)
Shapes (Las Formas)
Friday (Viernes)
Saturday (Sábado)
Numbers (Números)
Square (Cuadrado)
1 (Uno) 2 (dos) 3 (tres) 4 (cuatro) 5 (cinco)
6 (seis) 7 (siete) 8 (ocho) 9 (nueve) 10 (diez)
11 (once) 12 (doce) 13 (trece) 14 (catorce) 15 (quince)
16 (dieciséis) 17 (diecisiete) 18 (dieciocho) 19 (diecinueve)
20 (veinte) 30 (Treinta) 40 (Cuarenta) 50 (Cincuenta)
Rectangle (Rectángulo)
Triangle (Triángulo)
Star (Estrellas)
Heart (Corazón)
Circle (Círculo)
Family Members (Los Miembros de la Familia)
Seasons (Temporadas)
Father (Papá)
Mom (Mamá)
Sister/Brother (Hermano/a)
Uncle/Aunt (Tía/o)
Cousin (Primo/a)
Son/Daughter (Hijo/a)
Grandma/pa (Abuela/o)
Summer (Verano)
Winter (Invierno)
Autumn (Otoño)
Spring (Primavera)
Weather (Tiempo/Clima)
Sun (Sol)
Rain (Lluvia)
Snow (Nieve)
Cloudy (Nublado)
Cold (Frío)
Hot (Caliente)
Verbs (Verbos)
Run (Correr)
Walk (Caminar)
Jump (Saltar)
Cook (Cocinar)
Swim (Nadar)
Listen (Escuchar)
Directions (Las Direcciones)
Up (Arriba)
Down (Abajo)
Below (Debajo)
Close (Cerca)
Far (Lejos)
Inside (Dentro)
How are you? ¿Cómo está usted?
What is your name? ¿Como te llama?
Good Morning (Buenos días)
Good afternoon (Buenas tardes)
Good night (Buenas noches)