2016 Miami-Dade County Primary Elections Compare candidates by their answers Vote your values on August 30 th Domestic absentee ballots mailed on Tuesday, August 2nd. Early voting starts Monday, August 15th. Don’t forget to bring photo ID with you. Visit cfcflorida.net for early voting sites. Bring this guide with you to the polls. it’s your legal right! (786) 447-6431 www.cfcflorida.net QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS UNITED STATES SENATOR ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= N/A = NO ANSWER OPPOSES Se Opone No Respuesta DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD Remove all public funding to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, with no exceptions or qualifications. Quitar fondos públicos a las clínicas de aborto Planned Parenthood, sin excepciones o salvedades. FIRST AMENDMENT DEFENSE ACT (FADA) Pledge to pass protection of supporters of natural marriage from punishment or persecution by the government. Promesa de proteger legalmente a los partidarios del matrimonio natural, contra castigos o persecuciónes por parte del gobierno. REPEAL OBAMACARE Repeal the mandate that imposes taxpayer-funded abortions, takes away individual liberties on life-critical health decisions, and increases taxes and national deficit. Revocar el mandato que impone abortos financiados por los contribuyentes, quita ibertades individuales en desiciones de salud críticas para la vida, y aumenta los impuestos y déficit nacional. PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP Allow undocumented aliens to apply for citizenship after certain fines, waiting periods and/or conditions. Permitir a indocumentados solicitar la ciudadanía después de ciertas multas, períodos de espera y / o condiciones. REPEAL COMMON CORE Repeal the national standard which limits curriculum options for local school boards. Revocar la norma nacional que limita las opciones del plan de estudios en las juntas escolares locales. CARLOS ERNIE MARCO DWIGHT MARK ROQUE “ROCKY” ALAN PAM REGINALD PATRICK BERUFF RIVERA RUBIO YOUNG DE LA FUENTE GRAYSON KEITH LUSTER MURPHY S S S O S S S S O S S S S S S S S S S S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O N/A O N/A N/A O O N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O O O S N/A QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= N/A = NO ANSWER OPPOSES Se Opone No Respuesta DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD Remove all public funding to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, with no exceptions or qualifications. Quitar fondos públicos a las clínicas de aborto Planned Parenthood, sin excepciones o salvedades. FIRST AMENDMENT DEFENSE ACT (FADA) Pledge to pass protection of supporters of natural marriage from punishment or persecution by the government. Promesa de proveer protección legal a los partidarios del matrimonio natural, contra castigos o persecuciónes por parte del gobierno. REPEAL OBAMACARE Repeal the mandate that imposes taxpayer-funded abortions, takes away individual liberties on lifecritical health decisions, and increases taxes and national deficit. Revocar el mandato que impone abortos financiados por los contribuyentes, quita ibertades individuales en desiciones de salud críticas para la vida, y aumenta los impuestos y déficit nacional. PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP Allow undocumented aliens to apply for citizenship after certain fines, waiting periods and/or conditions. Permitir a indocumentados solicitar la ciudadanía después de ciertas multas, períodos de espera y / o condiciones. REPEAL COMMON CORE Repeal the national standard which limits curriculum options for local school boards. Revocar la norma nacional que limita las opciones del plan de estudios en las juntas escolares locales. DISTRICT 23 ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= DISTRICT 27 JOSEPH RANDAL FREDERICA DAVID T. MARIA ILEANA R. FEIGENBAUM KAUFMAN HILL WILSON ADAMS PEIRO LEHTINEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A S S S O S N/A S N/A N/A S O N/A O N/A O S S S S S S S S O S S N/A S S N/A QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS STATE SENATOR DISTRICT 24 MARTIN “MARTY” ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS H = HIGHLY QUALIFIED (Altamente Capacidato/a) OPPOSES Se Opone H N/A = NO ANSWER No Respuesta FLORIDA PASTOR PROTECTION ACT Protects clergy, churches, religious orgs and schools from civil action for believing marriage is between one man and one woman. Protege el clero, las iglesias, orgs religiosas y escuelas contra demandas civiles por creer que el matrimonio es entre un hombre y una mujer. INFORMED PATIENT CONSENT Enforces mandatory twenty-four hours of reflection time before an abortion. Hace cumplir un periodo obligatorio de veinticuatro horas de reflexión antes de un aborto. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits men from using women's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los hombres el uso de baños de mujeres (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) DISTRICT 38 ANIS KEVIN A. DAPHNE DON MICHAEL JASON DWIGHT BLEMUR BURNS CAMPBELL FESTGE GONGORA PIZZO BULLARD N/A N/A S N/A N/A N/A O N/A N/A S N/A N/A N/A O N/A N/A S N/A N/A N/A O QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS STATE REPRESENTATIVE ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= OPPOSES Se Opone N/A = NO ANSWER No Respuesta FLORIDA PASTOR PROTECTION ACT Protects clergy, churches, religious orgs and schools from civil action for believing marriage is between one man and one woman. Protege el clero, las iglesias, orgs religiosas y escuelas contra demandas civiles por creer que el matrimonio es entre un hombre y una mujer. INFORMED PATIENT CONSENT Enforces mandatory twenty-four hours of reflection time before an abortion. Hace cumplir un periodo obligatorio de veinticuatro horas de reflexión antes de un aborto. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits men from using women's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los hombres el uso de baños de mujeres (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) DISTRICT 108 TAJ FAYOLA MOISE ROY FRANCESA HENRY MARIE COLLIE-ECHOLES DELICA DUGE HARDEMON MENES PATEL ERLANDE STERIL N/A N/A S N/A N/A N/A S O N/A S N/A N/A N/A S N/A N/A S N/A N/A N/A S More candidates (over) 2016 Miami-Dade County Primary Elections Compare candidates by their answers Vote your values on August 30 th Domestic absentee ballots mailed on Tuesday, August 2nd. Early voting starts Monday, August 15th. Don’t forget to bring photo ID with you. Visit cfcflorida.net for early voting sites. Bring this guide with you to the polls. it’s your legal right! (786) 447-6431 www.cfcflorida.net QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS STATE REPRESENTATIVE S = SUPPORTS (Apoya) O= OPPOSES (Se Opone) N/A =NO ANSWER (No Respuesta) DISTRICT 112 FLORIDA PASTOR PROTECTION ACT Protects clergy, churches, religious orgs and schools from civil action for believing marriage is between one man and one woman. Protege el clero, las iglesias, orgs religiosas y escuelas contra demandas civiles por creer que el matrimonio es entre un hombre y una mujer. INFORMED PATIENT CONSENT Enforces mandatory twentyfour hours of reflection time before an abortion. Hace cumplir un periodo obligatorio de veinticuatro horas de reflexión antes de un aborto. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits men from using women's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los hombres el uso de baños de mujeres (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) MICHAEL W. ROSA MARIA NICHOLAS X. DAVEY PALOMINO DURAN DAVID FAURA-MORALES RICHARDSON DISTRICT 118 REY LYNDA CARLOS DAVID VALDES BELL PRIA RIVERA ANTHONY STEVEN A. RODRIGUEZ ROJAS TALLON N/A S O N/A O S S S S S S O S O N/A O S S S S S S N/A N/A O N/A O S S S S S S 11th Circuit (group 34) Circuit/County DISTRICT 113 WALDO 11th Circuit (group 52) 11th Circuit (group 66) 11th Circuit (group 74) County (group 07) County (group 35) COURT JUDGE H H H = HIGHLY QUALIFIED MARK RENEE (Altamente Capacidato/a) BLUMSTEIN GORDON DENISE H LUIS Martinez-Scanziani PEREZ-MEDINA H H ROSY A. CAROL OSCAR ROBERT J. APONTE BREECE Rodriguez-Fonts LUCK QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS YOLLY H ELENA ROBERSON ORTEGA-TAULER H H GEORGE A. LIZZET ED WENDELL ANTONIO SARDUY MARTINEZ NEWMAN GRAHAM JIMENEZ ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= OPPOSES Se Opone N/A = NO ANSWER No Respuesta DISTRICT 01 PRAYER Student-led and student-initiated prayer at school assemblies as allowed by Florida law. El derecho a la oración iniciada y dirigida por los estudiantes en reuniones escolares, tal y cual ya lo permite la ley de la Florida. DISTRICT 06 DISTRICT 07 JAMES STEVE WILBERT T. MODESTO GUS PEDRO MARIA T. ASTER B. LUBBY BUSH GALLON III HOLLOWAY ABETY MACHADO MORA ROJAS MOHAMED NAVARRO S N/A S N/A S S N/A S N/A S N/A S N/A S S N/A S N/A S N/A S N/A S S N/A O N/A ABSTINENCE EDUCATION Teach students abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage, as mandated by Florida law. Enseñar a los estudiantes a abstenerse de actividad sexual fuera del matrimonio, según lo dispuesto por las leyes de Florida. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits boys from using girl's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los niños el uso de baños de niña (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= OPPOSES Se Opone N/A = NO ANSWER No Respuesta H H = HIGHLY QUALIFIED DISTRICT 07 (Altamente Capacidato/a) PRAYER VOTER RIGHTS Respect voter results in Miami-Dade County that already defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Respetar los resultados de los votantes de Miami-Dade que ya defineron el matrimonio como la unión entre un hombre y una mujer. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits men from using women's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los hombres el uso de baños de mujeres (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) MICHAEL XAVIER L. EARL DENNIS C. FELIX M. JOE A. CASTRO SUAREZ BEAVER MOSS LORENZO MARTINEZ ANSWERS / RESPU ESTAS COUNTY MAYOR ANSWER KEY: Clave de respuesta: S= SUPPORTS Apoya O= OPPOSES Se Opone No Photo Available N/A = NO ANSWER No Respuesta PRAYER Continue to allow County Commissioners the right to start each meeting with a prayer. Seguir permitiendole a los Comisionados del Condado el derecho de iniciar cada sesión con una oración. VOTER RIGHTS Respect voter results in Miami-Dade County that already defined marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Respetar los resultados de los votantes de Miami-Dade que ya defineron el matrimonio como la unión entre un hombre y una mujer. PUBLIC SAFETY Prohibits men from using women's bathrooms, locker rooms, showers and dressing rooms. Prohíbe a los hombres el uso de baños de mujeres (y vestuarios, duchas, etc) (786) 447-6431 [email protected] www.cfcflorida.net P.O. Box 650216, Miami, Florida 33265-0216 DISTRICT 11 S S S O N/A S S O S O N/A S S O S O N/A S Continue to allow County Commissioners the right to start each meeting with a prayer. Seguir permitiendole a los Comisionados del Condado el derecho de iniciar cada sesión con una oración. QU ESTIONS / PREGU NTAS DISTRICT 09 FREDERICK B.J. MIGUEL A. CARLOS FARID RAQUEL ALFRED BRYANT CHISZAR EIZMENDIZ GIMENEZ KHAVARI REGALADO SANTAMARIA S S N/A O N/A S S S O N/A O N/A S S S O N/A O N/A S S N/A: CANDIDATE DID NOT RESPOND TO PHONE CALLS AND/OR E-MAILS REQUESTING THEIR POSITIONS ON THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Paid for and authorized by Christian Family Coalition (CFC). The Voter Guide is provided for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any candidate or political party. Please bring this voter guide with you to the polls. Voter Guide duplication is permitted and encouraged. For additional copies, please contact the Christian Family Coalition Florida at (786) 447-6431. A copy of this Voter Guide is available for viewing and downloading at: www.CFCflorida.net Printing and design by: MEDIAMAX INTERNATIONAL Branding & Marketing (305) 860-4047 [email protected] Mediamax.cc