A.1 ORGANISATION Role in the application* Partner Full name of the organisation* Full name of the organisation in Latin characters Acronym* Erasmus University Chart number Department / Faculty University of Cadiz University of Cadiz UCA Erasmus Chart 28564-IC-1-2007-ES-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 (E Cadiz01 Office of International Relations. Edificio Constitución de 1812. Registered address Street* Number* Post code* Town* c/ Paseo Carlos III 3 11003 Cadiz Country* Region* Spain Andalusia Internet address* Telephone 1* Telephone 2 Fax www.uca.es; [email protected] + 00.34.956015682 + 00.34.956015882 + 00.34.956015895 A.2 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE APPLICATION (CONTACT PERSON) Title* Family name* First name* Role in the organisation* E-mail address* If the address is different from the address provided in section A.1, fill in the following information: Address* Street* Number Post code* Town* Country* Region* Telephone 1* Telephone 2 Fax A3. PERSON AUTHORISED TO REPRESENT THE ORGANISATION IN LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENTS (LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE) Title: Family name: First Name: E-mail: Role in the organisation: Address: Street, Number, Post code, Town, Country, Region. Mr. González Eduardo [email protected] Rector, Cadiz University Legal Representative Rectorado, c/ Ancha 16, 11001, Cádiz, Spain, Andalusia. Telephone1, Telephone2, Fax: Tel.: + 00.34.956 015027 Fax: +00.34.956 015895 PART B: ORGANISATION AND ACTIVITIES B.1 STRUCTURE Status* (Private, public) PUBLIC - Type of organisation* UNIVERSITY B.2 AIMS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANISATION Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 1000 characters) With the constitution of its first Senate, the 30th of October 1979 marks the birth of the University of Cadiz (UCA). The University of Cadiz is located in the south of Spain, in a key geostrategic area connecting Europe and Africa through the Gibraltar Straight, and Europe and Latin America though its historical and commercial links. Committed to the highest intellectual, moral and cultural standards, our University strives to produce principled and competent graduates. It nurtures a service-oriented and environmentconscious community which seeks to contribute to the advancement of the global society. The academic offer of UCA is served by its four campuses that allow the University to be present in the entire Cadiz province. Degrees, Masters and Ph. D. titles are offered in all branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Business, Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Social and Legal Sciences with a total of 69 Degrees; 34 Official Master Programs (2 Erasmus Mundus) and 39 Doctorate Programs (1 Erasmus Mundus Ph. D.). UCA has ca. 21.000 students, 1506 Staff/professors, 684 administration, 136 Research Groups and ca. 1800 scientists. (UCA ______describir aquí el papel de la UCA en relación al proyecto a presentar____) B.3 OTHER EU GRANTS Please list the projects for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the Tempus Programme during the last three years. The University of Cadiz (UCA) has a longstanding experience in the LLP calls of the EU and other organisms. Besides de Erasmus program (Erasmus Chart 28564-IC-1-2007-ES-ERASMUS-EUCX-1 (E Cadiz01)), UCA has participated as partner or coordinator in several programs: TEMPUS, ALFAIII, Comenius, Grundtwig, Erasmus Mundus, EMUNI, Jean Monnet. Programme or Initiative Tempus Reference number Tempus CD_JEP-320432004 Tempus CD_JEP-252362004 Meda JEP 30113 Beneficiary organisation UCA Title of the Project Coordinator UCA La Gouvernance de l’Université en Laura contexte d’autonomie Howard Réseau Informatique fédérateur Juan Enrique pour l´accessibilité à l´information Conejero numérique dans l´enseignement supérieur Universidad of Cádiz (Spain)University of Picardie Jules Verne Universidad of ICM curriculum to the two-level Alfredo Cádiz (Spain) system Izquierdo Tempus Tempus Tacis SM_SCMM008B05493342005 JEP-27085-2006 University of Valenciennes (France) University of Lodz (Poland) Tempus 517414-TEMPUS-1- University of 2011-1-FRValenciennes TEMPUS-SMHES (France) (2011 - 2520 I 001 001) Tempus 144654-TEMPUS2008-MA-JPGR University Abdelmalek Essaadi (Marruecos) Tempus 517501-TEMPUS-1- University of 2011-1-1-FRValenccienes and TEMPUS-JPGR of Hainaut(2011 - 2530/001- Cambresis 001) (France) Erasmus 49334-IC-1-2003-1- University of Intensive FI-ERASMUS-IPUC- Sydväst (Filand) Programme 2 Erasmus BEnl-2007-LLP-ERA- Katolieke Intensive IP09 Hogeschool SintProgramme Lieven (Belgium) Alfa ALFAIII University of DEVALSIMBEB, DCI- Cadiz (Spain) ALA/19.09.01/11/2 1526 /264773/ALFAIII(2011)10 Jean Monnet 06/0130 University of Cádiz Socrates106231-CP-1-2002- University of Comenius 1-GR-COMENIUSAegean (Greece) C21-20024146 Socrates226573-CP-1-2005- Cyprus College Comenius 1CY-COMENIUS(Cyprus) C21 Thematic 114063-CP-1-2004- University of Network 1-UK-ERASMUS-TN Bristol (UK) projetcs Minerva 101279-CO-1-2002- University of 1-ES-MINERVA-M Cadiz (Spain) Socrates112145CP-1-2003- Haute École Comenius 1-BE-Comenius C1 Charlemagne (Belgium) Echange des meilleures pratiques dans l´implementation du système License-Master-Doctorat Establishment of mechanism of cooperation and interaction between universities and industry at the regional level as an element of development strategy of university Eduardo Romero Bruzón OTRI Renforcement dú develóppement des formations de la Logique au Maroc par la biais d’un Observatoire de Formations en Logistique OFL & de Plateformes d’Excellence en Logistique PEL. Gouvernance numérique dans les Universites Marrocaines Juan Moreno Gutiérrez Juan Enrique González Conejero Système d'Information et Eduardo Gouvernance Numérique des Romero Etablissements Supérieurs algériens Bruzón dans le LMD Focus on Ethics and queality in Mercedes dementia care Díaz Rodríguez CoDIME Patricia Sabbatella Ricardi Desarrollo de competencias Marisol profesionales a través de la Ibarra Sáiz evaluación participativa y la simulación utilizando herramientas web Chart in Migration and Frontiers. MUSE Multigrade School Education Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools Medine MOFTAL Project Gibraltar Alejandro del Valle Gálvez Félix Angulo Rasco Pilar Azcárate Goded Felicidad Rodríguez Sánchez Félix Angulo Rasco Elena Romero Alfaro SocratesAction 6 E-Learning Initiative 4683/2002-001 Open University Milton Keynes 2002-4085/001Instit. of Nuclear 001 Physics, NCS Demokritos Greece Socrates134262-LLP-1European Grudtvig 2007-1-CYUniversity Cyprus GRUNDTVIG-GMP (Cyprus) Leonardo Da UK/10/LLPCentre For Vinci LdV/TOI-342, 2010- Factories of the 1-GB2-LEO05Future, Coventry 03496 (England) Leonardo Da 2010-1-GR1-LEOVinci 05-03956 Leonardo Da 2011-1-ES1-LEO02Vinci 32497 University of the Aegean (Greece) Excellence Campus of Agrifood CeiA3 (Spain) Leonardo Da 2012-1-ES1-LEO02- Excellence Vinci 47825 Campus of Agrifood CeiA3 (Spain) Erasmus 520104-1-2011-1University of Mundus ES-ERA MUNDUS- Cadiz (Spain) EMMC Erasmus 512023-1-2010-1University of Mundus ES-ERA MUNDUS- Cadiz (Spain) EMJD (and previous projects) Erasmus University of Mundus Algarve (Portugal) Erasmus Mundus CLASP Félix Angulo Rasco Eudoxos - Teaching Science with a Félix Angulo Robotic Telescope Rasco Sucess in Math and Science at Home. Pilar Azcárate Goded MarTEL Plus Araceli Losey León Communication and Practical Araceli Losey Training Apllied in Nautical Studies León NAURA I Casimiro Mantell Serrano NAURA II Casimiro Mantell Serrano European Joint Master in Water and Ángel del Coastal Management. Valls Casillas European Joint Ph. D. in Marine and Ángel del Coastal Management Valls Casillas European Joint Master in Quality in Miguel Analytical Laboratories Palma Lovillo External Cooperation Window: ORI Programme Averroès: Change cooperation avec les pays du Mahgreb. PART D: OPERATIONAL CAPACITY D.1 SKILLS AND EXPERTISE OF KEY STAFF INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT Name of key person Summary of relevant skills and experience