t~b(Jti2 - Uptown Players

in turn to a general team demoralization from which I alone will be
exempt, thereby becoming what I have always longed to be: a solo
hotshot on a mediocre club.
TODDY ... Yeah.
KIPPY. Well, that sounds about right to me.
MARTINEZ. (Overlapping.) Di me 10.
RO D RI G VEZ. HVen acd, de que cojones hablan esta gente?!
MARTINEZ. Coiio yo ni se.
;Tu crees que un dia hablaremos esejodio idioma?
MARTINEZ. Completamente, espero que no. (Kawabata exits.)
KIPPY. But I think what we've really got going, Toddy? Is even
subtler than your analysis. I think what's happened to us as a team
- and what has not happened to Darren simply because he's better - is we're in a kind of mourning.
KIPPY. Very well-put. I think we've experienced a kind of profound
Loss. First in the physical realm - in the sexual realm, even.
(Rodriguez and Martinez look sharply to Kippy, almost unison.)
KIPPY. I take your point, however.
WelL, look at us now.
How we turn from each other.
How when we turn to each other we maintain eye contact. (Rodriguez
and Martinez look away.) Before, this wasn't necessary.
We were Men.
This meant we could be girlish.
We could pat fannies, snap towels; hug
Now ...
What do we do with our stray homosexual impulses?
JASON. Pardon?
JASON. You were talking to me, right?
KIPPY No, Jason, I wasn't. (Beat.)
JASON. Oh. (Beat. He turns crimson. He exits')
KIPPY. You see?
We've lost a kind of paradise.
\Ve see that we are naked.
TODDY. Bullshit. (They leave showers, cross to lockers.)
KIPPY. And our refuge? We have none.
We might want to assume a defensive hostility, an aggression.The
ger there is, we become Shane Mungitt. So our anger, our malenes is lost to us. We're tight. We choke up on the bat. We
flies on e bounce. We suck. (Shane Mungitt enters,'
is civvies.)
A ~
I'm here to pac
me stuff.
~V(/ '"'"
Baseball said I coul
Will somebo talk to me?
0 us.) And almost nobody would. (Lights.
Marti ze, Rodriguez, Kawabata dressing after the shotoer.) All
b" feeling continued - and took on an international flavor.
(Martinez and Rodriguez eye Kawabata with suspicion.)
MARTINEZ. Mira 10 primite, por ese es que perdemos.
RODRIGUEZ. Por el espar que siempre perdemos.
MARTINEZ. Hasta losjuegos que el no lanza RODRIGUEZ. Sabemos que elMARTINEZ. Sabemos que nos va ha decojonarRODRIGUEZ. Sabemos que nos va ha cagarJASON. (Over last of tbis.) Hey Kippy, do you know what they're
KIPPY. Kawabata sucks.
MARTINEZ. dSiete millones - tu te ganas siete millones?
JASON. Do you speak Spanish?
RODRIGUEZ. Yo tengo suerte si me gano seisKIPPY. I don't speak Spanish, but I understand it MARTINEZ. Yo tengo suerte si me gano seis-punto-cinco KIPPY. "No hablo Espanol pero comprendolo" RODRIGUEZ. jOye, Nip, mama esto!
MARTINEZ. iMama esto!
RODRIGUEZ. iNo - mama esto!
MARTINEZ. ,No. Mama esto!
RODRIGUEZ. Oye muchacho, deja eso', el va a mamar esto.
MARTINEZ. El mio es mas lindo.
RODRIGUEZ. EI mio es mas grande.
MARTINEZ. Size queen!
MARTINEZ. dA quien tu Ie dices maricon? (They start to shove each