Style Manual _guide - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Appendix 4
Style Manual (guide)
Master´s in Judicial Sciences 2010-2011
Law Department
Pompeu Fabra University
I. General Rules
I. 1. Text and format
The thesis should be written in a normal format and in Times New Roman font
except in certain circumstances outlined below. A normal text is one that is not
underlined, italicized, bold or any other irregularity.
Bold text may be used in the following cases:
- Title of the thesis
- Section titles
Italics may be used in the following cases:
Titles of sub-sections
Words in foreign languages
Words that require emphasis
I.2. Size of the font and style of paragraph
The same size font should be used throughout the body of text except in the
special circumstances indicated below. Size 13 font should be used with a line
spacing of 1.2. The text should be written so that the paragraphs are in the
justified format, with no indentations. Double spacing should be used between
Special circumstances:
- Size 18 font may be used for the title
- Size 14 font may be used for each section title
- Size 11 font and double spacing should be used for quotations of a certain
length that must be differentiated from the text. For example:
“Tiene declarado esta Sala, como es exponente el Auto de fecha 1 de abril de
2004, que el delito de estafa se comete en todos los lugares en los que se han
desarrollado las acciones del sujeto activo (engaño) o del sujeto pasivo
(disposición patrimonial) y en el que se ha producido el perjuicio patrimonial
(teoría de la ubicuidad). Criterio que viene corroborado por el Pleno no
jurisdiccional de esta Sala, de fecha”.
- Size 10 font should be used for the footnotes
I.3 Page configuration
The size of the paper should be A4. The lateral margins should be 3 cm with an
additional margin for binding of 0.5. The margins at the top and bottom of the
page should be 2.5 cm.
I.4. General structure
The thesis should adhere to the following structure:
Abbreviations used
Development of each section and sub-section
Jurisprudence cited (if any)
The titles of each section should be in size 14 font, bold, and may be numbered.
They may also be preceded by a page break.
The titles of each sub-section, if any, should be in size 13 font, italicized, and
may also be numbered, but always in a coherent format that also includes the
numbers of the sections. They may be preceded by three line breaks, but never by
a page break.
I.5. Acronyms and abbreviations
A) Use of acronyms and abbreviations
The acronyms that are used in the text that do not appear in the initial list of
abbreviations must appear in parentheses after the first reference in the text. For
Así, la Unión Europea (UE); la Organización para la Cooperación y el
Desarrollo Económico (OCDE); etc.
Abbreviations must be followed by a period. For example:
Así, Art., Dr., Prof., núm., …
II. Rules for citations
II.1. General rules
Citations from literature and other materials that serve to support the arguments
in the text should be cited in the footnotes.
II.2. Citations from legal texts
The first time the source is used, the citation in the footnotes must be complete.
The citation must include category, reference number, the date, and the basic
information. For example:
Ley Orgánica 7/2003, de 30 de junio, de medidas de reforma para el
cumplimiento íntegro y efectivo de las penas.
Ley 2/1995, de 23 de marzo, de Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada.
For citations that have already been used it is sufficient to use an abbreviation in
which it is sufficient to use an abbreviation of the category and the reference
number. For example:
Así, LO 7/2003 y LSRL, respectivamente.
II.3. Citations from jurisprudence
The initial citations (in the text and in the footnotes) of sentences and other
decisions should include the following information: initials of the court or
resolution, room1 and/or section, date and, in parentheses, the last name of the
judge. It is also recommended to refer to the legal basis (FJ in Castilian) cited as
the key factor in the court´s decision. For example:
STS, Sala 2ª, de 30 de noviembre de 1990 (ponente Martín Pallín), FJ 2º.
STS, Sala 1ª, de 1 de marzo de 2007 (ponente Sierra Gil de la Cuesta).
If from the context the room can be de deduced, it is not necessary to include it.
SAP Barcelona, Sección 5.ª, de 4 de enero de 2000 (ponente Martínez Zapater).
In the subsequent citations the name of the judge does not need to be included.
In the list of jurisprudence cited that must be attached to the end of the thesis, the
case number should be referenced and, if necessary, the reference number of the
jurisprudence collection (vid. infra Appendix II).
II.4. Citations of literature and other materials
A) General Rules
In the final bibliography the student should use a full citation format. The last
name of the author should be written in capital letters and the title of the
publication should be written in italics. For example:
DIEZ-PICAZO, Luis, Derecho de daños., Madrid 1999.
RAMOS MÉNDEZ, Francisco, Derecho y proceso, Barcelona 1978.
The edition number should be included in the case of the second or later editions.
It is encouraged to use the latest editions.
For works translated from a foreign language, the names of the translators must
also be included after the title and edition in parentheses. For example:
ROXIN, Claus, Autoría y dominio del hecho en Derecho penal, 7.ª ed., (trad.
Cuello Contreras / Serrano González de Murillo), Madrid 2000.
In the footnotes, these materials should be cited in an abbreviated format2. For
DIEZ-PICAZO, Derecho de daños, p. 8.
RAMOS MÉNDEZ, Derecho y proceso, pp. 78-82
ROXIN, Autoría y dominio del hecho, 7.ª ed., p. 173 y ss.
B) Citations for monographs, manuals, and collective works
If prefered, the first citation in the footnotes may be in the full format which is generally reserved for the
final bibliography.
To make a complete citation the following information must be included: name
of author, title of publication, edition, city, and year. For example:
FERRER BELTRÁN, Jordi, Prueba y verdad en el derecho, Madrid, 2002.
MONTOYA MELGAR, Alfredo, Derecho del trabajo, 29ª ed., Madrid 2008.
In the case of multiple authors the names of the director and the coordinator
should be included. For example:
SILVA SÁNCHEZ, Jesús-María (dir.) / RAGUÉS I VALLÈS, Ramon (coord.),
Lecciones de Derecho penal. Parte Especial, Barcelona 2006.
If the citation is from one chapter or part of a collective work, the following
information must be included: name of the author, title of the publication, name
of the director and/or the coordinator, title of the collective work, edition, city,
year and page(s) referenced. For example:
SALVADOR CODERCH, Pablo, “El discurso del disidente: dichos y hechos”, en
CARBONELL SÁNCHEZ, Miguel (coord.), en Problemas contemporáneos de la
libertad de expresión, México DF 2004, pp. 201-232.
If the work cited has various volumes, the volume number must be included. To
cite a volume the abbreviation “v” (“t” in Castilian) should be used. The number
of the volume should be written in Roman numerals. For example:
COUTURE, Eduardo “El deber de las partes de decir verdad” en Estudios de
derecho procesal civil t. III, tercera edición, Buenos Aires, 1989, p. 232-258.
For the abbreviated format (footnotes), the last name, title, and page(s)
referenced are sufficient. For example:
SALVADOR CODERCH, “El discurso del disidente: dichos y hechos”, p. 204.
COUTURE, Estudios de derecho procesal civil t. III., p. 234.
C) Citations for journal articles
For a complete format the following information must be included: last name (in
capital letters) and first name of the author, the title of article between quotation
marks, the title of the journal in italics, the number of the journal (if the journal is
numbered in order) in between parentheses, the year and the page(s) referenced.
For example:
VALLE MUÑOZ, Francisco, “El acta del juicio en el proceso laboral”, Actualidad
Laboral (2), 2005. pp. 1608-1634.
CUELLO CONTRERAS, Joaquín, “La teoría de la culpabilidad y el error de
prohibición”, CPC (32), 1987, pp. 273-301.
For abbreviated citations it is sufficient to include the last name of the author, the
title of the journal, the year and the page(s) referenced. For example:
VALLE MUÑOZ, Actualidad Laboral, 2005, p. 1610 y s.
CUELLO CONTRERAS, CPC, 1987, pp. 275-281.
D) Citations from online sources
To make a complete citation for an article that has been published on the internet,
the following information must be included: last name of the author (in capital
letters) and first name, title of the article in quotation marks, title of the source in
italics, volume/edition of source (if applicable), year, page(s) referenced and
URL. For example:
regulación de la responsabilidad
precontractual en el Reglamento Roma II”, InDret (4), 2008, p. 4, (http://
“La ).
For abbreviated citations it is sufficient to include the last name of the author, the
title of the source, the year and the page(s) referenced.
For citations that are not from online journals, the URL and the last date the
website was visited must be included. For example:
HOOPER, “Sexual Abuse”,
(última visita, 19 de agosto de 2003).
For abbreviated citations it is sufficient to include the last name of the author, the
title and, if applicable, the page(s) referenced.
III. Examples of abbreviations
§, §§: parágrafo, parágrafos
AAP: Auto Audiencia Provincial.
AP: Audiencia Provincial
ATC: Auto Tribunal Constitucional
ATS: Auto Tribunal Supremo
ATSJ: Auto Tribunal Superior de Justicia
aptdo.: apartado
art., arts.: artículo, artículos
BOE: Boletín Oficial del Estado
Cap.: capítulo
Cc: Código civil
Ccom: Código de comercio
CDJ: Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial
CE: Comunidad Europea
CEs: Constitución Española
Cfr.: confróntese
CGPJ: Consejo General del Poder Judicial
Coord./s: coordinador /es
CP: Código Penal
Dir.: Director
DOCE: Diario Oficial de la Comunidad Europea
DOG: Diario Oficial de Galicia
ed.: edición
Ed., Eds.: Editor, editores
etc.: etcétera
fasc.: fascículo
FJ.: Fundamento Jurídico
LECiv: Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil
LECri: Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal
LH: Libro homenaje
núm.: número
marg., margs.: marginal, marginales
p./pp.: página /s
par.: parágrafo
s./ss.: siguiente /s
SAP: Sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial
STC: Sentencia Tribuanal Constitucional
STS: Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo
STSJ: Sentencia Tribunal Superior de Justicia
t.: tomo
Tít.: título
trad.: traducción
TC: Tribunal Constitucional
TS: Tribunal Supremo
TSJ: Tribunal Superior de Justicia
vol.: volumen
IV. Examples of cited jurisprudence
STC núm. 177/1999, de 11 de octubre de 1999 (ponente García Manzano). (RTC
STS, Sala 1ª, núm. 875/2006, de 6 de septiembre de 2006 (ponente Giménez
García). (RJ 2006\6593).
STSJ Castilla y León núm. 9/2006, Sala de lo Civil y Penal, Sección 1.ª, de 15 de
noviembre de 2006 (ponente Concepción Rodríguez). (JUR 2007\46010).
SAP Barcelona, Sección 6.ª, de 21 de octubre de 2002 (ponente Ragués i Vallès).
(ARP 2003\552).