Do you know what question to ask if you want somebody`s physical

Do you know what question to ask if you want somebody's physical description?
/ ¿Sabes qué pregunta hacer si quieres que te describan a alguien físicamente?
Si queremos que nos describan a alguien físicamente, en inglés preguntamos: What does
he/she look like? What does your brother / your sister look like?
¿Y cuál podría ser la respuesta?
Si observas las siguientes imágenes, podrás ver varias respuestas diferentes según varíe la
forma de la pregunta.
What does he look like?
He's young.
What does this man look like?
He's old.
What does this woman look like?
She's pretty.
What does the girl's father look like?
He's tall.
What does this man look like?
He's tall.
He's thin.
He's thin and tall.
What does she look like?
She's slender
What does he look like?
He's young.
He's handsome.
He's young and handsome.
What if we want to ask about several people?/ ¿Qué hacer si queremos preguntar sobre
varias personas?
Then the question would be: What do they look like? En ese caso la pregunta sería: What
do they look like?y podrían respondernos como en la figura:
What do these people look like?
They are tired.
What do they look like?
They are bored.
What do these men look like?
They are fat.
What do these four men look like?
They are short.
What do these funny guys look like?
They are ugly.
Si la descripción no es física sino moral, la pregunta es What is he/she like? What are they
like?, y nos responden:
What is this woman like?
She's happy.
What is the girl like?
She's sad
What is this person like?
He is nice.
What was Einstein like?
He was an intelligent man.
What were Maceo and Gomez like?
They were brave.
What are these people like?
They're friendly.
What was Lincoln like?
An honest person.
What is that woman like?
She's quiet.
What is this woman like?
She is noisy.
What is Luis Silva like?
He's smart.
To sum up, look at the following dialogue./ Para resumir, observa el siguiente diálogo.
A. What does Yanira look like?
B: She is tall, slender, and pretty
A: What does your mother look like?
B: My mother is tall and slender.
A: What does your father look like?
B: My father is young and short.