.~~~ R~eport No . 997399z A World Bank Glossary Borrowing and Lending Terminology I ~ ~ - Terminologie des emprunts et des préts -------- Terminología de empréstitos y préstamos A WorldBank Glossary Glossairede la Banque mondiale Glosariodel Banco Mundial BorrowingandLendingTerminology Terminologiedes empruntset des préts Terminologíade empréstitosy préstamos English-French-Spanish FranQais-anglais-espagnol Español-inglés-francés The World Bank Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Copyright © 1984 InternationalBank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank Banque internationalepour la reconstruction et le développement/ Banque mondiale Banco Internacionalde Reconstrucción y Fomento / BancoMundial 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington,D.C.20433,U.S.A. Allrights reserved Tous droits réservés Reservadostodos los derechos First printing November1984 Premiéreédition: novembre1984 Primera impresión:noviembrede 1984 Manufacturedin the UnitedStates of America Publié aux Etats-Unisd'Amérique Hecho en los EstadosUnidosde América Libraryof CongressCatalogingin Publication Data Mainentry under title: Borrowingand lending terminology. (AWorld Bank glossaiy= Clossairede la Banque mondiale = Glosariodel Banco Mundial) 'Prepared by the TerminologyUnit of the WorldBank's LanguageServicesDivision"-Foreword. 1. Loans,Foreign-Di,ctionaries-Polyglot. 2. Debts, External-Dictionaries--Polyglot. 3. Dictionaries, Polyglot. 4. World Bank-Language-Glossaries, etc. 5. InternationalFinance Corporation-LanguageGlossaries,etc. 1.WorldlBank. LanguageServices Division. TerminologyUnit. Il. Title:Terminologie des empruntset des préts. Ill. Title: Terminologíade empréstitosy préstamos. IV.Series. HG3891.5.B65 1984 336.3'435'03 84-25684 ISBN0-8213-0365-1 iii Contents-Tabledes matiéres-Indice Foreword v Avant-propos Prefacio vi vii Borrowingand LendingTerminology English-French-Spanish 3 Terminologiedes emprunts et des préts Français-Anglais Terminologíade empréstitosy préstamos Español-Inglés 33 47 k v Foreword TheWorldBankconsistsof the InternationalBankfor Reconstructionand Development(IBRD)and its affiliate,the InternationalDevelopmentAssociation(IDA). The InternationalFinanceCorporation(IFC)is alsoan affiliatedinstitution of the IBRD. Thisglossarycontainstermswhich haveappearedor mayappearin documents dealingwith lendingand borrowingof the WorldBankand IFC.Manyof the terms are connectedwithIBRD'sborrowingprogram,whichhas recentlybeenunder scrutinywithin the Bank,in order to increasethe sourcesof borrowing.Asa result, manydifferentfinancialinstrumentshavebeenconsidered,and it is these that form a large part of this glossary. Inevitably,the IBRDhas beenlookingto the twomajorworldfinancialmarkets, namelythe US. and Eurodollarmarkets-so manyof the termswillbe uniqueto these twoareas.Asthe languageof these twomarketstends to be mainlyEnglish, there are frequentlyno exactequivalentsin Frenchand Spanish,and manyof the terms givenshould be consideredas proposedtranslationsand not standardterms. Naturally,wherethere is an equivalentused in Frenchor Spanish,or wherethe expertsin Franceor Spainand LatinAmericancountrieshavean agreed term,it has beenused.It should be noted,however,that manyof these termswill be used in Englishbythe experts,evenwhen there is an acceptedequivalentin Frenchor Spanish.Definitionshavebeengivenfor manyof the terms.Theseare basedon the Englishterm, except where otherwisenoted,and appear in the English section. Besidesterminologyused in the financialmarkets,this glossaryalsocontainsterms relating to the WorldBank'scurrent lendingprogram,includingthe currencypool and the pool-basedlendingrate (whichare not the samething), banking,accounting, particularlyratios,as wellas a fewtermsin the fieldsofeconomicsand financial analysis.The namesof the UnitedStatesand the UnitedKingdomhavebeen consistentlyabbreviatedto "U.S."and "U.K." Thisglossaryhas been preparedbythe TerminologyUnitof the WorldBank's LanguageServicesDivision.The TerminologyUnitgivesspecialthanks to the followingstaffmembersfor their assistance:CarlosCastaño,CarmenEtcheberryFreund,GladysMurillo,LianneFaili,AnnieMalroux,DanielJimenez,Dominique Phung, and NadiaRathier. Anycomments,includingproposalsfor newterms and suggestedalternativetranslations,will be most welcomeand should be addressedto: TerminologyUnit LanguageServicesDivision The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington,D.C.20433,U.S.A. vi Avant-propos L'expression "Banque mondiale" désigne la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement (BIRD)et l'Association internationale de développement (IDA),qui lui est affil]Lée. La Société financiére internationale (SFI) est également une institution affiliée a la BIRD. Nous avons réuni dans le p résent glossaire des termes rencontrés dans les documents relatifs aux préts et aux emprunts de la Banque mondiale et de la SFI. Beaucoup de ces termes se rapportent atuprogramme d'emprunt de la BIRD qui, soucieuse de se ménager de nouvelles sources de financement, a été amenée depuis peu á s'intéresser á de nombreux instruments financiers. II était inévitable que, pouy élargir son programme d'emprunt, elle s'oriente vers les deux principaux marchés mondiaux de capitaux, ceux des Etats-Unis et des eurodollars, qui ont souvent leur propre terminologie, essentiellement anglaise. Bien des traductions que nous donnons ne doivent donc étre considérées que comme de simples suggestions. Naturellement, chaque fois qu'il existe un équivalent accepté en français ou en espagnol ou que des experts de pays francophones ou hispanophones se sont mis d'accord sur un terme, nous l'avons repris. Il faut toutefois signaler que méme s'il existe une traduction acceptée en franQaisou en espagnol, les experts emploient fréquemment le terme anglais. Nous avons généralement donné une définition qui, sauf indication contraire, est celle du terme anglais. Outre le vocabulaire emplcoyépar les spécialistes des marchés financiers, ce glossaire contient des termes relatifs au programme de prét de la Banque mondiale, notamment au pool de monnaies et au pool d'emprunts utilisé pour déterminer le taux préteur (deux notions différentes), aux opérations bancaires, á la comptabilité (ratios par exemple) et méme á léconomie et a l'analyse financiére. Les sigles "U.S."et "U.K."ont été employés systématiquement pour désigner les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et le Royaume-Uni. Ce glossaire a été établi par le Service de terminologie de la Division des services linguistiques de la Banque mondiale, qui tient á remercier particuliérement pour leur concours Carlos Castaño, Carmen Etcheberry-Freund, Lianne Faili, Daniel Jimenez, Annie Malroux, Gladys Murillo, Dominique Phung et Nadia Rathier. Toutes les suggestions qui permettront d'améliorer et de compléter ce glossaire seront les bienvenues. Priére de les envoyer a l'adresse suivante Terminology Unit Language Services Division The World Bank -1818II Street, N.W. Washington,D.C.20433,U.S.A. vEi Prefacio ElBancoMundialestá constituidopor el BancoInternacionalde Reconstruccióny Fomento(BIRF)y su afiliada,laAsociaciónInternacionalde Fomento(AIF).La CorporaciónFinancieraInternacional(CFI)es tambiénuna instituciónafiliadadel BIRF. Este glosariocontienetérminosque han aparecidoo puedenapareceren documentos sobre operacionesde empréstitoy préstamodel BancoMundialy la CFI.Muchos de los términosestán relacionadoscon el programade empréstitosdel BIRF,que recientementeha sido objetode un examencuidadosodentro del Bancocon el fin de ampliarlas fuentesde obtenciónde fondos.Comoconsecuencia,se han considerado numerososinstrumentosfinancierosdistintos,yson éstos los que constituyen una gran parte del presente glosario. Comocabíaprever,inevitablementeel BIRFse ha dirigidoa los dosprincipales mercadosfinancierosdel mundo-el de los EstadosUnidosy el del eurodólar-, de modoque muchosde los términoscorrespondena expresionesque se usan exclusivamenteen dichosmercados.Dadoque el idiomaque se empleaen estosdos mercadosgeneralmentees el inglés,con frecuenciano se encuentranequivalentes exactosen españoly francés,por lo que muchasde las traduccionesque se dan deben considerarsecomosugerenciasy no comotérminosconsagrados.Lógicamente,en los casosen que se empleaun equivalenteen españolo francés,o en que los expertos de Españay los paíseslatinoamericanoso Franciatienen un términoconvenido,se ha usado éste.Noobstante,cabeseñalarque los expertosusaránmuchosde estos términosen inglés,aun cuandoexistaun equivalenteaceptadoen españolo en francés.En muchoscasosse dan las definiciones.Salvoindicacióncontraria,éstas se basan en el término inglésy aparecen en inglésen la seccióntrilingüe. Ademásde la terminologíausadaen los mercadosfinancieros,este glosariocontiene términosrelacionadoscon el programaactualde operacionescrediticiasdel Banco Mundial,incluidoslos referentesal fondocomúnde monedas,el tipo de interés variablebasadoen una "cesta"de empréstitospendientes,banca,contabilidad-en particularrelaciones-y algunostérminosque se empleanen los camposde la economíay el análisisfinanciero.Atravésde todo el glosariolos nombresde los EstadosUnidosy el ReinoUnidose han abreviadocomo"U.S."y "U.K.". Este glosarioha sidopreparadopor la Dependenciade Terminologíade la División de ServiciosLingüísticosdel BancoMundial.La Dependenciade Terminología expresasu agradecimientoen especiala los siguientesfuncionariospor su asistencia: CarlosA.Castaño,CarmenEtcheberry-Freund, LianneFaili,DanielJiménez,Annie Malroux,CladysMurillo,DominiquePhung y NadiaRathier. Cualquiercomentario,inclusivesugerenciasrelativasa la inclusiónde nuevos términoso a traduccionesdistintasde lasque aparecenen el glosario,será bien recibido.Las comunicacionesdeben dirigirsea: TerminologyUnit LanguageServicesDivision The WorldBank 1818H Street, N.W. Washington,D.C.20433,U.S.A Borrowingand Lending Terminology English-French-Spanish 3 - A- AAAbond [cf., top-ratedbond] obligationde premierordre;obligation acid-test, liquid, quick ratio ratio de trésorerie réduite agency securities, obligations obligations émises par des organismes relaciónactivodisponible-pasivo corriente fédéraux títulos de organismosfederales; (cotée) AAA(marché américain) Thestandard IBRDdefinitionis the ratio of cashplus marketablesecuritiesplus bono, obligación (con clasificación) accountsreceivableplus other amounts Aond given ighes ratig in he Stndard readilyconvertibleinto cashto current Bondglvenhighestratingin the Standard liabilities.Other definitionsincluderatio of hge Poorclassificationf pro ondashavegardcurrent assetsless inventoriesto current hilhest degreeof protectionas regards liabilities.ratio of quickassetsto current emisiones de organismos federales Securityissued by a l.S. federalagency. praingipal agency. inoot. Tha Ar masit highestrating agenc D boondhas Aarrasted 1.Bankactingfor a foreignbank.2. Bank handlingadministrationof loan in a syndicatedcredit. bono,obligación(conclasificación) 'A" loan prét "A" préstamo "A StandardWorldBank loan in cofinancing. liabilities.ratio of cashplus near-cashassets to currentliabilities,and ratio of cashplus accountsreceivableplus the marketvalue of selectedinvestmentsto current liabilities.In LatinAmerica,relaciónde pruebaácidaisoften found,whilein Spain ratiode tesorenfais used. agent bank 1. correspondant; 2. mandataire; agent 1. banco corresponsal; 2 banco agente acceptance, accepting house [U.K.] maison d acceptation activity ratios taux d'activité agio agio agio Thepremiumwhichthe metallicor other currencyof a countrymaycommandover legaltender papermoneywhichis its face casan deaceptatione relacionesde actividad equivalent. casa de aceptaciones Merchantbanksin the U.K.specializingin acceptingbills of exchange. the actioatiesof a corporation. allotment attribution; répartition actuarial evaluation distribución prix comptable évaluation actuarielle Allocationof securitiesto membersof the precioxdcmptabe evaluaciónactuarial syndicateinvolved inthe issue,inthe A price usedfor accountingpurposes(¡.e., not a marketprice).Often used synonymouslywith shadowprice. advanced refunding refinancement anticipé refinanciamiento anticipado accounting rate of interest (ARI) taux d'intérét comptable (TIC) tasa de interés de cuenta (TIC); tipo de interés de cuenta (TIC) Discountrate used to convertfuture values of benefitsand costsintoequivalentpresent Refinancingbeforematurity,to take advantageof favorablemarket conditions. after-market aprés bourse accounting ratio ratio prix comptable-prix du marché relación de cuenta Ratioofaccountingpriceto marketpriceof a good. accretedcal] bond obligation assortie dune option d'achat au-dessous du pair bono redimible con descuento antes de su vencimiento Discountbondwhichallowsthe issuerto callthe bond beforematurity,at a discount from the facevalue. ~A group of ratiosthat measuremovementin período "after-market Theperiodbetweenthe issueof the security and liftingof syndicaterestrictionsin the fixed-interestand Eurobondmarkets. Sometimesused incorrectlyas a synonym for secondanj market(q.v.). after-sight bill traite á un certain délai de vue de letra a cierto plazo de la fecha de presentación Billof exchangewhichbecomespayableat a certaindate after presentationfor acceptance. agency fee [Euromarket] commission de gestion comisión de gestión Eurobondand U.S.securitiesmarket. all-purpose bank, see combined commercial and investment bank amortization amortissement; remboursement [préts] 1. amortización; 2 depreciación 1.Thegradualextinguishmentof any amountovera periodoftime (e.g.,the retirementof a debt).2.Areductionof the bookvalue of a fixedasset. amortization adjustment factor [currency pool] facteur d'ajustement de l'amortissement factor de ajuste para fines de ~~~~amortización Theratio of the currentvalue,in termsof the U.S.dollar.of the principaloutstanding of a loan at the commencementof business of a dayto tbe correspondingtotal of withdrawalsfromthe LoanAccount.net of recalls for amortization. annuity bond bonode ptitre rente bono perpetuo,de renta Ivitalicia 4 apex loan price. When the market price is high, the securities, does not want to do so at the prét pyramidal, en cascade préstamo en pirámide, en cascada investorreceivesproportionallylessstock and viceversa. prevailingrate,and,therefore,doesnot take up deliveryof the securitiesbut carries Loan whereby IBRD lends money to an apex delivery over to the next accounting period. developmentfinancialunit whichonlendsit to participatingfinancialinstitutionswhich, in turn, onlend it to industrialcompanies. (Theopposite of contango.) backwardation rate intérét de déport - B- arbitrage arbitrage arbitraje , pret "33" Buying(or borrowing)in one narketand selling(or lending)in another. préstamo "B" Loanmadebythe WorldBankinvolving cofinancing. tipo de interés pagado por aplazamiento de entrega prét 'B" prsao""balance-sheet arbitraJe arbitrageur ratio ratio tire du bilan relación derivada del balance general Ratio based on figures appearing in the back-to-back (loan, borrowing) 1. échange de monnaies différentes; 2. (crédit) adossé; 3. (crédit) face á arbitragiste arbitrajista Person systematically engaged in arbitrage face; 4. opération couplée balancesheet. balloon loan prét ballon d'emprunts; emprunt de contrepartie 1.préstamos cruzados en divisas; 2 crédito con garantía de otro crédito; R3. préstamo con intermediación de un banco; 4. empréstito de contrapartida 1.Operationswherebya loan is madeinone préstamo "balloon` préstamo amortizable en su mayorparte al vencimiento Aloanrepaymentscheme,underwhichthe lan repaymentscher unthe pre loan js repaid at maturity. BAN, see bond-anticipation transferprice). currency in one country against a loan in another currency in another country (e.g., a U.S.dollarloan inthe U.S.against a pounds ask(ed) price [securities rrarket] cours de l'offre precio vendedor The priceat whicha securityor commodity sterlingloan in the U.K.).2.Acredit opened bya bank on the strength of anothercredit (e.g.,if a Britishmerchantbuyscotton in Egyptandsells it to a Belgianwho establishesa credit for paymentto the U.K. bank bill acceptation de banque pagaré bancario, letra bancaria Commercialbuí acceptedby a bank. firm,then the firm may be able to use this as a security for opening a credit to finance paymnentto the Egyptian.) 3. A scheme banker's acceptance acceptation de banque dealing. ARI,see accounting rate of interest arm's length (price) (prix) normal du marché; (prix) de pleine concurrence precio de mercado Price between corporations under fully competitive conditions (the opposite of is quoted or offered for sale. ATM, see automatic teller machine automatic teller machine (ATM) guichet automatique de banque (GAB) ventanilla automática; cajero automático, permanente wherebya bank bringstogethera borrower and a lender sothat they agreeon a loan contract.4.Refersto a variable-rateloan madebyIFCto a borrower,for whichthe fundsare borrowedfromthe IBRD.Also availability clause, see switch clause calledmatchedfunding. aval back-up line of credit ligne de crédit de protection, de aval aval soutien. auxiliaire note aceptación bancaria UeS.andCanadiantermnbracbuíof exchangewhichhasbeen acceptedbya banker. bankerfs draft chéque banque; chéque tiré letra de banco; cheque de banco Adraft payableon demandand drawnby,or on behalf of, a bank upon itself. bank money exchangeor promissorynote with the backwardation signature of a third person appearing on the déport bill. 1.situación en que el precio al contado es superior al precio a plazo; 2. prima pagada por aplazamiento de entrega 1.In the commoditymarket,when the cash priceis higherthan the forwardprice.2. In the stockexchangemarket,a chargepaid byan investorwho hasnot yet acquired money in a particular security, regardless of repayments.In somecases,the term is used to referto a scheme,underwhichthe whole línea de crédito de apoyo Guarantee of the payment of a bilí of averaging amélioration des prix moyens (d'un titre) inversión periódica de monto constante The practiceof investinga fixedamountof last repayment is larger than the previous monnaie scripturale depósitos bancarios Money on deposit at a bank. bank quality bond obligation pouvant intéresser les banques bono de calidad bancaria Boiidsrated in the top fourcategories(AAA, AA,A,and BBB)and generallyregardedas eligible for bank investment. 5 bank trust departments services bancaires de gestion financiére departamentosfiduciariosde bancos basis point centiéme de pour cent: point de base centésimo de punto porcentual 0.01per cent of yieldle.g.,of a security). bearer bond obligation au porteur bono, obligación al portador A bondwhosetitle is to the bearer(i.e.,it is presumedto be ownedby its holder).The sameas coupon bond bill of exchange lettre de change letrade cambio acción gratuita Anunconditionalorderin writing, addressedby onepersonto another,signed bythe persongivingit, requiringthe person to whomit is addressedto payon demand, or at a fixedor determinablefuture time,a sumof moneyto,or to the orderof,a specifiedpersonor to bearer. A sharegivenas a bonusto purchasersof such shares. blue chip placement de pére de famille;valeur de pére de famille; valeur de premier ordre valorde primeraclase;acción de bearer market marché de porteurs primera clase Shareor securityof top-ratedU.S. mercadode títulos al portador corporation. bearer note bon au porteur bonus share action gratuite bond obligation book-entry security titre relevé titulo consistente en un asiento bancario U.S.term for a security.not in the formof a certificate,but as an entry in an account at a bank.Eightypercent of marketableU.S. Treasurysecuritiesare nowheld in book-entryform. book value valeur comptable valorcontable,en libros Thenet amountat whichan assetappears on the books of account. pagaréal portador bono;obligación border price Notewhereownershipis transferredmerely byhandingover,as opposedto registration. bearer scrip, see scrip certificate Debt instrumentwith maturityof longer than oneyear.Notethat U.S.bonds are usuallysecured,whileU.K.bondsand Eurobondsare usuallyunsecured. prix frontiére; prix franco frontiére precio en la frontera: precio fronterizo Priceof a tradablegoodat a country's border or port of entry. bearer security titre au porteur bond-anticipation note (BAN) avance de préémission borrower's indebtedness subaccount [currency pool] título al portador pagaréen previsiónde una emisiónde bonos sous-comptedébiteur de l'emprunteur subcuenta de endeudamientodel bellwether security titre précurseur valor precursor de tendencias A securitythat seemsto leada market movementor economictrend. Short-termborrowingthat servesas an interimsourceof fundsfor aprojectthat is eventuallyto be financedbythe saleof bonds. prestatario Principaloutstandingon a borrower'sloan. bond certificate préstamoen valoresgarantizadopor otro(s)valor(es) best efforts sale vente sans garantie d'émission venta sin compromiso de garantía de emisión Anewissuewhichis not underwrittenand not purchasedas a wholefromthe issuer, but issold bysecuritiesdealerson a "sell what can be sold" basis.Usedin the U.S. securitiesandsyndicatedEurocredit markets. bid price cours pric hete ur cours acheteur certificat nominatif certificado nominativo Certificategivento the holderof a registeredsecurity. bondholder porteur de titres, d'obligations tenedor de bonos bond-rating agency, see rating agency bond sold on tap obligaond sol on ndue gutapet ouver obligation vendue a guichet ouvert precio comprador;precio de compra bono de venta continua Thepriceofferedfor a securityor . commoditybya prospectivebuyer. Abond issuedon an `as required"basis(i.e., it iscontinuouslyavailableand may be obtainedon demand).The issuermay determinea maximumamountfor the issue. bill broker, see discount house borrow-pledge security loan prét de titres garanti par d'autres titres Securityloanwhereoneor moresecurities are postedas collateralfor the borrowed security. bought deal prise ferme emisión adquirida anticipadamente por un consorcio bancario Bondissuewherea groupof investment banksagreeto purchasean entire issuefor their ownaccountor for resale,priorto announcingthe issue to the market. break clause, see jeopardy clause break-even point [stock market] niveau d'indifférence punto de equilibrio Point where two strategiesare equivalent. 6 broad money [cf. M3] monnaie, masse monétaire au sens large dinero en sentido amplio buying rate [securities market] prix acheteur precio comprador The pricethat a buyerwillpayfor a security. callable bond obligation remboursable avant l'échéance bono rescatable, redimible antes del vencimiento broker [stock exchange] agent de change; agent boursier; [foreign exchange] Bond with a call option. cancellation (of a debt) courtier - _ - remise (d'une dette) corredor(de cambio, de bolsa);agente (de cambio y bolsa) call-and-put option, see straddle broker loan rate taux d'avances sur titres tipo para préstamos con garan tía de valores call loan pret au jour le jour préstamo a la vista A loanon a demandbasis(i.e.,whicheither The rate banks charge to securities dealers the borrower or lender may terminate at approfondissement and brokerson loansmadewithstockas collateral. will). aumento del capital con respecto al trabajo Actionwhichincreasesthe relativevalue of capitalin relation to labor (cf.capital widening). brokerage courtage corretaje coellicient deaBruno coefficient de Bruno relación de Bruno Alsoknownas domesticresourcecost ratio (q.v.). Bulldog bond obligation "bouledogue"; obligation étrangére émise á Londres bono "bulldog" Bond issued in pounds sterling on the condonación (de una deuda) call money; day-to-day money; demand money; money at call argent au jour le jour; crédit á vue, á trés court terme; avances á vue dinero exigible; dinero a la vista Moneydepositedin an interest-bearing account,that canbe calledby the depositor on a day'snotice.Oftenappliedto money lent bybanksto stockexchangebrokers, which maybe called at any time. call-money rate taux de l'argent au jour le jour; taux des avances á vue tipo de interés para préstamos a la vista Londonmarketoutside the U.K. bullet issue emprunt remboursable en une seule fois; emprunt remboursable in fine préstamo reembolsable de una sola vez a su vencimiento Aniissueto be repaidin a lump sumat the end of its term rather than gradually. call option option d'achat, de rachat opción de compra Optionto purchasedesignatedsecuritiesat a predeterminedpricewithina specified time limit. capital base assise financíére; parfois, fonds propres base de capital capital deepening du capital capital-deepening investment investissement de productivité inversión orientada a aumentarla eficiencia de la producción y reducir los costos Investmentaimedat increasingproduction efficiencyand loweringcosts. capital issue émission de titres emisión de valores de capital capital market marché de capitaux; marché financier mercado de capitales capital redemption reserve funds compte de réserves pour le rachat du capital des actions fondos de reserva para redención de capital accionario Specialaccountheld bya corporationto repurchasepart of its shares. bunching (of maturities) concentration (des échéances) acumulación (de vencimientos) call premium prime de remboursement prima de rescate Theamountoverthe issuepricewhena bond is redeemed. buoyancy, see tax buoyancy call protection capital widening buy-back [Canadal prise en pension protection contre un rachat anticipé protección contra rescate anticipado Protectionavailablein purchaseof bonds, wherebya periodis fixedduringwhichthe bond may not be redeemed. élargissement du capital ampliación del capital Investmentthat incases the absolute value of capital(cf capitaldeepening). recompra A repurchaseagreementin the Canadian short-termcommercialmarket. capital stock, see equity capital capitalzation capitalisation capitalización Totalauthorizedpar valueof the stocksand bonds of a corporation. 7 carry-over report de crédits saldo que pasa (al ejercicio siguiente) Fundsunused duringa financialyearwhich are transferredto the budget for the followingfinancialyear. city bank [Japan] grande banque gran banco Majorcommercialbank,locatedin a city, dea]ingwith corporationsand major accounts(as comparedto a local bank). functionsthesecarryoutaredividedamong the members.in order to save fees. colead manager, see comanager cash management gestion de (la) trésorerie gestión de caja, de liquidez clean (en) blanc; simple; non garanti sin garantía escrita Refersto a moneymarketoperation without underlyingdocumentarysecurity. (Notethat in the U.K.cleanmeans "'exclusiveof accruedinterest.") préstamo cofinanciado comanager; colead manager co-chef de file banco codirector, coadministrador Lenderrankingnext to leadmanagerin a Euroloan. cash-management account compte de gestion de trésorerie cuenta de administración de fondos Aninterest-bearingcurrent account, normallyheld with a stockbroker. cash-management bill bon du Trésor á trés court terme bono del Tesoro (EE.UU)a muy corto plazo Bill introducedbythe U.S.Treasuryin 1975, designedto raisefundsquicklyfora short period,rangingfrom nine to twentydays' maturity.Paymentmust be madein federal funds. cash market, see spot market cash risk; liquid-holdings risk risque lié á la rentabilité des liquidités riesgo de liquidez Riskto actual cashreceiptsdueto differencein spread betweenmoney borrowedmediumterm and reinvested short term. cash security loan prét de titres garanti par des fonds préstamo de títulos con garantía en efectivo Securityloanwherecashis postedas collateralfor the borrowedsecurity. CD, see certificate of deposit (CD) certificate of deposit (CD) certificat de dépót certificado de depósito clean advances avances non garanties anticipos sin garantía escrita clean float flottement pur, non dirigé flotación limpia Floatingof currencywherethe valueof the currencyis controlledbythe marketrather than the authorities.Oppositeof dirtyfloat. c:learingagreement accord de compensation; accord de paiement acuerdo de compensación clearing bank, see investment bank coloan prét cofinancé combined commercial and investment bank; multibank; all-purpose bank banque "multiservices", á tout faire, á vocation générale, polyvalente banco múltiple; multibancof Ch¿, Mex.] comfort sécurité garantía (dada por terceros) Securityofferedin a commercialloan in the form of a guaranteeor cofinancingfrom a parent company,government,or internationalorganization.Seealso letterof comfort commercial bank; clearing bank [U.K.] banque de dépot, commerciale banco comercial cleanng house chambre de compensation cámara de compensación Anorganizationset up byfinancial institutionsagreeingto initiateandreceive amongthemselveselectronictransfersof funds authorizedby their customers. closed-end (investment) fund société d'investissement á capital fixe; société d'investissement fermée; fonds de placement fermé sociedad de inversión con número de acciones fijo U.S.term for an investmentcompanywitha commercial bilis, see commercial paper commercial lending préts á des conditions commerciales préstamos en condiciones comerciales Lendingnot alwaysat marketrate but under normalmarketconditions(e.g.,as regardsmaturity,reimbursement)(cf. market-relatedlending). commercial paper; commercial bilis effets de commerce; papier commercial; papier financier efectos comerciales, papel comercial fixed number of shares outstanding. The shares represent an interest in the fundas Promissory notes normally having a Certificate of an interest-bearing time depositwith a bank. portfolio.Newshares maynot be issued. companiesor institutionsto raisecashfor changes in working capital statement, seestatementof changes in financial position club loan crédit consortial (sans chef de file) préstamo concedido por un club purposesof workingcapital.A major borrowinginstrument for first-class borrowersin the L.S.and Canada. chartered bank [Canada] bancario, por un consorcio Loanwhereby,insteadof one bank being designatedleadbank and others comanagersor underwriters,the various banque á charte banco comercial maximum maturity of 270 days sold by 8 commissioned company [.Japan] société mandatée (par la Banque mondiale pour la représenter á des émissions d'obligations au Japon) compañía comisionada; sociedad comisionada Agentin Japanwhichactsfor the IBRD(or other non-JapanesefinanciaJinstitutions) in the issueof bondson the Japanese market. commitment authonity pouvoir d'engagement facultad para contraer compromisos contingent obligation [IBRD] engagement conditionnel obligación contingente Typeof IBRD"B"loan (q.v.)wherebythe loan is initiallyfinancedentirelyby the commerciallender with IBRDhavinga contingentcommitmentto financeat a givendate (i.e.,at the endof the duration considered"normal"bythe commercial marketsfor the specificborrower)the core inflation infliation de base inflación básica remainingbalanceof principal(if any),if the commerciallenderschoosenot to financethis amount. corporateright part socisle derecho (del accionista) Rightsheld by a partner in a corporation. corporate bond obligation de société bono de una empresa privada, de una compañía, de una sociedad anónima continuation rate, see contango rate commitment fee; stand-by fee commission d'engagement comisión por compromiso, por inmovilización de fondos common stock actions ordinaires; actions de capital acciones ordinarias consol, see nonmaturing, nonredeemable government bond consolidated discount noles bons a prime (d'émission) consolidés áprimedesconta iosconsolidaos pagares Consolidationof severa]issuesof discount notes into nne uniformunte. consumption rate of interest (CRI) taux dactualisation de la consommation tasa da interés del consumo (TICO); tipo de interés del consumo (TICO) Therate at whichthe value ol-a unit of currencydestinedfor consumptionfalls overtime,usuallyexpressedas an annual percentage. contango report "Icon ontango` tango" contract financing financement sur contrat financiamiento con garantía de contratos Projectfinance,involvingthe useof commercialcontractssuch as a ship charter or take-or-paycontractas securityfor the loan. conversion discount décote de conversion descuento de conversión Ratioof the marketvalue of a convertible securityto its conversionvalue (q.v.l expressedas a percentage.Whenthe rmarketvalueof the securityis lowerthan the conversionvalue,this ratio issaid to be a discount. conversion premium conversionprmu d prime de conversion Ra de marsióv Ratioof the marketvalueof a convertible securityto its conversionvalue(q.v.) expressedas a percentage.When the marketvalueof the securityis higherthan the conversionvalue.thisratio issaid to be a premium. conversion price country exppsure engagement par pays compromisos por países coupon coupon cupón Aslip attachedto a bearerbond.whichcan be detachedand exchangedfor an interest paymentnr dividend due ata specific date. Alsousedto describethe nominalannual rate of interestwhicha borrowerpromises topaytheholderofafixed-incomesecurity. Colloquially.inthe U.S.domesticmarket, usedto describea U.S.Treasurynote or bond. coupon(-bearing) hond obligation munie de coupon bono con cupón Bond with coupon attached. Also called bearerbond coupon equivalent yield rendement converti en taux d'intérét rendimiento equivalente a un interés nominal The yieldobtainedfromthe difference betweenthe purchasepriceandthe face noninterest-bearing of a short-term value as a percentage, expressed instrument, prix de conversion precio da convoersión determinedbythe differencedividedbythe settlementof a traiisactioinfromone accountperiodto another.(Theoppositeof The pricewhichsu investormust p fora share if he buysa convertiblebondfirstand l later convertsit intn sbares. coupon note backwardation.) conversion value contango rate; continuation rate intérét de report parité de conversion valor de conversión Theconversionpricemultipliedbythe current priceof the security. fowaerd is cowmedthanmarhet, sk ecs priceInthe is lower than the forward price. In the stock exchangemarket,the feepaid.byan investorfor the privilegeof carrvingthe interésde "contango" Thedifferencebetweenthe cashand settíementprices. purchase price. bon-coupon pagaré con cupón Note with couponattached. coupon paper titres assortis de coupons títulos con cupón Paper with coupon attached. 9 coupon rate taux de coupon crowding-out éviction liabilities into U-S.dollar amounts, regardless of the actual currency in which interésnominal desplazamiento they are denominated. Interest to be paid regularly on the face value of a long-term debt instrument. Anydisplacement of private economic activity by public economic activity. current coupon (rate) taux de coupon courant creative financing formules nouvelles, inédites, originales de financement financiamiento innovador cumulative preferred stock actions cumulatives privilégiées acciones preferenciales, (preferentes, preferidas) acumuladas Preferredstockwherethe unpaiddividend isheld over,totallvor partially,when there areno returns in a financialyear,or the returnsare insufficientto distributethe dividendfixed for these shares. interés nominal coriente 1.In fixed-ratesecurities.a couponrate whichapproximatescurrent yieldlevelsfor similarsecurities.Straightdebt securities withcurrent couponshavepricescloseto par.2.In floating-ratesecurities,the rate of interest on the current interest period. credit standing; creditworthiness honorabilité [client privé];surface financiére; solvabilité; capacité iendettemnent solvencia; solvencia crediticia currency-linkedbond, see option bond CRI, see consumption rate of interest cross-currency interest hedge; double-hedge swap swaps portant á la fois sur les taux d'intérét et sur des monnaies currencyoption bond, see option bond currency pool pool de monnaies fondo común de monedas protecciónde 'swap"doble current ratio; working-capitalratio ratio de liquidité générale relación corriente[América Latina]; coeficiente de solvencia[Esp.] Ratioof current assetsto current liabilities. It is the main liquidityratio. cushion bond 'cushion bond" bono amortiguador Techniquethat combinesshiftfroma floatingto a fixedrate of interest,together witha shift fromliabilityin one currencyto liabilityin another. currency pooling system systeme du pool de monnaies sistema de fondo común de monedas Asystemset up bythe WorldBankto A high-couponbondsellingat a priceabove its calI or optionalredemptionprice. cross-default clause clause de manquement réciproiue: equalizeamongallborrowers,at anytime, the risksinherentin fluctuationsin the exchangeratesof the currenciesdisbursed obligation cautionnée letra aduanera garantizada Specialtypeof credit in Francegrantedby and repayableon all Bankloansincludedin the system.Equalizationis achievedby the state to corporationsto allowthemto payindirecttaxes or customsduty,with a clauseladrecigioiaie crsoise incsum plimiento custom-duty bill A clause io a loao agreement specifying that pooling all currencies disbursed and Adc]aulton anyother loan armto s thecifyingotoutstanding on participating loans and by default0e anyrother loansto the borrower expressingthe outstandingprincipal guarantee provided by a bank or other financial institution. These bills allow the shall be regarded as default 00 tbis one. amount of each such loan as a share of the value-added tax or customs duties. The cross-over discount rate; equalizing pool. Asa result, loan-serviceobligations on state draws up a bill for the amount in discount rate taux d'indifférence: taux dégalisation des valeurs actuelles tasa de actualización de equilibrio Thediscountrate that equalizesthe net presentvalueof twostreamsof benefits and/or costs. eachparticipatingloan are relatedto all amountsinvariouscurrenciesdisbursed andoutstandingon al] loansin the system. currency swap swap de monnaies, sur le cours de change intercambio de monedas questionwhichthe corporationagreesto pay on maturity. crowding-in attraction aracción atraccion Systemwherebyan institution withfunds in onecurrencyconvertstheminto another and entersinto a forwardexchangecontract to recoverthe currencyborrowed. Occurswheregovernmentbondsare sufficientlygood moneysubstitutesso that bondissuesreducedemandfor money balances,leadingto an expansionaryimpact via their effecton portfoliocomposition. day-to-day money, see call money dealer [options market] dagent[optiontrepartiet agent de contrepartie agente de contrapartida currency translation conversion monétaire; traduction monétaire traducción de monedas Recordinginaccountsof assets(or liabilities)in one currencywhen theyare actuallyinanother.Noactual exchangeof fundstakes place.TheWorldBankand IFC, for example, translate all their assets and corporationto defer paymentof - D- dealer [stock market] agent boursier; opérateur (sur le marché) agente de bolsa; corredor de bolsa .. securities dealer 'o debenture (bond) 1. obligation non garantie; 2. obligation debt ratio ratio de solvabilité detachable warrant warrant détachable relación de endeudamiento 1. bonosin garantíaespecífica; debenture[Arg.,Chile];2. bonocon garantíade activos Ratioof total liabilitiesto total assets. certificadoseparable;"warrant" separable 1.U.S.:Unsecuredbond.2.U.K.:Loan securedagainstspecificor generalassetsof a company. debenture stock [U.S.] actions de priorité accionesprivilegiadas Aspecialtypeof stockconferringrights superiorto both preferredandcommon stock.Notethat in the U.K.debenturestock is the equivalentof the U.S.debenturebond (ile.,an unsecuredbond). debt certificate certificat de reconnaissance de dette certificadode adeudo Loansagainstborrowers'notes,whichare privatelyplacedand can onlybe transferred by formalassignment. debt-equity ratio; debt-to-equity ratio ratio d'endettement relación deuda-capita¿ coeficien te de endeudamiento[Sp.] Mainlyused to describethe rat:ioof total liabilitiesto shareholders'equity(net worth).It can alsobe used to describethe ratio of long-termdebt to equity,net long-termdebt to equity,total or long-term debt to tangibleequity ( equityplus revenueplus capitalreserves).AI]these definitionsare usedin the WorldBankand IFC,so careshouldbe taken in translation to ensure the correctterm is used.Other definitionsare used outsidethe World Bank debt-for-debt swap swap sur des dettes intercambiode deudas Swapinvolvingthe exchangeof a new obligationfor an existingobligationheld by investors.A techniqueused recentlyin the U.S.in conjunctionwith original-issue discountbonds (q.v.)as a mearisof realizinga capitalgainon the retirementof arelativelylow-couponexistingissue,and at the sametime,achievingan interestcost savingdueto specialtax treatmentof an origina]-issuediscountbondissuedas part ofsuch a swap.NewU.S.tax lawsmightwell change this advantage. debt-service coverage couverture du service de la dette coberturadel serviciode la deuda dirty float flottement impur, contrólé, dirigé, assisté, soutenu Ratioof net incomeafter taxes plusinterest flotación impura,dirigida on long-termdebt plusdepreciationto debt service. Floatingof currencywherethe valueof the currencyis controlledbythe autborities ratherthan the market.Oppositeof clean float debt-service ratio ratio du service de la dette relacióndel servicio de la deuda Externalpublicdebt-serviceratio (ie interest and principalpayments)as adisagio percentageof exportearningsfromgoods, nonfactorservices,andworkers' remittances. debt-to-equity ratio, see debt-equity ratio disagio disagio; déport Differencebetweennominalor par value and underlyingmarketvalue. disaster clause, see jeopardy clause discount [bilis] escompte debt warrant warrant obligataire certificadoparacomprade bonos; "warrant"para compra de bonos Bondwarrant,givingan investorthe right to buy additionalbondsat a predetermined price/yield. deep-discount bond, note obligation á prime d'émission élevée bono de descuento intensivo Bondwith relativelylow-couponrate of interest,offeredwitha discountin excessof what can normallybetreated as capitalgain by the investor. demand money, see call money depositary receipt titre en dépót certificadode depositario Atechniquedevisedto permittradingin a security,eventhough the securitydoes not fulfilthe requirementsfor listingon the localstockexchange.Asecurityis bought and registeredin the nameof the depositary bankor company,whichwillissuea receipt certifyingthat the receiptconveysthe tit]e to the securitydepositedwith it or held to its order.Ifthe receiptis in bearer form,it can then be freelyhought andsold, whereasdirect dealingin the stockwould haveneeded registrationof the new owner'sname everytimethe security changedhands. descuento Differencebetweenpricepaidand face value of a bill or other paper. discount [bonds] prime d'émission descuento Differencebetweenpar valueand purchase priceof a bond. discount; markdown [foreign exchange] déport descuento In foreignexchangerefersto a situation wherecurrencycan be boughtmore cheaplyfor a futuredate than for immediate deliveryForexample,ifUS$1huysFF4 for deliverynow,whileit buvsFF5 for delivery twelvemonthshence,thenthe francissaid to be at a discountagainst the U.S.dollar. discount, to mobiliser descontar Todiscounta bill meansto buy it for less than its facevalue,the differencebetween the pricepaidand the facevalue representingthe impliedrate of interest receivableby the purchaser,during the periodbeforethe bill is repaid. discount bond obligation á prime (d'émission) bono descontado 11 discount from par [securities market] décote disintermediation desintermédiation double hedge swap, see cross-currency interest hedge descuento sobreel valora la par desintermediación double-weightedborrowingcost Amountbelowfacevalueat whicha security is traded. 1.Shift of fundsawayfromfinancial intermediaries(commercialbanks,etc.)into U.S.Treasurybillsand other securities.2. Shift bylarge corporationsawayfrombanks to a parallelmarket,involvingother large corporations. discount rate 1. taux d'actualisation; 2. taux d'escompte [IBRD] coút des emprunts doublement pondéré costo de los empréstitos con doble ponderación Whencalculatingborrowings,the IBRD takesthe amount ofthe loan,multipliesit distressed loan bythe interest rate,andobtainsa total for prét en difficulté the interest.Allthe loansare addedandall préstamo que se halla en dificultades the interest totals.Thefirst sum is then Loanon whichrepaymentof interestand dividedby the secondto obtain the principalhas been severelydelayedor weightedaverageinterest.This is the completelysuspended. single-weightedborrowingcost.Recently, interest the IBRDhas obtainedthe totalby dividend-right certificatethIRDhsoaieteinretoalb multiplyingthe amountof the loan by the bon de jouissance interestand the numberof yearsto bono de usufructo maturity,to take into accountthe fact that Equitypaperwhichdoes not conferany it has loansof varyingmaturities.The ownershiprights (e.g.,votingrights),but weightedaveragedinterest obtainedfrom grantsthe holderthe right to participatein this calculationis calledthe the net profitand liquidationproceedsand double-weightedborrowingcost. the right to subscribeto newsharesin the case of a rights issue. DRC,seedomestic resource cost (DRC) dividend-right share action de jouissance drop lock acción de usufructo clause "drop lock"; clause de Equitypaper,issuedin the placeof repaid verrouillage au taux plancher 1. tasa de actualización;2. tipo de shares,conferring membership rightsand congelacióndel interésen un nivel redescuen to 1.Annualizedrate of discountappliedto debt securitiesissuedbelowpar (e.g.,U.S. Treasurybills).2. Rateat whicha central bank (FederalReserveSystemin the U.S.) (re)discountscertain billsfor financia] institutions. the right to participatein the distribution of profitsand]iquidationproceedsof a corporation. dividend stock actions bénéficiaires acciones con derecho a dividendo mínimo (cuando la tasa de mercado desciende a menos de ese nivel) Clausein floating-ratenote whereby,if marketinterest ratesfallbelowa specified minimum,the rate of interest is fixedat that minimumand "]ocked"in for the remaining life of the loan. discount window escompte officiel domestic resource cost (DRC) coút en ressources intérieures;coút Dutch auction [U.S.] adjudication á prix uniforme discount house; bill broker maison de réescompte casa de descuento Intermediarybetweencentralbank and bankingsystem,providingliquidityand ensuringthe efficientoperationof the moneymarket.Doesnot existin the U.S., but doesexist in the U.K.,France,South Africa,and Singapore.In the U.K.,a discounthousetends to be largerthan a bill broker. discount note bon á prime (d'émission) pagaré descontado Note(i.e.,short-or medium-termbond) issuedat a discountfromits facevalue.On maturity.the investorreceivesthe full face value.The discount frompar. thus. correspondsto the return on the investment. redescuento Rediscountfacilityofferedbycentral bank (FederalReserveSystemin the U.S.). discount without recourse escompte á forfait, en ducroire, sans recours descuento sin recurso Purchaseof negotiableinstrumentswhere the buyerwaivesthe right of recoursein respectof the sellerof the instrument,to which the buyer would be entitled. réel des devises costo en recursos intemos Cost of resourcesused in productsthat are not imported. domestic resource cost ratio coefficient de coút en ressources intérieures coeficiente de costo en recursos in ternos Ratioof the costof allfactorsof domestic origin (evaluatedat their opportunitycost) to the domesticaddedvalue(at world prices).Alsoknownas Bruno ratio(q.v.). adjudicaciónaprecio uniforme; subasta a la baja Acompetitivebiddingtechniquesometimes used in U.S.securitiesmarkets,wherebythe lowestpricenecessaryto selíthe entire amountof securitiesofferedbecomesthe price at which all securitiesare sold. 12 - E- Eurocommercial paper even roll effets de commerce en eurodevises refinancement pour un montant égal early redemption option bond, see retractable bond efectos comerciales en eurodivisas Commercialpaperissuedin a Eurocurrency. economic price; efficiency price prix économique precio económico Pricereflectingrelativevalueto beassigned to inputsand outputs if the economyisto Eurocurrency euromonnaie; eurodevises euromoneda, aurodivisas Acurrencydepositheld outsidethe country which issuedthe currency. refinanciamiento de monto igual Refunding,whereapproximatelythe same amountof debt isbeingissuedfor the old debt. producete mnaximum valueof physical output efficiency. Eurocredit eurocrédit riesgo; préstamos pendientes Amountof investmentmade,with the eurocrédito additionalideaof risk.Thesetranslations are proposed.Thetranslationwilloften dependon the context,andthe term cannot be easilytrans]atedbya wordor short phrase. ECU, see European Currericy tInit (ECU) efficiency price, see economic price EFF, see electronic funds transfer (EFT) (EVI') electronic funds transfer (EFT) transfert de fonds électronique transferencia electrónica de fondos Systemof transferringfundsfromone accountto anotherbyelectroriicimpulses rather than transferofpaper(suichas a Anylendingmadeusing Eurocurrency, generallya medium-termbank loan. Eurodollar eurodollar erdlrextendible ~~~eurodólar exercise price, see striking price exposure risque; part des risques; engagement bon bond; extendible-maturity bond Adol]ardepositacquiredbyapersonor bank not residentin the U.S.and held outside the U.S.maturty Euroloan europrét europréstamo obligation reconductible bono de vencimiento ajustable bond A loan made using Eurocurrency extendible maturity note, see extendible note extendible maturity bond, see extendible bond check).r equalizing discount rate, see cross-over discount rate equity, see stockholders' equity equity capital; capital stock (of a corporation) capital social capital social; capital accionario Theissuedsharecapitalwhichis neither limitednor preferredin its participationin the distributionof its profitsnor in the ultimatedistributionof its assets.Equity capitalis sometimesused as a synonymfor stockholders equity (q.v.). Euromarket euromarché euromercado The Eurocurrency,Eurocredit,and Eurobondmarket. European Currency Unit (ECU) unité monétaire européenne (écu) unidad monetaria europea (ECU) A standarduiiit of accountof Europeani Comimunity membercountries. extendible note; extendible-maturity note obligation reconductible pagaré de vencimiento ajustable maturity note extension fee commission de reconduction comisión de renegociación Supplementaryfeepayableto lenderof a loan extended beyondoriginalperiod. European Unit of Account (EUA) unité européenne de compte (uec) external bond issue equity ownership unidad de cuenta europea (UCE) émission d'obligations á lVétranger participation au capital social d'une société participación en el capital social A compositecurrencyunit basedon the valueof the currenciesofthe European Communitymembersparticipatingin the emisión de bonos en el exterior Issue of bonds in a foreigncountry. European Monetary System. EUA,see European Unit of Account (EUA) Eurobond euro-obligation eurobono Abond issuedina currencyother than that of the marketor marketsinwhichit issold. The issue is handled bv an international syndicate. even parswap F- swap d'obligations á valeur nominale égale trueque de bonos de valor nominal igual US.termfor the saleof oneblockof boods and the simultaneouspurchaseof the same face value, see par value federal funds fonds fédéraux fondos federales nominal principal amount of another block of bonds, without regard to the net cash difference. Cash balance held by banks with local Federal Reserve bank. They are immediately 13 available (e.g., for transfer between banks>. Note that monnaie centrale is the money financial repression répression financiére floating-rate bond obligation á taux flottant; obligation á held bya Frenchbank at the Banque de represión financiera France(central bank) and is the French equivalent of federal funds. Distorsion in the financial system, with negative interest rates, subsidy interest bono con interés variable Bond on which the coupon is established federal funds rate rates to some privileged borrowers, selective credit allocation, and excessive bureaucratic periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates. tipo de los fondos federales control overthe financia system. floating-rate note (FRN) fine-tuning fondos federales (of the economy) taux variable (OTV) Rate of interest paid on federal funds. Equivalentto interbankrate. réglage de précision bon á taux flottant; bon á taux révisable afinamiento (de la economía) pagaré con interés variable federally chartered fiscal agent Note issued from five to fifteen years with a fixed spread, usually over the six-month bancoue a charte fédérale agent financier London Interbank Offered Rate ( LIBOR), banco con autorizaciónfederal agente financiero normallywith provisionfor a minimum A bank legally authorized to receive deposits. A bank appointed by the borrower as its agent for a new issue of securities when no interest rate. Primarily used by banks to raise dollars for their Euromarket bank [U.S.] trustee has been appointed. Its functions operations. systéme fédéral de réserve Sistema de la Reserva Federal ind a hmer of t crical fuyiun bet and a number of the clencal functons but floor broker, see floor trader ,d,. .t.on The central banking system of the U.S.It has twelve Federal Reserve Banks divided Up by geographical regions. The Board of Governors supervises the operations of the regional banks and coordinates monetary trustee. policythrough its FederalOpenMarket 1. lastre fiscal; rémora fiscaL 2. freno fiscal Federal System Reserv[U.S.]include Committee. financial deepening augmentation de limportance des circuits financiers intensificación financiera Acquisition of financial assets at a faster rate than nonfinancial assets. financial futures instruments financiers á terme instrumentos financieros a plazo Futures of bills. notes, bonds, currency, and commercial paper. finaneial intermediary intermédiaire financier intermediario financiero Normally, an intermediary between the U.S. Treasury (or equivalent) and the market. thoseofaprincipalpayingagent none of the fiduciaryresponsibilitiesofa fiscal drag 1. érosion fiscale des revenus; 2. freinage fiscal 1. Reduction in real income due to the increase in income from inflation, resulting in income earners being placed in higher tax brackets. 2. Action by public financia] authorities with regard to economic activity. relaciones financieras Ratioswhichshowa corporation'sfinancial structure. They include liquidity and leverage ratios. floor rate of exchange taux de change minimum tipo de cambio mínimo The minimum rate of exchange. floor trader agent opérant directement parquet sur le corredor de bolsa independiente Member of an exchange trading for himself. Note that floorbrokeris a broker on the NewYork Stock Exchange who acts for other members of the Stock Exchange only. fixing cotation (de la barre d'or); fixing flow of funds, see funds flow cotización Quotation of the price of a bar of gold in the market. flow-of-fund table [national accounts] tableau d'opérations financiéres fiat tel quel A table showing transactions in financial claims between institutional units. cuadro de comentes financieras sin intereses foreignexchange warrant Excluding accrued interest. Abond where the interest is included in the price is said to be traded fiat ("une obligation négociée warrant en devises tel quel'"). financial ratios ratios de structure; ratios financiers (defnition) dvss float [banking] irnae iia forfeiting moyens de paiement 'encaissementage moyens de paiement non recouvrés efectos en cobro, cobranza Checks, dat,etc., olelCecdrafts, certificadoen divisas"warrant"en divisas;libranza en divisas in the process of descuentode pagarésa medianoplazo The business of discounting medium-term promissory drafts related tu an internationalnotes tradeortransaction. Repayments are semiannual and discounting is at a fixed rate. 14 forward-forward arbitrage, see time arbitrage funds flow; flow of funds flux financiers gilt-edged securities 1. fonds d'Etat britanniques; valeurs forwardmarket marché á terme mercado a plazo, a término, de futuros flujo de fondos; corriente de fondos The flow of purchasing power intoand out of an organization.Inwardflowsinclude salesrevenue,sales of fixedassetsand garanties par l'Etat; 2.valeurs de premier ordre 1. bonos del Gobierno británico;2. valores de primer orden founder s share investments,and issuesof debentures, part de fondtr ploans,and shares.Outwardflowsinclude purchasesof fixedassetsandinvestments, particpaióde foeurpadort repaymentof debt,paymentof dividends, participaciónde fundador fourth market and taxation on profits. our mare quatriéme marché cuarto mercado Marketfor largeblocksalescf securities arranged by privatefirms. funds flow statement, seestatement of changes in financial position funds statement, seestatement of changes in financial position FRN, see floating-rate note funk money, see hot money front-end 'urr commission d'ouverture comisión inicial front-loaded spending dépenses groupées au déb,ut (d'une période donnée) gasto concentrado al comienzo de un periodo full face value valeur nominale totale valor nominal futures [commodities market] opérations átermobesmarket]corredor 1.BritishGovernmentbonds.2.U.S.bonds of AAAstanding. government debt instruments intrument debt publiqu instruments de la dette publique ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~instrumentos de la deuda pública government paper effets publics efectos públicos government-security dealer courtier en fonds d'Etat; courtier d'effets publics de valores del Estado opérations a terme futuros grading, see rating futures, financial,seefinancial futures grey, gray market marché gris mercado gris G full face value the gap [IBRD],seeoverall risk profile gearing ratio, see leverage ratio Market in bonds that have not been been givena firm price. guarantee [IBRD] 1. garantie de la BIRD;2. garantie (de l'Etat) full, fully paidstock, seepaid-up stock gearing ratio [IBRD] 1. garantía; 2 garantía (del Estado) funded debt dette consolidée deuda consolidada coefficient d'utilisation des fonds propres; rapport encours des préts/fonds propres relación préstamos desembolsados y pendientes-capital y reservas Ratioof capitalplusreservesto loans outstandingand loansdisbursed. 1.Typeof IBRD B' loan (q.v.)with IBRD guaranteeingpartof the loanand offering the commercial colender a "put" on the latter maturitiesof the loan,whichwould represent an IBRDcommitment to purchase the designatedmaturitiesat the requestof the colender.2.Loanmadeto a domestic funding latter maturities [IBRD] financement des derniéres échéances financiamientode los últimos vencimientos Typeof IBRD'B" loan(q.v.),wherebylBRD general-obligation bond, seegeneral obligations corporation guaranteed by the state. guarantee commission, fee [IBRD] commission de garantie would take an initial share of the loan up to about 25percent,concentratedin the latter maturities. general-obligations; generalobligation bonds comisión de garantía Commission payableperiodically(e.g.,to funding pro rata [IBRD] emprunts de collectivité locale bonos de responsabilidad general [BRD)as compensationfor the risk in participatión proportionnelle participación proporcion al Type of IBRD"B" loan (q.v.).whereby IBRD takes a pro rata share of about 10 percent in each maturity of the commercial loan. Long-term borrowings, usually by a municipality, that are backed by the full faith, credit, and taxing powers of the issuing locality rather than income gencrated by a pecificproject. guaranteeing a loan. -H- Gensaki hedge [securities market] Gensaki Gensaki valeur de refuge valor de protección A Yen repurchase agreement. Security acquired to cover possible loss on speculative investments. 15 hedging couverture des opérations á terme; opérations d'arbitrage en couverture d'actifs; opérations en countrepartie operaciones de cobertura, de protección cambiaria Purchaseor saleof currency,usuallyon a forwardbasis.as a meansof unsuring againstlossshouldan exhangerate change. hot bill effet brúlant efecto a la vista o de vencimiento a muy corto plazo Billwhichmaturesat sight or whose maturityis less than the periodmaking possibleits collectionin goodtime, necessitatingimmediatepresentationfor payment. hot money; funk money [U.K.] capitaux fébriles capitales itinerantes Short-terminternationalcapital movements, motivated by interest rate differentials or revaluation hopes/devaluation fears. Asomewhat arbitrary rate of return, related to the current cost of borrowingmoney,set by a governmentor companyto guide investmentdecisions.Belowthis limit, investmentis normallyconsidered inadvisable. 1 ~ IBF, sea international banking facility imprestaccount,fund income bond; participating bond obligation participante bono participatorio In the U.S.,bondswhichare guaranteedas to principalbut whichhaveinterest paymentsas a contingentobligation,that are requiredonlyif earnedand then assentedto by the boardof directors. Failureto payinterestdoes not constitute default.(Notethat in the U.K.,income bond refersto a type of fixed-interestinvestment offeredbylife insurancecompanies, consistingofan immediateannuityplusa deferredannuity.) fluctuaciónde los tiposde interés indexed bond; index-linked bond obligation indexée bono ajustable, indizado Bondwherethe couponrate or redemption valueis indexed(to other currencies.gold, or fuel prices).Usedin Brazil,Chile, debida a la fuga de capitales ChangesinU.S.interestratesdue to movementof fundsfromthe U.S.to the Eurodollarmarkets. interest-rate risk risque de perte sur les taux d'intérét riesgorelacionado con los tipos de interés Riskdue to differencein interest rates. interest-rate swap accord de swap sur les taux d'intérét; swap de taux d'intérét trueque de tipos de interés Anagreementto exchangefloating-rate paymentsforfixed-ratepaymentsin the same currency. intermediation intermédiation intermediación Process whereby a financial institution hurdle ra-te taux critique de rentabilité tasa crítica de rentabilidad - interest leakage fluctuation des taux due á une fuite de capitaux Finland, France, Iceland, Israel, Sweden, and the U.K. hung-up issue émission collée emisión empantanada; emisión atascada Anissuewhichdealershavenot managedto fullyplace. T depleted,thissum isperiodicallybrought up to the maximum. indexed loan [currency pool] prét indexé préstamo reajustado Loanindexedto the dailyvariationof the U.S.dollarvalueof the pooldue to exchangerate fluctuation. interposesits namesand trustworthiness betweena lenderand a borrower.For example,insteadof buyingan issuedirectly froma corporation,an investormaydeposit fundswith a bank which,in turn, investsin the issue. index-linked bond, see indexed bond international banking facility (IBF) service bancaire international servicio bancario internacional Internationalbranchaoa bankinakindof inflation premium prime de risque-inflation prima por inflación Apremiumaddedto a securityto allowfor inflation. inside, insider dealing transactions d'initiés transacciones de personas iniciadas ~~~~~instruments instruments; papiers instrumentos interest-bearing notes effets porteurs d'intérét pagarés que devengan intereses compte davances de caisse;compte d'a-vancestemporaires . . . . . cuenta de anticipos; fondo de interest-coverage ratio anticipos ratio de couverture de l'intérét Anaccountor fund maintainedfor relación de cobertura de intereses pa-ymentsma-dein ca-ah,commonlyused a-a Netincomebeforeinterestexpensesdivided a petty ca-ahfund.A fixedmaximumsum is by interest expenses. kept in the fund and, as the fund is internal free-trade zoanein the U.S.,which allowsbanksto engagein international bankingwithout someof the usual restrictionsfacingdomesticbanks.Those restrictionsfromwhichIBFsare exempt includereserverequirements,paymentof certaininsurancepremiums,and special relief from state tax. investment bank [U.S.]; merchant bank [U.K.] banque d'affaires banco de inversiones Institutionthat acceptsnewissuesof stocks froma corporationand attemptsto sell rmacroalnadatmt osl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~them to the public ata-profit.In the US.S they he parat a sta-tus UrSm commerciave bankse investment broker courtier en placements corredor de inversiones 16 investment company, fund société d'investissement; société de placement collectif compañía de inversiones: sociedad de inversiones; fondo de inversiones Corporationthat functionsas a financial intermediarybetweenthe publicand the financialmarkets. investment securities titres de placement valores de inversión a largo plazo Securitiesthat are particularlysuitablefor long-terminvestment(e.g.,bonds).Also includestop-ratedshares. inward swap mise en report recompra de divisas en moneda nacional Spot saleof foreignexchangeand forward repurchaseof sameforeigncurrencyagainst domestic currency. joint financing financement conjoint financiamiento conjunto Disbursementbytwolendersfor the same parts of the project in a fixed ratio. jumbo certificate of deposit certificat de dépót d'un montant minimum de US$100.000 certificado de depósito de US$100. 000 o más Certificateof depositof US$100,000or more. jumbo borrowing emprunts géants empréstitos gigantescos level repayment remboursement en tranches égales reembolso en cuotas iguales be agreedto in the caseof a financially leverage (ratio) [U.S.]; gearing (ratio) [U.K.] ratio de levier; ratio de structure du passif; ratio de solvabilitéendettement nivel de endeudamiento relativo al capital; relación endeudamiento/capital propio embarassed debtor where a creditor has faith in the dehtor's husiness future. Ratio of debt/liabilities to equity/assets. Includes debt and debt-equity ratios. junior debt; subordinated debt dette de deuxiéme rang deuda subordinada A debt rankingbelowamountsowedto general creditors. Such an arrangement may issuer organisme d'émission; émetteur letter of comfort lettre de confort carta de seguridades Awritten instrumentissuedbyA,whereA agreesto makeeveryeffortto assureB's compliancewith the termsof a contract, but without committingA to performB's obligationinthe eventthat Bis unableto fulfilhis obligation.Usuallyissued bya parent companyon behalfof a subsidiaryin another country. emisor liability management issuing calendar calendrier des émissions calendario de emisiones gestion du passif Compulsory timetable for issue of new securities (Switzerland, Federal Republic of Germany). gestión del pasivo L lag risk [IBRD] risque dú au décalage [Acompléter selon le contexte] riesgo relacionado con un desfase 1. Risk of lending at low interest rates and ¡ - J- jeopardy clause; disaster clause; break clause clause de sauvegarde cláusula de salvaguardia Aclause in a Eurocurrency agreement specifying that, ifcertain events curtail the lender's activity or the operat:ion of the Euromarkets, other designated actions will come into effect. having to finance at high interest rates at a later date. 2. Risk run by IDAbetween the period of disbursement and receipt of commission. lead bank; lead manager chef de file; teneur de plume banco director gIó e LIBOR LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate. The interest rate at which banks in London are prepared to lend fuinds lo first-class banks. It is used to determine the interest rate payable on most Eurocredits. Iimited-recourse finance financement avec droit de recours limité financiamiento con recurso limitado Finance arranged on the basis of the lender having recourse to the borrower only in certain circumstances (e.g., the loan to British Petroleum (BP) to finance the Forties oil field in the North Sea, where the lenders had no recourse to BP if there was insufficient oil). jobber agent boursier opérant pour son propre compte; "jobber" Bank with main responsibility for arranging a bond issue or international Eurocredit. While teneur de plume can be the same as a chef de file, in a jumbo loan the teneur de plume will be the lead manager, even though there are several other lead managers(chefs de file) or colead managers (co-chefs de file). Lead manager is also used agiotista in the sense of agent bank(q.v.). liquidityportfolio lender of last resort portefeurile liquide préteur en dernier ressort; préteur de dernier recouis prestamista de última instancia carteralíquida Abroker on the London Stock Exchainge who acts on his own behalf. liquid-holdíngs risk, see cash risk 17 liquidity premium prime de liquidité prima de liquidez Anotionalpremiumpaid byborrowersto lendersto encouragethem to lend money at a fixedrate in the longterm,when interest ratesare likelyto riseand it is, therefore,moreprofitableto investe the GermanBundesbank,whichnormally maintainsits Lombardrate at about 0.5 percent above its discountrate. long hedge opérations de couverture par achat A terme (generalpurposeand broker/dealer). Definitionswilldifferfrom countryto country. M3 M3 M3 operaciones de cobertura por compra a plazo Hedgingoperationbysomeonewho is In the U.S.,M2pluslarge-denomination timedepositsat a]ldepositoryinstitutions; term repurchaseagreementsat commercial liquidity ratios ''long" ratios de liquidité; coefficients de liquidité coeficientes de liquidez: relaciones de liquidez Ratioswhichreflecta borrower'sabilityto meet his short-termobligations.They includethe acid-testratio (q.v.)and the current ratio (q.v.). (i.e.,who ownsmorethan he has contracts to deliver). . debt long-term debt rato ratio d'endettement a long terme banksandsavingsandloan associations; and balancesof institution-onlymoney marketmutualfunds.It is the broadmoney supply.Definitionswilldifferfromcountry to country. liquid ratio, see acid-test ratio emprunt global empréstito de suma alzada A currency-specific borrowingmade in a lumpsum byIFCfromIBRDfor its short-term future needs. short-termpaper. listed security valeur cotée en Bourse valorcotizado en bolsa Anissueof a securityacceptedfor trading on a stock exchange. load fund fonds qui préléve une commission fondo de inversión que cobra una comisión Mutualfund whichcharges a handling fee. relaciónde endeudamientoa largo plazo Ratioof long-termdebt to total assets. lump-sum borrowing [IFC] maker (e.g., of a note) émetteur librador (p. ej. de un pagaré) management fee 1. commission de direction; commission syndicale: 2. commission de gestion; frais de gestion comisión de administración; comisión 1. Fee charged by a bank for managing a - Mi mi Mi creditor bondissue.2. Feechargedfor portfoliomanagement. management, managing group [Eurodollar market] groupe de direction; syndicat de groupe de direction; syndicaectde direction grupo de dirección manager (of syndicate), see agent bank locked market marché figé mercado inmovilizado Ml In the U.S..notes andcoinsin circulation, demanddepositsat al] commercialbanks other than those due to domesticbanks,the U.S.Government,and foreignbanksand officialinstitutions,lesscashitemsin the processof collectionand FederalReserve float:traveler'schecksof nonbankissues; andnegotiableorderof withdrawal(NOW) and automatictransferservices(ATS), Market where bid and offer prices are accounts at banks and trust institutions,. coefficient marginal de réserve exact]ythe same. credit unionshare draftaccounts,and demanddepositsat mutual savingsbanks. It isthe narrowmoneysupply.Definitions will differfrom countryto country. M2 M2 M2 M2 In the U.S.,Ml plus savingsand small-denomination time depositsat all depositoryinstitutions;overnight repurchaseagreementsat commercial encaje legal adicional Additionaldepositsthat,by law,depository institutions(e.g.,banks)mustset aside in their vaults or with the centralbank.In the U.S.,this appliesto additionalreserve requirements on increased managed liabilitiesimposedby the FederalReserve, in orderto curtailthe expansionof bank lending. loan portfolio portefeuille de préts cartera de préstamos loan syndicate, see syndicate lock rate taux plancher de verrouillage tasa de inmovilización Rate at which drop lock (q.v.) clause becomesoperative. Lombard rate [Federal Republic of Germany] taux des avances sur titres; taux Lombard tipo Lombard managing group, see management group marginal reserve requirement banks; overnight Eurodollars held by U.S. margin buying [stock exchange] achat á découvert compra en descubierto German term for the rate of interest charged residents other than banks at Caribbean System whereby the purchaser furnishes for a loanagainstthe securityof pledged paper.Particularlyused withreferenceto branchesof depositoryinstitutions;and the balanceof moneymarketmutual funds onlya specifiedfractionof the total purchasepriceof securitiesbought,with 18 the broker furnishing the balance and charging interest on that amount. merry-go-round effect effet de carrousel and/or capital in a currency other than that in which the bond is denominated. margin requirements [stock exchange] pourcentage de couverture; couverture efecto carrusel The circulation of money through various multilateral netting compensation des créances internes sources,endingup whereit started. For the GermanCentral Bankrecycles capitalbysellingU.S.dollarsto cmescó banks under a repurchase agreement and the banks place the US. dollars in the Euromarket. Asthe financial institutions could run up a U.S.dollar debt on the multinational trade flows is able to balance its debits and credits between subsidiaries and associates leaving only the balance to be settled, thereby reducing its need to Euromarket, the Central Bank must buy back the U.S.dollars and sell domestic currency to avoidan excessive increasein acquire foreign currency. mutual fund, see money market (mutual) und de lopération límites l'opéation(de las conpraseninstance dlmztesclegalerto) (de las comprasenexcess Legal requirements regu]ating the amount of credit that maybe extended under the margin buying (q.v.) system. markdown, see discount marketable bond obligation négociable edbtsycéio compensaciónde débitosy créditos Procedurewherebya companywith the mark. bono comerciable; bono negociable Bond quoted continuously by a dealer. market maker échéances riesgorelacionado con un desfase teneur de marché agiotista agiotista Risk of having loans and borrowings with Abank or a broker that is prepared to make a two-way price (to buy or sell) for a currency or a security on a continuous basis, in the same way as a stock jobber in the U.K market. lending naked, see uncovered ~~~~~~~~mismatched maturities. name market money at call, see call money primordiale money-center banks banques installées sur les principales prestataidos places financieres market-related N- rismue lisa d aer sN risque lié au décalage entre les places financiéres marchécod laacoteide cnmditaest pretareos ~~Market wheregreat emphasisis placedon the standing and reputation of the prets aux conditions du marché financiamiento en condiciones de bancosestablecieosen las princpales borrowers(e.g.,the Eurodollarmarket). mercado Lending at market rate and under market money market (mutual) fund; mutual fund narrow money [cf. MI] monnaie, masse monétaire au sens conditions(cf. commercialiending). fonds commun de placement fondo común de inversiones; fondo dineroen el sentido estritto matched funding, see back-to-back (4.) mutuo near-bank [Canadal matched-maturity transaction [IBRD] opération á échéances symétriques mortgage bond titre hypothécaire; transacción de vencimientos simultáneos Atype of cross-currencyinterest hedge mobilisation bono hipotecario; título hipotecario,cédula hipotecaria Financialinstitution,excludingstandard commercialbank,such asa savingsbank, credit union, etc. (q.v.),where the proceeds of a short-term instrument program are swapped for comparable maturities in oth-lercurrencies. multibank, see combined commercial and investment bank near-money; quasi-money quasi-monnaie matched sale-purchase transaction simultanée multicurrency option option de change Assetswhich have properties resembling those of money in the strict sense. Includes billet de quasi-banque cuasibanco cuasidinero transaction d'achat et de opción de cambio de divisa savingsdeposits,timedeposits,certificates compra y venta simultánea Selling U.S.Treasury bilIs for cash and at the same time purchasing the same issue of bills for redelivery a day or more later. vente Procedure which allows a borrower to receive a loan in a currency other than the one specified, provided this currency is available on the market. of deposits, deposits in thrift institutions, etc. maturity arbitrage, multiple see time arbitrage (currency) option bond obligation avec option de change; merchant bank [U.K.], see investment bank obligation avec option monétaire negative-pledge clause clause de ne pas faire, négative, de nantissement négative cláusula de obligación negativa Clause in loan agreement obligating the bono con opción de cambio de divisa borrowernot to grant securitywithout Bond (usually Eurobond) which gives the lender the right to opt to receive interest equally securing the loan in question. 19 negotiable instrument effet de commerce instrumentonegociable Instrument where the title passes on deliveryor deliveryand endorsement,where the current holdercan suein his ownname, whereno noticeof assignmentneed be givento the personliableon the instrument,and where a holder in due coursetakes,freefromanydefect,in the title of his predecessors.Examplesinclude bills of exchange,checks,and divided warrants. nonmarketablebond obligationnon négociable bonono comerciable;bonono offshore banking center placebancaireoff-shore;centre bancaireoff-shore zonabancariafranca negociable nonrecourse financeEuolarrdig financement á forfait, sans recours Financialcenterwheremanyof the financialinstitutionshavelittle connection that country'sfinancialsystem,usually for taxationpurposes.Examplesare the CaymanIslandswheremanyof the corporationsare engagedin businessin the U.S.andEurope,and Londonwheremany of the financialinstitutionsare engagedin Erdla rdg negotiableorder-of-withdrawal financiamientosin posibilidadde offshore banking unit (OBU) (NOW) account compte-chéques rémunéré recurso A loanwherethe lenderslooksolelyto the cashflowgeneratedbythe projectbeing financedfor repayment.There isno recourseto the sponsorof the project,so that the lendersassumeall the commercial and politicalrisks of the project. succursale off-shore departamento bancario considerado cuenta corrienteque devenga intereses Interest-bearingcheckingaccount. negotiable time certificate of deposit certificat représentatif de dépót a terme certificado de depósito negociable Adepositevidencedbya negotiable instrument,whichprovideson its facethat the amountof the depositispayableto the beareror to his orderon a certaindate.after a certain specifiedtime,uponnoticein writingor upon presentationand surrender of the instrument,not lessthan thirty days after the date of the deposit. netting, see multilateral netting nonmaturing,nonredeemableconsol [u*K* ,with obligation perpétuelle; rente perpétuelle bono perpetuo governmentbond;perpetual bond; nonrecourse participation participation á forfait, sans recours participación sin posibilidad de recurso off-the-board market, see third market nonredeemable bond,see nonmaturnng government bond onlending rétrocession représtamo note bon; obligation pagaré open-end (investment) fund;unit société d'investissement á capital variable (SICAV) A bondwithshort-or medium-term sociedad de inversiones con número maturity. de acciones variable net worth, see stockholders' equity no-load fund fonds qui ne préléve pas une commission como extraterritorial Departmentwithina bank that, in certain countries(e.g.,Bahrain),is permittedto engage in specifictransactions(usually Euromarketbusiness)that ordinary domesticbanks are not allowedto do. NOW account, see negotiable order of withdrawal Investmentcompanythat hasno fixed numberof shares outstanding. open market 1. open market; 2. marché financier fondode inversiónque no cobrauna comisión - Moneymarketfund that doesnot chargea fixed fee commissionto investors. OBU, see offshore banking unit noncall period période d'interdiction de rachat offening memorandum mémorandum d'offre 1.Themarketmaintainedbygovernment securitiesdealers.AsregardsU.S.Treasury borrowingoperations,the open marketis the moneymarketin the case of short-term obligationsor the capitalmarketinthe case períodode prohibiciónde rescate memorandode oferta oflong-term obligations. 2.Thegeneral Periodduringwhicha borrowermaynot givenoticeto redeembonds,in Eurobond market. Sameas prospectus (q.v.) financial market. offshore bank banque off-shore open pricing fixation libre des prix noncallablebond banco extraterritorial fijación de preciosabierta obligation ne pouvant étre amortie par anticipation Banklocatedoutsidethe countryin question. Procedurewherebya bondissueissoldon the basisof a yieldto be determinedafter bonono rescatable,no redimibleantes del vencimiento - - 1. mercadoabierto,2. mercado financiero the sellingperiodis over. 20 operating ratio overall risk profile [IBRDI par¡ passu clause coefficient net d'exploitation coeficiente de operación; coeficiente neto de explotación profil des risques de financement perfil general del financiamiento clause pari passu cláusula pari passu Exposure profile of the World Bank. The Clause in loan agreement precluding Ratio of operating costs (including depreciation) to total revenie. difference between outgoings committed and amount needed to fund these outgoings. Also known as the gap. subordination of the loan to other debt. In the issue of new shares, it states that the new shares will rank equally for dividend with an existingsimilarissue. operating ratios ratios de gestion relaciones de gestión Ratiosused to determinea corporation's operations;usuallyrelateto sales,profits, and/or turnover. overhang offre excédentaire exceso de oferta Excess,normallyof supplyoverdemand (e.g.,in the bondmarket) option option opción overnight funds argent au jour le jour fondos de un día para otro participation certificate 1. bon de participaion 2. see pass-through certificate certificado de participación Securityincorporatingthe right to participatein the ownershipof a A contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell a stated number of shares (normally one hundred) of a particular security at a over-the-counter market (OTC) marché hors cote corporation but without some of the rights granted to shareholders, such as the right to vote at shareholders' meetings. mercado extrabursátil- mercado fuera de bolsa paticipation fixed price within a predeterininied period. The Paris market has three main tvpes of option: prime,option, and siellage.Prime isa cali option. lf the purchaser decides not to exercise bis option (because the price has gone down). he merely has to pay the seller a fee,cal]ed a dont, the rate of which is fixed by the Chambresyndicaledesagentsde change.Optionis more similar to the U.S. system and can be a put or call option. The purchaser pays a premium (avec) (q.v.), which is negotiated, whether he exercises the option or not. Stellageis the equivalent of the U.S. straddle(q.v.). Market for securities not listed in any of the exchanges (about 80 percent of total securities in the U.S.).In the U.S.,includes U.S.Government and agency issues, state and local government bonds. railroad bonds and shares, many public utilitv bonds and shares, and most corporation and bank shares. owners equity, equity seestockholders' participating bond, see income bond ., fee commission de participetion comisión de participación A fee given to a bank participating in a Euroloan. partnership share part d'association participación en una sociedad par value; face value valeur nominale valor nominal Tlhe principal or nominal value appearing on a bond, note, coupon, piece of money, or original-issue discount bond obligation á prime d'émission - p - other instrument. bono emitido con descuento Bond with a rate of interest tielow that paid-up stock; fully paid stock pass-through demandedbythe marketplaceand soldat a price at a significantdiscount to par. actions libérées acciones pagadas Stock fullypaid for (i.e.,upon whichno further subscriptioninstalmentsare due). parallel financing financement paralléle financiamiento paralelo certificate certificat de transfert de préts certificado de transferencia de préstamos Issuedbyfederalagencies,it represents undividedinterestin pools ofagency-owned assets(i.e.,loansor mortgages).Initially offeredwith30-yearmaturity,the interest Cofinancing, but with the partners and a portion of the principal are paid OTC, see over-the-counter market out-of-(the)-money option option d'achat d'ohligations á rendement réduit opciónde comprade bor aos con inicial financing different parts of the project. monthly. Warrant option for bond at lower yields parallel market paying agent than originalbond. marché paralléle agent payeur outward swap report de devises outward ~ ~swap~~ ~ ~ mercado ~ ~ ~paralelo ~~~~~~~~* reventa de divisas en moneda nacional Spot purchase of foreign exchange and forward resale of the same currency against domestic currency. Market operating in "parallel" to the main money market (e.g., bank current and savingsaccounts) and including interbank loans and negotiable certificates of deposit. certificate; participation agente pagador In the issue of international securities, firm Iusua a inkernationsecurities,ging (fusualy a bank) responsibie for arranging holders of the securities who will be receiving interest or dividends, etc. 21 payment period [IBRD] tranche período de pago pool-based lending rate system [IBRD] systéme de taux préteur fondé sur un pool d'emprunts premium [securities] prime; agio prima; agio Interval between semiannual dates, on which repayment on IBRD loans is due. sistema de tipos de interés basadosen una "cesta' de empréstitos The difference between the par value and the higher market value of a security expressed as a percentage of the par value. pendientes payout date date effective daerentrée des fonds; date de versement faeh de dersembols pool-based variable lending rate [IBRD] taux préteur variable basé sur un pool d'emprunts premium [stocks] prime d'émission prima de emissión payout price prix net rentrée nette prix rentrée net; nette precio neto Differencebetweenthe facevalueof a bond and the net value receivedbythe bondholder,after deductingcommission. tipo de interés variable basado en una "'cesta" de empréstitos pendientes Differencebetweenthe facevalueand the sellingpriceof the sharewhen the selling priceis higher. pooled loan prét du poo préstamo incluido en el sistema de fondo común de monedas price (of a bond) cours; cotation precio P/E ratio; PER, see price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio; PER) Aloan includedin the currencypooling system. price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio- PER) coefficient de capitalisation des perpetual bond, seenonmaturing, nonredeemable government bond post, to (a rate) fixer; annoncer (un taux) cotizar relaciónprecio-ueilidades fecha de desembolso perpetual floating-rate note bon á intérét variable perpétuel pagaré con tipo de interés flotante perpetuo A floating-ratenote(q.v.)with interest paid on a three-monthlybasisbut whichis renewableeverysix months(ie., it hasa floatingmaturity). personal stock, see registered stock petrobond pétro-obligation petrobono Participatioln certificateswhichrepresent rights to a specificquantityof oil.Used primarilyin Mexico. piggy-back financing financement gigogne financiamientoconcatenado placement memorandum; placing memorandum note dinformation: mémorandum de placement memorando de información Adocumentpreparedbythe leadmanager of a syndicatein the Eurocreditmarket, whichseeks to givesufficientinformation to other potentiallendersto enablethemto decidewhether to participatein the credit. praecipium; praecipuum préciput praecipuum; honorario del banco director Theamountthe leadmanagerofa Eurocredittakes for his ownfee,before dividingthe remainderof the management feeamongthe rest ofthe management group. prima de emisión cours-bénéfice Marketpriceper ordinarysharedividedby earningsper ordinaryshareafter tax.It expressesthe marketvalueplacedon the expectationof future earnings. primarydealer primaire) corredor (mercado primario) primary market preferred stock actions privilégiées; actions de priorité acciones preferenciales, preferentes, preferidas Stockwhichhas a claimuponthe earnings (andsometimesupon the assetsand control)of a corporationprior to the commonor other class stock. marché primaire mercado primario, de emisión Marketfor newsecurity issues. prime borrower;premierborrower emprunteur bien coté, trés solvable, de premier bie premie ordre prestatario preferencial,preferente,de premier borrower,see prime borrower prime rate premium [foreign exchange] report prima Oppositeof discount(q.v.).Aforward exchangerate standingat a premiumover today'srate meansthat the currency concernedis moreexpensivein the forward market than now. taux de base: taux privilégié tipo preferencial, tasa preferencial Taux de baseis the rate chargedbybanks to preferentialcustomers;taux privilégié is the rate chargedbynonbankfinancial institutions(e.g.,Crédit National). private papar effats privés premium [option market] avec prima Price at whichan option sells.Cf. option. efectos privados Paperplacedwitha limitedgroupof investorsand not advertised. pnmera clase 22 private placement placement par voie privée proxy borrowing [IBRD] queue élément du pool (provisoire) liste d'attente colocación privada d'emprunts empréstitos de referencia lista de espera Thewaitinglistfor the issueof securities profitability ratios; revenue-covenant ratios IBRDborrowings between July 1,1981 and June 3,1982, which were used to calculate (Switzerland, Federal Republic of Cermany). ratios de rentabilité the lending rate for the firstyears of the relaciones de rentabilidadl pool-basedvariablelendingrate. quick ratio, see acid-test ratio Ratios that measure the return on assets. project note public offering (of shares) émission publique bon á court terme émis (par une oferta pública, colocación pública collectivité publique) pour financer un projet (autoamortissable) pagaré a corto plazo para financiar un R RAN, seerevenue-anticipation purchase and resale agreement note (RAN) [Canada] prise en pension des effets proyecto Short-termpaperissuedby municipalities compromiso de compra y reventa rate, to; grade, to to finance short-term cash flows for a Equivalent to the U.S.repurchase classer; coter specificproject. agreement(q.v.) clasificar; evaluar promissory purchased note rating agency funds billet á ordre ressources acquises agence de cotation, de classement (des pagaré Anunconditionalpromisein writingmade fondos comprados Includecertificatesof deposit,Eurodollar titres) organismo de clasificación de valores by one person to another signed by the maker, engaging to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum of borrowings, federal funds. and repurchase agreements, as opposed to traditional bank liabilities (demand and time deposits). rational expectations anticipations ratíonnelles expectativas raconales put option option de vente opción de venta Acontract which entitles one party to it, at his option to sell a specified amount of securities or commodities to the other A theory based, first, on the assumption that individuals and companies will try to maximize their own welfare-that is, they will try to make their own economic and other circumstances as desirable as party, at the price fixed in the contract, during the life of the contract. and companies make economic decisions mn their own iterest, they do so in such a way that markets move towards equilibrium, easing inflation. expectativas racionales moneyto or to the order ofa specified person, or to bearer. proprietary interest participation majoritaire d,ans l'actif; intéret patrimonial; part de capital interés mayoritario An ownership interest, as in the interest held by an equity holder in a company or a patent holder who licenses use of the patent by others. prospectus prospectus; putable bond, see retractable bond possible-and, second, that, as individuals real interest rate taux d'intérét document prospecto - Q - réel tipo de interés real; tasa de interés real A document containing al] the pertinent information about a public offering of securities and about the borrower. It is made available to the appropriate legal authorities, stock exchanges, and the qualification stock actions de garantie acciones de garantía Normal rate less rate of inflation, divided by one plus the rate of inflation. red herring préavis d'émission prospectiveinvestorsbythe leadmanager. qualified borrowings [IBRD] anuncio preliminar de una nueva The French term prospectus is used in normal parlance; however, the term documentisused in the legal instrument regulating the system (Ordinance No. 67-833 of September 28, 1967.Article 6). emprunts de référence Borrowings by IBRDafter July 1,1982 (i.e., based on the pool-based variable lending rate), using proxy borrowings (q.v.) emisión Preliminary prospectus issued to obtain an indicaton of terest n the issue. It is incomplete because it does not contain the public offering price, the underwriter's quasi-money, see near-money discount,or the date of issue. red herring issue empréstitos calificados Alsocalled offeringmemorandum. émission exploratoire emisión exploratoria An issue of bonds made on an experimental basis. 23 rediscount pool from one date to another. It is réescompter calculated by dividing, as of any day, the risk premium prime de risque redescontar total U.S.dollarvalueat the exchangerates primapor riesgo Resale of instruments such as banker's acceptances already discounted by lender, usually with central bank or discount house, at a price less than the face value. of that day of the balances of currencies in the pool brought forward from the previous day, by their total U.S. dollar value at the exchange rates of the previous day. roll-over refinancement; reconduction; renouvellement refinancing risk IIBRD] risque de refinancement risqueerelcionadncoent epublique revenue-anticipation note (RAN) obligation émise par une collectivité dans l'attente de rentrées refinanciamiento,renovación riesgorelacionadocon el refinanciamiento non fiscales roll-over certificate of deposit; roly-poly certificate of deposit certificat de dépót á taux renouvelé renovable Riskof not beingableto refinance pagaréa cortoplazo en esperade ingresosno tributarios short-term borrowings under suitable conditions when these borrowings mature. Short-term municipal borrowings that fund current operations and are to be funded by registered stock; personal stock actions nominatives revenues other than taxes, especially U.S. federal aid. acciones nominativas revenue bond Stock which cannot be transferred without placing the signature of the owner upon the books of the issuing corporation and delivery of the certificate. obligation á long terme émise par une collectivité publique pour financer un projet (dont les recettes assureront le remboursement) secondary market. He is nevertheless committed to rolling over the CD by redepositing funds to the amount of the redepsiximfnto t u h repos (RP), seerepurchase agreement bonopagaderocon los ingresos(del proyecto) roll-over credit repurchase agreement (RP; repos) Long-term borrowings that are used to fund specific projects. They are repaid from the crédit renouvelable, reconductible taux variable contrat de report: mise en pension; accord de réméré incomethat willbe generatedbythe project. crédito renovable,refinanciable institutionsto borrowshort-term(usually interés Apackage of certificates of deposit (CD) with maturity of, for example. three years, divided into six six-month periods. An investor buys the package as a whole but he maysell anyof the six-monthCDson the acuerdode recompra Arrangement by banks and other certificadode depósitocon tipo de á roll-over of gains revenue-covenant ratios, see réemploi des plus-values reutílización de las ganancias profitability ratios one day) money by transferring securities to the lender, with the agreeement that they will buv them back. revolving credit credit renouvelable, reconductible roll-over risks risques de refínancement créditorotatorio,renovable retained earnings report á nouveau; bénéfices non distribués ~ ~~dsrbia utilidades no distilbuidas -~ Accumulated net income, less distributions nesgos de refinanciamiento revolving fund fonds renouvelable; caisse dJavances fod roaoi fondo rotatoiio obligation a taux renouvelé A fund for project-related expenditure. Medium-or long-tern bond whose annual to stockholdersand transfersto paid-in capital accounts. bono con tipo de interésrenovable Mdu-o right (to purchase shares) droit retractable, putable bond derecho obligation Usually issued in connection with new rétractable roly-poly bond oligpon bonv ogtr edwoeana coupon is renewed every three years, at which time the investor may be reimbursed. roly-poly certificate of deposit, see roll-over certificate of deposit bono retractable shareissues.Civesthe investorthe right to Bond where coupon rate is determined for a limited number of years, after which a new coupon is determined, with bondholders at the same time having the right to early purchase further shares at a given price. risk capital capital á risque running redemption. capital de riesgo moyenne (pondérée) mobile revaluation factor [currency pool] facteur de réévaluation factor de revaluación A ratio establishing the appreciation or depreciation due to exchange rate changes in the U.S.dollar value of currencies in the RP, see repurchase repos) (weighted) agreement (RP; average Capitalinvestedin high-riskor relatively promediomóvil (ponderado) high-risk securities and enterprises. in expectation of commensurately high returns. It is sometimes used of equities or ordinary stock, the dividend of which varies with the profits earned by the corporation. The average rate of interest applied to an outstanding loan, based on the rates applied on all previous disbursements. weighted, where necessary, to allow for different levels of disbursement. 24 securities dealer; securities firm courtier (en valeurs mobiliéres); selling rate cours vendeur sales agent [securities] agent de placement agente vendedor corred,r maison de titres; société de placement corredor de valores; sociedad de valores precio vendedor precio de venta Samurai bond securities margin account compte d'achat de titres ganancia bruta en cuenta de valores Special account opened by private individuals for the purchase of securities, dette prioritaire paid for partially by cash payments and partially on credit given by the broker up to a limit fixed by law. serial bond, loan 1. emprunt par obligations émis par séries; 2. obligation á lot Short- or medium-term fixed-interest bearer bond issued bya public credit institution or commercial bank. Not marketable. Bons de caisse are general French savings bonds. Bons d'épargne are five-yearsavings bonds issued at par. The bearer can ask to be reimbursed after three months but the amount he is paid increases over the security titre; valeur mobiliére 1. bono de vencimiento escalonado; 2. bono con vencimiento elegido a la suerte five-vearperiod. security lending [IBRD] préts de titres préstamo en valores - S - obligation samourai bono samurai Bond issued on the Japanese market in yen outside Japan. savings bond [France, Belgium, U.S.] bov Frnce, bod dépargne U.S.] bon de caisse; bon d'épargne bono de ahorro scrip certificatef bearer scrip bulletin de llvraisn; certficat d'action partiellement liberée certificado provisional; titulo prov isional valor; título 1. Document giving title to property or claim on income. 2. Income-yielding paper traded on the stock exchange or secondary market. Price proposed (for a security). senior debt deuda prioritaria Debt for which claims on the assets of the borowerrakalaionotheasetsiocate of riquidatiaofr. 1. Bond issues split into a series of maturities. 2. Special type of serial bonds where reimbursement is decided bydrawing in lots (used in France). shake-out Lending of securities which the IBRD owns (typicallv a U.S. Government obligation) against receipt of cash or similar securities as collateral in amounts equal to or higher (of the market) tassement 1. asentamiento; 2 sacudimiento 1. Amoderate stock market or business recession, usually corrective of an inflationary condition. 2.Any movement in the market prices of securities that forces speculators to sell their holdings. Written obligation of a bank acting as paying agent for an issue, toi hand over to the subscriber the definitive,^ertificates as soon as they have been issued. than the market value of the security lent. secondary market segmento; sector marché secondaire mercado secundario self-liquidating credit cours de la Bourse lista de acciones con sus cotizaciones crédit autoamortissable Alisting of stocks with their current prices. Market for transactions in existing securities. crédito autoamortizable secondary offering placement d'actions détenues par les particuliers colocación en el mercadossecundario Redistribution of an outstancling block of stock by a securities firm.lt is handled privately off the organized exchanges after the close of the market, at a fixed price not exceeding the last sale price on the floor. segment; sector (of the market) compartiment (du marché) shareholders' equity, funds, see stockholders' equity Credit reimbursed by the income from the shareownership speration for which it was lent. avoirs en portefeuille: acquisition de mobiliéres, actions sell-down cartera de acciones oprto o hc twsln.valeurs rétrocession venta de un crédito fuera del consorcio The transfer of a credit from a bank within a syndicate to a bank outside the syndicate. selling fee [Euromarket] share-premium account [IFC] cormpte "prime d'émission" cuenta de primas de emisión Account of a corporation, in which IFC has a holding and in which the premiums obtained on new shares are deposited. sector, see segment coimmissioinde placement comissin de pentas comisión de L'entas securities analyst analyste des valeurs selling consortium, group, syndicate [Euromarket] acuerdo de retención de acciones Agreement,underwhicha companyagrees groupe de pLacement not to sell the stock of another company in whích IFC has an interest, until the loan has been reimbursed. share-retention agreement [IFC] accord de non-rétrocession Person carrying out systematic assessment of securities as a basis for investment strategy. consorcio (bancario);grupo de colocación; grupo vendedor d'actions 25 shelf registration source and application of funds enregistrement en attente autorización permanente statement, seestatement in financial position A system of standing authorization to issue securities given by the U.S.Treasury to certain select horrowers (including the IBRD).Borrowers must normally waitforr formal approval. short hedge dd~ ~ ~~ of changes source and use of funds statement, see statement of changes in financial position sovereign credit empuntgarntpa l'ta gaat.alEa ~~~~~mrn crédito garantizado por el Estado month and resale in another. 3. Euromarket, securities: Difference between rate at which bank borrows money on interbank market and rate at which it onlends funds to its customers. spread risk [IBRDO risque lié la marge isgueliolarge riesgo relacionado con el margen Risk due to the spread between IBRD opération de couverture par vente á A borrowing guaranteed by the state. borrowing and loans being too low or termeneaie operación de cobertura por venta a sovereign risk statement of changes in financial plazo risque dinsolvabilité emprunteur; de l'Etat risque souverain Hedging operation by someone who is 'short" (Le.,who ownslessof an item than he has contracts to deliver). riesgo soberano; riesgo que plantea el slíort position shortgpositionálabaisscountry's engagement a la baisse The risk of changes in a borrowing overall foreign exchange position, which might affect its ability to repay a loan. funds statement; funds statement; source and use of funds statement; flow statement; changes in working país capital stateient tableau de financement; tableau des flux estado de flujo de fondos posición de venta en descubierto Where a dealer in stocks or commodities is committed to sell more of them than he has available for sale. position; source and application of space arbitrage, arbitrage see two-point A statement used in conventional accounting which summarizes the financing and investing activities of an shpeciaale placement spécial pdécouvertoloacmen espcial entity, including the extent to which the enterprise has generated funds from operationasduring the period and for completing the disclosure of changes in financial position during the period. The first English term is the one recommended by the U.S.Accounting Principles Board effet-termut nterme effet acourt terme Placements issued by international development institutions and placed directly with central banks, monetarv authorities, and governments. split; split-up split; split-up pagaréa cortoplazo division d'une action en plusieurs short-term paper effets á court terme; papier á court terme división de acciones Increasing the number of shares of a corporation by some ratio or multiple. efectos a corto plazo: valores a corto plazo: papel a corto plazo spot market; cash market [foreign vhortsale ente a découvert venta en descubierto Sale hy dealers of securities they do not own. colocaciónespecial shorthttrmrpaperedivisión de acciones short-term paper market dhorttesm effets mackt t emercao terme marché des effets á court marché mercado de corto plazo sinking fund caisse d'amortissement: fonds d'amortissement (APB)since 1971: the second term is the one found most frequentlv in the World Bank and IFC; and the third is the most common one used in the l.S. prior to the APB recommendation. The other terms are also found. step-down (security) (titre á) coupon dégressif multiple valor con tipo de interés descendente exchange] marché au comptant al conptado mercado al contado Securities where the coupon rate decreases ron vr year. er b a fixed ie amount h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y every spot market [commodities] marché du disponible stepped-rate bond obligation á taux flottant fixé d'avance mercado de productos disponibles, de entrega inmediata bono con tipos de interésescalonados (bfiados anticipadamente) fondo de amortización A fund created bv a borrower for the spread borrower A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o for purpose of redeeming bonds.The borrower 1.2. écart; 3. marge is obliged to redeem specified amounts of 1. 2. 3. margen; diferencia; diferencial 1. Options: Purchase of a cal] option at one the bond within specified periods. price and resale at another. 2. Commodities: Purchase of a contract in one delivery soundness certificate certificat de solvabilité (établi par une banque)dvdedenacos d c ado certiicado de solvencea Bond with different coupon rates of interest diffren pereatedfixe in the fordifferentperods.fixedinadvanceofthe issue. stock dividend distribution d'actions gratuites; attribution d'actions gratuites dividendo en acciones A dividend paid to stockholders in share of stock of the issuing corporation. 26 stockholders' equity; shareholders' equity; owners' equity; equity; net worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] fonds propres; capitaux propres; situation nette patrimonio; patrimonio neto; activo neto subborrower emprunteur secondaire, final subprestatario subloan prét secondaire, subsidiaire subpréstamo given, Farm B will have a higher rate of The value of assets less liabilities of a corporation.Allthe termsgivenhere are generally synonymous, but accountants tend to give different siants to these terms in certain cirumstances, so they may,on occasion, have slightly different meanings. For example, capitauxpropresand situation netteare normally synonymous, though capitauxpropres sornetimes equals situation nette less retained earnings (report á nouveau). stock option option de souscription opción de compra de acciones willproducebeef withhigh technology equipmentandfewworkers,whileFarmB willconsistof a low-technologyoperation employingmanyfarmworkers.Upto a weightof 1.5on incomegoing to the poor, FarmA has a higher rate of return. However,if a weightgreaterthan 1.5is subordinated debt, see junior debt return.Theswitchingvalue,therefore,is 1.5. subordinated loan prét non privilégié préstamo subordinado subscription right droit de souscription syndicate consortium; syndicat financier consorcio (bancario, de financiamiento) derecho de suscripción syndicate, to (a loan) The same as right (q.v.) consortialiser swap (transaction) swap; crédit croisé swap[ bancos centrales]; intercambio concertar un préstamo a través de un consorcio (bancario, de financiamiento) syndicated loan de monedas, crédito reciproco, pase stop-out price prix d'arrét precio mínimo en subasta a la baja Uniformauctionprice(i.e.,lowestpriceat financiero Aspot purchaseof foreignexchangewith simultaneousforwardsaleor viceversa. Pase financieroisan Argentiniansystem, which bids are accepted) at a Dutch auction related to the swap system, whereby (q.v.). personsor institutionsmakingcapital straddle; cafi-and-put opt:ion investments are given an "exchange guarantee," which guarantees that the stellage opción de venta y comprJa funds can be reexchangedat a predetermined exchange rate ona specific prét syndiqué; prét consortial préstamo de un consorcio syndication formation dun syndicat financier, d'un consortium formación de un consorcio (bancario, de financiamiento) Double option consisting of a put and a call date. with same striking price. switch system repurchase agreement contrat de report acuerdo de recompra Purchasebythe FederalReserveof straight bond arbitrage securitiesfora short periodoftime withan obligation classique arbitraje agreement to resell them at a specified bono clásico; bono ordinario Saleof paperwhichis no longerconsidered price. Bond with unquestioned right to to have long-term possibilities and repaymentof principalat a specifiedfuture date, unquestionedright to fixed interest paymentson stateddates,and no right to any additionalinterest,principal,or conversionprivilege. investmentofthe proceedsinsecurities consideredmore worthwile. straight, tap certificate of deposit certificat de dépot classique, par lot certificado de depósito sin límite, de libre compra switch, availability clause clause de disponibilité cláusula de disponibilidad In a roll-over creditagreement, a clause whichallowsa lender to lend in a currency take-and-pay contract contrat de paiement contre livraison contrato de compra garantizada A guaranteeto buyan agreedamountof a product or service provided it is delivered. Standard certificate of deposit, without any other than the one stipulated in the agreement, if the stipulated currencv is not available. restrictions on amount availahie. switching value prendre (des effets) en pension striking price; exercise price prix d'exercice precio fijado en contrato (lpara ejercitar una opción de compra) valeur critique; valeur seuil valor crítico redescontarcon compromisode Rediscountoperationwith promiseto The value that reverses the ranking of two alternative projects. For example, Farm A transfer the credit title back to the original lender. Price a particular share must reach before an option to purchase the shares can be exercised. take in, to (bills) 27 take-or-pay contract contrat d'achat ferme; contrat de prise ferme contrato firrne de compra (sin derecho de rescisión) Anunconditionalguaranteeto buyan agreedamount of a product or service whether or not it is delivered. take out, to [IBRD] renoncer renunciar a una garantfa Waiverbya colenderof a guaranteegiven bythe WorldBank,as the guaranteed portionof a coloanprogressivelycomes withinthe range of normalmaturities. take-over bid offre publique d'achat (OPA) oferta pública de compra tax buoyancy élasticité globale du systéme fiscal par rapport au produit intérieur brut (PIB) elasticidad tributaria global Totalelasticityof the taxsystem(built-in elasticitypluselasticitydue to discretionary changesin the tax system).Measuredbythe annualmean growthin receiptsdividedby the annualmeangrowthin grossdomestic product (GDP). tax credit avoir fiscal; crédit d'irnpot descuento impositivo term loan crédit d'équipement préstamo a mediano o largo plazo Medium-or long-termloan undertakenbya trading ticket [securities] fiche de Bourse; ordre d'achat; ordre de vente orden de compra, orden de venta Purchase/sales orderfor a security. tranche certificate of deposit certificat de dépót par tranche certificado de depósito de tramo Certificateof depositrepresentinga share in a programof certificate-of-deposit issues by a bank. transfer price prix de transfert; prix interne; prix de cession interne precio de transferencia interna Pricebetweena corporationandits subsidiaryor withina corporation(opposite of arn's length price). corporation when it cannot or does not take-over option [IBRD] option de reprise (des derniéres échéances d'un prét commercial) opción de financiamiento residual Contingentcommitmentbythe IBRDto takeoveranyresidualfinancingof a loan as want to issuea loan on the financia]market. it reaches its ten-year maturity. Market for security dealing in over-the-counter stocks listed on a stock exchange but between firms that are not transformation membersof an exchangeand, therefore,do not chargeregular listed commission. operationsby financialintermediaries, taking in liquidsavingsor sight deposits. time arbitrage dans le temps en el tiempo Buyingand sellingat differentmaturities. Treasury bill [U.S.] bon du Trésor en comptes courants pagaré del Tesoro a corto plazo RillissuedbyU.S.Treasurywith short maturity(less than one vear). TAN, see tax-anticipation note .. certificate of deposit, see straight tap certificate of deposit, seestraight certificate of deposit tap issue a guichets tapmissionágu ichets ouvertsarbitrage emission coutertaarbitraje emisión continua tap security titre emis a jet continu, a guichets -iouverts valor en venta continua Securitythat iscontinuouslyavailableand may be obtained on demandby investors. third market; off-the-board market troisiéme marché; marché hors bourse tercer mercado; mercado fuera de bolsa transferable share action au porteur acción al portador acción transferible; acción negociable transformation (bancaire) transformación (bancaria) Medium- and long-term reinvestment tax-anticipation note (TAN) bon garanti par les recettes prévues tombstone avis financier; encart publicitaire anuncio de emisión efectuada; esquela Advertisementwhichannouncesthat a credit hasbeenarrangedor a bondissue made. top-rated bond Treasury bond [U.S.] bon du Trésor á long terme bono del Tesoro Long-term(morethan ten years)fixed couponpaperissuedbythe FederalReserve on behalfof the U.S.Treasury. Treasury note [U.S.1 pasaré respaldado por ingresos obligation de premier ordre bon du Trésor fisortlerm borrowingvistosu ~ Short-term borrowing issued to nill temnporaryfinaniciingnceds. It is backed by bono de primer orden, de primera clase pagaré del Tesoro trade bill [U.K. Amedium-term (normally from two to ten anticipatedtax receiptsand any unencumberedrevenueof the community. effet de commerce letra comercial; efecto comercial years)couponsecurityissuedbythe U.S. Treasury.In France,bonsdu Trésorhavea maturity of one to five years. Commercial bill accepted directly by a corporation. Treasury tax and loan account [U.S.] compte courant du Trésor auprés des grandes banques cuenta corriente del Tesoro Current account of the U.S.Treasurv in 28 which tax receipts and the receipts from the sale of bonds to the public are deposited. unlisted (security) non coté; non admis, non inscrit á la cote officielle a fixed price, a U.S.Treasury bill of specified coupon rate and maturity. no cotizado en la bolsa Securitynot listedfor trading on one of the regularstockexchangesand whichis therefore,traded directlyor overthe counter. wash sale transaction fictive transacción ficticia Occurswhen a personbuysand sellsa stock,therebyrecordinga price,but with no actualchange of ownershiphavingtaken country's economic condition warrant unrealized gains place. harderor softer loans. plus-values latentes ganancias no realizadas weighted average, see running average trigger clause [IBRD] clause de déclenchement cláusula de revisión Clausein IBRDloan agreementrequiring reviewafter a certainnumberof yearsto determinewhether changesin the trigger rate seuil de déclenchement window (in a market) tasa de activación créneau Rate at which floating-rate rotes are automatically converted to fixed-rate paper. trust bank (Shintaku Ginko) [Japan] banque de fiducie banco fiduciario - V - resquicio Short-lived opportunity to issue securities value date that may be taken up bvany of a significant fecha de valor window dressing habillage du bilan date de valeur number of highlyrated borrowers. Bank involved in both lendi.g and money The calendar date onwhich atransaction takes place. two-point arbitrage; spa-e arbitrage venture capital company Financial actions such as stock market arbitrage dans btespace arbitraje espacial s d compañía de capitales de riesgo trading,whosepurposeis to makea corporation'sfinancialsituationseem manipulación de la contabilidad (para aparentar una mejor situación) a Buving in one center and selling in another. w U - uncovered; naked á découvert warrant warrant certificado para la compra de acciones, bonos better than it really it is, just before the publication of a balance sheet or other financial statement. WINGS, see warrant into government securities working-capital ratio, see current ratio working ratio descubierto Option to purchase ordinary share or bond Unhedged ( le., a liability exists in the long of a particular company, usually purchased or short term. which is not covered by abyonolewatgtopripten corresponding position). profit growth of that company. Often attached to new bond issue as inducement coefficient brut d'exploitation underwriting percentage. consortiurm, group, syndicate 1.groupe de garantie; syrdicat de garantie. 2. syndicat de prise ferme 1. grupo garante; grupo dle suscripción; 2. consorcio de suscriptores for investors to take up the bond. coeficiente de explotación Cash working expenses divided by operating revenues, expressed as a obligation a warrant; obligation warrante bono con certificado y Bond with warrant attacbed. Yankee bond 1. Group that agrees with the issuer of securities to buy or find buyers for those securities that are not taken upby the warrant into government securities (IG obigation Yankee warrant échangeable contre des titres d'Etat Bondissuedon the U.S.marketin U.S. dollarsoutside U.S. underwriting fee commission de garantie certificado para la compra de pagarés del Tesoro Warrantwhichallowsthe purchaserto yield curve courbe des rendements secublic.t2.iGro thata t takenup by entire iss public.2.Groupthat buysupan entire issue of securities. comisión de suscripción; comisión de garantía unit trust, see open-end fund acquire, within a specified period of time, at ooynu curva de rendimiento Graph relating rates of return to maturity. 29 yield to maturity (YTM) Thereturnasecurityearnsassumingthatit rendement is held until a certain date and put to the á I'échéance rendimientoal vencimiento Z borrowerat the specifiedput price. zero-coupon bond YTM,seeyield to maturity obligationá coupon zéro bono sin cupón Bondthat paysno interest but issoldat a steep discountand paid off at par. Terminologiedes empruntset des préts FranQais-Anglais 33 - A- agence de cotation. de classement(des a découvert uncovered;naked acceptationde banque bank bill; bankers acceptance accordde compensation clearingagreerment accordde non-rétrocessiond'actions share-retentionagreement [IFC] titres) rating agency agent assise financiére capitalbase attraction crowding-in agent bank agent boursier broker;dealer [stockmarket] agent boursieropérant pour son propre compte jobber attribution allotment attribution d'actionsgratuites stock dividend augmentationde limportancedes circuits financiers accord de paiement clearingagreement accord de réméré repurchaseagreement (RP;repos) accord de swap sur les taux d'intérét interest-rateswap achat a decouvert margin buying[stock exchange] agent de change broker [optionsmarket] agent de contrepartie dealer agent financier fiscalagent agent de placement sales agent [securities] financialdeepening aval aval avancede préémission bond-anticipationnote (BAN) avancesá vue call money;day-to-daymoney;demand money;moneyat call acquisition de valeurs mobiliéres, agent opérant directement sur le avances non garanties actions parquet cleanadvances shareownership floor trader avec action au porteur transferableshare action de jouissance dividend-rightshare action gratuite bonusshare actions bénéficiaires dividendstock actions cumulativesprivilégiées cumulativepreferredstock agent payeur payingagent agio agio;premium améliorationdes prixmoyens(d'un titre) averaging amortissement amortization anatíst d analystedesvaleurs premium avis financier tombstone avoir fiscal tax credit avoirs en portefeuille shareownership actions de capital securities analyst banque á charte commonstock annoncer (un taux) actions de garantie post, to (a rate) qualificationstock anticipationsrationnelles charteredbank banque á charte fédérale federallychartered bank [U.S.] actions de priorité debenture stock [U.S.] rational expectations approfondissementdu capital capital deepening apresbourse banque á tout faire,á vocation générale combinedcommercialand investment bank;multibank:all-purposebank after-market banque d'affaires investmentbank [U.S.]; merchantbank es nbkU. ectKba actions de priorité actions libérées paid-upstock; fullypaid stock arbitrage arbitrage; switch B- [U.K.] registeredstock personalstock arbitrage dans l'espace actinsteredstockiniresonalstocktwo-point arbitrage;space arbitrage actionstock arbitrage dans le temps commonstock time arbitrage actions privilégiées btr t preferred stock arbitragiste banque de dépót, commerciale commercialbank;clearingbank [U.K.] banque de fiducie trust bank (Shintaku Ginko)[Japan] banque"multiservices",á tout faire,á adjudicationá prix uniforme Dutch auction [U.S.] arbitrageur argent au jour le jour call money;day-to-daymoney;demand money;moneyat cal];overnight combinedcommercialand investment bank;multibank;all-purposebank banque off-shore offshorebank funds vocation générale. polyvalente 34 banque polyvalente combinedcommercialand investment bank; multibank;all-purposebank bulletin de livraison scrip certíficate;bearerscrip certificatnominatif bond certificate de dépótá certificatreprésentatif caisse d'amortissement sinking fund caisse davances revolvingfund calendrierdes émissions issuing calendar capacitéd'endettement credit standing; creditworthiness terme negotiable time certificateof deposit chambrede compensation clearing house chefde file lead bank; lead manager cheque banque banker's draft chéque tiré banker's draft bon note bon á court termeémis (pairune collectivitépublique)pour financer un projet (autoamortissable) capital á risque risk capital classer rate, to; grade,to capital social equitycapital;capitalstock(of a corporation) clause "drop lock" drop lock clause d'exigibilitécroisée project note capitalisation cross-default clause bon a intérét variable perpétuel perpetual floating-rate note capitalization capitaux fébriles clause de déclenchement trigger clause [IBRD] bon a prime (d'émission) discount note hot money; funk money capitaux propres clause de disponibilité switch, availability clause bon á taux flottant floating-rate note [FRN] bon á taux révisable bon a taux révisable floating-rate note [FRN] stockholders' equity; shareholders' equity; owners' equity; equity; net ~worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] funds [U.K.] worth' shareholders' centiéme de pour cent clause de manquement réciproque cross-default clause bon au porteur bearer note basis point centre bancaire off-shore negative-pledge clause clause de sauvegarde bon de caisse savings bond [France, Belgium, U.S.] offshore banking center certificat d'action partiellement libérée jeopardy clause; disaster clause; break clause bon de jouissance dividend-right certificate bon d'epargne scrip certificate; bearer scrip certificat de dépót certificate of deposit (CD) certificat de dépót a taux renouvelé roll-over certificate of deposit; clause de verrouillage au taux plancher drop lock clause par¡ passu pani passu clause banquesinstalléessurles principales placesfinanciéres money-centerbanks bénéficesnon distribués retained earnings billet á ordre promissorynote billet de mobilisation mortgagebond blanc, ¿'ohi(en)blanc savings bond [France, Belgium, U.S.] participation certificate - C - roly-poly certificate of deposit clause de ne pas faire, négative, de nantissement négative co-chef de file bon du Trésor Treasury note [U.S.o certificat de dépót classique, par lot straight, tap certificate of deposit comanager; colead manager coefficient brut d'exploitation bon du Trésor it long terme bona lmioinumtde$100.00 du Trésor Treasury bond [U.S.] bon du Trésor a trés court terme cash-management bill bon du Trésor en comptes courants certificat de dépót d'un montant mbnimumde $100.000 jumbo certificate of deposit certificat de dépot par tranche tranche certificate of deposit certificat de reconnaissance de dette working ratio coefficient d'utilisation des fonds propres gearing ratio [IBRDe coefficient de Bruno Bruno ratio bon garanti par les recettes prévues tax-anticipation note (TAN) debt certificate certificat de solvabilité (établí par une banque) coefficient de capitalisation des résultats (CCR) price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio; PER) bon-coupon coupon note soundness certificate certificat de transfert de préts coefficient de coút en ressources intérieures bons a prime (d'émission) consolidés consolidated discount notes pass-through certificate; participation certificate domestic resource cost ratio 35 coefficientmarginal de réserve marginalreserverequirement coefficientnet d'exploitation operatingratio coefficientsde liquidité liquidityratios commissionde direction managementfee commissionde garantie guaranteecommission,fee[IBRD]: underwriting fee commissionde gestion agencyfee [Euromarket];management fee commissiond'engagement commitmentfee;stand-by fee commissionde participation participationfee commissionde placement selling fee [Euromarket] commissionde reconduction extension fee commissiond'ouverture front-endfee commissionsyndicale managementfee compartiment(du marché) segment;sector (of the market) compensationdes créancesinternes multilateralnetting compte-chéquesrémunéré negotiableorder-of-withdrawal (NOW) account comptecourant du Trésorauprés des grandes banques compte d'achat de titres securities margin account compted'avancesde caisse consortialiser syndicate,to (a loan) consortium syndicate contrat d'achat ferme take-or-paycontract contrat de paiementcontre livraison take-and-paycontract contrat de prise ferme take-or-paycontract contrat de report repurchaseagreement(PR;repos); systemrepurchase agreement conversionmonétaire currencytranslation correspondant agent bank cotation price (of a bond) cotation (de la barre d'or) fixing coter rate, to; grade,to coupon coupon courbe des rendements yield curve cours price (of a bond) cours acheteur bid price cours de la Bourse share list cours de l'offre courtier en placements investmentbroker ask(ed) price [securities market] revolving credit cours vendeur créditrenouvelable,reconductibleá selling rate courtage imprest account, fund compte d'avances temporaires imprest account, fund compte de gestion de trésorerie cash-management account compte de réserves pour le rachat du capital des actions capital redemption reserve funds compte "prime d'émission" share-premium account [IFC] concentration (des échéances) bunching (of maturities) coút des emprunts doublement pondéré double-weightedborrowingcost [IBRD] coút en ressources intérieures domesticresourcecost (DRC) coút réel des devises domesticresourcecost (DRC) couverture de l'opération marginrequirements[stockexchange] couverturedes opérations á terme hedging couverturedu servicede la dette debt-servicecoverage crédit á vue, á tres court terme call money;day-to-daymoney;demand money;moneyat call (crédit) adossé back-to-back(loan,borrowing) crédit autoamortissable self-liquidatingcredit crédit consortial (sans chef de file) club loan crédit croisé swap (transaction) crédit d'équipement term loan crédit d'impot tax credit (crédit) face á face back-to-back(loan, borrowing) crédit renouvelable,reconductible taux variable roll-over credit créneau window (in a market) courtier broker "cushion bond" cushion bond courtier (en valeurs mobiliéres) securities dealer; securities firm _ courtier (opérant sur le marché-Dprimaire) primavrae primarydealerdate courtier d'effets publics covernmentsty dealer gnmesecuriy r courtier en fonds d'Etat government-security dealer n datende vaaeur date de valeur date de versement payout date date effective de rentrée des fonds payout date 36 décote discount from par [securities market] effets de commerce commercial paper; commercial bills emprunteur secondaire, final subborrower décote de conversion conversion discount effets de commerce en eurodevises Eurocommercial paper emprunts de collectivité locale general obligations; general-obligation découvert, voiY á découvert effets porteurs d'intérét dépenses groupées au début (dune période donnée) front-loaded spending interest-bearing notes effets private paper emprunts de référence qualified borrowings [IBRD] emprunts géants déport backwardation; disagio; discount; markdown [foreign exchange] effets publics government paper élargissement du capital jumbo borrowing (en) blanc clean désintermédiation disintermediation capital widening élasticité globale du systéme fiscal par encart publicitaire tombstone dette consolidée funded debt rapport au produit intérieur brut (PIB) bonds engagement exposure dette de deuxiéme rang junior debt; subordinated debt tax buoyancy élément du pool (provisoire) engagement a la baisse short position dette prioritaire senior debt d'emprunts proxy borrowing [IBRD] engagement conditionnel contingent obligation [IBRD] disagio disagio émetteur issuer; maker (e.g., of a note) engagement par pays country exposure distribution d'actions gratuites stock dividend émission á guichets ouverts tap issue enregistrement en attente shelf registration division dune action en plusieurs émission collée érosion fiscale des revenus split; split-up hung-up issue émíssion d'obligations a l'étranger fiscal drag escompte document prospectus external bond issue émission de titres discount [bills] escompte á forfait, en ducroire, sans droit right (to purchase shares) capital issue émission exploratoire recours discount without recourse droit de souscription subscription right red herring issue émission publique public offering (of shares) escompte officiel discount window eurocrédit emprunt Eurocredit eitres -E- de contrepartie back-to-back (loan, borrowing) eurodevises écart spread emprunt garanti par F'Etat sovereign credit Eurocurrency eurodollar échange de monnaies différentes back-to-back (loan, borrowing) emprunt global lump-sum borrowing [IFC] Eurodollar euromarché effet á court terme short-term note emprunt par obligations émis par séries Euromarket euromonnaie effet brúlant hot bill serial bond, loan emprunt remboursable en une seule Eurocurrency euro-obligation effet de carrousel merry-go-round effect fois bullet issue Eurobond europrét effet de commerce negotiable instrument; trade bill [U.K.] emprunt remboursable in fine bullet issue Euroloan évaluation actuarielle effets á court terme short-term paper emprunteur bien coté, tres solvable, de premier ordre prime borrower; premier borrower actuarial evaluation éviction crowding-out 37 - - H fonds fédéraux federalfunds facteur d'ajustement de fonds propres habillage du bilan lFamortissement amortizationadjustmentfactor [currencypool] facteurde réévaluation revaluationfactor [currencypoolj stockholders'equity;shareholders' equity;owners'equity;equity;net worth;shareholders'funds [U.K.]; capital base fondsqui ne prélévepas une windowdressing honorabilité credit standing;creditworthiness fichede Bourse trading ticket [securities] financementá forfait, sans recours nonrecoursefinance financementavecdroitde recours limité limited-recoursefinance financementconjoínt joint financing financementdes derniéres échéances fundinglatter maturities[IBRD] financementgigogne piggy-backfinancing financementparalléle parallelfinancing financement sur crontramettfe onancement sur contrat contract financing fixationlibre des prix open pricing commission no-load fund fonds qui préléveune commission load fund fonds renouvelable revolvingfund forfaitage forfeiting formationd'un syndicatfinancier,d'un consortium syndication formulesnouvelles,inédites, creative financing frais de gestion f-rmanagement fee freinagefiscal fiscaldrag r T inflation de base core inflation instruments instruments instruments de la dette publique governmentdebt instruments instruments financiersá terme financialfutures intérétde déport backwardationrate intérétde report contango rate; continuationrate intérét patrimonial proprietaryinterest intermédiairefinancier financialintermediary intermédiation intermediation fixer post, to (a rate) garantie (de l'Etat) investissementde productivité capital-deepenínginvestment fixing fixing guarantee garantie de la BIRD - J- flottement impur, contrólé, dirigé, assisté, soutenu guarantee [IBRD] Gensaki "jobber" dirty float Gensaki jobber flottement pur, non dirigé gestion de (la) trésorerie clean float fluctuation des taux due a une fuite de capitaux cash management - L- liability management bill of exchange flux financiers funds flow; flow of funds grande banque city bank lettre de confort letter of comfort fonds commun de placement money-market (mutual) fund; mutual fund groupe de direction management, managing group [Eurodollar market] LIBOR LIBOR(London Interbank Offered Rate) fonds damortissement sinking fund groupe de garantie underwriting consortium, group, ligne de crédit de protection, de soutien, auxiliaire fonds de placement fermé closed-end (investment) fund syndicate groupe de placement back-up line of credit liste d'attente fonds d'Etat britanniques gilt.edged securities selling consortium,group,syndicate lsede [Euromarket] guichet automatique de banque (GAB) queue automaticteller machine(ATM) 38 M- masse monétaire au sens large broad money obligation á lot serial bond, loan Mi Mi mémorandum de placement placement memorandum; placing obligation á prime (d'émission) discount bond M12 M2 memorandum mémorandum d'offre obligation á primed'émission original issue discount bond M3 M3 offering memorandum mise en pension obligation á prime d'émission élevée deep-discount bond, note maison d'acceptation acceptance, accepting house repurchase agreement (RP; repos) mise en report obligation á taux flottant floating-rate bond maison de réescompte discount house; bill broker inward swap mobiliser obligation á taux flottant fixé d'avance stepped-rate bond maison de titres securities dealer; securities firm discount monnaie scripturale obligation á taux renouvelé roly-poly bond mandataire agent bank bank money monnaie au sens étroit obligation á taux variable (OTV) floating-rate bond marché á terme forward market narrow money monnaie au sens large obligation á warrant warrant bond marché au comptant spot market; cash market broad money moyenne (pondérée) mobile obligation assortie d'une option d'achat au-dessous du pair marché de capitaux capital market running (weighted) average moyens de paiement á l'encaissement accreted call bond obligation au porteur marché de porteurs bearer market float [banking] moyens de paiement non recouvrés bearer bond obligation avec option de change marché des effets á court terme short-term paper market float [banking] multiple (currency) option bond obligation avec optíon monétaire - marché du disponible spot market [commodities,] marché figé locked market marché financier capital market; open market - N- niveau d'indifférence break-even point [stock market] multiple(currency) option bond obligation `bouledogue" Bulldog bond obligation cautionnée marchégris grey, gray market non admis, non inscrit á la cote officielle unlisted (security) nonlgh cond nonlcote marché hors bourse third market; off-the-board market non garanti américain) AAAbond marché hors cote over-the-counter market (OTC) clean note d'information placement memorandum; placing obligation de premier ordre AAA o bond; dtop-rated bond marché oú la cote de crédit est primordiale name market marché paralléle parallel market memorandum custom-duty bill obligation classique straight bond obligation (cotée) AAA(marché obrpgateonde soaeté corporate bond obligation émise par une collectivité marché primaire primary market - ° . . obligation bond; debenture (bond); note obligation á coupon zéro publique dans l'attente de rentrées non fiscales revenue-anticipation note (RAN) obligation étrangére émise á Londres Bulldog bond marché secondaire zero-coupon bond obligation indexée secondary market marge spread obligation a long terme émise par une collectivité publique pour financer un un projet projet indexed bond; index-linked bond spread masse monétaire au sens étroit narrow money revenue bond coupon obligation munie de ~~~~~~~~~~~~coupon(-bearing) bond 39 obligationne pouvantétre amortiepar anticipation noncallablebond obligation négociable marketablebond obligation non garantie debenture (bond) obligation non négociable nonmarketablebond obligation participante income bond;participatingbond obligation perpétuelle nonmaturing,nonredeemable governmentbond;perpetual bond; consol[U.K.] opérations á terme futures [commoditiesmarket] opérations d'arbitrage en couverture hedging opérationsde couvertureparachat á terme long hedge opérations en contrepartie hedging option option option d'achatd'obligationsá rendement réduit out-of-(the)-moneyoption option d'achat, de rachat participationmajoritairedans l'actif proprietaryinterest participationproportionnelle funding pro rata [IBRD] périoded'interdictionde rachat noncall period obligationpouvantintéresser les banques bank quality bond call option option de change multicurrencyoption pétro-obligation petrobond place bancaireoff-shore obligation reconductible extendiblenote; extendible-maturity note obligationremboursableavant l'échéance callabie bond obligationrétractable retractable,putable bond option de reprise (des derniéres échéancesd'un prét commercial) take-overoption) option de souscription stock option ~~~~option de yente ption put option ordre d'achat trading ticket [securities] offshorebanking center placementd'actionsdétenues par les particuliers secondaryoffering placementde pére de famille blue chip - *placementpar voie privée privateplacement placementspécial obligation samourai Samuraibond obligation vendue a guichet ouvert bond sold on tap obligation warrantée warrant bond part des risques exposure part sociale corporateright participationá forfait,sans recours nonrecourseparticipation participationau capitalsociald'une société equityownership ordre de vente trading ticket [securities] specialplacement plus-valueslatentes organisme d'émission issuer unrealizedgains point de base basispoint b pooí de monnajes obligation Yankee Yankeebond - P - obligationsémisespardes organismes fédéraux agency securities,obligations offre excédentaire overhang offre publique d'achat (OPA) take-overbid open market ~papers open market papier á court tenme short-term paper papier commercial commercialpaper;commercialbilis papierfinancier commercialpaper;commercialbills porteeuille de prets loan portfolio portefeuilleliquide liquidityportfolo porturideitres,rdfobio gtin porteur de titres, d'obligations instruments pourcentagede couverture marginrequirements[stockexchange] opérateur (sur le marché) dealer (stock market] parité de conversion conversionvalue pouvoird'engagement commitmentauthority opérationá échéancessymétriques matched-maturitytransaction[IBRD[ opérationcoupléed'emprunts back-to-back(loan,borrowing) part bénéficiaire founder'sshare part d'association. partnershipshare préavisd'émission red herring préciput praecipium;praecipuum prendre (des effets) en pension take take ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in, to (bills) operationde couverturepar vente a terme short hedge part de capital proprietaryinterest part de fondateur founder'sshare 40 prét "A" "A"loan prime de risque risk premium prét au jour le jour call loan prime de risque-inflation inflation premium prét "B" "B" loan prise en pension buy-back [Canadal rapport cours-bénéfice prét ballon balloon loan prise en pension des effets purchase and resale agreement price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio; PER) rapport encours des préts/fonds prét cofinancé coloan [Canadal prise ferme propres gearing ratio [IBRD] pret consortial syndicated loan bought deal prix acheteur ratio de couverture de l'intérét interest-coverage ratio prét de titres garanti par d'autres titres borrow-pLedgesecurity loan buying rate [securities market] prix comptable ratio de levier leverage (ratio) [U.S.];gearing (ratio) prét de titres garanti par des fonds cash security loan accounting price prix d'arrét [U.K.] ratio de liquidité générale pret du pool pooled loan stop-out price prix de cession interne prét en cascade apex loan apet loan difficultconversion prét en difficulté distressed loan transfer price prix de conversion price covrinpieratio (prix) de pleine concurrence current ratio; working-capital ratio ratio d'endettement debt-equity ratio; debt-to-equity ratio em rtodedteetáln ratio d'endettementa long terme long-term debt ratio de solvabilité debt ratio pret indexé indexed loan [currency pool) arm's length (price) prix de transfert ratio de solvabilité-endettement prét non privilégié subordinated loan transfer price prix d'exercice leverage (ratio) [US.];gearing (ratio) pret pyramidal apex loan striking price; exercise price prix économique ratio de structure du passif prét secondaire, subsidiaire subloan economic price; efficiency price prix franco frontiére ratio de trésoreríe réduite acid-test, liquid, quick ratio prét syndiqué syndicated loan préteur de dernier recours lender of last resort border price prix frontiére border price prix interne ratio du service de la dette debt-service ratio ratio prix comptable-prix du marché accounting ratio préteur en dernier ressort lender of last resort transfer price prix net ratio tiré du bilan balance-sheet ratio préts aux conditions du marché market-related lending payout price (prix) normal du marché ratíos de gestion operating ratios préts de titres security lending [IBRD] arm's length (price) profil des risques de financement ratios de liquidité liquidity ratios prime premium overall risk profile [IBRD] prospectus ratios de rentabilité profitability ratios; revenue-covenant prime de conversion conversion premium prospectus protection contre un rachat anticipé ratios ratios de structure prime de liquidité liquidity premium call protection financial ratios ratios financiers prime d'émission discount [bonds]; premium prime de remboursement call premium - quatriéme marché fourth market Q- quasi-banque near-bank quasi-monnaie near-money; quasi-money - R- [U.K.] financial ratios reconduction roll-over réemploi des plus-values roll-over of gains 41 réescompter rediscount risque de refinancement refinancing risk [IBRDI société mandatée (par la Banque mondiale pour la représenter á des refinancement roll-over risque d'insolvabilité de l'Etat emprunteur émissions d'obligations au Japon) commissioned company [Japanl refinancement anticipé advanced refunding sovereign risk risque dú au décalage solvabilité credit standing; creditworthiness refinancement pour un montant égal even roll lag risk [IBRD] risque lié a la marge sous-compte débiteur de l'emprunteur borrower's indebtedness subaccount réglage de précision fine-tuning (of the economy) spread risk [IBRD] risque lié á la rentabilité des liquidités [currency poo] stellage remboursement [prétsl amortization remboursement en tranches égales level repayment cash risk; liquid-holdings risk risque lié au décalage entre les échéances mismatch risk [IBRD] straddle; call-and-put option succursale off-shore offshore banking unit (OBU) surface financiére remise (d'une dette) cancellation (of a debt) risque souverain sovereign risk credit standing; creditworthiness swap rendement a l'échéance yield to maturity (YTM) risques de refinancement roll-over risks swap (transaction) swap de monnaies, sur le cours de rendement converti en taux d'intérét coupon-equivalent yield renoncer sécurité change currency swap swap de taux d'intérét interest-rate swap take out, to [IBRDJ comfort swap d'obligations á valeur nominale renouvellement roil-over rente perpétuelle nonmaturing, nonredeemable government bond; perpetual bond; consol [U.K.] rentrée nette rayout pnrce *ayutprice service bancaire international international banking facility (IBF) égale even par swap services bancaires de gestion financiére bank trust departments seuil de déclenchement trigger rate simple swap sur des dettes debt-for-debt swap swapsportantá la fois sur les taux d'intérét et sur des monnaies cross-currency interest hedge; doublehedge swap répartition report contango; premium [foreign exchange] clean situation nette stockholders'equity; shareholders syndicat de direction [Eurodollar market] syndicat de garantie report á nouveau retained carnings report de crédits carry-over worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] société de financement de linnovation venture capital company société de placement underwriting consortium, group, syndicate syndicat de prise ferine underwriting consortium, group, report de devises outward swap securities dealer; securities firm syndicate syndicat financier syndicate syndicate systéme fédéral de réserve répression financiére financial repression - S- société de placement collectif investment company, fund ressources acquises purchased funds investment company, fund Federal Reselve System [U.S.1 systeme de taux préteur fondé sur un rétrocession onlending: sell-down sociéte d'investissement a capital fixe (ctfinvestisse und pool d'emprunts pool-based lending rate system [IBRD] risque exposure rsociété d'vestissement a capital open-end (investment) fund; unit trust systéme du pool de monnaies risque de perte sur les taux d'intérét interest-rate risk [U.K.] société d'investissement fermée closed-end (investment) fund 42 - - taux d'intérét réel real interest rate transaction simultanée d'achat et de vente tableau de financement; tableau des flux statement of changes in financial position; source and application of funds statement; funds statement; source and use of funds statement; funds flow statement; changes in working capital statement taux Lombard Lombard rate taux plancher de verrouillage lock rate matched sale-purchase transaction transactions d'initiés inside, insider dealing transfert de fonds électronique taux préteur variable basé sur un pool d'emprunts pool-based variable lending rate [IBRD] electronic funds transfer (EFT) transformation (bancaire) transformation tableau d'opérations financieres flow-of-fund table [national accounts] taux privilégié prime rate troisiéme marché third market; off-the-board market tassement tel quel -U shake-out(of the market) flat taux critique de rentabilité hurdle rate teneur de marché market maker unité européenne de compte (uec) taux d'activité activity ratios teneur de plume lead bank; lead manager European Unit of Account (EUA) unité monétaire européenne (écu) taux dactualisation discount rate titre security European Currency Unit (ECU) taux d'actualisation de la consommation consumption Yateof interest (CRI) (titre a) coupon dégressif multiple step-down (security) titre au porteur taux d'avances sur titres broker loan rate bearer security titre de rente taux de base prime rate annuity bond titre émis á jet continu, á guichets led crity switching value taux de change minimum floor rate of exchange ouverts tap security valeur de pere de famille taux de coupon coupon rate titre en dépót depositary receipt blue chip valeur de premier ordre taux de coupon courant current coupon (rate) titre hypothécaire mortgage bond blue chip valeur de refuge taux d'égalisation des valeurs actuelles cross-over discount rate; equalizing discount rate titre précurseur bellwether security titre relevé hedge valeur mobiliére security taux de l'argent au jour le jour call-money rate book-entry security titres assortis de coupons valeur nominale par value; face value taux des avances á vue call-money rate coupon paper titres de placement valeur nominale totale fuil face value taux des avances sur titres Lombard rate [Federal Republic of Germany] investment securities traduction monétaire currency translation valeur seuil switching value valeurs garanties par l'Etat taux d'escompte discount rate traite á un certain délai de vue after-sight bill gilt-edged securities valeurs de premier ordre taux des fonds fédéraux federal funds Yate tranche payment period [IBRD] gilt-edged securities vente a découvert taux d'indifférence cross-over discount rate; equalizing discount rate transaction fictive wash sale short sale vente sans garantie d'émission best-efforts sale taux d'intérét comptable (TIC) accounting rate of interest (ARI) - V - valeur comptable book value leurity 43 - W warrant warrant - warrant détachable detachablewarrant warrant échangeablecontredes titres d'Etat warrant into governmentsecurities (WINGS) warrant en devises foreignexchangewarrant warrant obligataire debt warrant Terminologíade empréstitos y préstamos Español-Inglés 47 -A- B agente de bolsa dealer [stock market] acción al portador transferable share agente (de cambio y bolsa) broker banco agente agent bank acción de primera clase blue chip agente de contrapartida dealer [options marketl banco codirector, coadministrador comanager; colead manager acción de usufructo dividend-right share agente financiero fiscal agent banco comercial chartered bank; commercial bank; acción gratuita bonus share agente pagador paying agent clearing bank [U.K.] banco con autorización federal acción negociable transferable share agente vendedor sales agent [securities] federally chartered bank [U.S.] banco corresponsal acción transferible transferable share agio agio; premium [securities] agent bank banco de inversiones acciones con derecho a dividendo dividend stock agiotista jobber; market maker investment bank [U.S.];merchant bank [U.K.] acciones de garantía qualification stock amortización amortization banco director lead bank; lead manager acciones nominativas registered stock; personal stock ampliación del capital capital widening banco extraterritorial offshore bank acciones ordinarias common stock analista de valores securities analyst banco fiduciario trust bank (Shintaku Ginko) [Japan] acciones pagadas paid-up stock; fullv paid stock anticipos sin garantía escrita clean advances banco múltiple combined commercial and investment bank; multibank; all-purpose bank acciones preferenciales, preferentes, preferidas preferred stock anuncio de emisión efectuada tombstone bancos establecidos en las principales anunciopreliminardeunanueva anunco prtirniar d una uevamoney-center plazas financieras banks acciones preferenciales, (preferentes, preferidas) acumuladas cumulative preferred stock emisión red herring arbitraje base de capital capital base acciones privilegiadas debenture stock [U.S.] arbitrage; switch arbitraje en el tiempo bono bond aceptación bancaria banker's acceptance time arbitrage arbitraje espacial bino ajustable, indizado indexed bond; index-linked bond activo neto stockholders' equity; shareholders' equity; owners' equity; equity; net worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] two-point arbitrage; space arbitrage arbitrajista arbitrageur bono al portador bearer bond bono amortiguador cushion bond acuerdo de compensación clearing agreement acuerdo de recompra repurchase agreement (RP: repos); system repurchase agreement acuerdo de retención de acciones share-retention agreement [IFC] acumulación (de vencimientos) bunching (of maturities) adjudicación a precio uniforme Dutch auction [U.S.1 afinamiento <de la economía) fine-tuning (of the economy) asentamiento shake-out (of the market) atracción crowding-in aumento del capital con respecto al trabajo capital deepening autorización permanente shelf registration aval aval bono 'bulldog" Bulldog bond bono clásico straight bond bono comerciable marketable bond bono con certificado warrnt bon crcdo warrant bond bono (con clasificación) AAA AAAbond bono con cupon coupon(-bearing) bond 48 bono con garantía de activos debenture (bond) bono no rescatable, no redimible antes del vencimiento capital social equity capital; capital stock (of a bono con interés variable floating-rate bond noncallable bond bono ordinario corporation) capitales itinerantes bono con opción de cambio de divisa multiple (currency) option bond straight bond bono pagadero con los ingresos (del hot money; funk money capitalización bono con tipo de interés renovable roly-poly bond proyecto) revenue bond capitalization carta de seguridades bono con tipos de interés escalonados (fijados anticipadamente) stepped-rate bond bono participatorio income bond; participating bond bono perpetuo letter of comfort cartera de acciones shareownership bono con vencimiento elegido a la suerte serial bond, loan nonmaturing, nonredeemable government bond; perpetual bond; consol [U.K.] cartera de préstamos loan portfolio cartera líquida bono de ahorro savings bond [France, Belgium, U.S.] bono perpetuo, de renta vitalicia annuity bond liquidity portfolío casa de aceptaciones bono de calidad bancaria bank quality bond bono redimible con descuento antes de su vencimiento accreted call bond acceptance, accepting house bono de descuento intensivo deep-discount bond, note bono de primer orden, de primera clase bono rescatable, redimible antes del vencimiento callable bond casa de descuento discount house; bill broker cédula hipotecaria mortgage bond top-rated bond bono de una empresa priv.ada,de una compaña,de una sociedadanónima corporate bond bono de usufructo dividend-right certificate bono retractable retractable, putable bond boosruacetfaddeduo Samurai bond centésimo de punto porcentual basis point bono sin cupón certificadode depositario bono de vencimiento ajustable extendible bond; extendible maturity bond bono de vecimiento scalonadobono bono de vencimiento escalonado bcertificado bono sin garantía específica dbnue(od yanqui Yankee bond de depósito certificate of deposit (CD) etfct fdpst(D certificadode depósito con tipo de interés renovable bono de venta continua bond sold on tap bond tap sold on bono del Tesoro Treasury bond [U.S.1 bono del Tesoro (EE.UU.) a muy corto plazo cash-management bill bonos de responsabilidad general general obligations; general obligation roll-oly certificate of deposit roly-polycertificate of deposit certificadode depósito de tramo tranche certificate of deposit certificado de depósito de US$100.000 o más jumbo certificate of deposit certificado de depósito negociable bono descontado discountbond bono emitido con descuento original-issue discount bond cajero automátco, permanente automatic teller machine calendariode emisiones . de s calend issuing calendar bono hipotecario mortgage bond ~~bonds gilt-edged securities - C - debt certificate negotiable time certificate of deposit certificadode depósito sin límite, de libre compra straight, tap certificate of deposit certificado de participación participation certificate bono negociable marketable bond cámara de compensación clearing house . . capital accionario bono no comerciable nonmarketable bond corporation) capital de riesgo certificado de transferencia de préstamos bono no negociable nonmarketable bond risk capital pass-through certificate; participation certificate certificado de solvencia soundness certificate 49 certificadoen divisas foreignexchangewarrant certificadonominativo bond certificate certificadopara comprade bonos debt warrant certificadopara la comprade acciones, bonos warrant *warrant colocaciónen el mercadosecundario secondaryoffering colocaciónespecial specialplacement colocaciónprivada privateplacement colocaciónpública public offering(of shares) comisiónde administración congelacióndel interés en un nivel mínimo(cuandola tasa de mercado desciendea menosde ese nivel) drop lock certificadopara la comprade pagarés del Tesoro warrant into governmentsecurities (WINGS) certificadoprovisional scrip certificate:bearer scrip managementfee comisiónde garantía guaranteecommission,fee[IBRD]; underwritingfee comisiónde gestión agencyfee [Euromarket];management consorciode suscriptores underwritingconsortium.group, syndicate contango contango certificadoseparable detachablewarrant cheque de banco banker'sdraft fee comisiónde participación participationfee contratode compragarantizada take-and-paycontract contratofirne decompra(sin derecho de rescisión) take-or-pay contract clasificar rate, to; grade, to rate, to; grade, to cláusulade disponibilidad switch, availabilityclause extension fee comisiónde suscripción underwritingfee comisiónde ventas cláusula de obligaciónnegativa negativepledge clause cláusulade revisión trigger clause[IBRD] selling fee [Euromarket] comisión inicial front-endfee comisiónpor compromiso,por cláusulade salvaguardia jeopardyclause;disaster clause;break clausé clause cláusula pari passu pan passu clause pan passu clause cláusularecíprocaen casode incumplimiento inmovilizaciónde fondos commitmentfee;stand-byfee compañíacomisionada commissionedcompany[Japan] ~~compañía de capitalesde riesgo venture capital companv comisión de renegociación comisió cmpromio, por porbroker consorcio(bancario) selling consortium,group,syndicate consorcio(bancario, de ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~financiamiento) syndicate ~~~~~~~~~~~~corredor sales agent [securities] coredor de bolsa corredorde bolsa independiente floor trader corredor (de cambio,de bolsa) corredorde inversiones ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~investment broker corredorde valores securitiesdealer;securitiesfirm corredor de valoresdel Estado governmentsecurity dealer cross-default clause cross-default clause compañía inversionescordr(eaopimi) investmentdecompany, fund corredor <mercadoprimario) coberturadel serviciode la deuda debt-servicecoverage compensaciónde débitosy créditos multilateralnetting primarydealer corretaje coeficientede costoen recursos internos ra domesticresourcecost ratio coeficientede endeudamiento[Esp.] debt-equityratio; debt-to-equityratio coeicitdexplotación coeficente deo workingratio compraen descubierto marginbuying[stock exchange] marginbuying[stock exchangel compra y venta simultánea matchedsale-punchasetransaction compromiso compray reventa purchaseandde resaleagreement [Canada] brokerage corriente de fondos funds flow:flowof funds costode los empréstitoscon doble ponderación double-weighted borrowingcost [IBRD] coeficientede operación operatingratio coeficientede solvencia[Esp.] current ratio; working-capitalratio coeficienteneto de explotación operatingratio coeficientesde liquidez liquidityratios compromisospor países country exposure concertarun préstamoa travésde un consorcio(bancario,de financiamiento) syndicate,to (a loan) condonación(de una deuda) cancellation(of a debt) costo en recursosinternos fixingcotizar post, to (a rate) crédito autoamortizable self-liquidatingcredit 50 E- crédito con garantía de o,tro crédito back-to-back (loan, borrowing) derecho de suscripción subscription right crédito garantizado por el Estado sovereign credit descontar discount, to efecto a la vista o de vencimiento a muy corto plazo crédito recíproco swap (transaction) descubierto uncovered; naked hot bill efecto carrusel crédito renovable, refinanciable roll-over credit descuento discount [bills];markdown [foreign merry-go-round effect efecto comercial crédito rotatorio, renovable revolving credit exchange] descuento de conversión trade bill [U.K.] efectos a corto plazo cuadro de corrientes financieras flow-of-fund table [natiorial accounts] cuarto mnercado fourth market conversion discount descuento de pagarés a mediano plazo forfeiting descuento impositivo short-term paper efectos comerciales en eurodivisas Eurocommercial paper efectos comerciales cuasibanco near-bank [Canadal tax credit descuento sin recurso commercial paper; commercial bills efectos en cobro, cobranza cuasidinero near-money; quasi-money discount without recourse descuento sobre el valor a la par float [banking] efectos privados cuenta corriente del Tesoro Treasury tax and loan acc:ount IU.S.1 discount from par [securities market] desintermediación private paper efectos públicos cuenta corriente que devenga intereses negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) account disintermediation desplazamiento crowding-out deuda consolidada government paper elasticidad tributaria global tax buoyancy emisión adquirida anticipadamente cuenta de administración de fondos cash-management account funded debt deuda prioritaria por un consorcio bancario bought deal cuenta de anticipos imprest account, fund senior debt deuda subordinada emisión atascada hung-up issue cuenta de primas de emisión share-premium account [IFC] junior debt; subordinated debt diferencia emisión continua tap issue cupón coupon spread diferencial emisión de bonos en el exterior external bond issue curva de rendimiento yield curve spread dinero a la vista emisión de valores de capital capital issue cali money; day-to-daymoney; demand emisión empantanada -D- money; money at call - hung-up issue debenture debenture (bond) dinero en el sentido estricto narrow money dinero en sentido amplio emisión exploratoria red herring issue emisiones de organismos federales departamento bancario considerado como extraterritorial broad money dinero exigible offshore banking unit (OE,U) departamentos fiduciarios de bancos call money;day-to-day money; demand money; money at call agency securities, obligations emisor issuer empréstito de contrapartida bank trust departments depósitos bancarios bank money dísagio disagio distribución back-to-back (loan, borrowing) empréstito de suma alzada lump-sum borrowing [IFCI depreciación amortization allotment dividendo en acciones empréstitos calificados qualified borrowings [IBRD] derecho right (to purchase shares) stock dividend división de acciones empréstitos de referencia proxy borrowing [IBRD] derecho (del accionista) corporate right split; split-up 51 empréstitosgigantescos jumbo borrowing encaje legal adicional marginalreserverequirement esquela tombstone estado de flujo de fondos statementof changesin financial position:sourceand applicationof fundsstatement;fundsstatement; sourceand use of funds statement; funds flowstatement;changesin financiamientocon garantíade contratos contract financing financiamientocon recurso limitado limitedrecourse finance financiamientoconcatenado piggy-backfinancing financiamientoconjunto joint financing financiamientode los últimos vencimientos funding latter maturities [IBRD] fondoscomprados purchased funds fondosde reservapara redenciónde capital accionario capital redemptionreservefunds fondosde un día para otro workingcapital statement eurobono Eurobond eurocrédito Eurocredit eurodivisas Eurocurrency eurodólar Eurodollar euromercado Euromarket euromoneda Euromoney europréstamo Euroloan evaluaciónactuarial actuarialevaluation evaluar rate, to; grade,to exceso de oferta overhang expectativasracionales rational expectations financiamientoen condicionesde mercado market-relatedlending financiamientoinnovador creativefinancing financiamientoparalelo parallelfinancing financiamientosin posibilidadde recurso nonrecoursefinance flotaciónimpura, dirigida dirty float flotaciónlimpia clean float fluctuaciónde los tipos de interés debida a la fuga de capitales interest leakage flujo de fondos funds flow;flowof funds fondocomún de inversiones money-market(mutual)fund;mutual freno fiscal fiscaldrag futuros futures [commoditiesmarket] fund fondocomún de monedas currencypool Gensaki gestión de caja, de liquidez cash management fondo de amortización sinking fund fondo de anticipos imprestaccount, fund fondode inversiónque cobrauna comisión load fund fondode inversiónque no cobrauna gestión del pasivo liabilitymanagement gran banco city bank grupo de colocación comisión no-load fund fondo de inversiones investmentcompany,fund fondo mutuo moneymarket(mutual)fund;mutual fund fondo rotatorio revolvingfund management,managinggroup [Eurodollarmarket] grupo de suscripción underwritingconsortium,group, syndicate grupo garante underwritingconsortium,group, syndicate - Ffactorde ajuste para finesde amortización amortizationadjustmentfactor [currencvpool] factor de revaluación revaluationfactor [currencypool] facultadpara contraer compromisos commitmentauthority fecha de desembolso payout date fecha de valor value date fijaciónde preciosabierta open pricing overnightfunds fondosfederales federalfunds formaciónde un consorcio(bancario, de financiamiento) syndication - G- ganancia bruta en cuenta de valores securitiesmargin account ganancias no realizadas unrealized gains garantía guarantee [IBRD] garantía (dada por terceros) comfort garantía (del Estado) guarantee gasto concentradoal comienzode un período front-loadedspending Gensaki sellingconsortium,group,syndicate [Euromarket] grupo de dirección 52 grupo vendedor selling consortium, group, syndicate [Euromarket] -H- letra a cierto plazo de la fecha de presentación after-sight bill letra aduanera garantizada custom-duty bill mercado al contado spot market; cash market mercadobasadoen el prestigio de los prestatarios name market letra bancaria bank bill letra comercial mercadode capitales capital market mercado de corto plazo trade bill [U.K.] short-term paper market inflación básica core inflation letra de banco banker's draft letra de cambio bill of exchange mercado de productos disponibles, de entrega inmediata spot market [commodities] mercado de títulos al portador instrumento negociable negotiable instrument LIBOR LIBOR(London Interbank Offered bearer market mercado extrabursátil instrumentos instruments Rate) librador (p. ej. de un pagaré) over-the-counter market (OTC) mercado financiero instrumentos de la deuda pública maker (e.g., of a note) open market government debt instrunments instrumentos financieros; a plazo financial futures libranza en divisas foreign exchange warrant límites legales (de las comprasen mercado fuera de bolsa over-the-counter market (OTC);third market; off-the-board market intensificación financiera financial deepening descubierto) margin requirements [stock exchange] mercado gris grey, gray market intercambio de deudas debt-for-debt swap línea de crédito de apoyo back-up line of credit mercado inmovilizado locked market intercambio de monedas currency swap; swap (transaction) lista de acciones con sus cotizaciones share list mercado paralelo parallel market interés de "contango" contango rate; continuation rate lista de espera queue mercado primario,de emisión primary market honorario del banco director praecipium; praecipuum -1I- interés mayoritario proprietary interest - M - interés nominal coupon rate Mi interés nominal corriente current coupon (rate) Mi M2 intermediación intermediation intermediariofinanciero financial intermediary inversión orientada a aumentar la eficiencia de la producción y reducir los costos capital-deepening investment M2 M3 M3 manipulaciónde la contabilidad(para - . . aparentar una mejor situación) window dressing margen spread inversión periódica de monto constante averaging memorando de información placement memorandum; placing memorandum -Llastre fiscal fiscal drag mercado secundario secondary market multibanco combined commercial and investment bank; multibank; all-purpose bank - nivel de endeudamiento relativo al capital I~~~~everage (ratio) [U.S.],gearing (ratio) [U.K] no cotizado en la bolsa unlisted (security) - memorando de oferta obligación offering memorandum bond bearer bond mercado a plazo, a término, de futuros forward market mercado abierto mpercao mabiert open market N O - obligación (con clasificación) AAA AAAbond 53 obligación contingente contingent obligation [IBRDI pagaré al portador bearer note oferta pública pagaré bancario equity: owners'equity; public offering (of shares) bank bill worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] oferta pública de compra take-over bid pagaré con cupón coupon note perfil general del financiamiento overall risk profile [IBRD] opción option pagaré con interés variable floating-rate note (IRN) período "after-market" after-market opción de cambio de divisa nmu]ticurrencyoption pagaré con tipo de interés flotante perpetuo período de pago payment period [IRRD] opción de compra call option perpetual floating-rate note pagaré de vencimiento ajustable período de prohibición de rescate noncall period opción de compra de acciones stock option extendible note: extendible maturity note petrobono petrobond opción de compra de bonos con rendimiento inferior al del bono inicial out-of-(the)-money option pagaré del Tesoro Treasury note [U.S.] pagaré del Tesoro a corto plazo Treasury bill [U.S.] posición de venta en descubierto short position praecipuum praecipium: praecipuum opción de financiamiento residual take-over option [IBRDI pagaré descontado discount note precio price (of a bond) opción de venta put option pagaré en previsión de una emisión de bonos precio comprador bid price; buying rate [securities opción de venta y compra straddle; call-and-put option bond-anticipation note (BAN) pagaré respaldado por ingresos market] precio de compra operación de cobertura por venta a plazo short hedge fiscales previstos tax-anticipation note (TA1N) pagarés descontados consolidados bid price precio de conversión conversion price operaciones de cobertura por compra a plazo long hedge consolidated discount notes pagarés que devengan intereses interest-bearing notes precio de cuenta accounting price precio de mercado operaciones de cobertura, de protección cambiaria hedging papel a corto plazo short-term paper papel comercial arm's length (price) precio de transferencia interna transfer price orden de compra trading ticket [securities] commercial paper; commercial bills participación de fundador precio de venta selling rate orden de venta trading ticket [securities] founder's share participación en el capital social precio económico economic price; efficiency price organismo de clasificación de valores rating agency equity ownership participación en una sociedad precio en la frontera border price partnership share participación proporcional funding pro rata [IBRDI participación sin posibilidad de precio fijado en contrato (para ejercitar una opción de compra) striking price; exercise price precio fronterizo pagaré a corto plazo recurso nonrecourse participation border price precio mínimo en subasta a la baja short-term note pagaré a corto plazo en espera de ingresos no tributarios revenue-anticipation note (RAN) pase financiero swap (transaction) patrimonio stockholders'equity; shareholders' stop-out price precio neto payout price - P - pagaré note; promissorv note pagaré a corto plazo para financiar un proyecto project note equity; owners' equity; equity; net worth; shareholders' funds [U.K.] patrimonio neto stockholders' equity; shareholders' precio vendedor selling rate equity net 54 prestamista de última instancia lender of last resort prestatario preferencial, preferente, de primera clase refinanciamiento anticipado advanced refunding préstamo "A" "A" loan prime borrower; premier borrower prima refinanciamiento de monto igual even roll préstamo a la vista call loan préstamo a mediano o largo plazo term loan premium [foreign exchange; option market; securities] prima de conversión conversion premium relación activo disponible-pasivo corriente acid-test, liquid, quick ratio relación corriente [América latina] préstamo amortizable en su mayor parte al vencimiento balloon loan prima de emisión premium [stocks] prima de liquidez current ratio; working-capital ratio relación de Bruno Bruno ratio préstamo ¡B" "B" loan liquidity premium prima de rescate relación de cobertura de intereses interest-coverage ratio préstamo 'balloon" balloon loan préstamo cofinanciado coloan call premium prima pagada por aplazamiento de entrega backwardation relación de cuenta accounting ratio relación de endeudamiento debt ratio préstamo con intermediación de un banco back-to-back (loan, borrowing) préstamo concedido por uniclub bancario, por un consorcio club loan prima por inflación inflation premium prima por riesgo risk premium promedio móvil (ponderado) running (weighted) average relación de endeudamiento a largo plazo long-term debt ratio relación del servicio de la deuda debt-service ratio relación derivada del balance general préstamo de títulos con garantía en efectivo cash security loan prospecto prospectus protección contra rescate anticipado balance-sheet ratio relación deuda-capital debt-equity ratio; debt-to-equity ratio préstamo de un consorcio syndicated loan call protection protección de "swap" doble relación endeudamiento/capital propio préstamo en pirámide, en cascada apex loan cross-currency interest hedge; double-hedge swap leverage (ratio); gearing (ratio) relación precio-utilidades préstamo en valores security lending [IBRD[ punto de equilibrio break-even point [stock market] price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio; PER) relación préstamos desembolsados y préstamo en valores garantizado por otro(s) valor(es) borrow-pledge security loan - R- pendientes-capital y reservas gearing ratio relaciones de actividad préstamo incluido,en el sistema de fondo común de monedas pooled loan recompra buy-back [Canada] recompra de divisas en moneda activity ratios relaciones de gestión operating ratios préstamo que se halla en dificultades distressed loan nacional inward swap relaciones de liquidez liquidity ratios préstamo reajustado indexed loan [currency pool] redescontar rediscount relaciones de rentabilidad profitability ratios; revenue-covenant préstamo reembolsable de una sola vez a su vencimiento bullet issue redescontar con compromiso de reventa take in, to (bills) ratios relaciones financieras financial ratios préstamo subordinado subordinated loan redescuento discount window rémora fiscal fiscal drag préstamos cruzados en divisas back-to-back (loan, borrowing) reembolso en cuotas iguales level repayment rendimiento al vencimiento yield to maturity (YTM) préstamos pendientes exposure refinanciamiento roll-over rendimiento equivalente a un interés nominal coupon equivalent yield 55 renovación roll-over sistema de fondo común de monedas currency pooling system tasa de inmovilización lock rate renunciar a una garantía take out, to LIBRD) sistema de la Reserva Federal Federal Reserve System [U.S.] tasa de interés de cuenta (TIC) accounting rate of interest (ARI) represión financiera financial repression sistema de tipos de interés basados en una "cesta" de empréstitos tasa de interés del consumo (TICO) consumption rate of interest (CRI) représtamo onlending pendientes pool-based lending rate system [IBRD] tasa de interés real real interest rate resquicio window (in a market) situación en que el precio al contado es superior al precio a plazo tasa de los fondos federales federal funds rate backwardation reutilización de las ganancias roll-over of gains reventa de divisas en moneda nacional outward swap sociedad comisionada commissioned company sociedad de inversión con número de tasa preferencial prime rate tenedor de bonos bondholder acciones fijo riesgo exposure closed-end (investment) fund sociedad de inversiones tercer mercado third market; off-the-board market riesgo de liquidez cash risk; liquid-holdings risk investment company, fund tipo de cambio mínimo floor rate of exchange riesgo que plantea el país sovereign risk sociedad de inversiones con número de acciones variable open-end (investment) fund; unit trust riesgo relacionado con el refinanciamiento refinancing risk [IBRD] [U.K.] sociedad de valores securities dealer; securities firm tipo de interés del consumo (TICO) consumption rate of interest (CRI) tipo de interés pagado por riesgo relacionado con el margen spread risk [IBRD] solvencia credit standing; creditworthiness aplazamiento de entrega backwardation rate riesgo relacionado con los tipos de interés solvencia crediticia credit standing; creditworthiness tipo de interés para préstamos a la vista interest-rate risk riesgo relacionado con un desfase lag risk [IBRD];mismatch risk [IBRD] subasta a la baja Dutch auction call-money rate tipo de interés real real interest rate riesgo soberano sovereign risk riesgos de refinanciamiento roll-over risks - S - sacudimiento shake-out Mofthe market) saldo que pasa (al ejercicio siguiente) carry-over subcuenta de endeudamiento del prestatario borrower's indebtedness subaccount tipo de interés de cuenta (TIC) accounting rate of interest (ARI) tipo de interés variable basado en una "cesta" de empréstitos pendientes [currency pool] subpréstamo subloan pool-based variable lending rate [IBRD] tipo de los fondos federales federal funds rate subprestatario subborrower swap swap (transaction) tipo de redescuento discount rate tipo Lombard Lombard rate [Federal Republic of Germany] tipo para préstamos con garantía de T sector valores segment; sector (of the market) tasa crítica de rentabilidad broker loan rate segmento segment; sector (of the market) hurdle rate tasa de activación tipo preferencial prime rate servicio bancario internacional international banking facility (IBF) trigger rate tasa de actualización título security sin garantía escrita clean discount rate tasa de actualización de equilibrio título al portador bearer security sin intereses fiat cross-over discount rate; equalizing discount rate título consistente en un asiento bancario book-entry security 56 valor precursor de tendencias bellwether security uU título hipotecario mortgage bond título provisional scrip certificate; bearer scrip unidad de cuenta europea (UCE) European Unit of Account (EUA) valores a corto plazo short-term paper títulos con cupón colupon paper unidad monetaria europea (ECU) European Currency Unit (ECU) valores de inversión a largo plazo investment securities títulos de organismos federales agency securities, obligations utilidades no distribuidas retained earnings valores de primer orden gilt-edged securities traducción de monedas currency translation - V - venta de un crédito fuera del consorcio sell-down transacción de vencimientos simultáneos matched-maturity transaction [IBRD] valor security venta en descubierto short sale venta sin compromiso de garantía de transacción ficticia wash sale valor con tipo de interés descendente step-down (security) emisión best efforts sale transacciones de personas iniciadas inside, insider dealing valor contable, en libros book value ventanilla automática automatic teller machine (ATM) transferencia electrónica de fondos electronic funds transfer (EFT) valor cotizado en bolsa listed security transformación (bancaria: transformation valor crítico switching value trueque de bonos de valor nominal igual even par swap valor de conversión conversion value valor de primera clase foreign exchange warrant "warrant" para compra de bonos debt warrant trueque de tipos de interés interest-rate swap blue chip valor de protección "warrant" separable detachable warrant - W - warrant' en divisas hedge valor en venta continua tap security valor nominal full face value; par value; face value - Z - zona bancaria franca offshore banking center THEWORLDBANK litadquarters European()ffice TI'nkvo Office 181811Strect. N.\W. 1).C. 20:1:33,.S.A. Waishlington, 6i, avenue dléna 7511 1(5 >aris. Frarnc K4kusai 13iIldiing 1-1, N.l¿rutiucthí :I- h(5n Teleplioiie: 1 7:-34 4T>1 'rclphuTmi. (hivnd7-ku. Tie x: WIIlí1 1VSWDRIID1ANK RCA\'218,2:2 WOíLD11K Telex:842-6206i28 (202)'J-12:14i 1()1, Jlapan (03h 21i-f5(f1 o IYlcpln: 'Tlte\ 781-26S:18 liahle.ddrcss: INT[I iAF'RAI) This glossary contains terminology related to borrowing and lending operations of the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation and to the U.S. and Eurodollar financial markets. The glossarv comprises three sections: EnglishFrench-Spanish, French-English, and Spanish-English. Definitions are given in English in the first section. Other glossaries published by the World Bank are Forestry Terms in English-French and French-English and World Bank Glossary in English-French-Spanish, which contains economic, financial, and other terms related to development in general. These are also available from the Publications Sales Unit of the Worid Bank. Ce glossaire contient des termes concernantles opérations d'emprunt et de prét de la Banque mondialeet de la Société financiére internationale, les marchés'financiersdes EtatsUnis et les marchésen eurodollars. 11est divisé en trois sections: Anglais-Francais-Espagnol, FrançaisAnglais et Espagnol-Anglais. Les définitions sont donnéesen Anglais dans la premiéresection. La Banque mondiale a publié deux autres glossaires: Forestry Terms (Terminologie forestiére> en Anglais-Françaiset Français-Anglaiset The World Bank Glossary. en Anglais - Français- Espagnol, qui comprend des termes économiques,financiers, et d'autres termes concernant le développementen général. On peut se procurer ces glossaires auprés du Servicede vente des publications de la Banquemondiale. Este glosario contiene terminologia relacionadacon las operacionesde empréstitos y préstamos del Banco Mundial y la Corporación Financiera Internacional,y con los mercados financieros de los Estados Unidos y de eurodólares. El glosario consta de tres secciones: inglésfrancés-español. francés-inglés y español-inglés. En la primera sección se dan definiciones de los términos en inglés. Otros glosarios publicados por el Banco Mundial son Forestry Terms, inglés-francés v francés-inglés. y The World Bank Glossairq, inglésfrancés- español. que contiene términos económicos,financieros y de otros sectores relacionados con el tema general del desarrollo. Estos glosarios también pueden obtenerse de la Dependenciade Venta de Publicacionesdel BancoMundial. -1 IS1BN(1-8213- 036h5