Win the new PXW-FS5

Win the new
Sony’s new ‘No Limits’
4K camcorder
Competition terms and conditions
Europe & Russia: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Kosovo, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, FYRO Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom.
Middle East & Africa: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Yemen, United Arab Emirates; Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros,
Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea - Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia,
Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique,
Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal,
Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa,
South East Asia: Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Macau,
Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam Swaziland,
Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Australia & New Zealand
Latin America: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina,
Uruguay, Paraguay, Jamiaca, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic
Terms and Conditions
Europe & Russia- (English)3
- (Français)6
- (Deutsche)9
- (Polskie)12
- (Español)15
- (Türk)18
Middle East & Africa - (English)21
South East Asia- (English)24
Australia & New Zealand - (English)27
Latin America - (English)30
- (Español)33
- (Português)36
India - (English)39
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Promoter: Professional Solutions Europe a division of Sony Europe Limited, a company
registered in England and Wales. Registered office: The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge,
Surrey, KT13 0XW, United Kingdom. Registered company number: 2422874
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description “This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video.
2. You must be aged 18 or over.
3. This competition is open to residents of, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel,
Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, FYRO Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom. (“the
Regional Competition”)
4. The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
5. Entries can be made up until October 31st 2015 23:59 UK time. No entries will
be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no liability for any entries lost,
delayed or damaged in transmission.
6. You are limited to one entry to this competition.
The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form.
8. You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two minutes in length and was shot for the purpose of
entering this contest, fitting with the theme of “no more limits”
b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any
other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
Terms and Conditions
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 8 a-e.
9. The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
10. By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the competition.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image
misuse.The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate
or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the
equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition,
and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or
software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer
transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or
alteration of entries.
13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the competition.
14. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of opened
as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering,
unauthorised intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes
no responsibility.
15. The ten entries into the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to
15th November inclusive 2015, will be selected as the Regional Competition
shortlist. Should any of the ten be considered in the view of the Promoter to
not abide to the competition rules or guidelines, then the video with the next
highest number of “Likes” will be selected instead.
Terms and Conditions
16. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning
entry from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round
of the Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the
winners of Regional Competitions operated by the other companies which
are subsidiaries of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The
Promoter together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions
and a panel of independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global
Competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
17. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera. In the
event that the winner of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the
Global Competition, the winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony
Alpha 7S camera.
18. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason, the
Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of equivalent value.
19. If no response is received from the winner of the competition to the
notification of their win after 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to award
the prize to an alternative winner.
20. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
21. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
22. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
23. By entering the competition, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter
is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will be
used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
24. The competition is managed under the control of Sony Europe Limited. The
rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. By entering the free
prize draw you agree to submit to the laws of England and Wales in respect to
the operation of the competition regardless of your country of residence
25. By entering the competition you hereby accept these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Promoteur: Professional Solutions Europe, division de Sony Europe Limited, une
société enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles. Siège social : The Heights,
Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW, Royaume-Uni. Numéro d’enregistrement
de la société : 2422874
Pour participer au jeu-concours, veuillez remplir le formulaire d’inscription.
Vous recevrez ensuite un e-mail contenant toutes les informations
nécessaires. Vous devez mettre en ligne votre film sur YouTube et écrire dans
la description: « Voici ma participation au jeu-concours Sony. Cliquez ici pour
en savoir plus: ». Vous devez également identifier votre
vidéo avec les mots ‘« No Limits » lors de la mise en ligne. Pour participer,
accédez à la page du formulaire d’inscription au jeu-concours Sony et
indiquez le lien menant à votre vidéo.
Vous devez être âgé de 18 ans ou plus.
Ce jeu-concours est ouvert aux résidents des pays suivants : Albanie,
Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie,
Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Groenland, Hongrie,
Irlande, Islande, Israël, Kosovo, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine
(ARYM), Malte, Monténégro, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République
tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse et
Turquie. (« le Jeu-concours régional »)
Le Jeu-concours régional n’est pas ouvert aux employés du Promoteur, aux
membres de leur famille, ni à toute personne en lien avec le jeu-concours.
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 31 octobre 2015 23 h 59, heure
du Royaume-Uni. Aucune inscription ne sera acceptée après ce délai. Le
Promoteur ne saurait être tenu responsable de toute inscription perdue,
retardée ou altérée lors de sa transmission.
Vous êtes limité à une participation dans le cadre de ce jeu-concours.
Le Promoteur se réserve le droit, à sa seule discrétion, de disqualifier et de
supprimer toute participation qui ne respecte pas les présentes conditions
générales, même si la vidéo a été soumise via le formulaire d’inscription au
jeu-concours Sony.
En soumettant votre participation, vous garantissez le respect des
clauses suivantes :
a) votre vidéo ne dépasse pas deux minutes, a été filmée dans le but de
participer à ce jeu-concours et répond au thème « zéro limite » ;
b) vous êtes le seul propriétaire et auteur de chaque image vidéo soumise et
vous détenez tous les droits liés aux images et vidéos ;
c) toute personne présente dans la vidéo a donné son accord pour y figurer ;
d) la vidéo est dépourvue de tout contenu à caractère offensant, menaçant,
faux, trompeur, abusif, insultant, diffamatoire, vulgaire, obscène, scandaleux,
provocateur, pornographique ou blasphématoire ;
Terms and Conditions
e) la vidéo respecte les droits d’auteur, les marques déposées, les droits
de contrat ainsi que tous les droits de propriété intellectuelle de toute
personne ou entité tierce, et ne viole pas le droit au respect de la vie privée
ou de la notoriété. Votre clip vidéo ne contient pas de marques déposées
détenues par des tiers, de contenus faisant l’objet d’un copyright, de noms,
de ressemblances, de voix ou toute autre caractéristique permettant
l’identification de célébrités ou autres personnages publics, morts ou vivants.
Vous consentez à indemniser entièrement le Promoteur en honorant les royalties,
frais et autres dépenses issus de la violation de toute clause énoncée au
paragraphe 8 a-e.
Le Promoteur se réserve le droit de supprimer les participations qui
contiennent des contenus commerciaux en conflit avec les intérêts du
10. En participant à ce jeu-concours, les concurrents accordent au Promoteur une
licence dépourvue de royalties et valable dans le monde entier permettant à
ce dernier d’utiliser ou de modifier toute image soumise dans le cadre du jeuconcours.
11. Le Promoteur se dégage de toute responsabilité et ne peut être tenu
responsable de toute mauvaise utilisation des images.
12. Le Promoteur ne peut pas non plus être tenu responsable si les informations
soumises sont incomplètes, incorrectes ou qu’elles manquent de précision, et
ce, que cela soit dû aux utilisateurs du site Web ou à tout autre équipement
ou programme associé ou utilisé dans le cadre du jeu-concours. Le Promoteur
n’est pas responsable des problèmes techniques, matériels ou logiciels de tous
genres, des problèmes de connexion réseau, des transmissions informatiques
défectueuses ou de tous autres problèmes ou difficultés techniques en rapport
avec ce jeu-concours.
13. Le Promoteur ne peut être tenu pour responsable des erreurs, omissions,
corruptions, interruptions, suppressions, défauts, retards de fonctionnement
ou de transmission, de pannes des lignes de communication, des vols, de la
destruction, de la modification des clips vidéo ou de leur accès non autorisé.
14. Le Promoteur n’est pas responsable de tout problème ou dysfonctionnement
technique des lignes ou réseaux téléphoniques, des systèmes informatiques
en ligne, des serveurs et autres équipements informatiques, des logiciels,
d’erreur humaine ou d’encombrement du trafic sur Internet ou tout autre site
Internet ou de toute combinaison d’éléments susmentionnés, notamment
toute blessure ou dommage infligé à vous-même ou à votre ordinateur et
résultant de la participation ou du téléchargement du matériel utilisé dans le
cadre du jeu-concours.
15. Si, pour toute raison, un clip vidéo ne peut être lu ou ouvert comme prévu,
ce qui inclut l’infection d’un ordinateur par un virus ou bogue, la violation
du contenu, une intervention non autorisée, un cas de fraude ou de panne
technique, le Promoteur ne pourra être tenu pour responsable.
Terms and Conditions
16. Les dix vidéos soumises au Jeu-concours régional qui recevront le plus
grand nombre de « J’aime » sur YouTube entre le 1er novembre 2015 et le 15
novembre 2015 inclus seront nominées au Jeu-concours régional. Si l’une des
dix vidéos est considérée comme non conforme aux règles ou aux directives
du jeu-concours par le Promoteur, elle sera remplacée par la prochaine vidéo
ayant obtenu le plus grand nombre de « J’aime ».
17. Le Promoteur et un jury indépendant désigneront le gagnant du Jeuconcours régional parmi la liste des nominés. La vidéo gagnante sera inscrite
à la version mondiale du Jeu-concours regroupant tous les gagnants des
Jeux-concours régionaux gérés par les filiales de la société japonaise Sony
Corporation (« le Jeu-concours mondial »). Le Promoteur, les Promoteurs des
autres Jeux-concours régionaux ainsi qu’un jury indépendant choisiront le
gagnant du Jeu-concours mondial. La décision du jury est finale et ne saurait
faire l’objet de correspondances.
18. Le gagnant du Jeu-concours mondial remportera une caméra PXW-FS5 Sony. Si
le gagnant du Jeu-concours régional ne remporte pas le Jeu-concours mondial,
il recevra un appareil photo Alpha 7S Sony.
19. Si le prix s’avère indisponible, pour quelque raison que ce soit, le Promoteur se
réserve le droit de fournir un autre prix d’une valeur équivalente.
20. Si le gagnant du jeu-concours ne répond pas dans un délai de 14 jours après
avoir été informé de son prix, le Promoteur se réserve le droit d’attribuer le prix
à un autre gagnant.
21. Les gagnants du Jeu-concours régional et du Jeu-concours mondial seront
annoncés au cours du séminaire en ligne Sony qui aura lieu le 17 décembre
2015. Des informations supplémentaires sur les gagnants seront également
publiées ici dans les 24 heures suivant le séminaire en ligne.
22. La promotion ne peut faire l’objet ni d’un remboursement en espèces, ni d’un
23. Les gagnants consentent à participer aux activités publicitaires et autorisent
le Promoteur à utiliser leur nom et la vidéo gagnante à des fins de publicité,
promotion et marketing à travers le monde.
24. En vous inscrivant à ce jeu-concours, vous acceptez et reconnaissez que
le Promoteur est autorisé à recevoir vos données d’inscription. Toutes les
informations personnelles seront utilisées par le Promoteur conformément à
sa Politique de confidentialité.
25. Le jeu-concours est géré sous le contrôle de Sony Europe Limited.
Les règles sont soumises aux lois de l’Angleterre et du Pays de Galles. En
participant au tirage au sort gratuit, vous acceptez de vous soumettre à la
législation de ces pays concernant la gestion du jeu-concours, quel que soit
votre pays de résidence.
26. En participant à ce jeu-concours, vous acceptez les présentes conditions
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Veranstalter Professional Solutions Europe ist ein Bereich von Sony Europe Limited,
ein in England und Wales eingetragenes Unternehmen. Eingetragener Sitz: The Heights,
Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW. Registrierungsnummer des Unternehmens:
Zur Teilnahme am Wettbewerb füllen Sie bitte die Registrierung aus.
Sie erhalten dann eine E-Mail mit den Einzelheiten zur Teilnahme. Laden Sie
Ihr Video auf YouTube hoch und vermerken Sie in der Beschreibung:
“This is my entry for the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:” („Dies ist mein Beitrag zum Sony Wettbewerb. Hier
erfahren Sie mehr:”) Zudem muss das hochgeladene
Video mit den Worten „No Limits“ getaggt werden. Um teilzunehmen, gehen
Sie dann bitte zum Anmeldeformular für den Wettbewerb von Sony und
senden Sie uns einen Link zu Ihrem Video.
Sie müssen mindestens 18 Jahre alt sein.
Teilnahmeberechtigt sind nur Personen, die ihren Wohnsitz in den folgenden
Ländern haben: Albanien, Belgien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Bulgarien, Dänemark,
Deutschland, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Grönland, Irland,
Island, Israel, Kosovo, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, Mazedonien,
Montenegro, Niederlande, Norwegen, Österreich, Polen, Portugal, Rumänien,
Serbien, Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden, Schweiz, Tschechische
Republik, Türkei, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich und Zypern. („der regionale
Von der Teilnahme am regionalen Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen sind
Mitarbeiter des Veranstalters und deren Familienangehörige oder jegliche
Personen, die an der Durchführung des Wettbewerbs beteiligt sind.
Annahmeschluss ist der 31. Oktober 2015 23:59 Uhr (britische Zeit). Verspätete
Einsendungen werden nicht berücksichtigt. Der Veranstalter übernimmt keine
Haftung für verloren gegangene, verspätete oder beschädigte Einsendungen.
Sie können nur einmal an diesem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen.
Der Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, nach eigenem Ermessen alle
Beiträge zu disqualifizieren und zu löschen, die den Teilnahmebedingungen
nicht entsprechen. Dies ist auch noch möglich, wenn ein Video bereits über
das Teilnahmeformular von Sony eingereicht wurde.
Sie bestätigen und garantieren hinsichtlich Ihres Beitrags, dass:
a) er eine Länge von zwei Minuten nicht überschreitet, ausdrücklich für die
Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb erstellt wurde und dass das Video ein
Thema behandelt, das zu „No more Limits“ passt.
b) Sie der alleinige Eigentümer und Urheber sämtlicher Video- und
Bildbeiträge sind und alle Rechte an diesem Bild- und Filmmaterial besitzen.
c) alle in Ihrem Beitrag gezeigten Personen der Veröffentlichung
zugestimmt haben.
d) Ihr Beitrag keine verletzenden, bedrohenden, falschen, irreführenden,
missbräuchlichen, belästigenden, diffamierenden, vulgären, obszönen,
schändlichen, aufrührerischen, pornographischen oder gotteslästerlichen
Inhalte enthält.
Terms and Conditions
e) er keine Urheberrechte, Marken, Vertragsrechte und anderen Rechte des
geistigen Eigentums von Dritten verletzt. Ihr Beitrag verletzt kein Recht auf
Privatsphäre und keine Veröffentlichungsrechte von Dritten und enthält
keine Marken oder urheberrechtlich geschützten Materialien von Dritten,
Namen, Abbildungen, Stimmen oder andere Eigenschaften, die tote
oder lebende Berühmtheiten oder andere Figuren des öffentlichen Lebens
identifizieren könnten.
Sie erklären sich einverstanden, den Veranstalter in voller Höhe zu entschädigen,
falls durch Nichteinhaltung der in 8 a-e aufgeführten Regeln Lizenzgebühren,
Tantiemen und Gebühren anderer Art zu zahlen sind.
Der Veranstalter behält sich das Recht vor, Beiträge mit kommerziellem Inhalt,
der im Konflikt mit den Interessen des Veranstalters steht, zu löschen.
10. Durch Ihre Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb übertragen Sie dem Veranstalter
eine nicht exklusive, tantiemenfreie, weltweit geltende Lizenz für die
Verwendung oder Vervielfältigung, Änderungen oder Bearbeitungen aller für
den Wettbewerb eingereichten Materialien.
11. Der Veranstalter übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung und haftet nicht für die
missbräuchliche Verwendung der Bilder.
12. Der Veranstalter übernimmt keine Verantwortung für falsche, ungenaue oder
unvollständige Informationen, gleich, ob diese auf Website-Benutzer oder auf
zum Wettbewerb gehörige oder im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs verwendete
Geräte oder Programmierungen zurückzuführen sind; des Weiteren übernimmt
der Veranstalter keine Haftung für technische Fehler und Hardware- oder
Softwarefehler jedweder Art, für unterbrochene Netzwerkverbindungen,
fehlgeschlagene Datenübertragungen, andere Probleme oder technische
Fehlfunktionen im Zusammenhang mit dem Wettbewerb.
13. Der Veranstalter übernimmt keine Verantwortung für Fehler, Auslassungen,
Verfälschungen, Unterbrechungen, Löschungen, Defekte, Verzögerungen
in Betrieb oder Übertragung, Kommunikationsleitungsfehler, Diebstähle,
Zerstörungen, unautorisierte Zugriffe oder Änderungen der Beiträge.
14. Der Veranstalter übernimmt keine Verantwortung für Probleme oder
technische Fehlfunktionen von Telefon- oder Netzwerkleitungen,
Computersystemen, Servern, Computerausrüstung, Software, noch für
menschliche Fehler oder Datenverkehrsüberlastungen im Internet oder
bestimmter Websites oder einer Kombination daraus, einschließlich
Beschädigungen an Ihrem Computer oder Computern Dritter, die durch die
Teilnahme am Wettbewerb oder den Download von Materialien für diesen
Wettbewerb verursacht werden.
15. Falls ein Beitrag nicht wie vorgesehen angezeigt werden oder geöffnet werden
kann, beispielsweise durch Computerviren, Softwarefehler, unsachgemäße
oder unbefugte Eingriffe, Betrug oder technische Fehler, übernimmt der
Veranstalter keine Verantwortung.
Terms and Conditions
16. Die zehn Beiträge des regionalen Wettbewerbs, die vom 1. November 2015
bis einschließlich zum 15. November 2015 die höchste Anzahl an „Likes“ auf
YouTube erhalten, werden auf die Shortlist des regionalen Wettbewerbs
gesetzt. Sollten einer oder mehrere dieser zehn Beiträge der Ansicht des
Veranstalters nach die Regeln und Richtlinien des Wettbewerbs verletzen, wird
das Video mit der nächsthöheren Anzahl an „Likes“ ausgewählt.
17. Der Veranstalter wählt den Gewinner des regionalen Wettbewerbs gemeinsam
mit einer unabhängigen Jury von der Shortlist aus. Der Gewinnerbeitrag
des regionalen Wettbewerbs nimmt dann an der weltweiten Runde teil, bei
der der Gewinnerbeitrag gegen die Gewinner der regionalen Wettbewerbe
der Tochterunternehmen der Sony Corporation von Japan („weltweiter
Wettbewerb“). antritt. Der Veranstalter ermittelt gemeinsam mit den
Veranstaltern der anderen regionalen Wettbewerbe und einer unabhängigen Jury
den Gewinnerbeitrag des weltweiten Wettbewerbs. Die Entscheidung der Juroren
ist endgültig. In diesem Zusammenhang wird keine Korrespondenz beantwortet.
18. Der Sieger des weltweiten Wettbewerbs gewinnt die Kamera PXW-FS5
von Sony. Falls der Gewinner des regionalen Wettbewerbs nicht auch
den weltweiten Wettbewerb gewinnt, erhält der Gewinner des regionalen
Wettbewerbs die Kamera Alpha 7S von Sony.
19. Für den Fall, dass der Preis nicht mehr verfügbar sein sollte, behält sich der
Veranstalter das Recht vor, diesen durch einen gleichwertigen Preis zu ersetzen.
20. Falls sich der Gewinner des Wettbewerbs nicht innerhalb von 14 Werktagen
nach Benachrichtigung meldet, behält sich der Veranstalter das Recht vor, den
Preis einem anderen Teilnehmer des Wettbewerbs zuzuweisen.
21. Der Gewinner des regionalen Wettbewerbs und der Gewinner des weltweiten
Wettbewerbs werden beim Sony Webinar am 17. Dezember 2015 bekannt
gegeben. Alle Einzelheiten zu den Gewinnern sind innerhalb von 24 Stunden
nach der Webinar-Verkündung zudem hier zu finden.
22. Der Wert kann nicht ausgezahlt oder gutgeschrieben werden.
23. Die Gewinner erklären sich damit einverstanden, an verbundenen
Werbeaktionen teilzunehmen und seinen Namen und seine Bilder
sowie den preisgekrönten Film für weltweite Werbe-, Marketing- und
Öffentlichkeitszwecke bereitzustellen.
24. Durch Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb erklären Sie sich einverstanden, dass
der Veranstalter Ihre Registrierungsdaten erhält. Alle personenbezogenen
Daten werden vom Veranstalter gemäß seiner Datenschutzbestimmungen
25. Dieser Wettbewerb wird von Sony Europe Limited organisiert und
durchgeführt. Die Wettbewerbsregeln unterliegen den Gesetzen von England
und Wales. Durch die Teilnahme an der kostenlosen Verlosung erklären Sie
sich bereit, sich bezüglich der Durchführung des Wettbewerbs den Gesetzen
von England und Wales zu unterstellen, auch wenn Sie in einem anderen Land
wohnhaft sind.
26. Durch die Teilnahme an diesem Wettbewerb erklären Sie sich mit diesen
Bedingungen einverstanden.
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Organizator Professional Solutions Europe, oddział firmy Sony Europe Limited,
zarejestrowanej w Anglii i Walii. Siedziba: The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey,
KT13 0XW, Wielka Brytania. Numer rejestrowy podmiotu: 2422874
Warunkiem udziału w konkursie jest wypełnienie formularza rejestracji
udziału. Po jego przesłaniu uczestnik otrzyma mailem wszystkie informacje
potrzebne do zgłoszenia. Wówczas musi przesłać film na YouTube, umieszczając
w opisie frazę „This is my entry for the Sony Professional competition. Find out
more here:”. („To jest moje zgłoszenie na konkurs Sony.
Dalsze informacje znajdziesz tutaj:”) Przesyłany film
należy ponadto oznaczyć tagiem „No Limits”. W celu dokonania zgłoszenia należy
przejść do formularza zgłoszenia udziału w konkursie Sony i podać link do filmu.
2. Uczestnicy muszą mieć ukończone 18 lat.
3. W konkursie mogą brać udział mieszkańcy Albanii, Austrii, Belgii, Bośni i
Hercegowiny, Bułgarii, Chorwacji, Cypru, Czarnogóry, Czech, Danii, Estonii,
Finlandii, Francji, Grecji, Grenlandii, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Irlandii, Islandii, Izraela,
Kosowa, Litwy, Luksemburga, Łotwy, Macedonii, Malty, Niemiec, Norwegii, Polski,
Portugalii, Rumunii, Serbii, Słowacji, Słowenii, Szwajcarii, Szwecji, Turcji, Węgier i
Wielkiej Brytanii („Konkurs regionalny”).
4. W Konkursie regionalnym nie mogą brać udziału pracownicy Organizatora,
członkowie ich rodzin ani żadna osoba mająca związek z konkursem.
5. Zgłoszenia są przyjmowane do 31 października 2015 r. godz. 23:59 czasu
brytyjskiego. Zgłoszenia, które wpłyną po tym terminie, nie zostaną przyjęte.
Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za zgłoszenia zaginione, opóźnione lub
uszkodzone w transmisji.
6. Uczestnik może dokonać tylko jednego zgłoszenia na konkurs.
7. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do dyskwalifikacji i usunięcia, według
własnego uznania, każdego zgłoszenia, które nie spełnia wymogów niniejszego
regulaminu, nawet po przesłaniu filmu za pomocą formularza zgłoszenia udziału
w konkursie Sony.
8. Uczestnik deklaruje i zaręcza w odniesieniu do swojego zgłoszenia, że:
a) długość materiału nie przekracza dwóch minut, a film został nakręcony w celu
zgłoszenia na ten konkurs i jest dostosowany do jego tematu „no more limits”
(koniec z ograniczeniami).
b) jest jedynym posiadaczem i autorem każdego zgłoszonego obrazu wideo oraz
posiada wszystkie prawa do obrazów i materiału filmowego;
c) każda osoba przedstawiona w zgłoszeniu udzieliła zezwolenia na
sportretowanie jej w taki sposób;
d) zgłoszenie nie zawiera treści naruszających normy, zastraszających,
fałszywych, wprowadzających w błąd, obelżywych, napastliwych,
oszczerczych, zniesławiających, wulgarnych, obscenicznych, skandalicznych,
podburzających, pornograficznych lub bluźnierczych;
Terms and Conditions
e) zgłoszenie nie narusza praw autorskich, znaków handlowych, praw umownych
ani żadnych innych praw własności intelektualnej żadnej strony trzeciej bądź
podmiotu ani nie stanowi pogwałcenia niczyjego prawa do prywatności bądź
rozgłosu i nie zawiera znaków handlowych stanowiących własność stron trzecich;
materiałów chronionych prawami autorskimi stanowiących własność stron
trzecich; nazw, podobizn, głosów lub innych cech identyfikujących znane osoby
lub postaci publiczne, żyjące lub nie.
Uczestnik wyraża zgodę na przejęcie pełnej odpowiedzialności względem
Organizatora za wszelkie tantiemy, opłaty i inne kwoty należne dowolnej osobie z
tytułu naruszenia postanowień z punktów 8 a-e.
9. Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do usunięcia zgłoszeń zawierających treści
reklamowe kolidujące z interesami Organizatora.
10. Przystępując do konkursu, uczestnik niniejszym udziela Organizatorowi
niewyłącznej, ważnej na całym świecie, nieodpłatnej licencji na wykorzystanie,
kopiowanie modyfikowanie lub przerabianie wszelkich materiałów przesłanych w
związku z konkursem.
11. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności nadużycie jakiegokolwiek obrazu.
12. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek nieprawidłowe,
niedokładne lub niepełne informacje, których źródłem są użytkownicy strony
internetowej lub dowolny sprzęt bądź oprogramowanie związane z konkursem
lub w nim wykorzystane; Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za wszelkiego
rodzaju awarie techniczne, sprzętowe lub programowe, za przypadki utraty
połączenia z siecią, zniekształcone transmisje komputerowe, inne problemy lub
usterki techniczne związane z konkursem.
13. Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakikolwiek błąd, przeoczenie,
zniekształcenie, zakłócenie, usunięcie, defekt, opóźnienie w działaniu lub
transmisji, awarię linii transmisyjnej, kradzież, zniszczenie, dostęp osób
nieupoważnionych bądź zmianę zgłoszeń.
14. Organizator nie odpowiada za wszelkie problemy lub usterki techniczne
dotyczące dowolnych sieci lub linii telefonicznych, systemów komputerowych
on-line, serwerów, sprzętu komputerowego, oprogramowania, błędy ludzkie,
nadmierny ruch w sieci lub na dowolnej stronie internetowej bądź dowolną
kombinację powyższych czynników, w tym za szkody lub uszkodzenia zaistniałe
w komputerze uczestnika lub dowolnej innej osoby w związku z udziałem w
konkursie lub pobieraniem dowolnych materiałów konkursowych bądź w wyniku
takich działań.
15. Jeżeli z dowolnego powodu — w tym infekcji wirusem komputerowym, błędów
w oprogramowaniu, manipulacji, nieuprawnionych działań, nadużycia lub awarii
technicznych — zgłoszenie nie może być oglądane lub otwarte w planowany
sposób, Organizator nie ponosi z tego tytułu odpowiedzialności.
16. Dziesięć zgłoszeń na Konkurs regionalny, które w okresie od 1 listopada 2015
r. do 15 listopada 2015 r. otrzymają największą liczbę „polubień” w serwisie
YouTube, zostanie zakwalifikowanych do finału Konkursu regionalnego. W razie
gdyby dowolne zgłoszenie z tej dziesiątki było w ocenie Organizatora niezgodne
z regułami lub wytycznymi konkursowymi, zamiast niego wybrany zostanie film z
kolejną najwyższą liczbą „polubień”.
Terms and Conditions
17. Spośród zgłoszeń zakwalifikowanych do finału Organizator wraz z grupą
niezależnych jurorów wybierze zgłoszenie, które zwycięży w Konkursie
regionalnym. Zwycięskie zgłoszenie z Konkursu regionalnego przejdzie następnie
do globalnej rundy Konkursu, gdzie będzie oceniane na tle zwycięskich zgłoszeń
z Konkursów regionalnych zorganizowanych przez inne firmy będące podmiotami
zależnymi firmy Sony Corporation z siedzibą w Japonii („Konkurs globalny”).
Organizator wspólnie z Organizatorami innych Konkursów regionalnych oraz
grupą niezależnych jurorów wyłoni zwycięskie zgłoszenie na Konkurs globalny.
Decyzja jurorów będzie ostateczna, bez możliwości nawiązania jakiejkolwiek
korespondencji w tej sprawie.
18. Zwycięzca Konkursu globalnego otrzyma kamerę Sony PXW-FS5. Jeżeli
zwycięzca Konkursu regionalnego nie zostanie zwycięzcą Konkursu globalnego,
otrzyma aparat Sony α7S.
19. W razie gdyby nagroda ta stała się niedostępna z dowolnego powodu,
Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo dostarczenia równowartościowej nagrody
20. Jeżeli zwycięzca konkursu nie odpowie na powiadomienie o wygranej przez
okres 14 dni, Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do przyznania nagrody
alternatywnemu zwycięzcy.
21. Zwycięzca Konkursu regionalnego oraz zwycięzca Konkursu globalnego zostaną
ogłoszeni podczas seminarium internetowego Sony w dniu 17 grudnia 2015 r.
Informacje o zwycięzcach zostaną także opublikowane tutaj w ciągu 24 godzin
od ogłoszenia w czasie seminarium internetowego.
22. Nie istnieje możliwość zamiany na gotówkę lub kredyt.
23. Zwycięzcy wyrażają zgodę na udział w powiązanych akcjach reklamowych oraz
na wykorzystanie swoich nazwisk i podobizn oraz zwycięskich obrazów w celach
reklamy i promocji na całym świecie.
24. Przystępując do konkursu, uczestnik potwierdza, że Organizator jest uprawniony
do odbioru danych o rejestracji, i wyraża na to zgodę. Wszelkie informacje o
charakterze osobistym będą wykorzystywane przez Organizatora zgodnie z jego
zasadami Ochrony prywatności.
25. Kontrolę nad przebiegiem konkursu sprawuje Sony Europe Limited. Zasady
podlegają prawu Anglii i Walii. Zgłoszenie udziału w konkursie oznacza wyrażenie
zgody na poddanie się prawu Anglii i Walii w odniesieniu do funkcjonowania
konkursu, niezależnie od kraju zamieszkania.
26. Przystępując do konkursu, uczestnik akceptuje niniejszym ten regulamin.
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Promotor Professional Solutions Europe es una división de Sony Europe Limited,
una compañía registrada en Inglaterra y Gales, con oficina registrada en The Heights,
Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW, Reino Unido. Número de registro de la
compañía: 2422874
Para participar en el concurso, rellena el formulario de registro del concurso.
Recibirás un mensaje de correo electrónico con todos los detalles para
participar. Deberás subir tu vídeo a YouTube y escribir en la descripción «He
aquí mi participación al concurso de Sony. Más información en:». Además, al cargar el vídeo deberás etiquetarlo con
las palabras «No Limits». A continuación, para acceder, accede al formulario
de participación en el concurso de Sony y envíanos un enlace a tu vídeo.
Debes de ser mayor de 18 años.
Este concurso está abierto a residentes de Albania, Alemania, Antigua
República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Austria, Bélgica, Bosnia y Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia,
Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Groenlandia, Hungría, Islandia, Irlanda, Israel, Kosovo,
Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Montenegro, Noruega, Países Bajos,
Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumanía, Serbia, Suecia, Suiza
y Turquía. (El «Concurso regional»)
El Concurso regional no está abierto a empleados del Promotor, sus familiares
ni ninguna otra persona relacionada con el concurso.
Los formularios de participación pueden enviarse hasta el 31 de octubre de
2015 a las 23:59 h (hora de Reino Unido). No se admitirán participaciones
después de esta fecha. El Promotor se exime de toda responsabilidad derivada
de los daños, retraso o pérdida de los formularios durante la transmisión.
Solo se admite una participación por persona en el concurso.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho, a su entera discreción, a descalificar y
desestimar cualquier participación que no cumpla con estos términos y
condiciones, incluso tras el envío de un vídeo a través del formulario de
participación en el concurso de Sony.
El participante garantiza y declara que:
a) el material no supera los dos minutos de duración, se ha grabado con
el propósito de participar en este concurso y se adapta a la idea de
«sin límites»; b) es el único propietario y autor de cada imagen de vídeo y dispone de todos
los derechos sobre las imágenes y el material;
c) cada persona representada en la participación ha dado su consentimiento
para ser retratada de tal forma;
d) el material no incluye contenido en contra de la ley, amenazante, falso,
engañoso, abusivo, hostil, difamatorio, vulgar, obsceno, escandaloso,
incendiario o profano;
Terms and Conditions
e) el material no infringe derechos de autor, marcas comerciales, derechos
contractuales ni ningún otro derecho de propiedad intelectual de un tercero
o entidad, ni viola los derechos de privacidad o publicidad de ninguna
persona, no incluye marcas registradas propiedad de terceros, material con
derechos de autor de terceros, nombres, parecidos, voces ni ninguna otra
característica que identifique a personajes famosos o figuras públicas, vivas
o fallecidas.
El participante acepta indemnizar al Promotor por todos los derechos de autor,
tasas u otras cantidades que se deban a cualquier persona como consecuencia de
la infracción de las cláusulas 8 a-e.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho a eliminar entradas que contengan
contenido comercial en conflicto con los intereses del Promotor.
10. Al participar en el concurso, el participante concede al Promotor una licencia
internacional exenta de derechos de autor y no exclusiva para utilizar, copiar,
modificar o alterar cualquier material presentado en relación con el concurso.
11. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna ni es responsable de cualquier
uso indebido de las Imágenes.
12. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna ni es responsable de cualquier
información incorrecta, imprecisa o incompleta generada por los usuarios del
sitio Web o cualquier equipo o programa utilizado en el concurso o asociado
con el mismo. El Promotor tampoco asume responsabilidad alguna en relación
con errores técnicos, de software o de hardware de ningún tipo, interrupciones
de la conexión de red, problemas de transmisión de los equipos o cualquier
otra anomalía técnica relacionada con el concurso.
13. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna en relación con cualquier
error, omisión, corrupción, interrupción, eliminación, defecto o retraso en
la operación o la transmisión, error en la línea de comunicaciones, robo o
destrucción, acceso no autorizado o alteración de las participaciones.
14. El Promotor no es responsable de ningún problema o anomalía técnica
en las líneas o redes telefónicas, sistemas informáticos online, servidores,
equipos informáticos, software, errores humanos, o congestión del tráfico de
Internet o cualquier página web, ni de ninguna combinación de estas causas,
incluidos los daños al equipo del participante o al de otras personas que estén
relacionados o sean consecuencia de la participación en el concurso o de la
descarga de cualquier material del concurso.
15. Si por cualquier motivo una participación no puede visualizarse o ejecutarse
según lo planeado, incluyendo infecciones por virus informáticos, errores,
manipulación, intervención no autorizada, fraude o fallos técnicos, el Promotor
no asume responsabilidad alguna.
16. Las diez participaciones en el Concurso regional que reciban el mayor número
de «Me gusta» en YouTube desde el 1 de noviembre de 2015 al 15
de noviembre de 2015 (inclusive), serán seleccionadas como los finalistas
del Concurso regional. Si, por algún motivo, el Promotor considerase que
alguna participación no cumple las reglas del concurso o sus directrices,
se seleccionará el vídeo con el siguiente mayor número de «Me gusta»
en su lugar.
Terms and Conditions
17. El Promotor, junto con un jurado independiente, seleccionará la participación
ganadora entre los finalistas del Concurso regional. La participación ganadora
del Concurso regional entrará en una vuelta internacional del Concurso,
donde la participación ganadora se juzgará junto a las de los ganadores de
las Competiciones regionales de otras subsidiarias de Sony Corporation, Japón
(«Concurso mundial»). El Promotor, los Promotores de los otros Concursos
regionales y un jurado independiente serán los encargados de seleccionar
la participación ganadora del Concurso mundial. La decisión del jurado es
definitiva y no se admitirá ningún tipo de correspondencia.
18. El ganador del Concurso mundial ganará una cámara PXW-FS5 de Sony. En el
caso de que el ganador del Concurso regional no sea el ganador del Concurso
mundial, ganará una cámara Alpha 7S.
19. En caso de que el premio dejara de estar disponible, por el motivo que sea, el
Promotor se reserva el derecho de proporcionar un premio alternativo de valor
20. En caso de no recibir respuesta del ganador del concurso tras 14 días a partir
de la notificación, el Promotor se reserva el derecho a otorgar el premio a un
ganador alternativo.
21. El ganador del Concurso regional y el del Concurso mundial se anunciarán
durante el seminario web de Sony el 17 de diciembre de 2015. Los detalles de
los ganadores también se publicarán aquí en un plazo de 24 horas a partir del
anuncio del seminario web.
22. El premio no podrá canjearse por dinero ni utilizarse como crédito.
23. Los ganadores aceptan participar en la publicidad relacionada y dan su
consentimiento para el uso de sus datos personales y de las imágenes
ganadoras con fines publicitarios y promocionales en todo el mundo.
24. Al participar en el concurso, aceptas y reconoces el permiso del Promotor
para recibir tus datos de inscripción. El Promotor utilizará toda la información
personal de conformidad con su Política de privacidad.
25. Este concurso se gestiona bajo el control de Sony Europe Limited. Las reglas
del concurso se rigen por las leyes de Inglaterra y Gales. Al participar en el
sorteo gratuito, aceptas cumplir las leyes de Inglaterra y Gales en lo que se
refiere al funcionamiento del concurso, independientemente de tu país de
26. Al participar en el concurso, el participante acepta, por la presente, los
términos y condiciones del mismo.
Terms and Conditions
(Europe & Russia)
Düzenleyici İngiltere ve Galler’de kayıtlı bulunan bir şirket olan Sony Europe Limited’ın
bir kolu olan Profesyonel Çözümler Avrupa. Şirket merkezi: The Heights, Brooklands,
Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW, Birleşik Krallık. Şirket sicil numarası: 2422874
1. Yarışmaya katılmak için lütfen yarışma kayıt formunu doldurun.
Ardından nasıl katılabileceğinizle ilgili tüm ayrıntıları içeren bir e-posta
alacaksınız. Filminizi YouTube’a yüklemeli ve açıklama kısmına şunu
yazmalısınız:”Bu, Sony yarışmasına katılımımdır. Buradan daha fazlasını
bulabilirsiniz: yazın”. Ayrıca videonuzu yüklerken
“No Limits” (Sınır Yok) etiketini kullanmalısınız. Ardından katılmak için Sony
yarışmaya katılım formuna gidin ve bize videonuzun linkini iletin.
2. En az 18 yaşında olmanız gerekir.
3. Bu yarışmaya şu ülkelerde ikamet edenler katılabilir: Arnavutluk, Avusturya,
Belçika, Bosna Hersek, Bulgaristan, Hırvatistan, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Kıbrıs,
Danimarka, Estonya, Finlandiya, Fransa, Almanya, Yunanistan, Grönland,
Macaristan, İzlanda, İrlanda, İsrail, Kosova, Letonya, Litvanya, Lüksemburg, EYC
Makedonya, Malta, Karadağ, Hollanda, Norveç, Polonya, Portekiz, Romanya,
Sırbistan, Slovak Cumhuriyeti, Slovenya, İspanya, İsveç, İsviçre, Türkiye ve
Birleşik Krallık. (“Bölgesel Yarışma”)
4. Bölgesel Yarışma; Düzenleyici’nin çalışanlarına, aile üyelerine veya yarışmayla
bağlantılı kişilere açık değildir.
5. Katılımlar 31 Ekim 2015, BK saatiyle saat 23:59’a kadar gönderilebilir. Bu saatten
sonra katılım kabul edilmeyecektir. Düzenleyici; gönderim sırasında kaybolan,
geciken ya da hasar gören katılımlar konusunda hiçbir sorumluluk kabul
6. Yarışmaya sadece bir başvuru hakkınız vardır.
7. Düzenleyici, kendi takdirine bağlı olarak, Sony başvuru formu üzerinden başvuru
yapıldıktan sonra bile bu hüküm ve koşullara uyum sağlamayan başvuruların
geçersiz olduğuna karar vererek bunları yarışma dışı bırakma ve yarışmadan
çıkarma hakkını saklı tutar.
8. Başvurunuzla ilgili olarak şunları beyan ve tekeffül edersiniz:
a) uzunluğun iki dakikayı aşmayacağını, videonun bu yarışmaya katılım amacıyla
çekildiğini ve “sınırları aşın” temasına uyduğunu.
b) Her bir video görüntü gönderiminin tek sahibi ve yaratıcısı olduğunuzu ve
görüntülerin ve çekimlerin tüm hakları size ait olduğunu;
c) videoda görülen her bir kişinin görüntülerinin kullanılmasına izin verdiğini
d) videoda aykırı, tehdit veya hakaret niteliğinde, hatalı, yanlış yönlendirici,
küçük düşürücü, kaba, müstehcen, tahrik unsuru taşıyabilecek, pornografik
veya saygısız içeren öğelerin bulunmadığını;
e) videonun hiçbir üçüncü şahsın veya şirketin telif hakkını, ticari markalarını,
sözleşmeden kaynaklanan haklarını veya başka herhangi bir fikri mülkiyet
hakkını ya da hiçbir kişinin gizlilik veya tanıtım hakkını ihlal etmediğini; videoda
üçüncü taraflara ait ticari markalar, telif hakkına tabi materyaller, hayatta olan
ya da olmayan ünlü kişilere ait isim, ses veya diğer unsurlar bulunmadığını.
Terms and Conditions
8 a-e’de ayrıntıları belirtilen koşullardan herhangi birini ihlal etmeniz nedeniyle
herhangi bir kişiye ödenmesi gereken her türlü telif hakkı, ücret ve diğer tutarlarla ilgili
olarak Düzenleyici’yi tamamen tazmin etmeyi kabul edersiniz.
9. Düzenleyici, kendi çıkarlarına aykırı ticari içerik taşıyan başvuruları yarışmadan
çıkarma hakkını saklı tutar.
10. Bu yarışmaya katılarak Düzenleyici’ye yarışma ile birlikte iletilen her türlü
materyali kullanması, kopyalaması, değiştirmesi veya düzeltmesi için münhasır
olmayan dünya genelinde geçerli telifsiz lisans verirsiniz.
11. Düzenleyici, görüntülerin amacı dışında kullanılması konusunda hiçbir sorumluluk
kabul etmez.
12. Düzenleyici, web sitesi kullanıcılarından ya da yarışma ile ilgili veya yarışmada
kullanılan bir ekipman veya programlamadan kaynaklanan hiçbir yanlış ya da
eksik bilgi ile ilgili sorumluluk kabul etmez. Düzenleyici, yarışma ile ilgili hiçbir
teknik hata, donanım veya yazılım hatası, ağ bağlantısı kaybı, sorunlu bilgisayar
iletimleri, diğer sorunlar veya teknik arızalar için de sorumluluk kabul etmez.
13. Düzenleyici, başvurulardaki hiçbir hata, eksiklik, bozulma, kesinti, silme, kusur,
çalışma veya iletimde gecikme, iletişim hattı arızaları, başvuruların çalınması,
imha edilmesi veya üzerinde değişiklik yapılması ya da başvurulara izinsiz erişim
için sorumluluk kabul etmez.
14. Düzenleyici, size veya başka bir kişiye ait bilgisayarın yarışmayla ilgili
materyallerin indirilmesi veya yarışmaya katılım ile ilişkili olarak ya da bunların
sonucunda gördüğü zarar da dahil olmak üzere telefon şebekelerindeki veya
hatlardaki, çevrimiçi bilgisayar sistemlerindeki, sunuculardaki, bilgisayar
ekipmanlarındaki, yazılımlardaki hiçbir sorundan ya da teknik arızadan, insan
hatasından ya da İnternet veya herhangi bir web sitesindeki yoğun trafikten veya
bunların herhangi bir şekilde bir araya geldiği sorunlardan sorumlu değildir.
15. Başvurunun bilgisayar virüsü bulaşması, hatalar, onaysız ve yetkisiz işlemler,
sahtekarlık veya teknik arızalar dahil olmak üzere herhangi bir nedenle
görüntülenememesi veya planlandığı gibi açılmaması durumunda Düzenleyici
hiçbir sorumluluk kabul etmeyecektir.
16. Bölgesel Yarışma’ya katılanlar arasından 1 Kasım 2015 ile 15 Kasım 2015
tarihleri arasında (bu tarihler dahil) YouTube’da en fazla “Beğeni” alan on katılım,
Bölgesel Yarışma final listesine seçilecektir. Bu on katılımdan herhangi birinin
yarışma kurallarına veya ilkelerine uymadığı Düzenleyici tarafından belirlenirse
bunun yerine en fazla “Beğeni” alan bir sonraki video seçilecektir.
17. Düzenleyici, bağımsız hakemlerden oluşan bir panel ile birlikte Bölgesel
Yarışma’nın kazanan katılımını bu final listesinden seçecektir. Ardından Bölgesel
Yarışma’nın kazanan katılımı Yarışma’nın küresel etabına katılacak ve burada
Japonya Sony Corporation’ın bağlı kuruluşları olan diğer şirketler tarafından
gerçekleştirilen Bölgesel Yarışmaların kazananları ile yarışacaktır (“Küresel
Yarışma”). Düzenleyici, diğer Bölgesel Yarışmaların Düzenleyicileri ve bağımsız
hakemlerden oluşan bir panel ile birlikte Küresel Yarışma’nın kazanan katılımını
seçecektir. Hakemlerin kararı nihai olacak ve bu konuda hiçbir yazışmaya yanıt
Terms and Conditions
18. Küresel Yarışma’nın kazananı bir Sony PXW-FS5 kamera kazanacaktır. Bölgesel
Yarışma’nın kazananının Küresel Yarışma’nın kazananı olmaması halinde
Bölgesel Yarışma’nın kazananı bir Sony Alpha 7S kamera kazanacaktır.
19. Düzenleyici, bu ödülün herhangi bir nedenle verilememesi halinde eşit değerde
başka bir ödül verme hakkını saklı tutar.
20. Düzenleyici, 14 gün içerisinde yarışmanın kazananından yanıt alınmadığı takdirde
ödülleri alternatif bir kazanana verme hakkını saklı tutar.
21. Bölgesel Yarışma’nın kazananı ve Küresel Yarışma’nın kazananı 17 Aralık
2015 tarihinde yapılacak Sony web seminerinde duyurulacaktır. Kazananların
ayrıntıları, web semineri duyurusundan sonra 24 saat içinde burada ayrıca
22. Alternatif nakit veya kredi seçenekleri sunulmamaktadır.
23. Kazananlar, ilgili tanıtım faaliyetlerine katılmayı ve dünya genelindeki reklam,
promosyon ve tanıtım faaliyetlerinde isimlerinin, resimlerinin ve yarışmayı
kazandıkları görüntülerin kullanılmasını kabul eder.
24. Yarışma’ya katıldığınızda Düzenleyici’nin kayıt bilgilerinizi alma izni olduğunu
kabul eder ve onaylarsınız. Tüm kişisel bilgiler Düzenleyici tarafından Gizlilik
Politikası’na uygun bir şekilde kullanılacaktır.
25. Yarışma, Sony Europe Limited’ın kontrolü altında yönetilir. Yarışma kuralları
İngiltere ve Galler kanunlarına göre yönetilir. Ücretsiz ödül çekilişine katıldığınızda
ikamet ettiğiniz ülkeden bağımsız olarak yarışmanın düzenlenmesine ilişkin
İngiltere ve Galler kanunlarına tabi olmayı kabul edersiniz
26. Yarışmaya katılarak bu yarışma şart ve koşullarını kabul etmiş olursunuz.
Terms and Conditions
(Middle East & Africa)
Promoter: Professional Solutions Europe a division of Sony Europe Limited, a company
registered in England and Wales. Registered office: The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge,
Surrey, KT13 0XW, United Kingdom. Registered company number: 2422874
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description ”This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video.
2. You must be aged 18 or over.
3. 3. This competition is open to residents of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt,
Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi
Arabia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates; Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros,
Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon,
Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea - Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar,
Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger,
Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone,
Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western
Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe. (“the Regional Competition”)
4. The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
5. Entries can be made up until October 31st 2015 23:59 UK time. No entries will
be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no liability for any entries lost,
delayed or damaged in transmission.
6. You are limited to one entry to this competition.
The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form.
8. You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two minutes in length and was shot for the purpose of
entering this contest, fitting with the theme of “no more limits”
b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
Terms and Conditions
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any
other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 8 a-e.
9. The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
10. By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the competition.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image misuse.
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or
incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the
equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition,
and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or
software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer
transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the
13. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or
alteration of entries.
14. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the competition.
15. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of opened
as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering,
unauthorised intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes
no responsibility.
16. The ten entries into the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to
15th November inclusive 2015, will be selected as the Regional Competition
shortlist. Should any of the ten be considered in the view of the Promoter to
not abide to the competition rules or guidelines, then the video with the next
highest number of “Likes” will be selected instead.
Terms and Conditions
17. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning
entry from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round
of the Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the
winners of Regional Competitions operated by the other companies which
are subsidiaries of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The
Promoter together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions
and a panel of independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global
Competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
18. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera. In the
event that the winner of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the
Global Competition, the winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony
Alpha 7S camera.
19. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason, the
Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of equivalent value.
20. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
21. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
22. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
23. By entering the competition, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter
is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will be
used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
24. The competition is managed under the control of Sony Europe Limited. The
rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. By entering the free
prize draw you agree to submit to the laws of England and Wales in respect to
the operation of the competition regardless of your country of residence.
25. By entering the competition you hereby accept these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
(South East Asia)
Promoter: Professional Solutions Asia Pacific Company (Hong Kong), a division of Sony
Corporation of Hong Kong Limited, a company registered in Hong Kong.
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description “This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video.
You must be aged 18 or over.
2. This competition is open to residents of, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong
Kong and Macau, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia,
Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and
Vietnam. (“the Regional Competition”)
3. The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
4. Entries can be made up until October 31st 2015 23:59 HK time. No entries will
be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no liability for any entries lost,
delayed or damaged in transmission.
5. You are limited to one (1) entry to this competition.
6. The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form.
By submitting your entry to the Regional Competition, you declare that the entry
represents your own work and does not violate the rights associated with any
other video production. You agree to undertake to hold the Promoter, Sony
Corporation of Hong Kong Ltd. harmless against any and all claims by any third
parties. You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two (2) minutes in length and was shot solely for the
purpose of entering this Regional Competition, fitting with the theme of “no
more limits”
b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any
other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
Terms and Conditions
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 8 a-e.
8. The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
9. By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the Regional Competition.
10. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image misuse.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or
incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of
the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the Regional
Competition, and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical,
hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled
computer transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard
to the Regional Competition.
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications
line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of entries.
13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the Regional Competition.
14. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of opened as
planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorised
intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes no responsibility.
15. The ten (10) entries into the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to
15th November inclusive 2015, will be selected as the Regional Competition
shortlist. Should any of the ten (10) be considered in the view of the Promoter
to not abide to the competition rules or guidelines, then the video with the
next highest number of “Likes” will be selected instead.
16. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning entry
from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round of the
Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the winners of
Regional Competitions operated by the other companies which are subsidiaries
of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The Promoter
together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions and a panel of
independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global Competition. The
judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Terms and Conditions
17. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera. In the
event that the winner of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the
Global Competition, the winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony
Alpha 7S camera.
18. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason, the
Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of equivalent value.
19. If no response is received from the winner of the competition to the
notification of their win after 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to award
the prize to an alternative winner.
20. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
21. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
22. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
23. By entering the competition, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter
is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will
be used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy, and one of the
following privacy policies which apply to your country:
Malaysia: and
Singapore, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar,
Nepal and Sri Lanka:
Hong Kong and Macau:
24. The competition is managed under the control of Sony Europe Limited. The
rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. By entering the free
prize draw you agree to submit to the laws of England and Wales in respect to
the operation of the competition regardless of your country of residence.
25. These terms and conditions of the competition are subject to amendment
without prior notice. Should there be any dispute the decision of the panel of
judges will be final and not appealable.
26. By entering the competition you hereby accept these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
(Australia & New Zealand)
Promoter: Sony Australia Limited, a company registered in Australia. Registered office:
Level 3, 165 Walker St, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia. ABN: ABN 59 001 215 354
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description ”This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video. (“Regional Competition”).
2. This competition is open to residents of Australia and New Zealand aged
18and over.
3. The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
4. Entries can be submitted up until November 1st 2015, 10:59am AEDT / 12:59pm
NZDT time. No entries will be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no
liability for any entries lost, delayed or damaged in transmission.
5. You are limited to one entry to this competition.
6. The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form. The Promoter will not
enter into any communication with entrants about its decision.
You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two minutes in length and was shot for the purpose of
entering this contest, fitting with the theme of “no more limits” b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or
any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 7 a-e.
Terms and Conditions
The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the competition.
10. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image misuse.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or
incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the
equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition,
and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or
software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer
transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or
alteration of entries.
13. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the competition.
14. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of being opened
as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering,
unauthorised intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes
no responsibility.
15. The ten (10) entries in the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to 15th
November inclusive 2015, will be shortlised. Should the Promoter consider
that any of the ten (10) entries do not comply with the competition rules
or guidelines, then the video with the next highest number of “Likes” will be
selected instead.
16. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning
entry from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round
of the Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the winners
of the other Regional Competitions, operated by the other companies which
are subsidiaries of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The
Promoter together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions
and a panel of independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global
Competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
Terms and Conditions
17. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera. In the
event that the winner of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the
Global Competition, the winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony
Alpha 7S camera.
18. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason, the
Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of equivalent value.
19. If no response is received from the winner of the competition to the
notification of their win after fourteen (14) days, the Promoter reserves the
right to award the prize to an alternative winner.
20. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
21. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
22. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
23. By entering the competition, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter
is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will be
used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
For residents of Australia, please check:
For residents of New Zealand, please check
24. The competition is managed under the control of Sony Europe Limited. The
rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. By entering the free
prize draw you agree to submit to the laws of England and Wales in respect to
the operation of the competition regardless of your country of residence.
25. By entering the competition you hereby accept these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
(Latin America)
Promoter: Professional Solutions Latin America, a division of Sony Latin America Inc. ,
a Florida company, with an office at 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 400, Miami, Florida
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description ”This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video.
You must be aged 18 or over.
This competition is open to legal residents of, Mexico, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Jamiaca, Puerto
Rico and Dominican Republic (“the Regional Competition”), unless otherwise
prohibited by law. U.S. residents are not eligible to participate
in this competition.
The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
Entries can be made up until October 31st 2015 23:59 Eastern time. No entries
will be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no liability for any entries
lost, delayed or damaged in transmission.
You are limited to one entry to this competition.
The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form.
You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two minutes in length and was shot for the purpose of
entering this contest, fitting with the theme of “no more limits” b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or
any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
Terms and Conditions
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 8 a-e.
The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
10. By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the competition.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image misuse.
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or
incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the
equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition,
and the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or
software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer
transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the
13. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or
alteration of entries.
14. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the competition.
15. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of opened
as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering,
unauthorised intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes
no responsibility.
16. The ten entries into the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to
15th November inclusive 2015, will be selected as the Regional Competition
shortlist. Should any of the ten be considered in the view of the Promoter to
not abide to the competition rules or guidelines, then the video with the next
highest number of “Likes” will be selected instead.
17. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning
entry from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round
of the Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the
winners of Regional Competitions operated by the other companies which are
subsidiaries of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The
Promoter together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions
and a panel of independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global
Competition. The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
Terms and Conditions
18. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera with
a suggested retail value of US $7,299 (with lens). In the event that the winner
of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the Global Competition, the
winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony Alpha 7S camera.
19. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason,
the Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of
equivalent value.
20. If no response is received from the winner of the competition to the
notification of their win after 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to award
the prize to an alternative winner.
21. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
22. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
23. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
24. By entering the competition, you agree and acknowledge that the Promoter
is permitted to receive your registration data. All personal information will be
used by the Promoter in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
25. The competition is managed under the control of Sony Latin America Inc.
The rules are governed by the laws of the State of Florida, USA. By entering
the free prize draw you agree to submit to the laws of the State of Florida in
respect to the operation of the competition regardless of your country
of residence.
26. By entering the competition you hereby accept these terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions
(Latin America)
Promotor Professional Solutions Latin America, división de Sony Latin America Inc.,
empresa constituida en Florida, con sede en 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 400, Miami,
Florida 33126
Para participar en el concurso, rellena el formulario de registro del concurso.
Posteriormente recibirá un correo electrónico con todos los detalles sobre
cómo participar. Debe subir su video a YouTube, e incluir en la descripción el
siguiente texto: “Este es mi video para la competencia de Sony Professional.
Más información aquí:” Además, al subir su video debe
colocarle una etiqueta con las palabras “No Limits” (Sin límites). Luego, para
participar, vaya al Formulario de presentación del video para el concurso de
Sony e incluya el enlace a su video.
2. Debe tener 18 años o más.
3. Este concurso está abierto a los residentes legales de México, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Jamaica, Puerto
Rico y República Dominicana (“el Concurso Regional”), salvo que esté
prohibido por ley. Los residentes de los Estados Unidos no cumplen con los
requisitos para participar en este concurso.
4. El Concurso Regional no está abierto para empleados del Promotor, sus
familiares ni ninguna persona relacionada con el concurso.
5. Se pueden presentar videos hasta las 23:59 hrs. (Hora de la Costa Este) del 31
de octubre de 2015. No se aceptarán videos luego de esta hora. El Promotor
no asume responsabilidad alguna por la pérdida, demora o daño de videos
durante la transmisión.
6. Usted puede presentar un solo video para este concurso.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho, a su exclusivo criterio, de descalificar y
eliminar toda presentación que no cumpla con estos términos y condiciones,
incluso luego de que se envíe el video a través del formulario de presentación
de video para el concurso de Sony.
8. Con respecto a su video, usted garantiza y declara lo siguiente:
a) no supera los dos minutos de duración, se filmó con el fin de participar en
este concurso y se adapta al tema “no más límites”
b) usted es el único dueño y autor de cada video presentado y es el titular de
todos los derechos sobre las imágenes y el material de video;
c) todas las personas que aparecen en el video han dado su consentimiento
para aparecer como se muestran;
d) no incluye contenido calificado como infractor, amenazante, falso,
engañoso, abusivo, acosador, calumnioso, difamatorio, vulgar, obsceno,
escandaloso, sedicioso, pornográfico ni profano;
e) no viola los derechos de autor, de marcas comerciales ni ningún otro
derecho de propiedad intelectual de otras personas o entidades, no viola
los derechos de privacidad o publicidad de ninguna persona ni incluye
marcas comerciales de titularidad de otras personas; materiales protegidos
por los derechos de autor de otras personas; nombres, imágenes, voces u
otras características que identifiquen a celebridades u otras figuras públicas,
ya sea que estén vivas o muertas
Terms and Conditions
Acuerda indemnizar íntegramente al Promotor con respecto a regalías, honorarios
y cualquier otro monto adeudado a otra persona por incumplimiento de su parte
de los términos detallados en la cláusula 8 a-e.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho de eliminar videos que incluyan contenido
comercial en conflicto con los intereses del Promotor.
10. Al participar en este concurso, por medio del presente, usted otorga al
Promotor una regalía mundial no exclusiva y sin licencia para utilizar, copiar,
modificar o alterar los materiales presentados en relación con el concurso.
11. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna ni es civilmente responsable
por el uso indebido de las imágenes.
12. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna por información incorrecta,
inexacta o incompleta, ya sea generada por los usuarios del sitio web o por
cualquiera de los equipos o programación asociada al concurso o utilizada
en este, ni tampoco asume el Promotor responsabilidad alguna por fallas
técnicas, de hardware o de software de ningún tipo, pérdidas de conexiones
de red, transmisiones informáticas desvirtuadas u otros problemas o fallas
técnicas con respecto al concurso.
13. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna por error, omisión, corrupción,
interrupción, eliminación, defecto, demora en el funcionamiento o la
transmisión, falla de la línea de comunicación, robo o destrucción o acceso no
autorizado a los videos o alteración de estos.
14. El Promotor no es responsable de problemas o fallas técnicas de la red o las
líneas telefónicas, sistemas informáticos en línea, servidores, computadoras,
software, errores humanos o congestionamiento de tráfico en Internet o en
cualquier sitio web, ni de combinaciones de estos, incluyendo lesiones o
daños a su computadora o a la de cualquier otra persona, relacionados con
la participación o la descarga de materiales en el concurso, o que resulten de
15. Si por algún motivo algún video no se puede ver o es imposible abrirlo según
estaba planificado, lo que incluye infección por virus informáticos, errores
de programación, alteraciones, intervención no autorizada, fraude o fallas
técnicas, el Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna con respecto a ello.
16. Los diez videos que reciban la mayor cantidad de “Me gusta” en YouTube
durante el período que abarca del 1ro al 15 de noviembre de 2015 inclusive,
serán los preseleccionados del Concurso Regional. En el caso de que el
Promotor considere que cualquiera de estos diez videos no cumple con las
reglas o directrices del concurso, entonces se seleccionará en su lugar el
siguiente video con mayor cantidad de “Me gusta”.
Terms and Conditions
17. El Promotor junto con un panel de jurados independientes seleccionarán el
video ganador del Concurso Regional entre los preseleccionados. El video
ganador del Concurso Regional participará posteriormente en una ronda
mundial del Concurso, donde será evaluado junto con los video ganadores de
los Concursos Regionales llevados a cabo por otras compañías subsidiarias
de Sony Corporation de Japón (“el Concurso Mundial”). El Promotor junto
con los Promotores de los otros Concursos Regionales y un panel de jurados
independientes seleccionarán el video ganador del Concurso Mundial. La
decisión del jurado será definitiva y no se atenderá ningún reclamo.
18. El ganador del Concurso Mundial ganará una cámara PXW-FS5 de Sony
con precio minorista sugerido de US$7.299 (con lente). En el caso de que el
ganador del Concurso Regional no gane el Concurso Mundial, ganará una
cámara Alpha 7S de Sony.
19. En el caso de que ese premio no estuviera disponible, independientemente
del motivo, el Promotor se reserva el derecho a dar un premio alternativo de
valor equivalente.
20. Ante la falta de respuesta del ganador del concurso a la notificación de su
victoria una vez transcurridos 14 días, el Promotor se reserva el derecho a
adjudicar el premio a un ganador alternativo.
21. El ganador del Concurso Regional y el ganador del Concurso Mundial se
anunciarán durante el seminario web de Sony a realizarse el 17 de diciembre
de 2015. Además, los detalles sobre los ganadores se publicarán aquí dentro
de las 24 horas del anuncio en el seminario web.
22. El premio no se podrá canjear por dinero ni vales de compra.
23. Los ganadores aceptan participar en la actividad publicitaria relacionada y que
sus nombres e imágenes, así como también el material ganador, se utilicen
para fines de publicidad y promoción a nivel mundial.
24. Al participar en el concurso, usted acepta y reconoce que el Promotor puede
recibir sus datos de inscripción. El Promotor utilizará toda la información
personal de conformidad con su Política de Privacidad.
25. El concurso se maneja bajo el control de Sony Latin America Inc. Las reglas
se rigen por las leyes del Estado de Florida, Estados Unidos. Al participar del
sorteo de premios gratuito usted acepta someterse a las leyes del Estado de
Florida con respecto al funcionamiento del concurso, independientemente del
país de residencia.
26. Al participar del concurso, por medio del presente usted acepta estos términos
y condiciones.
Terms and Conditions
(Latin America)
Promotor: Professional Solutions Latin America, división de Sony Latin America Inc.,
empresa constituida en Florida, con sede en 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 400, Miami,
Florida 33126
Para participar en el concurso, complete el formulario de inscripción.
Posteriormente recibirá un correo electrónico con todos los detalles sobre
cómo participar. Debe subir su video a YouTube, e incluir en la descripción el
siguiente texto: “This is my entry for the Sony Professional competition. Más
información:” Además, al subir su video debe colocarle
una etiqueta con las palabras “No Limits” (Sin límites). Luego, para participar,
vaya al «No Limits». A continuación, para acceder, accede al Formulario de
presentación del video para el concurso de Sony y envíanos e incluya el
enlace a su video.
Debe tener 18 años o más.
Este concurso está abierto a los residentes legales de México, Guatemala,
El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela,
Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Jamaica, Puerto Rico
y República Dominicana (“el Concurso Regional”), salvo que esté prohibido por
ley. Los residentes de los Estados Unidos no cumplen con los requisitos para
participar en este concurso.
El Concurso Regional no está abierto para empleados del Promotor, sus
familiares ni ninguna persona relacionada con el concurso.
Se pueden presentar videos hasta las 23:59 hrs. (Hora de la Costa Este) del 31
de octubre de 2015. No se aceptarán videos luego de esta hora. El Promotor
no asume responsabilidad alguna por la pérdida, demora o daño de videos
durante la transmisión.
Usted puede presentar un solo video para este concurso.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho, a su exclusivo criterio, de descalificar y
eliminar toda presentación que no cumpla con estos términos y condiciones,
incluso luego de que se envíe el video a través del formulario de presentación
de video para el concurso de Sony.
Con respecto a su video, usted garantiza y declara lo siguiente:
a) no supera los dos minutos de duración, se filmó con el fin de participar en
este concurso y se adapta al tema “no más límites”
b) usted es el único dueño y autor de cada video presentado y es el titular de
todos los derechos sobre las imágenes y el material de video;
c) todas las personas que aparecen en el video han dado su consentimiento
para aparecer como se muestran;
d) no incluye contenido calificado como infractor, amenazante, falso,
engañoso, abusivo, acosador, calumnioso, difamatorio, vulgar, obsceno,
escandaloso, sedicioso, pornográfico ni profano;
Terms and Conditions
e) no viola los derechos de autor, de marcas comerciales ni ningún otro
derecho de propiedad intelectual de otras personas o entidades, no viola los
derechos de privacidad o publicidad de ninguna persona ni incluye marcas
comerciales de titularidad de otras personas; materiales protegidos por los
derechos de autor de otras personas; nombres, imágenes, voces u otras
características que identifiquen a celebridades u otras figuras públicas, ya
sea que estén vivas o muertas.
Acuerda indemnizar íntegramente al Promotor con respecto a regalías, honorarios
y cualquier otro monto adeudado a otra persona por incumplimiento de su parte
de los términos detallados en la cláusula 8 a-e.
El Promotor se reserva el derecho de eliminar videos que incluyan contenido
comercial en conflicto con los intereses del Promotor.
10. Al participar en este concurso, por medio del presente, usted otorga al
Promotor una regalía mundial no exclusiva y sin licencia para utilizar, copiar,
modificar o alterar los materiales presentados en relación con el concurso.
11. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna ni es civilmente responsable
por el uso indebido de las imágenes.
12. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna por información incorrecta,
inexacta o incompleta, ya sea generada por los usuarios del sitio web o por
cualquiera de los equipos o programación asociada al concurso o utilizada
en este, ni tampoco asume el Promotor responsabilidad alguna por fallas
técnicas, de hardware o de software de ningún tipo, pérdidas de conexiones
de red, transmisiones informáticas desvirtuadas u otros problemas o fallas
técnicas con respecto al concurso.
13. El Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna por error, omisión, corrupción,
interrupción, eliminación, defecto, demora en el funcionamiento o la
transmisión, falla de la línea de comunicación, robo o destrucción o acceso no
autorizado a los videos o alteración de estos.
14. El Promotor no es responsable de problemas o fallas técnicas de la red o las
líneas telefónicas, sistemas informáticos en línea, servidores, computadoras,
software, errores humanos o congestionamiento de tráfico en Internet o en
cualquier sitio web, ni de combinaciones de estos, incluyendo lesiones o
daños a su computadora o a la de cualquier otra persona, relacionados con
la participación o la descarga de materiales en el concurso, o que resulten de
15. 15. Si por algún motivo algún video no se puede ver o es imposible abrirlo
según estaba planificado, lo que incluye infección por virus informáticos,
errores de programación, alteraciones, intervención no autorizada, fraude
o fallas técnicas, el Promotor no asume responsabilidad alguna con respecto a
16. Los diez videos que reciban la mayor cantidad de “Me gusta” en YouTube
durante el período que abarca del 1ro al 15 de noviembre de 2015 inclusive,
serán los preseleccionados del Concurso Regional. En el caso de que el
Promotor considere que cualquiera de estos diez videos no cumple con las
reglas o directrices del concurso, entonces se seleccionará en su lugar el
siguiente video con mayor cantidad de “Me gusta”.
Terms and Conditions
17. El Promotor junto con un panel de jurados independientes seleccionarán el
video ganador del Concurso Regional entre los preseleccionados. El video
ganador del Concurso Regional participará posteriormente en una ronda
mundial del Concurso, donde será evaluado junto con los video ganadores de
los Concursos Regionales llevados a cabo por otras compañías subsidiarias
de Sony Corporation de Japón (“el Concurso Mundial”). El Promotor junto
con los Promotores de los otros Concursos Regionales y un panel de jurados
independientes seleccionarán el video ganador del Concurso Mundial. La
decisión del jurado será definitiva y no se atenderá ningún reclamo.
18. El ganador del Concurso Mundial ganará una cámara PXW-FS5 de Sony
con precio minorista sugerido de US$7.299 (con lente). En el caso de que el
ganador del Concurso Regional no gane el Concurso Mundial, ganará una
cámara Alpha 7S de Sony.
19. En el caso de que ese premio no estuviera disponible, independientemente
del motivo, el Promotor se reserva el derecho a dar un premio alternativo de
valor equivalente.
20. Ante la falta de respuesta del ganador del concurso a la notificación de su
victoria una vez transcurridos 14 días, el Promotor se reserva el derecho a
adjudicar el premio a un ganador alternativo.
21. El ganador del Concurso Regional y el ganador del Concurso Mundial se
anunciarán durante el seminario web de Sony a realizarse el 17 de diciembre
de 2015. Además, los detalles sobre los ganadores se publicarán aquí dentro
de las 24 horas del anuncio en el seminario web.
22. El premio no se podrá canjear por dinero ni vales de compra.
23. Los ganadores aceptan participar en la actividad publicitaria relacionada y que
sus nombres e imágenes, así como también el material ganador, se utilicen
para fines de publicidad y promoción a nivel mundial.
24. Al participar en el concurso, usted acepta y reconoce que el Promotor puede
recibir sus datos de inscripción. El Promotor utilizará toda la información
personal de conformidad con su Política de Privacidad
25. El concurso se maneja bajo el control de Sony Latin America Inc. Las reglas
se rigen por las leyes del Estado de Florida, Estados Unidos. Al participar del
sorteo de premios gratuito usted acepta someterse a las leyes del Estado de
Florida con respecto al funcionamiento del concurso, independientemente del
país de residencia.
26. Al participar del concurso, por medio del presente usted acepta estos términos
y condiciones.
Terms and Conditions
Promoter for Global Competition (defined herein): Professional Solutions Europe a
division of Sony Europe Limited, a company registered in England and Wales. Registered
office: The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0XW, United Kingdom.
Registered company number: 2422874 (“Global Promoter”)
To enter the competition, please complete the competition registration form.
You will then receive an email with the full details of how to enter. You must
upload your film to YouTube, and write in the description “This is my entry for
the Sony Professional competition. Find out more here:”
In addition when uploading your video you must tag with the words ‘No
Limits’. Then to enter, Go to Sony competition entry form and provide us with
a link to your video.
2. You must be aged 18 or over.
3. This competition is open to residents of, India (“the Regional Competition”)
The Promoter for the Regional Competition for India shall be Sony India Private
Limited having its registered office at A-31, Mohan Co-operative Industrial
Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi-110044 (“Regional Promoter”).
“Global Promoter” and “Regional Promoter” may hereafter be referred to as
“Promoter” wherever the context requires.
4. The Regional Competition is not open to employees of the Promoter, their
family members, or anyone connected with the competition.
5. Entries can be made up until October 31st 2015 23:59 UK time. No entries will
be accepted after this time. Promoter accepts no liability for any entries lost,
delayed or damaged in transmission.
6. You are limited to one entry to this competition.
The Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove
any entry that does not comply with these terms and conditions, even after a
video is submitted via the Sony competition entry form.
8. You warrant and represent that, in respect of your entry:
a) it does not exceed two minutes in length and was shot for the purpose of
entering this contest, fitting with the theme of “no more limits”
b) you are the sole owner and author of each video picture submission and
own all rights to the images and footage;
c) each person depicted in the entry has granted permission to be portrayed
as shown;
d) it does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive,
harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory,
pornographic or profane content;
e) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any
other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate
any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include trademarks
owned by third parties; copyrighted materials owned by third parties;
names, likenesses, voices or other characteristics identifying celebrities or
other public figures, living or dead.
Terms and Conditions
You agree to fully indemnify the Promoter in respect of all royalties, fees and any
other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the terms
detailed in 8 a-e.
9. The Promoter reserves the right to remove entries that contain commercial
content in conflict with the interests of the Promoter.
10. By entering this competition you hereby grant the Promoter a non-exclusive
worldwide royalty free license to use, copy, modify or alter any materials
submitted in connection with the competition.
11. The Promoter assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any image misuse.
12. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or
incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the
equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the competition, and
the Promoter assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or software failure
of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, other
problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the competition.
13. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption,
interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or
alteration of entries.
14. The Promoter is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of
any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer
equipment, software, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any
website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your
or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or
downloading any materials in the competition.
15. If for any reason an entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of opened as
planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorised
intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Promoter assumes no responsibility.
16. The ten entries into the Regional Competition which receive the highest
number of “Likes” on YouTube during the period 1st November 2015 to
15th November inclusive 2015, will be selected as the Regional Competition
shortlist. Should any of the ten be considered in the view of the Promoter to
not abide to the competition rules or guidelines, then the video with the next
highest number of “Likes” will be selected instead.
17. The Promoter together with a panel of independent judges will select the
winning entry for the Regional Competition from the shortlist. The winning entry
from the Regional Competition will then be entered into a global round of the
Competition where the winning entry will be judged against the winners of
Regional Competitions operated by the other companies which are subsidiaries
of Sony Corporation of Japan (“the Global Competition”). The Promoter
together with the Promoters of the other Regional Competitions and a panel of
independent judges will select the winning entry of the Global Competition. The
judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Terms and Conditions
18. The winner of the Global Competition will win a Sony PXW-FS5 camera. In the
event that the winner of the Regional Competition is not the winner of the
Global Competition, the winner of the Regional Competition will win a Sony
Alpha 7S camera sponsored by the Promoter for the Regional Competition of
respective region.
19. In the event of that prize becoming unavailable, for whatever reason, the
Promoter reserves the right to provide an alternative prize of equivalent value.
20. If no response is received from the winner of the competition to the
notification of their win after 14 days, the Promoter reserves the right to award
the prize to an alternative winner.
21. The winner of the Regional Competition and the winner of the Global
Competition will be announced during the Sony webinar on 17 December 2015.
Details of winners will also be published here within 24 hours of the webinar
22. There are no cash or credit alternatives available.
23. Mere participation in the competition does not entitle you to any gratification.
Any fraudulent conduct or use of unfair means or any canvassing post
submission of entry shall render you ineligible and you shall be disqualified.
24. The winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their
names and likenesses and the winning images for the purposes of advertising,
promotion and publicity across the World.
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