Parish Pro-Life Committee Manual Working Copy

Blessing for Mothers
An alternate blessing can be found in the Book of Blessings, Nos. 1721-1728.
This special blessing of mothers is to be given at the end of Mass. Flowers are to be set in a place
of prominence before Mass begins. A soft instrumental of the music director's discretion will begin and continue until the blessing is over.
The priest will rise and invite all mothers in the congregation to come forward to receive a flower
and a blessing. The mothers may choose their own flower or children can be available to hand a
flower to each mother. When all the mothers have received a flower and are standing before the
congregation, the priest will ask the congregation to stand and join in the blessing.
God of Love,
listen to this prayer.
God of Holy People,
of Sarah, Ruth and Rebekah;
God of holy Elizabeth, mother of John,
of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus,
bend down Your ear to this request
and bless the mother of our family.
Bless her with the strength of Your spirit,
she who has taught her children
how to stand and how to walk.
Bless her with the melody of Your love,
she who has shared how to speak, how to sing
and how to pray to You.
Bless her with a place at Your eternal dinner table,
she who has fed and nurtured
the life that was formed within her
while still helpless but embraced in her love.
Bless her today,
now, in this lifetime, with good things, with health.
Bless her with joy, love, laughter
and pride in her children
and surround her with many good friends.
May she who carried life in her womb
be carried one day to Your divine embrace:
there, for all eternity, to rejoice with her family and friends.
This blessing and all graces, we pray,
descend upon the mother of our family:
in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
(prayer taken from Prayers for the Domestic Church by Edward Hays.)
Blessing for Mothers, Spanish
Dios de Amor, escucha nuestra oración.
Dios de todos los santos, de Sara, de Ruth y Rebeca;
Dios de Santa Isabel, madre de Juan,
de Santa María, Madre de Jesús,
escucha nuestra petición
y bendice a las madres de nuestra familia..
Bendícela, a cada una, con la fortaleza de Tu espíritu,
ella que le ha enseñado a nuestros niños como pararse y caminar.
Bendícela con la melodía de Tu amor,
ella que nos ha enseñado como hablar,como cantar
y como orar contigo.
Bendícela con un lugar en la mesa de la eternidad,
ella que ha alimentado y criado la vida que se formaba en ella
mientras aún indefensa pero abrazada a su amor..
Bendícela hoy, ahora,
en este vida, con cosas buenas, con salud.
Bendícela con alegría, amor, con la sonrisa y el orgullo de sus hijos
Y rodéala de muchos buenos amigos.
Que ella, quien llevó la vida en su vientre,
sea cargada un día en Tus divinos brazos:
y allí, por toda la eternidad, se regocije con su familia y amigos.
Por esta bendición y por todos los favores, oremos,
Que desciendan a nuestra madre de familia:
En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo. Amen.
Plegaria tomada de las Oraciones para la Iglesia Doméstica de Edward Hays)
Blessing for Mothers, Short Version
God of Holy People,
bless the mother of our family.
Bless her with the strength of Your spirit,
she who has taught her children
how to stand and how to walk.
Bless her with the melody of Your love,
she who has shared how to speak, how to sing
and how to pray to You.
Bless her with a place at Your eternal dinner table,
she who has fed and nurtured
the life that was formed within her
while still helpless but embraced in her love.
Bless her today,
now, in this lifetime, with good things, with health.
Bless her with joy, love, laughter
and pride in her children
and surround her with many good friends.
May she who carried life in her womb
be carried one day to Your divine embrace:
there, for all eternity, to rejoice with her family and friends.
This blessing and all graces, we pray,
descend upon the mother of our family:
in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
(prayer taken from Prayers for the Domestic Church by Edward Hays.)