Semana 12 - Radio Fe y Alegría Noticias

Semana 12
Semana 12
Let’s talk
Let´s read… Likenesses
and about
Likenesses and Differences
Esta semana, se enfoca en la lectura y comprensión de textos en inglés. Conoceremos
un nuevo patrón de organización en el texto. También, enlazaremos con la semana 10
de Sociedad y Cultura: “De la dictadura a la democracia en Venezuela”, donde vamos a
encontrar similitudes y diferencias entre ambos regímenes políticos.
¿Recuerdas el contenido visto en la semana 3 del 3er semestre? Estudiaste comparaciones y conociste algunos adjetivos (cortos, largos e irregulares). ¿Recuerdas la pregunta que formulas en inglés cuando quieres saber las características de una persona
o de un lugar? Si tienes dudas, haz un repaso.
Observa las tablas 17 y 18 y lee las similitudes y diferencias que se establecen entre
las dos opciones.
Tabla 17
Compare apples and oranges
How are they alike? (similar)
How are they different?
Both are kinds of fruits
They are different colors
Both are round
Also, they taste different
Both are round
Oranges grow in warm places but
apples grow in cool places
Color vs Colour: la primera forma es la escritura de
esta palabra en inglés americano; la segunda forma
es del inglés británico.
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
Semana 12
Tabla 18
Compare Venezuela and Colombia
How are they alike?
How are they different?
Both are american countries
Colombia has land on the Pacific
Both are american countries
Venezuela has land on the Atlantic
Both were once part of the Spanish
Also, Colombia has more people than
Fíjate en las palabras escritas en negrita en las tablas 17 y 18 y anótalas.
Ahora, llena la tabla 19, con similitudes y diferencias entre gatos y perros. Utiliza la
siguiente información:
Similarities: domestics animals, hairy animals, four legs.
Differences: personalities, interaction with people, cats are more independent.
Compare cats and dogs. Are they alike? Are they different?
How are they alike?
How are they different?
Semana 12
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
Lee el siguiente párrafo y subraya las palabras que estaban en negritas en las tablas
17 y 18.
Lemons and limes are alike; they are similar kinds of fruit. Both are grown in
warm places. Both have hard skins and soft insides. Both of these fruits have a
sour taste. Also, both fruits have a lot of vitamin C in them.
These fruits have many similarities, but they are quite different. First of all, the
color is different. Lemons are yellow and limes are green. Lemons are grown all
over the world but limes are grown in only a few places. This is because lemons
are an old kind of fruit, but limes are new. So, lemons are more common than
Anota las palabras que muestran similitud:
Anota las palabras que muestran diferencia:
Como has observado, en este párrafo se establecen diferencias y similitudes entre
dos elementos. ¿Cómo llamarías a este tipo de texto?
a) Texto narrativo
b) Texto comparativo
c) Texto descriptivo d) Texto de causa - efecto
Fíjate que el patrón de organización en este tipo de texto muestra cómo dos o más
cosas son parecidas o diferentes. Señala similitudes y diferencias entre dos o más elementos. Se llama Patrón de comparación.
Tabla 20
Palabras señal para el patrón de comparación
Words that show similarities
Words that show differences
More than
Less than
Also (and also)
Recuerda que en la semana 14 del 2do semestre
tienes una tabla con los diferentes conectores que
te ayudan a unir dos o más ideas. Las palabras que
estamos usando son conectores de adición y de
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
Semana 12
Let´s know a little bit more
Para conocer un poco más, la tabla 21 te ofrece información extra acerca de las
palabras señal que usamos para comparar, y a su lado tienes un ejemplo.
Tabla 21
Conectores de comparación
High level positions are stressful, and can be harmful
to your health too.
just as
Just as high level positions are stressful, they can be
harmful to your health
similarly, in
High level positions are stressful at times; similarly,
they can be harmful to your health.
like, similar to
Similar to other important professions, high level business positions are stressful at times.
High level positions are stressful at times, but the financial rewards make these positions very desirable
whereas, while
While high level positions are stressful at times, the
financial rewards make these positions very desirable
in contrast, on the
other hand
High level positions are stressful at times; on the other
hand, the financial rewards make these positions very
desirable indeed
Unlike the undesirable stress of high level positions,
the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
1. Lee el párrafo y subraya las palabras señal (conectores). Responde la pregunta al
final del párrafo. Luego, escribe la idea principal, las diferencias y las similitudes.
Peter and Joe are roommates in Chicago. They both like to cook good meals
and have dinner parties, but they have different ideas about what to cook. Peter
wants to cook simple food. His favourite foods are steak, potatoes, and apple
pie. But Joe prefers special dishes from far-away places. He likes to cook indian
curries and to prepare Japanese sushi. No matter who´s cooking, dinner in Peter
and Joe´s appartment is always delicious.
Semana 12
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
What is the paragraph comparing? (¿qué está comparando el párrafo?)
(Responde en español) Compara los gustos de Peter y Joe
Main Idea:
2. Escribe oraciones mostrando diferencias entre las noticias de TV y las noticias
de la prensa, usando los conectores y la información dada:
Tabla 22
compared with
No sound
More pictures
More than
Less than
Fewer pictures
Less information
More than
Less than
More information
Needs electricity
But, While
Can be read anywhere
La palabra news es singular, aunque no lo parezca
porque termina en s. Por eso decimos news is, o
news has. La palabra news no tiene plural.
3. Usa estas palabras señal para conectar las siguientes oraciones: similar- bothalike- different- more… than
- The food in India is - to the food in China
Indian and Chinese food can be spicy.
- Their foods are also because they both use many vegetables.
- Both countries include many kinds of cooking.
- Indians use curry in their food 146
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
Semana 12
Democracy and Dictatorship
Mayan, Gabriel (2010)
Democracy and Dictatorship are not the same kind of regimes. Dictatorship is a form
of government that has the power to govern without consent of those being governed; while totalitarianism describes a state that regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior of the people. In other words, dictatorship concerns the source of the governing power and totalitarianism concerns the scope of the governing
power. In this sense, dictatorship (government without people’s consent) is a contrast
to democracy (government whose power comes from people) and totalitarianism
(government controls every aspect of people’s life), and it also opposes pluralism (government allows multiple lifestyles and opinions). The key difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is choice or self indulgence. Unlike democracy, a dictator
has absolute rule over the nation state. In contrast, the laws that govern the rights of
the people, the economy and private property are free choice in a democracy. With
the option to choose, democracy offers more personal liberties than dictatorship.
However, it is not necessarily the ideal environment. People complain about poverty
and the unbalanced distribution of wealth in a democracy.
1. Vuelve a la lectura anterior y subraya las palabras señal del texto comparativo.
Luego escribe 4 oraciones haciendo comparaciones entre la democracia y la
2. El siguiente texto trata de las discriminaciones por motivo de raza. Varias palabras has sido removidas, y se te propone que escojas entre 3 posibilidades para
cada una de esas palabras que completarán el texto. Encierra en un círculo la
opción correcta y luego completa el texto.
What is apartheid?
It is the policy of keeping Africans (1)inferior, and separate them from Europeans.
They are to be kept separate by not being (2) allowed to live as citizens with
rights in (3) European towns. They (4) can go to European towns to (5) work, but
they may not have their families (6) there; they must live in “Bantustans”, the (7)
native areas. They are not allowed to (8) mix with Europeans by sitting in the
(9) same cafés, waiting rooms, compartments of trains, seats in parks. (10) Both
Europeans and Africans have (11) different liberties. Africans are three quarters
of the people in the country; so, they have (12) more people than the Europeans.
However, Europeans enjoy eighty eight per cent of the land, (13) while africans
only get the twelve per cent.
Semana 12
Let´s read… Likenesses and differences
(1) superior
equal (2) obligued allowed
(3) British
(4) cannot
(5) work
(6) here
at home
(7) native
white (8) mix
(9) same
other here (10) two
both they
(11) similar
same (12) less
more many
(13) after
other while
3. Usando la información que aparece en la tabla 23, escribe un breve texto acerca
de las diferencias que hay entre el totalitarismo político y el pluralismo. Usa las
palabras señal o conectores que estudiamos esta semana.
Tabla 23
A single party that controls the state
Certain groups may share power
Citizens have no significant share in
state decision-making
People are powerful because they control various resources
Propaganda is disseminated through
the state-controlled mass media
Mass media is free
Politicians are powerful
Politicians are powerful
Use of mass surveillance
Mass surveillance is illegal
Use of state terrorism
Against state terrorism