FRANCISCO MEDINA Ingeniero Civil (Estructuras), Universidad de

Ingeniero Civil (Estructuras), Universidad de Chile.
Magíster en Mecánica de Suelos, Universidad de Chile.
Ph. D. en Ingeniería Sismo-Resistente, Universidad de California, Berkeley.
Profesor Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile hasta 1989.
Desde esa fecha ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en San Francisco, California trabajando para dos
de las compañías de ingeniería de mayor prestigio de USA: URS Corporation y Jacobs Engineering.
El año 1995 formó FME Engineering, una compañía consultora boutique dedicada a asistir a clientes
gubernamentales y privados a mitigar el riesgo sísmico de sus portafolios de infraestructura.
Al ser invitado por la AACH el año 2011 a participar en el Proyecto Mapa de Riesgo Sísmico y Tsunami de
Chile, Francisco reunió un equipo de distinguidos profesionales, especialistas en diferentes aspectos de
riesgo sísmico, de Chile, Estados Unidos y Noruega. Francisco está muy entusiasmado con el desarrollo
de este proyecto que se vislumbra tendrá un efecto multiplicador y aportará positivamente al conocimiento
del área en Chile.
Francisco Medina is a graduate from the University of Chile where he obtained a Bachelor of Science and a
Master of Engineering degrees in Civil Engineering, and a Master of Science in Geotechnical Engineering.
He later obtained a Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. Doctor
Medina then taught Earthquake Engineering and advanced numerical methods applied to engineering in
the College of Engineering of the University of Chile until the year 1989.
From this date he has continued his professional career in San Francisco, California, working for two of the
most prestigious global engineering companies in the US: URS Corporation and Jacobs Engineering.
In the year 1995, Dr. Medina founded FME Engineering, a small consulting engineering company dedicated
to assist governmental and private clients in the mitigation of the seismic risk on their infrastructure
When invited by the AACH in 2011 to participate in the Chilean Map for Seismic and Tsunami Risks,
Francisco formed a team of distinguished professionals, with expertise in different aspects of seismic risk,
from Chile, USA, and Norway. Francisco is very enthusiastic with the development of this project that is
seen as a project with a multiplier effect which will positively contribute to the knowledge of the subject in